Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance - A Snake in the Grass

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So according to Jeremy and Stephen, Monica may have still went home even if Kimmi didn't told them about Monica planning a girls alliance. Or at least Kimmi told them before the challenge and they edited it to look like it was after. That's part of why the lot the immunity challenge.  They didn't exactly throw it (or so they claim), but they didn't try their hardest either. 

How convenient that they have an excuse as to why they lost. What was their reasoning if it wasn't because of the girls alliance then?

Yeah, it smells a little fishy.

im starting to like Woo more and more. But here comes Abi with her 2 cents. She's a character, I honestly couldn't believe what was happening during that heart transplant scene.

Lol right, Woo's saying how a person close to him died and then Abi's like... well I got a foreign object in my knee. (or sth like that)

she said a knee transplant, I almost died lmaooo. Then she started listing family members who went through the same and Tasha and savage were just like "..... Yeah"

It's amazing how a "girls alliance" almost never works out on Survivor or even BB. Voting Spencer out and Working with Monica/Kelly and reuniting with the girls at the merge could have benefited Kimmi and if it didn't it could provide for another female win. Yet, every time someone brings up a girls alliance to another girl, that girl flips out and tells the men. This is why girs don't win that often.

However, it worked out in my favor because I'm glad Spencer/Kelly stayed and Monica went home. She seemed irrelevant so far.

What are you talking about.... girls won pretty often. Three girls won in a row a few years back.... Also Kimmi didn't work with Monica because Monica showed she couldn't not be trusted. She changed her mind at the very last minute, thats why Kimmi didn't trust her. You don't want to go to the merge with someone who out of nowhere flips on the alliance.

I was referring more to BB when I said this is why girls don't win often. But even in Survivor I feel like the men are usually seen as more of a threat than the women are. A majority of the time the men find the idol, they make the moves/decisions, they control the alliance, they win immunity. Not all the time obviously. We have Tasha's and Natalies etc. But I just feel like if the girls were more opted to work with each other then a lot more of them  would shine a lot more than they do now.

I feel like sometimes girls get threatened when they around strong girls or just girls  who want to make smart/strategic moves. Neither Spencer or Kelly were in the alliance so it shouldn't have been that big of a deal to Kimmi. It wasn't like Monica suggested to vote off Jeremy or Fisbach. It was actually Kimmi who decided to flip on her alliance.

Monica didn't change her mind last minute. She just suggested a move to Kimmi that could have benefited both of them and Kimmi freaked out. Monica didn't even follow through with voting Spencer off. Why wouldn't Kimmi want to go to the merge with someone who was keen on working with the women.

So are you saying females are generally better players then? I mean I'd say someone who can appear non thratening is playing a lot better than someone who's a target and can be indeitified as a threat. There's loads of great female players from Survivor in Sandra, Tina, Natalie (both winners), Danni, Denise, Kim, Sophie, and some really good ones like Trish, Ciera, Julie, Ami, Teresa, etc. I think it's pretty even as far as good male and female players in Survivor.

If you consider that a better player then yes. I'm saying men generally get the more cutthroat, stand out, active, playing hard edit. Where women get more of a quiet and passive edit (whether it's how they play the game or how it's edited). Keep in mind this doesn't stand true for everyone. Obviously we have Natalie, Sandra, Kim, Sophie etc.

In this last episode when Monica wanted to make a move she felt was best she approached Kimmi. The move also included working with Kimmi but Kimmi felt threatened and felt that Monica was being a snake so she went to her alliance which happened to be two males and said that Monica had to go. If Jeremy went to Kimmi and said we should get out Spencer, Kimmi probably wouldn't have questioned it. Instead of getting two or more girls to work together it just feels like Kimmi reverted back to what the men wanted to do. As much as we've seen women working together here and there, I feel like this happens more often. Survivor has a 17 male winners and 13 female winners which is pretty good actually. Look how many women have won BB.

Ciera and Trish were memorable to me but they were only ok players. Trish just followed Tony's lead for the most part and Ciera just followed her mom/returning players lead until she decided to flip. I mean Tony flipped on Trish and his alliance twice and she still trusted him until he voted her out.

