How dare you call Jon a dud?! Haha but no, I LOVE him and his story about his father as well as how despite being tied to Drew, he did have a solid stratgey with getting Julie out. Also, i love his relationship with Jacyln and how he views her as a strong woman. I also like Dale and it's weird, apparently Reed caused so much choas on his tribe and had they lost early on, he would've been booted. Wonder why they edited it out?
Based on editing, I think Jon is someone who is going to get better with time. I do like his backstory, and I think if (when) he makes the merge we will get to see more of it.
Was Caramoan that bad, I haven't watch it but I see a lot of people hate it.
I personally hated Caramoan. It was the Cochran show and I can't stand Cochroach one bit, and I really really hate how Probst praises him like a god. The so-called "fans" were made up of 4 fans of the show who were all very early boots, and 6 recruits who'd never seen an episode. Oh, and Phillip Sheppard...
Phillip Sheppard is the absolute worst. I don't want to watch Redemption Island ever just because I know he makes it to the Final Tribal Council and I can't stand him.
Lmao! At least watch some of it for Stephanie, I love her. She had potential to be such a great little *****y villainess!
I know I'll still watch it, but I have only watch 9 seasons out of the 29 there are, so right now that season can wait.
For Survivor: Legends, I think Richard Hatch and Kelly Wiglesworth are absolute requirements. Everyone else is irrelevant because CBS will just give us the same generic returnees we've seen 100 times before...
Why the cynicism?
Lmao! I just feel like legends will be another Boston Rob/Rupert/Ozzy/James/Amanda shtick, been there done that. I want to see Greg and I'd kill for Colleen to return, Big Tom and Lex, Shane and Terry, Christy and Rob C, Eliza and Chris and Twila. Maybe Yul or Todd and Courtney, etc. Hell, I wouldn't mind seeing Jerri and Parvati for a 4th time. I guess I just don't want a cast that is too dependent on Micronesia/HvV.
I think a ton of them are done and I feel as though as the next all returnee season will be heavy on postHvV seasons. I always get mad at how Micro was last minute scrapped into a FvF when it was apparently originally an all returnee cast with Terry, Twila, etc. Another thing, I am loving these all new casts lately. SJDS had a slow start but it's delivering with people like Baylor, Josh, Jeremy, Natalie, Kelley, Keith, Jon.
I soooo agree with you on this, the casts for BvW, Cagayan and now SJDS have been amazing.
Philippines was great too. What did you think? Caramoan unfortunately happened which ruined the 25-29 amazing stretch.
I always forget about Philippines, it's my favorite after Cagayan and Vanuatu. I would like to see Malcolm, Abi-Maria, Pete, RC, and maybe Denise back.
Was Caramoan that bad, I haven't watch it but I see a lot of people hate it.
Yes, well at least for me. It had probably the worst editing ever, like terribly awful. Insufferable people like Shamar, Brandon, Phllip, and John took up screen time, the favorites weren't even favorites to begin with, and let's not begin to touch how that crop of castways looked so rigged for John to do well (he had preseason alliances with Andrea, Dawn, Fran, Phillip, Brandon). The fans weren't that either and the only rootable one: Laura, got booted so early and were Eddie/Reynold supposed to be likable, because Shamar/Sherri weren't either?
The postmerge make sup it for it, but it still feels like watching robots play the game as Brenda, Erik, Sherri, Michael get inviisble edits. Then there's how Dawn was treated and edited and forced to apoligize to Brenda and that awful reunion and Corinne not even making jury. It was just bad.
I assume you'll hold off on RI, SP, OW, and Caramoan as they're probably the worst, but I'd advsie to watch South Pacific first just because of the great Sophie. What seasons haven't you watched yet?
For Survivor: Legends, I think Richard Hatch and Kelly Wiglesworth are absolute requirements. Everyone else is irrelevant because CBS will just give us the same generic returnees we've seen 100 times before...
Why the cynicism?
Lmao! I just feel like legends will be another Boston Rob/Rupert/Ozzy/James/Amanda shtick, been there done that. I want to see Greg and I'd kill for Colleen to return, Big Tom and Lex, Shane and Terry, Christy and Rob C, Eliza and Chris and Twila. Maybe Yul or Todd and Courtney, etc. Hell, I wouldn't mind seeing Jerri and Parvati for a 4th time. I guess I just don't want a cast that is too dependent on Micronesia/HvV.
