I am annoyed Ashley m and bananas are on here they were on he last season.
I also thought Sarah said it's likely we would see her in the next and she would do the champs vs pro since it's 2 weeks.
surprised Abe said no since it's just 2 weeks and it doesn't look like he has an insane amount happening I mean Cara liked it so she mentioned it to him I assume
And BYE at all this Emily love! There was only a few of us that loved her without some of y'all throwing any chance of calling her a "man" and a "boring."I'm just glad my Queen is coming back
What? People called her a man? wtf. She's amazing and absolutely beautiful. I hope she wins!
they aren't even as entertaining as coral and mike.
Devin... forreal? against pros. he cant even compete against regular challengers.
Did they call Cooke?
Who currently has pictures? Ashley, Cory, Emily, Bananas, and Tori? I'm assuming the big space below is where it is lol.
Truly All Star
Ashley, Cory, Emily, and John. There's a square under them and if you click it, it's a picture.
If those 10 were the final alumni cast list... it'd make sense to have 5 Champs and 5 Finalists. ☕️
You'd want the most recent winner on the cast. ☕️
Leroy and Aneesa Champs Confirmed (jk)
Emilee fitzpatric comi g in this show to make the pros shake ❤
I am annoyed Ashley m and bananas are on here they were on he last season.
I also thought Sarah said it's likely we would see her in the next and she would do the champs vs pro since it's 2 weeks.
surprised Abe said no since it's just 2 weeks and it doesn't look like he has an insane amount happening I mean Cara liked it so she mentioned it to him I assume
Can Kenny and Evan do this or no?
emilee is still in the Thailand hotel waiting to get called into Invasion
That one felt so good to say.
Theres a few OG names I've heard but won't add to the list unless I get full confirmation.
Bye @ y'all not wanting to see two time challenger Ashley Mitchell. Legend was required to make an appearance on Dirty 30.
that sad realization that Shane L never ran a final
wasnt sure since i didn't know if bmp was involved
What? People called her a man? wtf. She's amazing and absolutely beautiful. I hope she wins!
Gamer heard a great name, don't lose hope ❤
Btw I wouldn't count Sarah out just yet, she played minds games on Rivals 3 so she can be doing the same again
I love Emily on this mini seasons because she actually would have competitions against the pros
Y*** for no punk *** Frank