I wouldn't call it underrated by any means. It is amazing. Great cast/drama that we never got the chance to see more of in the challenge. Maybe that's why we appreciate it even more to which you dont understand the obsession. We we never over saturated with them so we appreciate the season more?
Hollywood increased the ratings for the RW and MTV by 20%, they were the #1 most watched program on wednesday nights on cable, and plus they extended the format from 30 min-1hr
I wouldn't call it underrated by any means. It is amazing. Great cast/drama that we never got the chance to see more of in the challenge. Maybe that's why we appreciate it even more to which you dont understand the obsession. We we never over saturated with them so we appreciate the season more?
i think it's probably because we weren't oversaturated witht the cast on the challenges.
i think in a year or so they will revamp this at some point, because the challenge is doing the best it has in years so they are going to need more people to feed into it....either that or i could see them possibly bringing road rules back
i think in a year or so they will revamp this at some point, because the challenge is doing the best it has in years so they are going to need more people to feed into it....either that or i could see them possibly bringing road rules back
If and when they decide to bring this show back, they really need to get the show back to what it used to be which in my opinion was a FANTASY. This show did its best when it was a show we all dreamed about going on, when we were actually jealous of the cast and the experiences, the network and producers gave the cast. Reality tv is suppose to be an escape / a glimpse into a different world a world we're not apart of, a world we low key all want to be apart of which is why shows like the bachelor , bachelor in paradise , the hills, laguna beach , kardashians etc have and will continue to work for more and more seasons and why the real world declined. When the real world stops producing a show where the cast looks miserable in and outside of the house and stops sending them to cities where the cast doesn't even want to spend their per diem's on going out or adventuring the city the show will do much better.
I would be edgeless if they finally got a good casting team who picked a great cast, filmed in Atlanta, and came through with a 3-4 minute trailer like the old BGC kind that starts with partying and ends with somebody getting pushed like Anna, punched like Adam, or clocked like Averey.
RIP REAL world you played a very important part in my teen years. First season I watched was the san diego season and last season I fully watch was vegas 2
but the ratings were dwindling more and more with each season at the end, to be honest real world was just being used to bringing people on the challenge and they really dont even use much of them anyways. They can now just bring ayto people now
They should've given it a proper send off. This was one of their most famous and most popular shows at one point. Shit. This is the one that pretty much started reality tv period so it deserves so much better than it to just fade away like one of MTV's one off shows.
Not suprising though..They did the same thing to Road Rules when it first got canned. Granted it wasn't as popular but it still had it's place in RTV history.
Guess this menas we'll be getting more AYTO. And They'll be casting random folks from other MTV shows now too. I'm already mentally preparing myself for Rediculouness, Teen Mom, Siesta Key, to join the ranks ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
One of my concerns with Real World supposedly being canceled is how are we going to get new LGBT representation on the Challenges? Well, we could theoretically get bisexual/transgender people from AYTO (although I doubt we would ever see the latter), but still.
One of my concerns with Real World supposedly being canceled is how are we going to get new LGBT representation on the Challenges? Well, we could theoretically get bisexual/transgender people from AYTO (although I doubt we would ever see the latter), but still.
MTV/BMP are both on their way out anyway so its all good. Wild n' Out, Ridiculousness & Catfish could easily go to another channel as well as Fear Factor. MTV has NOTHING left but The Challenge; everything else that they touch flops for the most part.
BMP let BGC get cancelled like ********* & people are sick of The Kardashians. The Challenge is the very last thread hanging on.
Pretty sad the two shows that started the Challenge are both gone now. You know they're already ignoring the show on the challenge too by calling everyone vets or rookies. Miss the days when the Real World or road rules logo would appear next to the names of the castmembers.
I'm actually really sad the show is cancelled tbh. Like they could ATLEAST acknowledge or announce something. So foul when the challenge aka the show they want to make their staple of MTV is the reason it started. **** YOU MTV.
Pretty sad the two shows that started the Challenge are both gone now. You know they're already ignoring the show on the challenge too by calling everyone vets or rookies. Miss the days when the Real World or road rules logo would appear next to the names of the castmembers.
MTV couldn't handle that quartet.
