Survivor Fantasy casts

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Survivor India Second vs third vs forth [COLOR="#FFD700"]Marwar Tribe (Forth place) Natalie Holly Ashley Matty Eddie Hayden [/COLOR][COLOR="#00FFFF"]Lushai Tribe (3rd place) Erin Chelsea Cirie Terry Mick Albert [/COLOR][COLOR="#B22222"]Tamil Tribe (2nd place) Sabrina Neleh Amanda Chase Coach Cloby [/COLOR] [B]Merged Tribe [/B]
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;392178]Survivor India Second vs third vs forth [COLOR="#FFD700"]Marwar Tribe (Forth place) Natalie Holly Ashley Matty Eddie Hayden [/COLOR][COLOR="#00FFFF"]Lushai Tribe (3rd place) Erin Chelsea Cirie Terry Mick Albert [/COLOR][COLOR="#B22222"]Tamil Tribe (2nd place) Sabrina Neleh Amanda Chase Coach Cloby [/COLOR] [B]Merged Tribe [/B][/QUOTE] I like this idea and the cast but the only problem is that Hayden finished in seventh place, not fourth. Swap him for Malcolm or Brett.
My bad I changed it from a second chance one so I forgot to change him. Yeah I'd put Malcolm in
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;392178]Survivor India Second vs third vs forth [COLOR="#FFD700"]Marwar Tribe (Forth place) Natalie Holly Ashley Matty Eddie Malcolm [/COLOR][COLOR="#00FFFF"]Lushai Tribe (3rd place) Erin Chelsea Cirie Terry Mick Albert [/COLOR][COLOR="#B22222"]Tamil Tribe (2nd place) Sabrina Neleh Amanda Chase Coach Cloby [/COLOR] [B]Merged Tribe [/B][/QUOTE] Fixed
Survivor New Guinea All Stars 2, only second or third time contestants comment on who makes the.merge [COLOR="#0099ff"]Puncak Tribe Hayden Terry Brad Matty Fabio Cierra Chelsea Jane Corrine Taj [/COLOR][COLOR="#ff3300"]Digul Tribe Eddie Troyzan Yul Sash Malcolm Shambo Sabrina Natelie Whitney Brenda [/COLOR][COLOR="#008000"]Merged Tribe[/COLOR]
Heros vs villains 2 Location- Angola [COLOR="#00FFFF"]Heros Tribe Jane Cierra Shambo Taj RC Terry Malcolm Eddie Ozzy Hayden [/COLOR][COLOR="#00FF00"]Villains Tribe Alicia Abi Maria Corrine Natalie Kim Marty Russell Brad Shane Sash [/COLOR]
Thoughts on this cast? Season 30: Winners vs. Finalists vs. Mergers (people who made it to the merge, but not the finals) Winners: Boston Rob (Marquesas) Bob (Gabon) Richard (Borneo) Tyson (Tocantins) Parvati (Cook Islands) Kim (One World) Denise (Philippines) Sandra (Pearl Islands) Finalists: Russell (Samoa) Kelly (Borneo) Ozzy (Cook Islands) Amanda (China) Phillip (Redemption Island) Sugar (Gabon) *Cagayan finalist* Stephenie(Palau) Mergers: Penner (Cook Islands) Cirie (Exile Island) Malcolm (Philippines) Eliza (Vanuatu) Randy (Gabon) Cierra (Blood vs. Water) Rob C. (Amazon) Corinne (Gabon) I will admit there may be a bit too much Gabon there haha. And yes I realize 3 tribes of 8 would probably be way too much.
Survivor Mozambique Survivor second chance [COLOR="#FF0000"]Buzaruto Tribe Cliff Hayden Eddie Ace Matty Cierra Shambo Whitney Chelsea Alexis [/COLOR][COLOR="#008000"]Maputo Tribe Mick Brad Troyzan Chase Carter Jane Taj Sabrina RC Melissa [/COLOR]
This was an idea my little sister came up with, and I threw the cast together. I'm not sold on it, but it can't be any worse than redemption island (which IMO only worked for Blood vs Water). Survivor: Game of Reverse Location: Patagonia 18 returning players. Contestants begin the game in the Merge phase. When 12 remain, instead of the Merge, the Divide will occur, splitting them into 3 tribes of 4. Tribe swaps/shuffles/absorptions will occur to keep the tribes fairly even in number. Jury begins at 10 with a final 2. [COLOR="#0066ff"][B]Merge Tribe:[/B] Greg (Borneo) Jason (Micronesia) Malcolm (Philippines) Marty (Nicaragua) Rich (Borneo) Rob C (Amazon) Shane (Panama) Terry (Panama) Troyzan (One World) Abi-Maria (Philippines) Chelsea (One World) Christine (South Pacific) Crystal (Gabon) Denise (Philippines) Kelly (Borneo) Peih-Gee (China) Sierra (Tocantins) Tasha (Cagayan)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="#660099"]Cipolletti Tribe[/COLOR] [COLOR="#FFD700"]Trelew Tribe[/COLOR] [COLOR="#ff6633"]Ushuaia Tribe[/COLOR][/B]
