The Challenge: Burn Book (Spoilers)

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As the infamous brother BadladJJ once said: "Ain't nobody checkin' for that *****. We are GLAD she is never coming back so she can enlighten herself on a flight back to nobody gives a ****." So poetic. So necessary.But yeah Tori was an awful she-demon & she is an example of production's ****** up way of thinking; believing people actually wanted to keep seeing her after Viewers' Revenge/Gauntlet 3.

Other than v1man does anyone on this site like Tori?

I feel like we all have the same opinion about her on here lol

Other than v1man does anyone on this site like Tori?I feel like we all have the same opinion about her on here lol

I like Tori. Not in a "I want to hangout with her and be friends" but I find her entertaining. I feel like other castmembers feel the same way about her as people on here so it makes it interesting. I was LOLing during her little arguement with Aneesa on Duel 2 and her dramatic *** on Guantlet 3. 

the biggest crime of tori was turning brad into a *****

Brad was never a hard ***. Essentially he was also a ***** boy. Referral: your avatar. Referral: Inferno 2

andrea dodged a HUGE bullet

"Congratulations! She's going in the **** again; Is that OKAY with YOU!"

Yeah Tori was really annoying and you could see how miserable Brad looked on Cutthroat but they got the win. Tori was lucky about the heavyhitters and lucky that Camila tossed 3 girls before she could even think of going in. I'd like to see Brad again but not the Cutthroat red team full of bs Brad i mean now that he actually won one of these he might ease up on his frustration and be good comeback. As for Tori yeah i hope she never returns.

G3 had an awful rookies team they were all super delusional about their own performance and their skills (the Austin cast for instance) Melinda thinking she is the one of the strongest like boo pls you are hot but no, Johanna was just there (for me she is annoying and at the same level of Tori tbh) and the rest of the girls trying to take Jillian who was by far the real best girl of that team and then you also had delusional guys thinking that Derek was the leader of that team (lolz) and that Frank and Nehemiah were "okay" when they were the best two guys. I think it runs on the Austin cast to be delusional since Danny is the same and Wes too but atleast Wes can back it out with his record.

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

the biggest crime of tori was turning brad into a *****

Brad was never a hard ***. Essentially he was also a ***** boy. Referral: your avatar. Referral: Inferno 2andrea dodged a HUGE bullet


brad was entertaining before tori. 

Nostalgic wrote:

Diamonds are Forever wrote:the biggest crime of tori was turning brad into a *****

Brad was never a hard ***. Essentially he was also a ***** boy. Referral: your avatar. Referral: Inferno 2andrea dodged a HUGE bullet

 brad was entertaining before tori. 

How so though he was especially awful on SD1 and had not Cameron not graced our screens he would've been kerput like right up there with Charlie.

One Last Entry for 2016.


If you look up the definition of useless in the dictionary this girl's picture would come up. She's not funny, not interesting, not original, she's not even a good competitor. She served no purpose on these shows at all. Just another one of JEK's various **********. Good thing she(seemingly) retired. 

As the infamous brother BadladJJ once said: "Ain't nobody checkin' for that *****. We are GLAD she is never coming back so she can enlighten herself on a flight back to nobody gives a ****." So poetic. So necessary.

King af <3

Graphik wrote:

As the infamous brother BadladJJ once said: "Ain't nobody checkin' for that *****. We are GLAD she is never coming back so she can enlighten herself on a flight back to nobody gives a ****." So poetic. So necessary.

King af <3

Let me put this petty away.

One Last Entry for 2016.CASEY.If you look up the definition of useless in the dictionary this girl's picture would come up. She's not funny, not interesting, not original, she's not even a good competitor. She served no purpose on these shows at all. Just another one of JEK's various **********. Good thing she(seemingly) retired. 

Yeah I wasn't a fan of Casey at all. She made the Ruins so unwatchable just by being there and giving the Champions easy wins all the time. And she wasn't funny even though she tried to be. 