Women are generally underedited, which is a shame because there are a ton of great characters and players. Probst is pretty open in how sexist he can be when he's said things like "tehre just aren't that many good female characters" in an interview.

I agree on Monica/Kimmi actually, BB generally has bad casting and even more so with the women. 15 is the last season to have a really strong female cast with alpha personalities like Amanda, Helen, Aaryn, etc.

Trish was brilliant. She got the Cliff bot at 14 and pulled the biggest move in getting Kass to side with her group at the merge. She masterfully pulled Jefra back in at final 8 and was the glue that kept her alliance together. She was too trusting, but there was nothing wrong with her sticking with Tony when she'd beat him in a f2 and most people in Cagayn in a jury voite except Spencer. Trish played a great social game and had friends in Sarah, Morgan, LJ, Jeremiah, Jefra. How did Ciera follow her mom when Ciera was the one who was telling her mom how to play after the merge? Idk if you're thinking of Baylor/Missy. Ciera gets a bad rep for sticking with returnees, but they never showed how she wanted to flip on Tyson at final 8 but was turned down by Hayden/Caleb.

Good haha. That's basically the point I was trying to make. It's not always like that, but it happens so often (especially on BB). It was fun to see Kimmi play the game, but it could have been a bad move on her part. Monica actually answered a question on asking if she thinks it was too early to pull the all girls alliance card and she said:

I trusted [Kimmi] that much, I was like, 'Oh, we're cool. Let's talk about this now.'  But, as a girl, why would you run to the boys and rat me out? It's, like, do you not know girl code? Are we back to high school?"

Not that I liked Monica, but she was looking out for her and Kimmi's future in the game, and Kimmi had to run back to the men to let them know. Dumb move for Kimmi IMO

It's amazing how a "girls alliance" almost never works out on Survivor or even BB. Voting Spencer out and Working with Monica/Kelly and reuniting with the girls at the merge could have benefited Kimmi and if it didn't it could provide for another female win. Yet, every time someone brings up a girls alliance to another girl, that girl flips out and tells the men. This is why girs don't win that often.

However, it worked out in my favor because I'm glad Spencer/Kelly stayed and Monica went home. She seemed irrelevant so far.

What are you talking about.... girls won pretty often. Three girls won in a row a few years back.... Also Kimmi didn't work with Monica because Monica showed she couldn't not be trusted. She changed her mind at the very last minute, thats why Kimmi didn't trust her. You don't want to go to the merge with someone who out of nowhere flips on the alliance.

I was referring more to BB when I said this is why girls don't win often. But even in Survivor I feel like the men are usually seen as more of a threat than the women are. A majority of the time the men find the idol, they make the moves/decisions, they control the alliance, they win immunity. Not all the time obviously. We have Tasha's and Natalies etc. But I just feel like if the girls were more opted to work with each other then a lot more of them  would shine a lot more than they do now.

I feel like sometimes girls get threatened when they around strong girls or just girls  who want to make smart/strategic moves. Neither Spencer or Kelly were in the alliance so it shouldn't have been that big of a deal to Kimmi. It wasn't like Monica suggested to vote off Jeremy or Fisbach. It was actually Kimmi who decided to flip on her alliance.

Monica didn't change her mind last minute. She just suggested a move to Kimmi that could have benefited both of them and Kimmi freaked out. Monica didn't even follow through with voting Spencer off. Why wouldn't Kimmi want to go to the merge with someone who was keen on working with the women.

Kimmi showed she couldn't be trusted tho. She said she was willing to flip and have a all girls alliance. That's not good for Kimmi, why trust someone who easily flips on her alliance... what's would have stopped Monica from flipping on the women later on ? Monica would flip on the girls in a heart beat if it meant saving herself.

It's amazing how a "girls alliance" almost never works out on Survivor or even BB. Voting Spencer out and Working with Monica/Kelly and reuniting with the girls at the merge could have benefited Kimmi and if it didn't it could provide for another female win. Yet, every time someone brings up a girls alliance to another girl, that girl flips out and tells the men. This is why girs don't win that often.

However, it worked out in my favor because I'm glad Spencer/Kelly stayed and Monica went home. She seemed irrelevant so far.

