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Bryan is talking about possibly resurrecting the series under the title Hannibal: The Silence of the Lambs!!!! He's been talking with Starz (since he's currently working on American Gods with them) and they seem really interested (which is great because you can get away with a lot more on their network haha)... He wants to have as much of the original show's cast back (albiet in smaller roles aside from Hannibal) and to make Clarice's character black instead of white. I could definitely dig that!! I remember hearing that they couldnt do SOTL because of some copyright issue with another tv network owning the rights to all the names from the book. I wonder if that got cleared up or something?

Bryan's goal right now is to do it in 2 years... maybe after two seasons of American Gods (if it is successful), but it could definitely take longer than that. I just hope I see it in my lifetime hahaha Hannibal was one of the greatest shows in years, and I'd love nothing more than to have it return to TV.