This ******* is one of the worst ******* things to come out of The Real World in a LONG time. He a ******* wimp, abusive, and controlling as shit too. He only ever seems to pop off a women and never men which burns my ***. 

When he first came on the season he was harmless enough. But when he got with Jenn later on...oh god did this dude let his true colors shine. This guy gets mad a Jenn for DANCING AND HAVING FUN!, then we see him getting mad at talking/being friends with some of the other women. It's clear that he wants Jenn to have noone in her life but him. Probably because he wants her to be his own personal punching bag. THEN at the finale when Jenn and Anna get into it Peter tries to get invovled and when denied by production he punches a wall. Like he clearly sees that the situation between. Jenn/Anna/Katrina is being handled so what is he pissed off for? Then later on when he gets the boot he talks shit about Jenn and the others over the damn phone to Mike. Then in his final cofessional he bascially denies anything he did was wrong. And that's the biggest problem with him for me...he seems to think what he does is okay. So nobody is ever going to get through to him and change his ways. He's one of those people that's just going to have to get ****** up one of these days to see what's wrong with him.

And shit...when Mike left he left WITH PETER'S SHOES ON! And he says nothing. Not to mention he doesn't really go at Mike for the ******* money he owes him. I bet that's why Mike did what he did regarding it. Because he knew he would just okay it because he don't want no problems with no guy ever. Huge *****. I hate Katrina but she was right about him.

In short: Peter ******* sucks.


great entry

Real World Bad Blood

Let me start off by saying I think this season and the past season, GBOGH, are the worst seasons of this show I have watched. Both seasons suffered from weak casts and very weak twists. This twist is something we have seen repeatedly with the Rivals challenges so it was nothing new or refreshing which I think really did hurt the season. The cast also hurt this season as well. We had some good cast members this season, but out 14, it was maybe 2 or 3 that were good, most were wall paper and some were downright awful. Awful to the point I hope they are never on television again. 

DA is right about peter. So I want go much into that. Mike is another piece of shit I hope we never see again on TV. Jenn, who I think can be a very good person, is very blinded by the abuse she is dealing with by being together with Peter. She makes excuses for him and still does which took her from being a likeable cast member for me, to near down the bottom. She claims to know what abuse is, yet is so blind to it. The storyline with her and the Stack Sisters and Peter got old as ****. K***ius is another guy I don't want to see on TV ever again. I don't want a grown man with a child cry over ******* spending 40 bucks on tequila and how he should be home. Then go the **** home. 

And then most of the cast was wallpaper. They had little to nothing to do or say. Anika, Kim, Will, Jordanl...all wallpaper throughout the season. They then decide to kick out probably one of the most liked cast members this season for...being "phyiscally imposing." What a joke that was. Jenn was allowed to stay and she did more to Anna than Theo did to K***. Terrible decision to try and be "shocking." 

If this show were to get cancelled, I would be fine with it. I am over these twists with these whack *** casts. I feel like Theo and Orlana got the shit stick by being on this bum *** season. They had good backstories and were well liked by the audience for the most part. If this show continues, they need to get better at casting. I don't see many of these folks as worthy being on a challenge either. 

I can go way more into detail why I hate this season, but I will just stop here.

So Robbie & Tyara didn't exist. Lol

So Robbie & Tyara didn't exist. Lol

robbie was hit or miss for me. idk he started coming off as some guy who just reads inspirational quotes and uses them and tya didnt care for her either. 

Regardless season sucked.

Ehhh I disagree with Theo I think it was worse than what Jenn did to Anna. 

But overall great post. :) 

I've never seen Bad Blood and doesn't sound like I'm missing anything. I got lost reading all those names. They were too many roommates on this season.

I think BMP should just kill the Real World and bring back Road Rules. Might as well use that show to audition people for the challenges. 