What are you talking about.... girls won pretty often. Three girls won in a row a few years back.... Also Kimmi didn't work with Monica because Monica showed she couldn't not be trusted. She changed her mind at the very last minute, thats why Kimmi didn't trust her. You don't want to go to the merge with someone who out of nowhere flips on the alliance.

I was referring more to BB when I said this is why girls don't win often. But even in Survivor I feel like the men are usually seen as more of a threat than the women are. A majority of the time the men find the idol, they make the moves/decisions, they control the alliance, they win immunity. Not all the time obviously. We have Tasha's and Natalies etc. But I just feel like if the girls were more opted to work with each other then a lot more of them  would shine a lot more than they do now.

I feel like sometimes girls get threatened when they around strong girls or just girls  who want to make smart/strategic moves. Neither Spencer or Kelly were in the alliance so it shouldn't have been that big of a deal to Kimmi. It wasn't like Monica suggested to vote off Jeremy or Fisbach. It was actually Kimmi who decided to flip on her alliance.

Monica didn't change her mind last minute. She just suggested a move to Kimmi that could have benefited both of them and Kimmi freaked out. Monica didn't even follow through with voting Spencer off. Why wouldn't Kimmi want to go to the merge with someone who was keen on working with the women.

Kimmi showed she couldn't be trusted tho. She said she was willing to flip and have a all girls alliance. That's not good for Kimmi, why trust someone who easily flips on her alliance... what's would have stopped Monica from flipping on the women later on ? Monica would flip on the girls in a heart beat if it meant saving herself.

You mean Monica. But Kimmi was the person Monica trusted the most. Monica's strategy included something that could have benefited Kimmi. Also, Monica didn't flip. There was two people on their tribe who weren't in their alliance and all Monica did was suggest going the opposite way. There's a difference between flipping on your alliance and suggesting to make a different move that may benefit you. You're more than likely goning have to flip on your alliance at some point in order to make it to the end. Monica didn't even end up voting off Spencer anyway. It was Kimmi who actually flipped on her alliance.

Omg! They released a preview for next weeks episode on YouTube and I watched it and I think they just spoiled who was pulled from the game. Ugh!!!!

Omg! They released a preview for next weeks episode on YouTube and I watched it and I think they just spoiled who was pulled from the game. Ugh!!!!

They did give it away! And not just once but twice! Wow.

It's amazing how a "girls alliance" almost never works out on Survivor or even BB. Voting Spencer out and Working with Monica/Kelly and reuniting with the girls at the merge could have benefited Kimmi and if it didn't it could provide for another female win. Yet, every time someone brings up a girls alliance to another girl, that girl flips out and tells the men. This is why girs don't win that often.

However, it worked out in my favor because I'm glad Spencer/Kelly stayed and Monica went home. She seemed irrelevant so far.

What are you talking about.... girls won pretty often. Three girls won in a row a few years back.... Also Kimmi didn't work with Monica because Monica showed she couldn't not be trusted. She changed her mind at the very last minute, thats why Kimmi didn't trust her. You don't want to go to the merge with someone who out of nowhere flips on the alliance.

I was referring more to BB when I said this is why girls don't win often. But even in Survivor I feel like the men are usually seen as more of a threat than the women are. A majority of the time the men find the idol, they make the moves/decisions, they control the alliance, they win immunity. Not all the time obviously. We have Tasha's and Natalies etc. But I just feel like if the girls were more opted to work with each other then a lot more of them  would shine a lot more than they do now.

I feel like sometimes girls get threatened when they around strong girls or just girls  who want to make smart/strategic moves. Neither Spencer or Kelly were in the alliance so it shouldn't have been that big of a deal to Kimmi. It wasn't like Monica suggested to vote off Jeremy or Fisbach. It was actually Kimmi who decided to flip on her alliance.

Monica didn't change her mind last minute. She just suggested a move to Kimmi that could have benefited both of them and Kimmi freaked out. Monica didn't even follow through with voting Spencer off. Why wouldn't Kimmi want to go to the merge with someone who was keen on working with the women.

