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I hope some of you caught the first season of Hannibal!! If not you are seriously missing out on a brilliant show!! Just watch this fan-made season 1 trailer below... you will be hooked instantly!

I can't bloody wait... Hannibal is amazing... gory, exciting, disturbing, and delicious! It's the perfect Hannibal creation for television Biggrin

OMG tonight's episode was INSANE! Huge cliffhanger... still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor Where are my Fannibals???
Last episode was great, but hesitant to really get into since the ratings are so bad. Hannibal (.9/3), Community (1.1/4), and Parenthood (1.3/4) are the worst nightly shows on NBC so my guess is they cancel Hannibal. They renewed it last season with the same ratings so who knows.
I know... its walking on eggshells.. but it's honestly one of NBC's best shows of the past few years. The writing is insanely good.. the acting is even better! It just has a very distinct audience... it's definitely not for the faint of heart. Also its friday slot is not the best lol For the people that do follow it, it does have a very strong fanbase.. I'm hoping NBC gives it another chance.. I mean it's a critically acclaimed show! Plus Bryan Fuller has it planned out over a 5 season span... I need more HANNIBAL!! haha Every episode gives me goosebumps. They really did find a perfect Hannibal in Mads... the classiest serial killer ever.
Tonights episode is so far the best episode yet... talk about high tension!! And after that ending (a huge nod to the movies)... somebody's in trouble!!!

Probably the most shocking finale I have ever seen in my life... and the bloodiest haha

MAJOR SPOILERS: [spoiler]I mean did they really just kill off every main character aside from Hannibal? Everyone is left bleeding out.. with Hannibal all smug on plane heading to France... I guess it was origially written as a series finale because they weren't sure if it was going to be renewed... if so, holy crap!! That would've been a sad but I guess somewhat fitting ending lol[/spoiler]

And now we have to wait a whole year to see the resolution of whatever that was that transpired over the last 20 minutes... I mean.. I can't even.

Season 3 premiered last night and it was so good!!! Been more than a year break and i'm so relieved its back on tv (especially after a finale that left many lead characters' lives hanging in the balance).

Love that they filmed the first bit of the season in Paris and Florence!! Beautiful cinematography... premiere was a big change of pace, but that's gonna be a given seeing as how the S2 finale left off. This season is gonna revolve around Red Dragon (the whole show is based off characters from Red Dragon as a prequel and now its finally going into the movies plotline within this season, so I can't wait for that to happen!)

Also super plus that we finally got Gillian Anderson as a main character after her just playing a recurring role in the first two seasons!!! Yes! Biggrin

Anyone else watching? and if you aren't.... WHY THE HELL NOT!? haha


Lol at you basically talking to yourself in here. It's a shame more people don't watch this show. It's really good.

Lol at you basically talking to yourself in here. It's a shame more people don't watch this show. It's really good.

Because its come and gone nobody cares anymore. I mean its going to be gone after this season and hopefully it takes Blacklist and Lucifer with it

Lol at you basically talking to yourself in here. It's a shame more people don't watch this show. It's really good.

I've thought about watching. But I never find the motivation to start.

Lol at you basically talking to yourself in here. It's a shame more people don't watch this show. It's really good.

Because its come and gone nobody cares anymore. I mean its going to be gone after this season and hopefully it takes Blacklist and Lucifer with it

people say that every season, but yet it keeps coming back because its a damn freaking good show!!! One of the few (if not only) shows to have a perfect 100% Rotton Tomatoes score... it doesn't get awards attention because of its subject material, but for all other purposes it is one of the best shows on tv at the moment. Every season has been highly praised, so don't expect it to be cancelled... Bryan Fuller has it planned for 5 seasons, and if it continues to do well with the critics (NBC also went ahead and put it in a thursday timeslot which is much better than last years Friday slot) then I am not worried at all. 

And you gotta try it Lurker!!! If you like TD, then you will def love this... just as dark if not more, and just as symbolic/has a deeper meaning.... the writing on the show is impeccable, as well as the acting and directing. Anyone who is a fan of good cinematography would absolutely LOVE this!!!!

And you gotta try it Lurker!!! If you like TD, then you will def love this... just as dark if not more, and just as symbolic/has a deeper meaning.... the writing on the show is impeccable, as well as the acting and directing. Anyone who is a fan of good cinematography would absolutely LOVE this!!!!

I do love great cinematography...

Is it on Amazon Prime?

Lol at you basically talking to yourself in here. It's a shame more people don't watch this show. It's really good.

Because its come and gone nobody cares anymore. I mean its going to be gone after this season and hopefully it takes Blacklist and Lucifer with it

people say that every season, but yet it keeps coming back because its a damn freaking good show!!! One of the few (if not only) shows to have a perfect 100% Rotton Tomatoes score... it doesn't get awards attention because of its subject material, but for all other purposes it is one of the best shows on tv at the moment. Every season has been highly praised, so don't expect it to be cancelled... Bryan Fuller has it planned for 5 seasons, and if it continues to do well with the critics (NBC also went ahead and put it in a thursday timeslot which is much better than last years Friday slot) then I am not worried at all. 