I think a ton of them are done and I feel as though as the next all returnee season will be heavy on postHvV seasons. I always get mad at how Micro was last minute scrapped into a FvF when it was apparently originally an all returnee cast with Terry, Twila, etc. Another thing, I am loving these all new casts lately. SJDS had a slow start but it's delivering with people like Baylor, Josh, Jeremy, Natalie, Kelley, Keith, Jon.
I soooo agree with you on this, the casts for BvW, Cagayan and now SJDS have been amazing.
Philippines was great too. What did you think? Caramoan unfortunately happened which ruined the 25-29 amazing stretch.
I always forget about Philippines, it's my favorite after Cagayan and Vanuatu. I would like to see Malcolm, Abi-Maria, Pete, RC, and maybe Denise back.
Was Caramoan that bad, I haven't watch it but I see a lot of people hate it.
Yes, well at least for me. It had probably the worst editing ever, like terribly awful. Insufferable people like Shamar, Brandon, Phllip, and John took up screen time, the favorites weren't even favorites to begin with, and let's not begin to touch how that crop of castways looked so rigged for John to do well (he had preseason alliances with Andrea, Dawn, Fran, Phillip, Brandon). The fans weren't that either and the only rootable one: Laura, got booted so early and were Eddie/Reynold supposed to be likable, because Shamar/Sherri weren't either?
The postmerge make sup it for it, but it still feels like watching robots play the game as Brenda, Erik, Sherri, Michael get inviisble edits. Then there's how Dawn was treated and edited and forced to apoligize to Brenda and that awful reunion and Corinne not even making jury. It was just bad.
I liked that season because Corrine and Erik were back, I'm indifferent on Cochran winning but he deserved it more then Dawn or the plague(Sherri).
Eddie was likeable IMO.
I assume you'll hold off on RI, SP, OW, and Caramoan as they're probably the worst, but I'd advsie to watch South Pacific first just because of the great Sophie. What seasons haven't you watched yet?
Yeah, I'll hold off on those seasons plus Fiji, I don't know why it just doesn't look that appealing to me.
I have only watch Vanuatu, Cook Islands (it wasn't as good as I thought it would be), China, Micronesia, Gabon, Tocantins (very underrated), Philippines, Blood vs. Water, Cagayan (my favorite)and now San Juan del Sur. Right now I'm watching both Exile Island (only for Cirie) and Borneo.
What seasons do you recommend me to watch next that's not All-Stars or Heroes vs. Villains (I want to watch all the seasons before it before I watch them).
I assume you'll hold off on RI, SP, OW, and Caramoan as they're probably the worst, but I'd advsie to watch South Pacific first just because of the great Sophie. What seasons haven't you watched yet?
Yeah, I'll hold off on those seasons plus Fiji, I don't know why it just doesn't look that appealing to me.
I have only watch Vanuatu, Cook Islands (it wasn't as good as I thought it would be), China, Micronesia, Gabon, Tocantins (very underrated), Philippines, Blood vs. Water, Cagayan (my favorite)and now San Juan del Sur. Right now I'm watching both Exile Island (only for Cirie) and Borneo.
What seasons do you recommend me to watch next that's not All-Stars or Heroes vs. Villains (I want to watch all the seasons before it before I watch them).
If you're watching Borneo, you may as well go OG and watch Australian Outback which was a good one, I hardly remember Africa and Marquesas, you can skip Thailand, but The Amazon is pretty good too, Rob Cesternino is one of my favorite players. Nicaragua is an underrated season as well.
I assume you'll hold off on RI, SP, OW, and Caramoan as they're probably the worst, but I'd advsie to watch South Pacific first just because of the great Sophie. What seasons haven't you watched yet?
Yeah, I'll hold off on those seasons plus Fiji, I don't know why it just doesn't look that appealing to me.
I have only watch Vanuatu, Cook Islands (it wasn't as good as I thought it would be), China, Micronesia, Gabon, Tocantins (very underrated), Philippines, Blood vs. Water, Cagayan (my favorite)and now San Juan del Sur. Right now I'm watching both Exile Island (only for Cirie) and Borneo.
What seasons do you recommend me to watch next that's not All-Stars or Heroes vs. Villains (I want to watch all the seasons before it before I watch them).
If you're watching Borneo, you may as well go OG and watch Australian Outback which was a good one, I hardly remember Africa and Marquesas, you can skip Thailand, but The Amazon is pretty good too, Rob Cesternino is one of my favorite players. Nicaragua is an underrated season as well.
