I'll be honest I must be the only person who doesn't hate Jordan. He might be arrogant but I like that he at least tried to get a power player out and not kiss vet ***. Like he said "why should the vets get a free ride?"
I am enjoying this season because it's not drunk drama...The drama we have seen so far is about the game with the exception of Camila/Nany/CT thing on episode 2.
Another solid ep, really enjoying this season.
Really not much going on story wise besides the competition, but it has caused a lot more drama that I predicted.
Mission looked way hard. It was weird how seemingly most of the top players weren't able to complete the mission. Bananas, CT, Jordan for the guys, Laurel, Camila, Nany for the girls. Really proved a lot for those who made it across: Zach, Leroy, Johnny, Cara(!!!), Isaac, Leroy, and Cahutta were impressive. By the team itself, I thought yellow team had it the bag AND they went second. Not sure if it was viable, but if I was yellow, I would just tell the weak people to jump like Aneesa and Jessica so the people wouldn't waste time/strength hanging for people who would (probably) fall no matter what. Cahutta really made that look easy and he is doing really well, but all these elimination rounds do not suit him well.
Isaac had a lot of commentary this mission, I knew he was donezo lol.
Theresa picked over Laurel again?
The best part of these shows has been the prepicking/picking stage, it's really surprising. When hearing about the format I really thought there was no much politics, but I have been anything but right. While throwing in Laurel/Bananas was a gutsy and power move, I think it's an okay move to make if you're on the "middle of the road" team of purple. They just got screwed by the draw. Isaac and Jasmine were probably the last people they wanted. Bananas could have possibly went up against CT (that would have been amazing to watch) and Laurel against Camila or Nany or Aneesa. The luck of the draw isn't for ******* up the norm lol.
Foresight is a hell of a thing. Theresa's move was major and bit her in the ***, but at first it looked like a smart move that she could get the votes and not take credit for the power move. Then it was dumb because she got ratted out by Devyn (Devyn making a political difference in this game !?!?!?!?!!?). Now with that hindsight if she would do it over again, if I were her, I'd do the same, just vote straight up for Laurel so she gets convoluted with Devyn/Jonna/Leroy/Zach. Devyn has nothing to worry about IMO because even if she was gunning for Laurel, Laurel wouldn't give a ****.
Also shows that Bananas really has no one really besides CT and maybe Leroy. Those 3 are strong though, and when it comes to individual challenges, those will be huge because they can control who goes in. CT/Bananas/Leroy/Preston vs Zach/Jordan/Johnny/Swift/Cahutta is where I feel where the line in the sand is drawn. If one side wins, one of the others is going to be thrown in (except CT/Bananas and Zach/Jordan will be targeted). Just my theory.
Elimination would have been real interesting if Aneesa went in vs Laurel. Laurel still probably would have won, but it would have been somewhat competitive, especially after Aneesa's ****talking.
Jordan saying "go earn your stripes" really was more a sarcastic jab more than anything. I don't think Jordan was being serious, but who knows.
Bananas really impressed me this elimination. Even though Isaac is average at best, Johnny really showed how powerful he is with is solid tackles and agile he is by changing directions/change of speed and all around mobility. Haven't been real impressed with him in an elimination since the Ruins vs Dunbar and that seems like it was a decade ago.
As I said before, I think all the players can do is win, throw in a big player on the otherside, and hope his friend draws the kill card.
Chet got screwed by those helmet shields lol
2 thoughts on the aftershow. It was kinda dumb.
1.Nia stuffed her bra and showed it to everyone? lol Too bad the money grab didn't mean **** and everyone got money.
2.Too bad it wasn't Emilee and Latoya in the trivia section wearing bikinis instead of Jemmye and Jasmine Emilee was smoking in the aftershow. Even thought she didn't show up to the competition, she was hot.
Updated my rankings of how the players value each other.
After 5 episodes, there are obvious tiers that are showing up.
For the guys remaining it's:
And the girls:
[QUOTE=TKW92;409969]I'll be honest I must be the only person who doesn't hate Jordan. He might be arrogant but I like that he at least tried to get a power player out and not kiss vet ***. Like he said "why should the vets get a free ride?"[/QUOTE]
I'm not a Jordan fan and I agree with everyone else about him being very arrogant, but he made the right decision voting for Bananas. I'm sick of the vets always telling the rookies they need to go in an prove themselves while simultaneously doing everything in their power to avoid being voted in themsleves. Being a vet doesn't mean you deserve to skate on through to the final without ever having see an elimination. I can't stand the superiority act most of these vets have just because they've been doing Challenges longer than the new guys. You are there to compete, so compete! Stop *****ing every time someone votes for you.