This girl was annoying. She started off decent at first but when her sister came she was awful. There were clearly issues between her and Anna that needed to be worked on but Katrina just wanted Anna to be up her *** ALL THE TIME. And let me not get started on how she treated peter when Anna was interested in him(Granted he turned out to be garbage but still) She would also get buck for the dumbest reasons. Like when Tyara confronted her about why she got left in the club and Katrina just went off to look tough. Then She threatened to punch Mike and kept coming at Peter even when he didn't do shit(Granted he was trash but still). She gets points for sticking up for her sister when that whole fight happened. But overall she wasn't all that to me. 

Despite all that I think she'd do well on a challenge.

I've never seen Bad Blood and doesn't sound like I'm missing anything. I got lost reading all those names. They were too many roommates on this season.I think BMP should just kill the Real World and bring back Road Rules. Might as well use that show to audition people for the challenges. 

Too many roomates but yall can watch a 36 member challenge...riiight.

rwportland2 wrote:

I've never seen Bad Blood and doesn't sound like I'm missing anything. I got lost reading all those names. They were too many roommates on this season.I think BMP should just kill the Real World and bring back Road Rules. Might as well use that show to audition people for the challenges. 

Too many roomates but yall can watch a 36 member challenge...riiight.

2 completely different shows and environments. 

I've never seen Bad Blood and doesn't sound like I'm missing anything. I got lost reading all those names. They were too many roommates on this season.I think BMP should just kill the Real World and bring back Road Rules. Might as well use that show to audition people for the challenges. 

Because Road Rules is going to work lol

When it was cancelled not once, but twice for terrible rating on a time MTV was pulling good numbers

rwportland2 wrote:

I've never seen Bad Blood and doesn't sound like I'm missing anything. I got lost reading all those names. They were too many roommates on this season.I think BMP should just kill the Real World and bring back Road Rules. Might as well use that show to audition people for the challenges. 

Because Road Rules is going to work lolWhen it was cancelled not once, but twice for terrible rating on a time MTV was pulling good numbers

it was on hiatus but viewer's revenge was its first cancellation...

KATRINAThis girl was annoying. She started off decent at first but when her sister came she was awful. There were clearly issues between her and Anna that needed to be worked on but Katrina just wanted Anna to be up her *** ALL THE TIME. And let me not get started on how she treated peter when Anna was interested in him(Granted he turned out to be garbage but still) She would also get buck for the dumbest reasons. Like when Tyara confronted her about why she got left in the club and Katrina just went off to look tough. Then She threatened to punch Mike and kept coming at Peter even when he didn't do shit(Granted he was trash but still). She gets points for sticking up for her sister when that whole fight happened. But overall she wasn't all that to me. Despite all that I think she'd do well on a challenge.

Doubt she went off to look tough, she actually was just standing her ground. Tyara was going off for no reason in a aggressive tone, she responded the same way.

Jennifer better stay out of this thread. If you need some guidence I'll direct you to the favorite things thread Smile

PinkRose wrote:

rwportland2 wrote:I've never seen Bad Blood and doesn't sound like I'm missing anything. I got lost reading all those names. They were too many roommates on this season.I think BMP should just kill the Real World and bring back Road Rules. Might as well use that show to audition people for the challenges. 

Because Road Rules is going to work lolWhen it was cancelled not once, but twice for terrible rating on a time MTV was pulling good numbers

it was on hiatus but viewer's revenge was its first cancellation...

It went on hiatus because of terrible ratings andthen got cancelled over terrible ratings...My point still stand they are not bringing back a show that did terrible during a time MTV was pulling good numbers.

rwportland2 wrote:

I've never seen Bad Blood and doesn't sound like I'm missing anything. I got lost reading all those names. They were too many roommates on this season.I think BMP should just kill the Real World and bring back Road Rules. Might as well use that show to audition people for the challenges. 

Too many roomates but yall can watch a 36 member challenge...riiight.

But people get sent home on challenges and you're also already familiar with the characters. 14 roommates for a show like the Real World is too much. Some won't get enough airtime to have their stories told. You basically have a house full of Joi's.