I'm thinking about watching Australian Outback, Pearl Islands and Nicaragua (only for the beautiful Brenda) next.
I liked that season because Corrine and Erik were back, I'm indifferent on Cochran winning but he deserved it more then Dawn or the plague(Sherri).
That's another thing I hated about it, Corinne not making the jury. I would have LOVED to hear her destroy that final three.
She'd tear Sherri apart lol. I wish she was around to comment on Dawn's stupid teeth meltdown.
She mentioned on Survivior Oz how she would have been campaigning for Dawn to get votes and would have definitely given her props at FTC and ripped Cocharon apart.
I'm recently enjoying Survivor a lot more than The Challenge, and I thought that was impossible. I still have a lot of seasons to catch up on.
lol the challenge dropped as my top show a Long time ago and was replaced with survivor. Survivor has become way better.
Reality TV as a whole is starting to lose my interest (Survivor has stepped it up though), gone are the days of VH1's "of Love" shows. Scripted television is where it's at.
I assume you'll hold off on RI, SP, OW, and Caramoan as they're probably the worst, but I'd advsie to watch South Pacific first just because of the great Sophie. What seasons haven't you watched yet?
Yeah, I'll hold off on those seasons plus Fiji, I don't know why it just doesn't look that appealing to me.
I have only watch Vanuatu, Cook Islands (it wasn't as good as I thought it would be), China, Micronesia, Gabon, Tocantins (very underrated), Philippines, Blood vs. Water, Cagayan (my favorite)and now San Juan del Sur. Right now I'm watching both Exile Island (only for Cirie) and Borneo.
What seasons do you recommend me to watch next that's not All-Stars or Heroes vs. Villains (I want to watch all the seasons before it before I watch them).
Panama is great and it also ahs the great Shane Powers who is just amazing. Australia is pretty good with Tina, Jerri, Colby, and Elisabeth, Pearl Islands is just epic with the biggest villian in Fairplay, Amazon is good, though it suffers with too much of Rob C. Palau is a solid season, same for Guatemala. Samoa is pretty low on my list, because of the editing and just the general headaches it brought with Russell vs. Natalie in fan discussions, but it is pretty great for watching a dominant tribe self-destruct ala Timbira, but much worse since they came into the emrge 8-4. Nicargua is like Gabon 2.0 for me and pretty fun.
She mentioned on Survivior Oz how she would have been campaigning for Dawn to get votes and would have definitely given her props at FTC and ripped Cocharon apart.
Love her <3
Great minds think alike. I'd have done everything to prevent Cochran from playing a perfect game.
Also one of the girls who had to drop out, because her sister backed out for SJDS is rumored to be on s30.
Yep! Once Redmond from sucks has some concrete spoilers I'll make a thread.
Even if the theme is different, he does know that it's three tribes and the name will be based on the theme, not the location.
Does he know the cast? I try to avoid that website since it has sooo many spoilers (though the members are absolutely hysterical). I try to avoid spoilers for Survivor.
I doubt it's true, but it would be interesting to see.
I'm not putting much faith into it just yet.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they did Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty again.
They should again, but not for next season. Also, how would they name the season after that theme, I'm trying to come up with something but I got nothing.
Does he know the cast? I try to avoid that website since it has sooo many spoilers (though the members are absolutely hysterical). I try to avoid spoilers for Survivor.
That site is vile at times, but it is great to watch the members go at it, lmao! He doesn't know the cast yet, but there were two names floating around. The social media ban makes it a bit difficult now.
I only go there for cast spoilers not game ones, I love going spoiler free with Survivor!
Based on editing, I think Jon is someone who is going to get better with time. I do like his backstory, and I think if (when) he makes the merge we will get to see more of it.
I know I'll still watch it, but I have only watch 9 seasons out of the 29 there are, so right now that season can wait.
Yes, well at least for me. It had probably the worst editing ever, like terribly awful. Insufferable people like Shamar, Brandon, Phllip, and John took up screen time, the favorites weren't even favorites to begin with, and let's not begin to touch how that crop of castways looked so rigged for John to do well (he had preseason alliances with Andrea, Dawn, Fran, Phillip, Brandon). The fans weren't that either and the only rootable one: Laura, got booted so early and were Eddie/Reynold supposed to be likable, because Shamar/Sherri weren't either?