[QUOTE=SourWolf;409974]I'm not a Jordan fan and I agree with everyone else about him being very arrogant, but he made the right decision voting for Bananas. I'm sick of the vets always telling the rookies they need to go in an prove themselves while simultaneously doing everything in their power to avoid being voted in themsleves. Being a vet doesn't mean you deserve to skate on through to the final without ever having see an elimination. I can't stand the superiority act most of these vets have just because they've been doing Challenges longer than the new guys. You are there to compete, so compete! Stop *****ing every time someone votes for you.[/QUOTE]
Johnny was pissed by the stupid comment that Jordan made--a comment that made no sense
Johnny went in early during challenges (Duel & G3)...he's earned respect. Jordan's been horrible this season. Talk all you want IF you back it up. I'd love nothing more than to see Johnny (who I strongly dislike) beat Jordan in an elimination round.
Voting for Johnny was smart--keep your mouth shut afterward unless you're dominating missions
My issue is not that Johnny went in- because I think that everyone should go in atleast once if you're going to make the finals; rookie or not every season you should prove yourself. I think it's how Jordan worded it, "you need to earn your stripes," when he hasn't to begin with.Had he won a few eliminations (like Frank) the comment could make sense but when he hasn't even been in an elimination yet, he shouldn't be talking.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;409970]I am enjoying this season because it's not drunk drama...The drama we have seen so far is about the game with the exception of Camila/Nany/CT thing on episode 2.[/QUOTE]
I still like drunken drama but good drunken drama like Aneesa vs. Trishelle, Marie vs. Sam/Robb vs. Derek, Frank vs. Dustin and Nany, etc.
Those gave me a good laugh. CT vs. Camila was funny but Nany vs. Camila was not especially since they apologized the next morning and there was no more tension.
Ranking the episodes this season from 1-10
Episode 1- [B]9[/B] (I always love the first mission and the first episode of a challenge more than any. And this mission and elimination was good)
Episode 2- [B]5[/B] (I was bored out of mind. The mission was okay but better in the previews but the elimination and everything else including Nany vs. Camila was terrible to watch)
Episode 3- [B]6[/B] (The elimination sucked. It should have been pairs and not teams of 4. That way everyone would have to do something. There was like no drama. Only good thing was the elimination)
Episode 4- [B]9[/B] (This episode was a major turn around. I didn't really care for the mission as much. It was better on The Amazing Race lol but the drama was great. It finally happened and it kept me entertained. The real sucky part was the elimination)
Episode 5- [B]7[/B] (Last nights challenge was the best we have seen in a while IMO. I like those types of missions. The voting drama was not as good as last week. Laurel's stare down was lame and Theresa's vote was lamer. I'm sick of the Bananas vs. Jordan drama and I'm hoping one of them goes homes soon. And Laurel vs. Jasmine was the worse. Waste of an elimination and Bananas vs. Isaac was really whatever)
5 episodes in I rate this challenge a [B]7.2[/B]- not bad I guess.
[QUOTE=auldx;409979]My issue is not that Johnny went in- because I think that everyone should go in atleast once if you're going to make the finals; rookie or not every season you should prove yourself. I think it's how Jordan worded it, "you need to earn your stripes," when he hasn't to begin with.Had he won a few eliminations (like Frank) the comment could make sense but when he hasn't even been in an elimination yet, he shouldn't be talking.[/QUOTE]
I really think that Jordan was saying that to be a **** to Johnny more than being a serious "go prove yourself" to everyone.
So if they are going in order of the eliminations the wall one is next! If Jordan does this little card flip bull**** next episode vs bananas he is stupid how is he going to climb with that club hand thing he has
[QUOTE=EstimatedRoa;409981]I really think that Jordan was saying that to be a **** to Johnny more than being a serious "go prove yourself" to everyone.[/QUOTE]
Then it supports the fact he's an idiot.
I agree with a lot of what's being said here. I like Johnny but I have no problem with him going in even in the earlier stages of the game. They SHOULD'VE gone for either him or CT and Johnny was probably the better move as CT had a stronger chance at coming back. And you know what? I don't think JOHNNY cared that he was voted in. He joked about it with Cara, and didn't seem to give a **** that Zach and Reilly went for him. It probably wouldn't have even bothered him if Jordan just said his name and was done with it. But for a kid on his second show who, granted had a good showing on his first, has DQed in 3 challenges and been forgettable on the other 2 to tell a four time champ and the winningest player in the history of the show in terms of money that he needed to earn his stripes was idiotic. Again...I agree with the move, just not the mouth.
