Big Brother: The Vevmo Takeover - Backyard

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Sorry out but here

Rules: When BBVT posts a question, you PM "YES" if you want to take the punishment. Each punishment is worth a different set of points. Player with most points at the end wins POV. If you don't want to take it, don't PM lol 

2. For 20 points would you be willing to not compete in the next Power of Veto competition?

Thanks mitch Smile

Next question coming up @ 9:56

3. For 20 points would you be willing to cut your score in half at Saturday’s Task? 

Next question coming up @ 10:00

4. For 40 points would you be willing to be automatically nominated for eviction next week?

jeez bbvt.. harsh haha


jeez bbvt.. harsh haha

i know right

Next question coming up @ 10:02

Sucks real bad if you get that and the no pov one 

5. For 25 points would you be willing to not vote at next week's eviction?

Next question @ 10:06 

6. For 10 points would you be willing to create a thread and write a 100 word love letter to HURRICANENIAFAN? 

**** that

How many points r left


Next question @10:09

7. For 24 points would you be willing to post 24,000 I hate you post to your least favorite Vevmo member in 24 hours? Note this task will begin @ 12am tonight and if incomplete you will be evicted. 

24k? isnt that like... impossible?

This punishments are no jokeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Wowwwwwwwwww

lmaoo, but 24,000 times is way too much so no thank you

24k? isnt that like... impossible?

I mean CKQ did 2400 in like an  hour if not less so I don't think so. 

I sure hope someone said yes before me to that one but ckq did her 2000 kicks in like not that long

Next question @ 10:14

I sure hope someone said yes before me to that one but ckq did her 2000 kicks in like not that long

i'm pretty sure no one did haha

thats like 40 posts a minute...

**** that


