[QUOTE=RMD1;453252]Remember when there was an all girls alliance? Haaaaaaaaaaaa.[/QUOTE]
El Cuarto? I bet all 4 of those girls are kicking themselves in the *** right now haha
[QUOTE=Clarke;453258]El Cuarto? I bet all 4 of those girls are kicking themselves in the *** right now haha[/QUOTE]
They are fools. I'm not sure if it's casting or if it's women and competition, but they need to get their **** together.
[QUOTE=Clarke;453259]Donny was cry, did anyone notice that act? He's try to play it up to get America's Favorite vote. *cues angry rioters*[/QUOTE]
Lol. I don't think he was acting. He really is all alone in the house constantly. When he is awake everyone else sleeps. It's very sad.
[QUOTE=Clarke;453259]Donny was cry, did anyone notice that act? He's try to play it up to get America's Favorite vote. *cues angry rioters*[/QUOTE]
They really need a emoticon with a guy slamming his head against a wall.
[QUOTE=RMD1;453260]They are fools. I'm not sure if it's casting or if it's women and competition, but they need to get their **** together.[/QUOTE]
Yeah Joey actually had a solid idea, just really poor execution for all games involved. Also the women this season are just clueless, sheep, or clueless sheep, aside from Nicole, and somewhat Brittany
[QUOTE=Clarke;453259]Donny was cry, did anyone notice that act? He's try to play it up to get America's Favorite vote. *cues angry rioters*[/QUOTE]
I saw that and then Zach was acting like he actually cared that Donny was sad. What terrible acting.
[QUOTE=RMD1;453262]This is one of the best rewards they have ever done.
Oh and also. COWBOYS SUCK.[/QUOTE]
but i love the dallas cowboy cheerleaders (seriously that show is my guilty pleasure)
OK so Zach's wardrobe... Am I really the only one concernced by this?? It's seriously Croc tee, and then gray block sweater thing. If you're gonna repeat a shirt, it better be as epic as my boy J-U-Double-D and that epic bear shirt
[QUOTE=RMD1;453278]Anyone know if we are going to get endurance tonight? I didn't think so but they are dressed like it.[/QUOTE]
I hope not, that just guarantees Donny won't be winning it.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;453280]OK so Zach's wardrobe... Am I really the only one concernced by this?? It's seriously Croc tee, and then gray block sweater thing. If you're gonna repeat a shirt, it better be as epic as my boy J-U-Double-D and that epic bear shirt[/QUOTE]
He owns like 2-3 shorts, that one blue shirt, and amber's sweater.
[QUOTE=RMD1;453278]Anyone know if we are going to get endurance tonight? I didn't think so but they are dressed like it.[/QUOTE]
They had to memorize things last night. Something to do with Zombies.
[QUOTE=Clarke;453287]Wouldn't it be awesome if Julie addressed Caleb as Beastmode Cowboy?[/QUOTE]
Hahaha I would pass out
Frankie, please, just cast the damn vote.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;453286]Hope zing bot is here this week and burns Frankie, Cody, and Christine in that order.[/QUOTE]
I hope he zings Frankie about being a pathetic name dropping Z-list for name dropping his half-sister who's 10 years his junior every other episode.
Or about the dirty d***o he insulted Zach with. :P
[QUOTE=Clarke;453293]I hope he zings Frankie about being a pathetic name dropping Z-list for name dropping his half-sister who's 10 years his junior every other episode.
Or about the dirty d***o he insulted Zach with. :P[/QUOTE]
Random, but awesome wording lol
And yeah hoping he's burned for those very 2 things, and agreed on the glasses RMD!