Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X - Slayed the Survivor Dragon

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last winner i enjoyed was tony vlachos

Not sure why but I blocked most of that season out

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

last winner i enjoyed was tony vlachos

Not sure why but I blocked most of that season out


thats a mistake it was a good season

kvm1977 wrote:

Diamonds are Forever wrote:last winner i enjoyed was tony vlachos

Not sure why but I blocked most of that season out

\thats a mistake it was a good season

 Really dont think it was great gameplay. Guessing you really liked the people which i couldn't care less about 

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:

Diamonds are Forever wrote:last winner i enjoyed was tony vlachos

Not sure why but I blocked most of that season out

\thats a mistake it was a good season

 Really dont think it was great gameplay. Guessing you really liked the people which i couldn't care less about 

am a tony fan. same background + from the same area

kvm1977 wrote:

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:
Diamonds are Forever wrote:last winner i enjoyed was tony vlachos

Not sure why but I blocked most of that season out

\thats a mistake it was a good season

 Really dont think it was great gameplay. Guessing you really liked the people which i couldn't care less about 

am a tony fan. same background + from the same area

Thats cool. I was indifferent toward him as a player. Deserving winner but should have never been taken to the final iirc. 

cagayan was an amazing season of survivor. like what?

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:

Diamonds are Forever wrote:
kvm1977 wrote:
Diamonds are Forever wrote:last winner i enjoyed was tony vlachos

Not sure why but I blocked most of that season out

\thats a mistake it was a good season

 Really dont think it was great gameplay. Guessing you really liked the people which i couldn't care less about 

am a tony fan. same background + from the same area

Thats cool. I was indifferent toward him as a player. Deserving winner but should have never been taken to the final iirc. 

he played a great game i felt and wu screwed himself by choosing tony over kass to take in the end cause hes an idiot. thats all on wu not tony tbf

kvm1977 wrote:

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:
Diamonds are Forever wrote:
kvm1977 wrote:
Diamonds are Forever wrote:last winner i enjoyed was tony vlachos

Not sure why but I blocked most of that season out

\thats a mistake it was a good season

 Really dont think it was great gameplay. Guessing you really liked the people which i couldn't care less about 

am a tony fan. same background + from the same area

Thats cool. I was indifferent toward him as a player. Deserving winner but should have never been taken to the final iirc. 

he played a great game i felt and wu screwed himself by choosing tony over kass to take in the end cause hes an idiot. thats all on wu not tony tbf

i feel like wu knew he was not winning, even if he sat beside kass... so he picked his ally to go with in the end. tony was very smart with how he made his alliances... and i'll never forget his spy hut hahaha

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:

Diamonds are Forever wrote:
kvm1977 wrote:
Diamonds are Forever wrote:
kvm1977 wrote:
Diamonds are Forever wrote:last winner i enjoyed was tony vlachos

Not sure why but I blocked most of that season out

\thats a mistake it was a good season

 Really dont think it was great gameplay. Guessing you really liked the people which i couldn't care less about 

am a tony fan. same background + from the same area

Thats cool. I was indifferent toward him as a player. Deserving winner but should have never been taken to the final iirc. 

he played a great game i felt and wu screwed himself by choosing tony over kass to take in the end cause hes an idiot. thats all on wu not tony tbf

i feel like wu knew he was not winning, even if he sat beside kass... so he picked his ally to go with in the end. tony was very smart with how he made his alliances... and i'll never forget his spy hut hahaha

uhmmmm jeff polled the jury at the reunion and even said if it was wu vs kass who would vote for wu and i think nearly all said they would vote wu

You gotta take that with a grain if salt its like a year after the fact.. plus theyve seen he edited show by then.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

You gotta take that with a grain if salt its like a year after the fact.. plus theyve seen he edited show by then.

they saw the edited show just as they were on the reunion. wu wouldve beat kass jury hated her.

Bupersoy wrote:

You gotta take that with a grain if salt its like a year after the fact.. plus theyve seen he edited show by then.

they saw the edited show just as they were on the reunion. wu wouldve beat kass jury hated her.

Yeah, Woo was beating Kass no matter what. It sucked, I loved Kass and her final four immunity win was amazing, but Woo made the ultimate mistake. I wasn't a fan of Tony but saying he didn't have memorable gameplay is a joke. 

if wu sat next to kass and won... man **** that season. thank god he took tony lol

if wu sat next to kass and won... man **** that season. thank god he took tony lol

Really the only thing that can save this season now is Jay winning. If David wins it'll be a horrendous season to me.

Thank God Jay is in the game! I'm hoping it's Jay and Hanna in the FTC. Idc who the others are. Ken is still bae, but he's been useless. 

Any ideas what this legacy thing is?

When goddess hannah starts off as a chained puppy, but then transforms into a majestic *** dragon. I am living for her transformation to think she used to be a flop. 

Is there anyone people don't want to win because I would be happy with anyone maybe not Hannah but they all deserve final 6

Not Bret.

Is there anyone people don't want to win because I would be happy with anyone maybe not Hannah but they all deserve final 6


RLK2014 wrote:

Is there anyone people don't want to win because I would be happy with anyone maybe not Hannah but they all deserve final 6


Get out.

RLK2014 wrote:

Is there anyone people don't want to win because I would be happy with anyone maybe not Hannah but they all deserve final 6


Get out.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Ken David Adam

nevidcm wrote:

RLK2014 wrote:Is there anyone people don't want to win because I would be happy with anyone maybe not Hannah but they all deserve final 6


Get out.

he's lucky he's good looking because if not zzzzzzzz

Ken is bae but for real who is bret

Team Hannah!  I'm shock Sunday went home since i don't even remember her having a confessional.

also Adam telling Jay about his mom, eh i don't think it was needed. Jefra beat cancer and it wasn't mentioned, Kat had a heart condition and only told everyone after she was on the jury.  I respect those moves better since they aren't using it as leverage in the game.

Ken is basically older Joe,  a attractive idiot who casuals are obsessed with because they look hot and are good in challenges.  Meanwhile actually game play, yikes.  I liked Ken, until last week, hes a terrible player,name one move Ken has made Ken, not David, Ken. I'll wait 

Ken is basically older Joe,  a attractive idiot who casuals are obsessed with because they look hot and are good in challenges.  Meanwhile actually game play, yikes.  I liked Ken, until last week, hes a terrible player,name one move Ken has made Ken, not David, Ken. I'll wait 

You just shut up! Just because you're right doesn't mean you have to put it out there.... so what, big deal I like looking at him...there I said it! I want to keep on doing that.... I kinda hope Hanna and David get to the end and then I wanna look at Ken at the reunion too! Blum 3

I mean really tho what could ken take credit for?  Voting out Paul? Nope that waa Jessica and the girls idea,  getting Jessica on his side? Nope that was David who saved her, getting Adam to flip on figgy? Nope Adam wasn't planning on working with figtales. People praise ken and say Sunday is a goat yet they have played similar games. Only Sunday is an old woman instead of this hot guy so nobody cares, she's instantly worse. 

Btw Sunday also beat cancer, not that she needed to tell anyone to try and assure a connection like adam. 