Kimmi showed she couldn't be trusted tho. She said she was willing to flip and have a all girls alliance. That's not good for Kimmi, why trust someone who easily flips on her alliance... what's would have stopped Monica from flipping on the women later on ? Monica would flip on the girls in a heart beat if it meant saving herself.

You mean Monica. But Kimmi was the person Monica trusted the most. Monica's strategy included something that could have benefited Kimmi. Also, Monica didn't flip. There was two people on their tribe who weren't in their alliance and all Monica did was suggest going the opposite way. There's a difference between flipping on your alliance and suggesting to make a different move that may benefit you. You're more than likely goning have to flip on your alliance at some point in order to make it to the end. Monica didn't even end up voting off Spencer anyway. It was Kimmi who actually flipped on her alliance.

I meant to put she showed Kimmi lol.
And Kimmi was loyal to her alliance, Monica wasn't Kimmi voted off someone who would have voted for Jeremy and Stephan later. You want someone you can trust especially with a possible merge coming soon.

Damn, they did reveal who got pulled :/

Damn, they did reveal who got pulled :/

There will still be a tribal the next episode, so *shrug*


At least you didn't get spoiled by a damn contestant to not only then have that spoiler re-affirmed by a bootlist from ANOTHER CONTESTANT.


But I'm upset at who got pulled Sad

Bunking with the enemy is the title. Banking on Abi or Kelley for the boot then. 

It's amazing how a "girls alliance" almost never works out on Survivor or even BB. Voting Spencer out and Working with Monica/Kelly and reuniting with the girls at the merge could have benefited Kimmi and if it didn't it could provide for another female win. Yet, every time someone brings up a girls alliance to another girl, that girl flips out and tells the men. This is why girs don't win that often.

However, it worked out in my favor because I'm glad Spencer/Kelly stayed and Monica went home. She seemed irrelevant so far.

What are you talking about.... girls won pretty often. Three girls won in a row a few years back.... Also Kimmi didn't work with Monica because Monica showed she couldn't not be trusted. She changed her mind at the very last minute, thats why Kimmi didn't trust her. You don't want to go to the merge with someone who out of nowhere flips on the alliance.

I was referring more to BB when I said this is why girls don't win often. But even in Survivor I feel like the men are usually seen as more of a threat than the women are. A majority of the time the men find the idol, they make the moves/decisions, they control the alliance, they win immunity. Not all the time obviously. We have Tasha's and Natalies etc. But I just feel like if the girls were more opted to work with each other then a lot more of them  would shine a lot more than they do now.

I feel like sometimes girls get threatened when they around strong girls or just girls  who want to make smart/strategic moves. Neither Spencer or Kelly were in the alliance so it shouldn't have been that big of a deal to Kimmi. It wasn't like Monica suggested to vote off Jeremy or Fisbach. It was actually Kimmi who decided to flip on her alliance.

Monica didn't change her mind last minute. She just suggested a move to Kimmi that could have benefited both of them and Kimmi freaked out. Monica didn't even follow through with voting Spencer off. Why wouldn't Kimmi want to go to the merge with someone who was keen on working with the women.

Kimmi showed she couldn't be trusted tho. She said she was willing to flip and have a all girls alliance. That's not good for Kimmi, why trust someone who easily flips on her alliance... what's would have stopped Monica from flipping on the women later on ? Monica would flip on the girls in a heart beat if it meant saving herself.

You mean Monica. But Kimmi was the person Monica trusted the most. Monica's strategy included something that could have benefited Kimmi. Also, Monica didn't flip. There was two people on their tribe who weren't in their alliance and all Monica did was suggest going the opposite way. There's a difference between flipping on your alliance and suggesting to make a different move that may benefit you. You're more than likely goning have to flip on your alliance at some point in order to make it to the end. Monica didn't even end up voting off Spencer anyway. It was Kimmi who actually flipped on her alliance.

I meant to put she showed Kimmi lol. And Kimmi was loyal to her alliance, Monica wasn't Kimmi voted off someone who would have voted for Jeremy and Stephan later. You want someone you can trust especially with a possible merge coming soon.

Kimmi could still trust Monica though. Jeremy and Fisbach definitely couldn't though.
