Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X - Slayed the Survivor Dragon

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When Jay wins it isn't even close. Dave needs to go before Will. Dave is a better threat. 

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

im putting all my poker chips on jay cause hes the only one left i can tolerate. well i like sunday but i mean she aint winning unless she sandra diaz it

It would be so stupid of Hannah/Adam to do David right now. The chances he'll go on an immunity run are pretty much none so they can save him for later, and he's loyal. 

I love Will reminding everyone on the jury that he indeed voted for Zeke *****

i hope will goes, but i dont really care if david goes either

It would be so stupid of Hannah/Adam to do David right now. The chances he'll go on an immunity run are pretty much none so they can save him for later, and he's loyal. 

I disagree. Id target David now. Will later. Especially if I was Hannah

David using the term goat >>>

Im guessing Will is done. 


nevidcm wrote:

It would be so stupid of Hannah/Adam to do David right now. The chances he'll go on an immunity run are pretty much none so they can save him for later, and he's loyal. 

I disagree. Id target David now. Will later. Especially if I was Hannah

Everyone knows David is a huge threat and I don't see anyone minus Ken taking him to the end, so he will always be a target and it shouldn't be hard to get him out. Will is a number for Jay, who has an idol and a flip flopper, so I would have done the same thing they did. 

Byeeeeeeee Will

jay and adam are funny together

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Jay vs The World


Y'all never gon finish Jay

Mans really just cheated lmao

Time to vote out Adam 

flush out the idol and take out brett... i can see adam going though

But they just cheated :/

So...Adam will get Brett & Sunday to vote out Jay. He'll probably also vote out Jay. David and Hannah vote Brett or Sunday.   Idol flushed 

Inb4 Jay escapes with his idol again 

Hannah slay me

Now he is playing the mom card. Sometimes I can't stand Adam. 

Jessica looking mighty fine

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

adam need to go

Hannah is so winning this thing, them winner quotes keep coming 

Now he is playing the mom card. Sometimes I can't stand Adam. 

when jeremy played that baby card, everyone thought that was fine... meanwhile jeremy's game was terrible imo lol

adam need to go

lol this boy really gettin on your tits

kvm1977 wrote:

Now he is playing the mom card. Sometimes I can't stand Adam. 

jeremy's game was terrible imo lol


poor sunsun

Well played Hannah
