Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X - Slayed the Survivor Dragon

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Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Btw Sunday also beat cancer, not that she needed to tell anyone to try and assure a connection like adam. 

Btw Sunday also beat cancer, not that she needed to tell anyone to try and assure a connection like adam. 

and no one even mentioned she had a cool prirate vibe going last night! was I really the only one to notice? I'm only half joking go look, it's true

richjoe92 wrote:

nevidcm wrote:

RLK2014 wrote:Is there anyone people don't want to win because I would be happy with anyone maybe not Hannah but they all deserve final 6


Get out.

he's lucky he's good looking because if not zzzzzzzz

He sure is lucky. Smile

Ken is basically older Joe,  a attractive idiot who casuals are obsessed with because they look hot and are good in challenges.  Meanwhile actually game play, yikes.  I liked Ken, until last week, hes a terrible player,name one move Ken has made Ken, not David, Ken. I'll wait 

Jumping on the David train before it was cool and pulling in Jess with them and convincing Adam (not that he needed much convincing) to vote out half of the couple. Not saying it was much, but it was something. Also not saying he deserves the win more than Adam, Jay, or David, and to a lesser extent Hanna. Ken is above Bret in actual game merit, but besides that, after Merge, he dropped down the list, since even other sides don't think he's all too humble anyways. 

I just think Ken is handsome and I want to see more of him. That is all.Joe is whack. 

Jaytrain since day 1. 

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

he only jumped on the david train cause he had no other option. Blum 3

proving I am not being mean... I couldn't stop thinking it...  she looks quite pretty when cleaned up but pirate for sure here and I like pirates!

I dig her look. Momma Sunday and Milfy Jessica will both a special place in my heart..

he only jumped on the david train cause he had no other option. Blum 3

Nah. It's cause opposites attract.

kvm1977 wrote:

Now he is playing the mom card. Sometimes I can't stand Adam. 

when jeremy played that baby card, everyone thought that was fine... meanwhile jeremy's game was terrible imo lol

..... boy

I can just hear Ken talk all season pls

I've been saying it, Hannah is playing this game. Can't wait to see the jay boot next week if he doesn't win immunity Smile

Reading the interviews you really see how much Sunday was screwed by the edit.  Zeke said she was a huge threat because everyone loved her, Sunday herself said that was part of her strategy, she went to everyone there and tried to find one thing they could connect on. And she played a purposely under the radar game.  She really is like Sandra. Hannah just caught on to her.

Saturday was lame, Hannah just didn't want another Woo making it to the end for no god damn reason.

David and Hannah both suck.

Saturday was lame, Hannah just didn't want another Woo making it to the end for no god damn reason.

I need to see Adam broken and ripped apart. The worst person they've cast since Worlds Apart.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

watch adam wins when he plays the sick mom card zzzzzzzzz

watch adam wins when he plays the sick mom card zzzzzzzzz

Done with this show if that's the case.

Yes, cancer is a truly awful and heartbreaking thing. But it has affected everyone you know in some way, shape or form. So it doesn't make Adam's trash *** special. And certainly doesn't warrant a million dollar check.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

i mean its true, sunday did come on survivor having survived breast cancer you didnt see her talking about it to try and gain sympathy. 

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Diamonds are Forever wrote:

watch adam wins when he plays the sick mom card zzzzzzzzz

Done with this show if that's the case.Yes, cancer is a truly awful and heartbreaking thing. But it has affected everyone you know in some way, shape or form. So it doesn't make Adam's trash *** special. And certainly doesn't warrant a million dollar check.

Couldn't have said it any better

You never know,  nobody gave sugar any sympathy lol. And her dad died of lung cancer as well. 

I'm happy to not be the only one on the Hannah train because this ***** has played her heart out. #QUEEN

Yall I got a feeling Bret will win this season Sad

I hope Jay wins he is elite

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

watch adam wins when he plays the sick mom card zzzzzzzzz

Done with this show if that's the case.Yes, cancer is a truly awful and heartbreaking thing. But it has affected everyone you know in some way, shape or form. So it doesn't make Adam's trash *** special. And certainly doesn't warrant a million dollar check.

Then warrants a million dollar check?

LurkerNoMore wrote:

Diamonds are Forever wrote:watch adam wins when he plays the sick mom card zzzzzzzzz

Done with this show if that's the case.Yes, cancer is a truly awful and heartbreaking thing. But it has affected everyone you know in some way, shape or form. So it doesn't make Adam's trash *** special. And certainly doesn't warrant a million dollar check.


Then warrants a million dollar check?

The only thing that warrants the check is playing the best game.  Adam is probably 4th right now behind Hannah, David & Jay.  Though Jay did pull the trigger on Michaela way too soon.