Survivor Madagascar Pre merge vs post merge vs finalists [COLOR="#00FFFF"]Massif Tribe(pre merge) Cliff Brad Ace Melissa Kristina Hope [/COLOR][COLOR="#008000"]Alaotra Tribe(post merge) Hayden Carter Grant Cierra Morgan Natalie(Micronesia) [/COLOR][COLOR="#B22222"]Kinkony Tribe(finalist) Chase Mick Coach Chelsea Erin Amanda [/COLOR]
Survivor: Heroes vs Villains II [COLOR="#006633"][B]Heroes:[/B] Andrew (Pearl Islands) Hayden (Blood vs Water) Malcolm (Philippines) Ozzy (Cook Islands) Troyzan (One World) Chelsea (One World) Ciera (Blood vs Water) Jane (Nicaragua) Kelly (Borneo) Peih-Gee (China)[/COLOR] [COLOR="#330066"][B]Villains:[/B] Ace (Gabon) Jon (Pearl Islands) Rich (Borneo) Rob (The Amazon) Shane (Panama) Abi-Maria (Philippines) Corinne (Gabon) Kass (Cagayan) Natalie (Micronesia) Twila (Vanuatu)[/COLOR]
Heros vs villains 2 Location- Nigeria [COLOR="#0099ff"]Heros Tribe Jane Cierra Shambo Tasha RC Spenser Malcolm Eddie Ozzy Hayden [/COLOR][COLOR="#008000"]Villains Tribe Alicia Abi Maria Corrine Natalie Kass Marty Russell Brad Shane Tony [/COLOR][COLOR="#FF0000"]Merged Tribe[/COLOR]
Survivor: TBA Lex (Africa) Malcolm (Philippines) Rich (Borneo) Rob C (The Amazon) Savage (Pearl Islands) Shane (Panama) Spencer (Cagayan) Terry (Panama) Tom (Africa) Troyzan (One World) Christy (The Amazon) Ciera (Blood vs Water) Crystal (Gabon) Denise (Philippines) Erinn (Tocantins) Jenna (The Amazon) Kelly (Borneo) Monica (One World) Natalie (Micronesia) Tasha (Cagayan)
Survivor Bangladesh 20 contestants competing for a second chance [COLOR="#00FF00"]Padma Tribe Woo Brad Ace Hayden Spenser Cierra Chelsea Jane Tasha Eliza [/COLOR][COLOR="#000080"]Jamuna Tribe Carter Troyzan Terry Eddie Matty RC Taj Morgan Natalie(Micronesia) Holly [/COLOR]
Survivor: Guam 20 returnees coming back for a second chance at being crowned the sole survivor. Note: I decided to keep this cast recentish by only choosing from Nicaragua - Present. Men: Spencer Bledsoe(Cagayan) Woo Hwang(Cagayan) Troyzan Robertson(One World) Reynold Topfer(Caramoan) Hayden Moss(Blood vs Water) Brad Culpepper(Blood vs Water) Albert Destrade(South Pacific) Sash Lenahan(Nicaragua) Marty Piombo(Nicaragua) Ralph Kiser(Redemption Island) Women: Jane Bright(Nicaragua) Stephanie Valencia(Redemption Island) Christine Shields(South Pacific) Chelsea Meissner(One World) Abi Maria Gomez(Philippines) RC Saint-Amour(Philippines) Ciera Eastin(Blood vs Water) Tasha Fox(Cagayan) Trish Hegarty(Cagayan) Katie Collins(Blood vs Water) Alternates: Pete Yurkowski(Philippines), Vytas Baskaukas(Blood vs Water), Sabrina Thompson(One World), Holly Hoffman(Nicaragua)
[B][U]Survivor: Cambodia - [COLOR="#B22222"]Blood[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="#006699"]Water[/COLOR][/U][/B] [COLOR="#B22222"]Jamie (Guatemala)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]his brother, Ramie[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Malcolm (Philippines)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]his brother, Miles[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Marty (Nicaragua)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]his