Big Brother: The Vevmo Takeover - Backyard

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Question 3

How did PinkRose finish the statement:


I found _____ to be the hardest person to work with?

A. kvm1977 because he’s shady. 

B. JAMiEFiRE because she was a ticking time bomb.  


melm3- A

Youssarian- A


Correct Answer: B


melm3- 1

Youssarian- 2


Next question

Question 4

How did kvm1977 finish the statement:


If I could play the game again, I would change?

A. The host.

B. Absolutely nothing.


melm3- A

Youssarian- B


Correct Answer: B


melm3- 1

Youssarian- 3


Next question

Question 5

How did Raymond21 finish the statement:


My least favorite moment in the house was?

A. Never winning Head of Household.

B. When I was voted out.


melm3- A

Youssarian- A


Correct Answer: B


melm3- 1

Youssarian- 3


Next question-- melm3 you need this next one to stay alive!

Question 6

How did Nevidcm finish the statement:


The most shocking moment in the house was?

A. Lizzie V getting expelled from the game.  

B. PinkRose using the Forced Veto to take kvm1977 out. 



melm3- B

Youssarian- B


Correct Answer: B


melm3- 2

Youssarian- 4


Next question-- Youssarian if you get this right you win!

Question 7

How did Semisweet finish the statement:


The funniest moment in the house this summer was?

A. Nevidcm eliminating himself. It was pure karma.

B. CantKeepQuiet getting evicted twice. 


melm3- A

Youssarian- A


Correct Answer: A


melm3- 3

Youssarian- 5

Which means.....



you are our final HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD this summer and advancing to the Final 2!



Back in the main thread I need melm3 and RLK2014 to plead their case to Youssarian on why he should keep you! Youssarian I need you to announce who you vote to evict by 10:05!

