The Challenge: Champs vs Stars (Spoilers)

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Y*** for no punk *** Frank

Kendall or bounce!

Kendall or bounce!

Elka too

King-lmh wrote:

Production really trying to make Cory/Jenna the Mike and Coral of the show 

THEY COULD NEVAAAA TFthey aren't even as entertaining as coral and mike.

Cory yes Jenna no. Mike was whack and Jenna such an dumb blonde too

I was sent this. Sarah wouldn't be able to record her episode live stream next week:

Bye @ y'all not wanting to see two time challenger Ashley Mitchell. Legend was required to make an appearance on Dirty 30. 

I don't really want to see anyone four times in a row...isn't she on 5 counting the min-challenges?  Nothing personal...I'd love to see her on S31 but I'd like break for repeative casting though I don't blame her for doing everyone that she can

gamer73 wrote:

Bye @ y'all not wanting to see two time challenger Ashley Mitchell. Legend was required to make an appearance on Dirty 30. 

I don't really want to see anyone four times in a row...isn't she on 5 counting the min-challenges?  Nothing personal...I'd love to see her on S31 but I'd like break for repeative casting though I don't blame her for doing everyone that she can

You didn't see her on Rivals 3 but she made it half way, won Invasion, made it to the 4th episode on a 5 episode season, and had a guest appearance on the Dirty 30 premier. I count it her 3rd :) 

kvm1977 wrote:

gamer73 wrote:Bye @ y'all not wanting to see two time challenger Ashley Mitchell. Legend was required to make an appearance on Dirty 30. 

I don't really want to see anyone four times in a row...isn't she on 5 counting the min-challenges?  Nothing personal...I'd love to see her on S31 but I'd like break for repeative casting though I don't blame her for doing everyone that she can

You didn't see her on Rivals 3 but she made it half way, won Invasion, made it to the 4th episode on a 5 episode season, and had a guest appearance on the Dirty 30 premier. I count it her 3rd :) 

Yeah, I've seen her on Ivasion, mini & XXX (sorry it counts) and this would be #4.  I think that's overused.  It's reaching Cory/Jenna level in my book.  Although Ashley's more interesting then them she's not Veronica/Coral in the early 2000s where it's a good thing.  She's going to be overused and then strongly disliked.

Having Cory/Jenna/John/Leroy is more annoying.  If Camila shows up it's even worse.

Any chance this is just Champs vs. Finalists and there's no pros?  Because if those are the 10 we get I'm not happy.

trash *** list

They really contacted Devyn? Lmao ok

9/10 from Dirty 30... No Ma'am. 

Having Cory/Jenna/John/Leroy is more annoying.  If Camila shows up it's even worse.Any chance this is just Champs vs. Finalists and there's no pros?  Because if those are the 10 we get I'm not happy.

I've thought all along there could be no pros and just Champs vs Finalist, or something of that sort. We will see. 

They really contacted Susie? Lmao ok

They really contacted Devyn? Lmao ok

Lmao the true All-Star??? Yeah..

Honestly, if this is champs finalists and we get 10 people not on that list that are surprises or not from XXX I'll be content.

Wonder how they handle Tori

The decline list is so much better than the speculated one. 

The decline list is so much better than the speculated one. 


nevidcm wrote:

They really contacted Susie? Lmao ok

her too

nevidcm wrote:

They really contacted Devyn? Lmao ok

Lmao the true All-Star??? Yeah..

nevidcm wrote:

They really contacted Devyn? Lmao ok

Lmao the true All-Star??? Yeah..

Y*** for no punk *** Frank

You can leave

Yuck. This is not an all star cast. I mean it technically is since these******* have for some strange reason a big fan base but it's not the RIGHT all stars. Didn't think this would turn me off. I really am dissapointed. Jenna. Cory. There's plenty of actual all stars that should be on here.

Susie absolutely is an All-Star...of course she was contacted.  Ridiculous that anyone would say otherwise.  She's won multiple challenges and is unbeatened in eliminations.   Is she Emily S or Laurel...of course not but her record speaks for itself.

Did Johnny Reilly and Vince Gliatta got even  contacted ??

Did Johnny Reilly and Vince Gliatta got even  contacted ??

My baby could NOT even save this trash of a cast. 

Susie >>>>>>>>> Jenna

Queen Susie is definitely an All-Star! Lolo would be shook! #KNOWTHAT

The REAL undefeated blonde Wink

I don't think Susie was contacted

Mother Coral >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