wife[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Terry (Panama)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]his daughter[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Troyzan (One World)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]his brother[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Chelsea (One World)[/COLOR] &[COLOR="#006699"] her dad[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Cindy (Guatemala)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]her sister, Mindy[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Eliza (Vanuatu)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]her mother[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Holly (Nicaragua)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]her daughter[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]RC (Philippines)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]her dad, Craig[/COLOR] Alternates: Bobby Jon & his cousin Edna & her sister Tom & his son
Okay I'm gonna take a stab at a fantasy cast LOL [CENTER][B]HEROES VS. VILLAINS 2 [/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="#000080"][CENTER][B]HEROES[/B] [B]Eddie[/B] (Caramoan) [B]Hayden[/B] (Blood vs. Water) [B]Malcolm[/B] (Philippines & Caramoan) [B]Matt[/B] (Redemption Island) [B]Spencer[/B] (Cagayan) [B]Ashley[/B] (Redemption Island) [B]Chelsea[/B] (One World) [B]Ciera[/B] (Blood vs. Water) [B]Morgan[/B] (Cagayan) [B]Tasha[/B] (Cagayan)[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"][CENTER][B]VILLAINS[/B] [B]Albert[/B] (South Pacific) [B]Brad[/B] (Blood vs. Water) [B]Reynold[/B] (Caramoan) [B]Troyzan[/B] (One World) [B]Vytas[/B] (Blood vs. Water) [B]Abi-Maria[/B] (Philippines) [B]Andrea[/B] (Redemption Island & Caramoan) [B]J'Tia[/B] (Cagayan) [B]Kass[/B] (Cagayan) [B]RC[/B] (Philippines)[/CENTER][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=LurkerNoMore;415785][B][U]Survivor: Cambodia - [COLOR="#B22222"]Blood[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="#006699"]Water[/COLOR][/U][/B] [COLOR="#B22222"]Jamie (Guatemala)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]his brother, Ramie[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Malcolm (Philippines)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]his brother, Miles[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Marty (Nicaragua)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]his wife[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Terry (Panama)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]his daughter[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Troyzan (One World)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]his brother[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Chelsea (One World)[/COLOR] &[COLOR="#006699"] her dad[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Cindy (Guatemala)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]her sister, Mindy[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Eliza (Vanuatu)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]her mother[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]Holly (Nicaragua)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]her daughter[/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"]RC (Philippines)[/COLOR] & [COLOR="#006699"]her dad, Craig[/COLOR] Alternates: Bobby Jon & his cousin Edna & her sister Tom & his son[/QUOTE] Lol are there names really Jamie & Ramie? But I do like the cast