And you gotta try it Lurker!!! If you like TD, then you will def love this... just as dark if not more, and just as symbolic/has a deeper meaning.... the writing on the show is impeccable, as well as the acting and directing. Anyone who is a fan of good cinematography would absolutely LOVE this!!!!


I guess Im still bitter about Constantine

And you gotta try it Lurker!!! If you like TD, then you will def love this... just as dark if not more, and just as symbolic/has a deeper meaning.... the writing on the show is impeccable, as well as the acting and directing. Anyone who is a fan of good cinematography would absolutely LOVE this!!!!

I do love great cinematography... Is it on Amazon Prime?

It should be!! It was on Netflix for a while too.. not sure if its still there

And you gotta try it Lurker!!! If you like TD, then you will def love this... just as dark if not more, and just as symbolic/has a deeper meaning.... the writing on the show is impeccable, as well as the acting and directing. Anyone who is a fan of good cinematography would absolutely LOVE this!!!!

I do love great cinematography...

Is it on Amazon Prime?

Yes it is, both seasons. I agree if you like TD you'll love Hannibal.

I'll definitely give in and watch it then!

Season 3 premiered last night and it was so good!!! Been more than a year break and i'm so relieved its back on tv (especially after a finale that left many lead characters' lives hanging in the balance).

Love that they filmed the first bit of the season in Paris and Florence!! Beautiful cinematography... premiere was a big change of pace, but that's gonna be a given seeing as how the S2 finale left off. This season is gonna revolve around Red Dragon (the whole show is based off characters from Red Dragon as a prequel and now its finally going into the movies plotline within this season, so I can't wait for that to happen!)

Also super plus that we finally got Gillian Anderson as a main character after her just playing a recurring role in the first two seasons!!! Yes! Biggrin

Anyone else watching? and if you aren't.... WHY THE HELL NOT!? haha

I definitely watch this show & it is way better than I ever thought it would be. I finally watched the first episode of season 3 last night, so I am caught up.

I am also happy they finally made Gillian Anderson a main character. She is one of my favorites & I can't wait for the X-Files reboot in January!!

Any idea on when they will cover the ending of season 2 in the new season? I really want to know who died at the hands of Hannibal. I think Will Graham & Jack Crawford are safe though.

Hannibal has officially been cancelled by NBC


Very sad news today... as if Mondays aren't already the worst, I recieve this news? whyyyyy!?!! why Hannibal!!!??? it's the best show on TV... WHY IS NO ONE WATCHING IT!?!?! *******it... I suppose the fannibals were lucky for three years at least after the first season recieved incredibly low ratings (but the best critic reviews.. seriously 100% on RT). Disappointed, but i'll savour every last drop of the final season!

They are currently looking for other networks to pick it up and the creators promise the season will go out with a heck of bang (which like the other seasons will be written as a series finale, but open to future stories).... so fingers crossed 


So there definitely going to finish out season 3 then at least??

I'm just starting Hannibal, and I like it a lot. But there is a positive side to this cancelation. Bryan Fuller can now fully dedicate his time to American Gods.

So there definitely going to finish out season 3 then at least??

yes, definitley!!

Ik this will never happen, but I wish Hannibal could get picked up by a network like HBO lol. Then this show could be even more bad *** than it already is.

They had what 3 movies, there's no need for a hannibal tv series same with rush hour

They had what 3 movies, there's no need for a hannibal tv series same with rush hour

They had what 3 movies, there's no need for a hannibal tv series same with rush hour

That's one opinion on the matter. Although the wrong one. You should be okay with the idea especially since you want people to support the Scream tv show. They had what 4 movies lol.

They had what 3 movies, there's no need for a hannibal tv series same with rush hour

That's one opinion on the matter. All though the wrong one. You should be okay with the idea especially since you want people to support the Scream tv show. They had what 4 movies lol.

Agreed, and the show is better than all the movies, except for maybe The Silence of the Lambs

Hannibal is everything.

They had what 3 movies, there's no need for a hannibal tv series same with rush hour

That's one opinion on the matter. Although the wrong one. You should be okay with the idea especially since you want people to support the Scream tv show. They had what 4 movies lol.
Bischh please I don't "support" that shit and at least they have a secur fanbase so stick it.

They had what 3 movies, there's no need for a hannibal tv series same with rush hour

That's one opinion on the matter. Although the wrong one. You should be okay with the idea especially since you want people to support the Scream tv show. They had what 4 movies lol.
Bischh please I don't "support" that shit and at least they have a secur fanbase so stick it.

Lol I was just teasing because we both love the Scream movies & think the show will flop.

I know babe i guesss im a little on edge lately I mean the ****** it up with freddy series tv show and f13 tv show (though they said the cw is working/negotiating on a new one)and now scream (one of the most respectable horror rejuvenations) My heart cant take it