So the MTV.com version of this episode decided to not include a certain Cara Maria scene from last night
AKA if anyone has this scene please do the world a favor and let us know where to find it
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;409987]So the MTV.com version of this episode decided to not include a certain Cara Maria scene from last night
AKA if anyone has this scene please do the world a favor and let us know where to find it[/QUOTE]
Which scene? Delishow.com must have it
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;409987]So the MTV.com version of this episode decided to not include a certain Cara Maria scene from last night
AKA if anyone has this scene please do the world a favor and let us know where to find it[/QUOTE]
It wasn't apart of the episode her streaking was during the commercial break.
[QUOTE=Kripsters1;409957]Does anybody know if the aftershow will come on MTV.com ? Never mind, already got my answer :P[/QUOTE]
What's the answer. I want to watch the aftershow, too.
[QUOTE=JL81790;409986]I agree with a lot of what's being said here. I like Johnny but I have no problem with him going in even in the earlier stages of the game. They SHOULD'VE gone for either him or CT and Johnny was probably the better move as CT had a stronger chance at coming back. And you know what? I don't think JOHNNY cared that he was voted in. He joked about it with Cara, and didn't seem to give a **** that Zach and Reilly went for him. It probably wouldn't have even bothered him if Jordan just said his name and was done with it. But for a kid on his second show who, granted had a good showing on his first, has DQed in 3 challenges and been forgettable on the other 2 to tell a four time champ and the winningest player in the history of the show in terms of money that he needed to earn his stripes was idiotic. Again...I agree with the move, just not the mouth.[/QUOTE]
I agree Johnny wasn't even mad at Zach/Johnny R. It was the way Jordan went about it, even Caramaria went about it in a respectful way and Johnny joked back. Jordan was like laughing about it and then said the dumbest thing that didn't even make sense to say.
After suffering through the heat of the Dominican Republic and Thailand for the last two Rivals shows, how great does Uruguay look? Seriously.
- Once again, I love that they just jump right into The Challenge because you know that the bulk of the show is going to be based on the competition of the show and we won't have to live with the pre-lude of someone taking (******) chances, making (drunken) mistakes, and getting (squeemishly) nasty. Kudos if you get the reference.
- This is one of the more difficult challenges they've had since last season's trapeze dive, and I'd considering running up 42 flights of stairs is hard as hell with 10 people doing it at once. While upper body strength played a major role in this, even if you had upper body strength, you were completely burnt out because of how long you had to wait to get across. Looking at the teams picked and how many great competitors were on Camila's team, I almost immediately picked them as the winners. But damn, this Challenge was hard because all of the veterans/heavy hitters couldn't complete it. Can we just point out how bad Leroy is as a team member on this Challenge? It seemed like all he did was complain about people stepping on them and didn't really provide any support to help his team members out, unlike Preston who managed to hang on for dear life and have this entire heavy set team step all over him. Unlike the ball one last week, this one I'll actually give it up to Presto...besides the fact he cost his team The Challenge.
- Anyone else believe that Swift has no upper body strength? Considering Swift's entire attitude, it looks like all those muscles are for show more than anything.
- [B]Fun Fact:[/B] As of this episode, Jessica has the most wins out of any competitor and has not had to risk The Draw even ONCE with 4/5 wins. Lady luck, thy name is Jessica.
- The political process for the boys is pretty straight forward, and considering that they want to take out a guy, Bananas is easily the clear pick which would send him in the elimination his earliest in the game in quite a number of a years. First elimination since Exes, earliest since The Island 2 or Gauntlet 3.
- The process for picking girls is hilarious. Theresa throws the name Laurel out there, an incredibly ballsy, yet still plausible pick for an elimination. If Laurel does go in, she could potentially end up against Camila or Aneesa, both proven chicks in an elimination round. Not bad. Given that the girls know that they will absolutely, positively, not win a final against Laurel they opt to vote her in at any opportunity they can. However, once the vote begins and everyone begins throwing in Laurel...Theresa changes her vote at the last second so the blame doesn't land anywhere NEAR her (and actually throws Jasmine under the BUS. AGAIN. Jasmine, you need better friends).
I'm usually a fan of these clearly backhanded tactics because it's a mental part of the game and it feels like a war tactic to preserve yourself. Jonna did something like this on 'Seasons' where she convinced Jasmine to go in an elimination round where she clearly had no chance, and sent her home. Trishelle did the same, where she stalled in the team voting process so that San Diego would pick Nany and she'd stick around for the remainder of the game.
Now, Theresa has a quite clear history of decisions that not only show that she can't be trusted, but which absolutely backfire right in her face:
[INDENT]01. [B]Rivals I:[/B] She concocted a scheme to make everyone believe Camila and herself were throwing the mission, when in reality they hoped to catch Cara Maria & Laurel would be surprised enough by their ACTUAL performance that they would lose their elimination round. Instead, Theresa/Camila were sent home.
