Was Aneesa not originally going to be cast because everyone's shirts have their names on them except hers? Which is probably why they picked that photo of her arms crossed for the group picture to show uniformity.
Was Aneesa not originally going to be cast because everyone's shirts have their names on them except hers? Which is probably why they picked that photo of her arms crossed for the group picture to show uniformity.
They each have 3 jerseys. One with the name, one without, one tank top/sports bra.
If Vh1 edited season four of I love money like it was the only season ever filmed then MTV can edit Camila out. That’s because season 4 was filmed in the same house with only a couple weeks apart from having done season 3. Yet they still managed to edit out Ryan Jenkins comments and the number 4 from all the props and shirts.
GDInstall wrote:Did CT and Bananas change roles or something...
TO was a complete diva and dbag to production.
They had to have known that was coming, did they not look into TO before casting him lmao he’s gonna be great TV regardless
Honestly TO is more famous than the entire house there combined and judging from how shady production does some of their stuff (like Punk said) via twists and them focussing on drama this season, i would be a dbag. They asked for it, they are going to get it lol and tbh no person can convince me otherwise that they didn't cast TO because of this nature. Look on DWTS. He is TV.
I mean i am not getting them hyping up CT in this trailer especially giving his last three seasons and him "growing up"
Was Aneesa not originally going to be cast because everyone's shirts have their names on them except hers? Which is probably why they picked that photo of her arms crossed for the group picture to show uniformity.
Aneesa's right index figner looks weird and photoshoped.
YAAAAS! I knew Ariane was there to pop off, ***** was a mess on Total Divas.
Where's Kim @Graphik?
OMFG IT IS *********. You can see where the separation is from the tip to the bottom and how they tried cutting it.
They each have 3 jerseys. One with the name, one without, one tank top/sports bra.
Justina’s name isn’t on hers.
T.O is known for being a **** lol
How long does wes make it? I didn't see him at all in the sneak peak, then again I didn't see emily either but also
Did Ashleys dad die during filming or after she left?
He looks about the same size as preggo CT, thats why i want them to hall brawl
If Vh1 edited season four of I love money like it was the only season ever filmed then MTV can edit Camila out. That’s because season 4 was filmed in the same house with only a couple weeks apart from having done season 3. Yet they still managed to edit out Ryan Jenkins comments and the number 4 from all the props and shirts.
Stop acting like that would be surprising. Hes one of the best NFL players ever.......hes gonna win.
GO WES!!!!!
Ashley Mitchell >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Ashley lost to Kim ❤️
Goddesses can only be slain by other Goddesses.
I'm ready for Queen Justine.
Queen Ashley Mitchell giving the viewers what they want and deserve >
Ashley looks GORGEOUS.
Hope she makes it far.
He was out first on the superstars, back in his prime lol.
Omfg. First Lolo and now Kim!
im assuming champs lost first challenge , I dont see cory as captain unless he volunteered like ashley
when Ashley can only be eliminated by olympians >>>>>
didn't realize Michelle was Asian before, loving they kept the same level of diversity as champs vs pros
I missed Ashley. Glad she's on this. She goes from bubbly/funny to meltdown/psycho in .5 seconds and I love it.
Taking other Legends out apparently so I'm not bothered in the least.
T.O. instantly becoming King status by letting CT know he can get that work >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
LMAO @ BMP still using all those old CT moments. They're getting close to casting somebody who will end all of that; T.O.'s just the first step.
Really wish Ashley, Wes, and Cory took Bananas, CT, and Emily’s spots in that final.
CT’s honestly more useless than Dario at this point.
So CT can buck up to Adam, Davis, Isaac, both Franks, Marlon, and Wes but not T.O. ☕️☕️☕️☕️
He's a dad! Did u expect him to be the old CT?