Big Brother 16: Episode discussion

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[QUOTE=RMD1;453252]Remember when there was an all girls alliance? Haaaaaaaaaaaa.[/QUOTE] El Cuarto? I bet all 4 of those girls are kicking themselves in the *** right now haha
Donny was cry, did anyone notice that act? He's try to play it up to get America's Favorite vote. *cues angry rioters*
[QUOTE=Clarke;453258]El Cuarto? I bet all 4 of those girls are kicking themselves in the *** right now haha[/QUOTE] They are fools. I'm not sure if it's casting or if it's women and competition, but they need to get their **** together.
[QUOTE=Clarke;453259]Donny was cry, did anyone notice that act? He's try to play it up to get America's Favorite vote. *cues angry rioters*[/QUOTE] Lol. I don't think he was acting. He really is all alone in the house constantly. When he is awake everyone else sleeps. It's very sad.
This is one of the best rewards they have ever done. Oh and also. COWBOYS SUCK.
[QUOTE=Clarke;453259]Donny was cry, did anyone notice that act? He's try to play it up to get America's Favorite vote. *cues angry rioters*[/QUOTE] They really need a emoticon with a guy slamming his head against a wall.
[QUOTE=RMD1;453260]They are fools. I'm not sure if it's casting or if it's women and competition, but they need to get their **** together.[/QUOTE] Yeah Joey actually had a solid idea, just really poor execution for all games involved. Also the women this season are just clueless, sheep, or clueless sheep, aside from Nicole, and somewhat Brittany
[QUOTE=Clarke;453259]Donny was cry, did anyone notice that act? He's try to play it up to get America's Favorite vote. *cues angry rioters*[/QUOTE] I saw that and then Zach was acting like he actually cared that Donny was sad. What terrible acting.
[QUOTE=RMD1;453262]This is one of the best rewards they have ever done. Oh and also. COWBOYS SUCK.[/QUOTE] but i love the dallas cowboy cheerleaders (seriously that show is my guilty pleasure)
The Donny crying post was just a continuation of yesterday's posts. I feel bad for Donny. That reward was just a shameless plug. It was awkward.
Speaking of jerry jones....... Awkward.
******* victoria is so pointless.
Anyone know if we are going to get endurance tonight? I didn't think so but they are dressed like it.
OK so Zach's wardrobe... Am I really the only one concernced by this?? It's seriously Croc tee, and then gray block sweater thing. If you're gonna repeat a shirt, it better be as epic as my boy J-U-Double-D and that epic bear shirt
[QUOTE=RMD1;453278]Anyone know if we are going to get endurance tonight? I didn't think so but they are dressed like it.[/QUOTE] I hope not, that just guarantees Donny won't be winning it.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;453280]OK so Zach's wardrobe... Am I really the only one concernced by this?? It's seriously Croc tee, and then gray block sweater thing. If you're gonna repeat a shirt, it better be as epic as my boy J-U-Double-D and that epic bear shirt[/QUOTE] He owns like 2-3 shorts, that one blue shirt, and amber's sweater. [QUOTE=RMD1;453278]Anyone know if we are going to get endurance tonight? I didn't think so but they are dressed like it.[/QUOTE] They had to memorize things last night. Something to do with Zombies.
They're doing the mirror ghost hoh :D
Hope zing bot is here this week and burns Frankie, Cody, and Christine in that order.
Wouldn't it be awesome if Julie addressed Caleb as Beastmode Cowboy?
[QUOTE=Clarke;453287]Wouldn't it be awesome if Julie addressed Caleb as Beastmode Cowboy?[/QUOTE] No that would be terrible.
[QUOTE=Clarke;453287]Wouldn't it be awesome if Julie addressed Caleb as Beastmode Cowboy?[/QUOTE] Hahaha I would pass out Frankie, please, just cast the damn vote.
Why does Derrick think those glasses should be allowed on television? I vote to evict derricks glasses.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;453286]Hope zing bot is here this week and burns Frankie, Cody, and Christine in that order.[/QUOTE] I hope he zings Frankie about being a pathetic name dropping Z-list for name dropping his half-sister who's 10 years his junior every other episode. Or about the dirty d***o he insulted Zach with. :P
TWO new HOH's again.. ugh
[QUOTE=Clarke;453293]I hope he zings Frankie about being a pathetic name dropping Z-list for name dropping his half-sister who's 10 years his junior every other episode. Or about the dirty d***o he insulted Zach with. :P[/QUOTE] Random, but awesome wording lol And yeah hoping he's burned for those very 2 things, and agreed on the glasses RMD!
[QUOTE=auldx;453294]TWO new HOH's again.. ugh[/QUOTE] Jesus, someone get me a bridge to leap from.
I'm gonna miss Nicole. She had a lot of fight in her.
They are going to regret not getting rid of Donny.
Why the fake **** when she's gone. Who the hell is it for??
I could see them bringing Nichole back for another season.