02. [B]Rivals II:[/B] She sided with the rookie girls instead of the veteran girls, and in a move that set woman's suffrage back a 100 years, she used the one team that actually had her back as a throwaway vote to start the voting process. She then tried to rally to get Aneesa/Diem thrown in, but Jordan betrayed her and she was actually thrown in the elimination and sent home.[/INDENT]
Here's the difference between Jonna/Trishelle's scheme and Theresa's. Jonna/Trishelle played their cards towards the END of the game and not in the first half. Theresa's scheme may have worked, but now she is completely untrustworthy to more than half of the house in doing so. Not to mention her plan absolutely backfired. Not to mention, this prompts this epic Devyn face.
- CT picks the blank card and TJ says, "Congratulations Bananas." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
- Balls In was a complete squash on both ends. Laurel looked like a bounce escorting Jasmine out of the club every time and Johnny cleared Isaac EVERY TIME. With Isaac and Jasmine eliminated, the competitors become a bit better at this halfway mark. There's really no weak links.
- Do I think Johnny's hand comment was a low blow? Yes. Do I think Jordan cares? No. I don't know why anyone else does.
Next episode: TRIVIAAAAAAA!
I remember reading on this forum that CT's dominant punching hand is his left hand. He hit Adam with his right, so perhaps that's why Adam didn't get knocked out. Also, CT was only bleeding because Adam sliced his head open by whacking him with the beer can. The cut on CT's head required stitches if I recall correctly.
[QUOTE=TwoStrikes;409620]Yes that was a good strategy.
did it work out as planned? No.
Was Jessica's strategy of telling both Latoya AND aneesa she wasn't gonna vote for them in hopes of them not voting for her in the future a good strategy knowing everyone was voting for either one or the other? No.
There's a difference between a good strategy not being played out correctly and a bad strategy.[/QUOTE]
It depend on what the end goal is. Theressa's move in theory was good but you have to realize that you will **** people off who can go report to Laurel what happened. That does you no good. Devyn made a great move her self by spilling the beans and it possibly puts Devyn in a better position than yourself. If Theressa knew that it wasn't going to get back to Laurel, then yes it would have been a fantastic move. As it stands it just makes her look shady and it ruins what trust she had with the females who voted with her. It was not thought out.
Now if Jessica's plan was just to get neither girl to target her, then that was probably a terrible move. However, if her plan was to rile Aneesa up and get Laurel and Aneesa warring with each other allowing her to be less of a target, that's a great move. She probably didn't expect Aneesa to throw her under the bus as she did by putting her name out there. It's still not bad to have those two going after each other. That potentially buys you an extra elimination.
Good episode.
I'm not surprised that two of the top 3 female competitors Laurel and Cara Maria were the only females to complete a challenge involving allot of upper-body strength.
I'm really liking the voting decision this season. I liked that Theresa stop being completely irrelevant on this show (athletically and politically) and tried to make a strategic move, BUT her changing her vote was a dumb move. And I believe that there's a strong chance that we will see how this stupid move by her will backfire in voting decisions later on in the challenge. I hope she goes home soon. We are almost half way in this challenge and my perception of her still hasn't change, an ok competitor who doesn't bring strong competition nor smart political decisions nor good drama, she's just... there.
Also really wanted to see Laurel vs Aneesa in Balls in. Was disappointed that Jasmine got the kill card and we got a boring elimination. It Kind of reminded me of Gauntlet 3 when we finally saw Queen Evelyn in an awesome solo physical elimination round and yet her opponent was Casey, lol.
And about the popular topic of Johnny vs Jordan that you guys like to talk about, I personally can't stand neither of them. So I just hope they go into an elimination together and get the most intense physical elimination round where I won't be rooting for neither of them, and will just enjoy them fighting against each other and be sitting there like "Let the best man win".
Anyway, great season so far IMO.
[QUOTE=EstimatedRoa;410093]Laurel fell. Cara was the only girl to make it across.[/QUOTE]
Laurel didn't fall. Cohutta grabbed her as she swung on to the platform. That's when he told Bananas to just shut up and dry off.
I loved Laurel's attitude this episode!She was so supportive to Cara, a good sport with Jaz then just completely intense and crazy about everything else which is hilarious to me. Her death stare would have put the fear in me for sure. Plus, she looks REALLY pretty this season.
[QUOTE=thisismyuser;409876]Tasha I know you are a big fan of Isaac you should look on Frank's instagram there is a picture you would probably like.[/QUOTE]
Thank you. God is real. That'll keep me busy until next season.
it's things like this that confuse me about this place, you people would rather argue over these unimportant challengers and challenges when we could be discussing Isaac's ****.