[QUOTE=Livewitpeace;415926]Okay I'm gonna take a stab at a fantasy cast LOL [CENTER][B]HEROES VS. VILLAINS 2 [/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="#000080"][CENTER][B]HEROES[/B] [B]Eddie[/B] (Caramoan) [B]Hayden[/B] (Blood vs. Water) [B]Malcolm[/B] (Philippines & Caramoan) [B]Matt[/B] (Redemption Island) [B]Spencer[/B] (Cagayan) [B]Ashley[/B] (Redemption Island) [B]Chelsea[/B] (One World) [B]Ciera[/B] (Blood vs. Water) [B]Morgan[/B] (Cagayan) [B]Tasha[/B] (Cagayan)[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR="#B22222"][CENTER][B]VILLAINS[/B] [B]Albert[/B] (South Pacific) [B]Brad[/B] (Blood vs. Water) [B]Reynold[/B] (Caramoan) [B]Troyzan[/B] (One World) [B]Vytas[/B] (Blood vs. Water) [B]Abi-Maria[/B] (Philippines) [B]Andrea[/B] (Redemption Island & Caramoan) [B]J'Tia[/B] (Cagayan) [B]Kass[/B] (Cagayan) [B]RC[/B] (Philippines)[/CENTER][/COLOR][/QUOTE] You want to see Jtia again?
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;415930]You want to see Jtia again?[/QUOTE] I wouldn't mind and Jeff said on the reunion he would have her back in heartbeat.
Survivor Patagonia Old vs young 2 [COLOR="#B22222"]Valcheta Tribe (Old) Terry Marty LJ Brad Troyzan Jane Shambo Tasha Kass Sabrina [/COLOR][COLOR="#008000"]Palena Tribe (young) Hayden Eddie Malcolm Spenser Carter Cierra Chelsea Brenda Morgan Melissa [/COLOR]
Survivor India Second vs third vs forth [COLOR="#800080"]Marwar Tribe (2nd place) Sabrina Danielle Monica Coach Chase Woo [/COLOR][COLOR="#00FFFF"]Lushai Tribe (3rd place) Erin Chelsea Kass Terry Mick Albert [/COLOR][COLOR="#B22222"]Tamil Tribe (4th place) Natalie Holly Ashley Eddie Spenser Matty [/COLOR] [COLOR="#00FF00"]Merged Tribe[/COLOR]
Survivor: Generations Richard Hatch, Rob Cesternino, Jonny Fairplay, Ethan Zohn, "Boston Rob" Mariano Sandra Diaz-Twine, Jerri Manthey, Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien, Jenna Morasca, Alicia Calaway Yul Kwon, Jonathan Penner, Tyson Apostol, Russell Hantz, Shane Powers Parvati Shallow, Amanda Kimmel, Cirie Fields, Corinne Kaplan, Courtney Yates Malcolm Freberg, John Cochran, Phillip Sheppard, Tony Vlachos, Spencer Bledsoe Ciera Eastin, Andrea Boehlke, Brenda Lowe, Lisa Whelchel, Tasha Fox
All-Star Survivor (Nicaragua-Cagayan) Malcolm (25,26) Cochran (23,26) Phillip (22,26) Tony (28) Spencer (28) Hayden (27) Troyzan (24) Reynold (26) Woo (28) Marty (21) Andrea (22,26) Brenda (21,26) Dawn (23,26) Lisa (25) Ciera (27) Kim (24) Tasha (28) Kass (28) Sarah (28) Chelsea (24)
Heroes vs. Villains 2: Heroes: Malcolm (Philippines) Ciera (BVW) Spencer (Cagayan) Denise (Philippines) Hayden (BVW) Kim (One World) Kenny (Gabon) Tasha (Cagayan) Fabio (Nicaragua) Eliza (Vanuatu) Villains: Tony (Cagayan) Kass (Cagayan) Vytas (BVW) Abi (Philippines) Brad (BVW) Trish (Cagayan) Rob C (Amazon) Corinne (Gabon) Richard (Borneo) Alicia (Australian Outback)
Survivor: Congo [COLOR=#FF8C00]Patiki Tribe: Spencer (Cagayan) Hayden (Blood vs. Water) Todd (China) Colby (The Australian Outback) Yul (Cook Islands) Cirie (Panama) Taj (Tocantins) Eliza (Vanuatu) Alexis (Micronesia) Kass (Cagayan)[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000FF]Lutai Tribe: Brad (Blood vs. Water) Woo (Cagayan) Malcolm (Phillipines) Troyzan (One World) Vytas (Blood vs. Water) Parvati (Cook Islands) Jefra (Cagayan) Ciera (Blood vs. Water) Peih-Gee (China) Abi Maria (Phillipines)[/COLOR] [COLOR=#00FF00]Merged Tribe[/COLOR]
Survivor New Guinea,champions vs challengers [COLOR="#0099ff"]Puncak Tribe(Champions) Tony Fabio Tyson Yul Aras Kim Denise Sophie Parvati Jenna [/COLOR][COLOR="#FF0000"]Digul Tribe(challengers) Eddie Woo Chase Spenser Malcolm Tasha Sabrina Morgan Corrine Brenda [/COLOR][COLOR="#008000"]Merged Tribe[/COLOR]

