Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance - A Snake in the Grass

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Wigglesworth is so hot.

Loyalty and challenge strength, two things Monica doesn't have

Has Kelly even had a confessional tonight doe?

Damn :/


Omg yes!

I AM DEAD LMAO!!!!!!!!

Wow her face was priceless


Kimmi killed it this episode I love her smug look at Monica as she left

That was good!

I think Spencer and Wigglesworth were just as shocked--maybe even more so

Monica's face when her name popped up first was priceless

Challenge17 did Monica run your dog over or soemthing? This is reminding me fo your hate ***** for Monica Culpper in BvW.....

Challenge17 did Monica run your dog over or soemthing? This is reminding me fo your hate ***** for Monica Culpper in BvW.....

No I don't hate this Monica I love Kelly.
I didn't hate the other Monica I always root for strong older women, she just annoyed me

Has Kelly even had a confessional tonight doe?

This is why I said that. It was obvious she wasn't going home imo.

Wigglesworth is so hot.

Yes, yes she is

Thank god Monica is out.

I really think getting Monica out was so stupid, they should have waited one more round. I ain't *****ing though because my girl Wiglesworth got to stay. But based on the previews, Fishbach is saying something about making a big move, and that could be flipping to Spencer/Wiglesworth side and getting rid of Kimmi/Jeremy, most likely Kimmi. I would laugh so hard if that actually happens even if I like Kimmi. 

I really think getting Monica out was so stupid, they should have waited one more round. I ain't *****ing though because my girl Wiglesworth got to stay. But based on the previews, Fishbach is saying something about making a big move, and that could be flipping to Spencer/Wiglesworth side and getting rid of Kimmi/Jeremy, most likely Kimmi. I would laugh so hard if that actually happens even if I like Kimmi. 

Jeremy could flip on fish, Spencer has been closer to Jeremy anyway, getting rid of him is smarter because he's not helpful in challenges

I'm a bit disappointed in the episode because it felt pretty obvious what was going to happen based on the previews from last week. Although, I loved Monica's reaction to getting voted out. And omg Stephen sucks lol.

Based on the preview for next episode, it looks like something I've been dreading will happen and someone is getting pulled from the game. Sad

Love your avatar melm!!!

Love your avatar melm!!!

Haha thanks! HTGAWM is one of my new fav show and Asher is hilarious.

Also I'm getting mad at Wiglesworth because I want her to do well but she needs to start playing more strategically and let go of the "hopefully my hard work at camp will make people not vote for me." mentality. If Bayon goes to tribal again she will be in big trouble.

Love your avatar melm!!!

Haha thanks! HTGAWM is one of my new fav show and Asher is hilarious.

Are you caught up to the new season???

Love your avatar melm!!!

Haha thanks! HTGAWM is one of my new fav show and Asher is hilarious.

Are you caught up to the new season???

Wrong thread! lmao. I actually love HTGAWM. Favorite show of the moment. Asher is actually my least favorite character though.


Loved tonights episode although I predicted what would happen from early on.

Monica, who!?!?!!??

Loved Kelly Wigs and Spencer's reactions!!!!

Kelly Wentworth FTW!!!!!!

Peih-Gee is gone. Varner flopped. If Kelly Wiglesworth leaves tonight I'll really be done with this season.
I don't think Varner flopped! He was great TV. I enjoyed him and a lot of people too. He delievered!
He was! But he should have at least went deep jury.
TBH...I don't even think Varner's main goal was to go deep. I think he just wanted to be back on Survivor and give the viewers that voted for him a good time which he did! He was the main person in the first four episodes IMO. He controlled the first two crucial votes and thus his tribe and dodged a major bullet in episode 3 but...he got a little bit too confident in taming Abi-Maria and unlucky that Tasha got with him on the same tribe...LOL. Better luck next time!!!

Although I'm sure the bold is true, I doubt he wasn't there to get as far as he could.

Someone tell me how to remember who Monica is? I have watched every season and usually remember everyone. I have no clue who this weathered looking ***** is.

Someone tell me how to remember who Monica is? I have watched every season and usually remember everyone. I have no clue who this weathered looking ***** is.

She was on Samoa, Russell's season