Underrated RW seasons (imo)
Chicago, San Diego, Philadelphia, and Hollywood
I dont get everyones obsession with Hollywood
I wouldn't call it underrated by any means. It is amazing. Great cast/drama that we never got the chance to see more of in the challenge. Maybe that's why we appreciate it even more to which you dont understand the obsession. We we never over saturated with them so we appreciate the season more?
San Diego and Hollywood were popular seasons from what I remember.
Underrated: Key West, DC
overrated: Brooklyn
Hollywood increased the ratings for the RW and MTV by 20%, they were the #1 most watched program on wednesday nights on cable, and plus they extended the format from 30 min-1hr
Brooklyn was a snooze fest.
i think it's probably because we weren't oversaturated witht the cast on the challenges.
Chicago & Philadelphia were def underrated imo
i think in a year or so they will revamp this at some point, because the challenge is doing the best it has in years so they are going to need more people to feed into it....either that or i could see them possibly bringing road rules back
Brooklyn was the last season that truly felt real. Ryan's story alone puts it leagues above and beyond anything that came after it.
I agree.
Ryan's story was great and the season actually started out promising but towards the end it became a petty boys vs girls storyline.
What's up guys Check out my interview with Arissa (RW Las Vegas)
[url=http://teamdss.libsyn.com/lowell-interviews-arissa-of-the-real-world-las-vegas] Arissa- RW Las Vegas Interview [/url]
It may just be me but there were a lot of moments on Skeletons that seemed real and reminded me so much of the older seasons.
If and when they decide to bring this show back, they really need to get the show back to what it used to be which in my opinion was a FANTASY. This show did its best when it was a show we all dreamed about going on, when we were actually jealous of the cast and the experiences, the network and producers gave the cast. Reality tv is suppose to be an escape / a glimpse into a different world a world we're not apart of, a world we low key all want to be apart of which is why shows like the bachelor , bachelor in paradise , the hills, laguna beach , kardashians etc have and will continue to work for more and more seasons and why the real world declined. When the real world stops producing a show where the cast looks miserable in and outside of the house and stops sending them to cities where the cast doesn't even want to spend their per diem's on going out or adventuring the city the show will do much better.
I would be edgeless if they finally got a good casting team who picked a great cast, filmed in Atlanta, and came through with a 3-4 minute trailer like the old BGC kind that starts with partying and ends with somebody getting pushed like Anna, punched like Adam, or clocked like Averey.
RIP REAL world you played a very important part in my teen years. First season I watched was the san diego season and last season I fully watch was vegas 2
but the ratings were dwindling more and more with each season at the end, to be honest real world was just being used to bringing people on the challenge and they really dont even use much of them anyways. They can now just bring ayto people now
RIP Real World
They should've given it a proper send off. This was one of their most famous and most popular shows at one point. Shit. This is the one that pretty much started reality tv period so it deserves so much better than it to just fade away like one of MTV's one off shows.
Not suprising though..They did the same thing to Road Rules when it first got canned. Granted it wasn't as popular but it still had it's place in RTV history.
Guess this menas we'll be getting more AYTO. And They'll be casting random folks from other MTV shows now too. I'm already mentally preparing myself for Rediculouness, Teen Mom, Siesta Key, to join the ranks ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
One of my concerns with Real World supposedly being canceled is how are we going to get new LGBT representation on the Challenges? Well, we could theoretically get bisexual/transgender people from AYTO (although I doubt we would ever see the latter), but still.
i was thinking the same
MTV/BMP are both on their way out anyway so its all good. Wild n' Out, Ridiculousness & Catfish could easily go to another channel as well as Fear Factor. MTV has NOTHING left but The Challenge; everything else that they touch flops for the most part.
BMP let BGC get cancelled like ********* & people are sick of The Kardashians. The Challenge is the very last thread hanging on.
Pretty sad the two shows that started the Challenge are both gone now. You know they're already ignoring the show on the challenge too by calling everyone vets or rookies. Miss the days when the Real World or road rules logo would appear next to the names of the castmembers.
I'm actually really sad the show is cancelled tbh. Like they could ATLEAST acknowledge or announce something. So foul when the challenge aka the show they want to make their staple of MTV is the reason it started. **** YOU MTV.
Where's the proof that Real World is cancelled?
There is no proof other than cast members saying it's cancelled lol