Survivor: One World II 

Instead of Boys vs. Girls what if they really did "One World". 18 castaways lived on 1 tribe from Day 1 to Day 39. So basically they were merged the entire game. 

Until final 11 they would compete at the Immunity challenges in 2 teams, 3 teams, or even partners randomly picked and whoever won those would be safe. Then the losers go to tribal council. And only the losers! So when they returned to the tribe not everyone would know what happened at Tribal and what if someones allie was voted out. I think it would complicate peoples game play because the power will always shift. It would kinda be like a Free Agents of Survior. 

I love Redemption Island so if there was a way to add it to this that would be great. Cause imagine going to Redemption and the voted out person throws everyone who voted for them under the bus to those who weren't at Tribal. Once they start jury though, they can ditch RI and play it as regulary. Or if this new Exile Island things work then maybe they do could that. 

Survivor: One World II 

Instead of Boys vs. Girls what if they really did "One World". 18 castaways lived on 1 tribe from Day 1 to Day 39. So basically they were merged the entire game. 

Until final 11 they would compete at the Immunity challenges in 2 teams, 3 teams, or even partners randomly picked and whoever won those would be safe. Then the losers go to tribal council. And only the losers! So when they returned to the tribe not everyone would know what happened at Tribal and what if someones allie was voted out. I think it would complicate peoples game play because the power will always shift. It would kinda be like a Free Agents of Survior. 

I love Redemption Island so if there was a way to add it to this that would be great. Cause imagine going to Redemption and the voted out person throws everyone who voted for them under the bus to those who weren't at Tribal. Once they start jury though, they can ditch RI and play it as regulary. Or if this new Exile Island things work then maybe they do could that. 

I posted something kind of similar earlier in the thread. Game of Reverse or something (my sister came up with it), begin the game as one tribe, then have a 'Divide' where they compete in tribes for the remainder. There'd have to be several swaps to keep numbers even though and it'd probably get confusing.

I like the One World twist, I'd really like to see it used in a Blood vs Water season. You'd always have your loved one, but that could be snatched away in an instant. Speaking of BvW,  I had an idea for one with 6 teams of four loved ones: 2 parents, 2 children. Divide the tribes into young vs old, the kids vs the parents. You'd be playing with a loved one, as well as against 2 others, it could get really interesting!

Survivor: Madagascar

Masir Tribe:

Fabio (Nicaragua)

Ethan (Africa)

Vytas (Blood vs. Water)

Spencer (Cagayan)

Matty (Gabon)

Eliza (Vanuatu)

Sarah (Cagayan)

RC (Phillipines)

Alexis (Micronesia)

Taj (Tocantins)

Lotai Tribe:

Woo (Cagayan)

Stephen (Tocantins)

Todd (China)

Hayden (Blood vs. Water)

Colby (The Australian Outback)

Abi-Maria (Phillipines)

Corinne (Gabon)

Jefra (Cagayan)

Ciera (Blood vs. Water)

Andrea (Redemption Island)