The postmerge make sup it for it, but it still feels like watching robots play the game as Brenda, Erik, Sherri, Michael get inviisble edits. Then there's how Dawn was treated and edited and forced to apoligize to Brenda and that awful reunion and Corinne not even making jury. It was just bad.
I assume you'll hold off on RI, SP, OW, and Caramoan as they're probably the worst, but I'd advsie to watch South Pacific first just because of the great Sophie. What seasons haven't you watched yet?
I liked that season because Corrine and Erik were back, I'm indifferent on Cochran winning but he deserved it more then Dawn or the plague(Sherri).
Eddie was likeable IMO.
That's another thing I hated about it, Corinne not making the jury. I would have LOVED to hear her destroy that final three.
Yeah, I'll hold off on those seasons plus Fiji, I don't know why it just doesn't look that appealing to me.
I have only watch Vanuatu, Cook Islands (it wasn't as good as I thought it would be), China, Micronesia, Gabon, Tocantins (very underrated), Philippines, Blood vs. Water, Cagayan (my favorite)and now San Juan del Sur. Right now I'm watching both Exile Island (only for Cirie) and Borneo.
What seasons do you recommend me to watch next that's not All-Stars or Heroes vs. Villains (I want to watch all the seasons before it before I watch them).
She'd tear Sherri apart lol. I wish she was around to comment on Dawn's stupid teeth meltdown.
If you're watching Borneo, you may as well go OG and watch Australian Outback which was a good one, I hardly remember Africa and Marquesas, you can skip Thailand, but The Amazon is pretty good too, Rob Cesternino is one of my favorite players. Nicaragua is an underrated season as well.
We were deprived of some great Survivor moments, that's for sure.
I'm thinking about watching Australian Outback, Pearl Islands and Nicaragua (only for the beautiful Brenda) next.
lol the challenge dropped as my top show a Long time ago and was replaced with survivor. Survivor has become way better.
She mentioned on Survivior Oz how she would have been campaigning for Dawn to get votes and would have definitely given her props at FTC and ripped Cocharon apart.
Hahaha! Brenda is beautiful, but I've heard she's quite bland in the personality department!
Reality TV as a whole is starting to lose my interest (Survivor has stepped it up though), gone are the days of VH1's "of Love" shows. Scripted television is where it's at.
Panama is great and it also ahs the great Shane Powers who is just amazing. Australia is pretty good with Tina, Jerri, Colby, and Elisabeth, Pearl Islands is just epic with the biggest villian in Fairplay, Amazon is good, though it suffers with too much of Rob C. Palau is a solid season, same for Guatemala. Samoa is pretty low on my list, because of the editing and just the general headaches it brought with Russell vs. Natalie in fan discussions, but it is pretty great for watching a dominant tribe self-destruct ala Timbira, but much worse since they came into the emrge 8-4. Nicargua is like Gabon 2.0 for me and pretty fun.
Love her <3
Great minds think alike. I'd have done everything to prevent Cochran from playing a perfect game.
And yeah where Survivior is making a comeback, the Challenge and BB (though Canada is doing good), are just continuing to lose my interest.
I loved Tocantins sandy from it is my Facebook friend and liked one of my pictures lol. This was back when it was airing
I'm excited to see what season 30 holds. There's a rumored theme which sounds interesting, but I doubt it's true.
Tocantins was a good one. I loved Sierra, Taj, JT, Erinn, Tyson, etc. Definitely a season that gets overlooked.
What's the rumored theme? Is it anything that has been done before?
Class Divide: White Collar vs Blue Collar vs Unemployed
Also one of the girls who had to drop out, because her sister backed out for SJDS is rumored to be on s30.
Yep! Once Redmond from sucks has some concrete spoilers I'll make a thread.
Even if the theme is different, he does know that it's three tribes and the name will be based on the theme, not the location.
I doubt it's true, but it would be interesting to see.
Does he know the cast? I try to avoid that website since it has sooo many spoilers (though the members are absolutely hysterical). I try to avoid spoilers for Survivor.
Yeah, I'm not putting much faith into it just yet.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they did Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty again.
They should again, but not for next season. Also, how would they name the season after that theme, I'm trying to come up with something but I got nothing.
That site is vile at times, but it is great to watch the members go at it, lmao! He doesn't know the cast yet, but there were two names floating around. The social media ban makes it a bit difficult now.
I only go there for cast spoilers not game ones, I love going spoiler free with Survivor!