The Challenge: Rivals II - True Colors

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No, I do start out liking everyone. (Aneesa included.) But I started disliking her soon after initially seeing her character on TV. Since that was years ago, I referred to it as "always", by which I meant that my dislike for her has spanned a long time. I don't think I'm explaining that very well, but hopefully it makes sense. Also, I don't actively [I]dislike[/I] her (I've used that word so far for convenience), I just don't [I]like [/I]her. When I see a scene with her in it, I just feel exasperated and tune out. She isn't interesting to me. She does rub me the wrong way, but all that leads to is me feeling apathetic about her. I prefer almost all of the other castmembers over her. I'm sure Aneesa wouldn't lose any sleep over my opinions though. :P
[QUOTE=Britney;367114] Yeah, I really do sympathize with her during this episode, for probably the first time ever. I still think the fight with Trishelle was kind of ridiculous. Trishelle was so drunk and inarticulate that Aneesa should have just let the girl continue making herself look stupid. :P[/QUOTE] But it was the kind of silly ridiculous fight that made the in house drama so much fun in the first place. I liked it better than people like Frank's fights where he would go for the lowest blow possible.
Wait a minute, I actually didn't see that part that made it clear Diem had told CT and Wes she wanted to go against the stronger team in an elimination. So now she's being a big baby about Paula/Emily. Girl, bye.
Diem tells paula and emily she is pissed that cooke and cara are celebrating after their challenge win. Diem says they dont deserve to be in the final. Why does Diem feel this way when her team placed last and cookes team placed first?
[QUOTE=PizzaGuy;397562]Diem tells paula and emily she is pissed that cooke and cara are celebrating after their challenge win. Diem says they dont deserve to be in the final. Why does Diem feel this way when her team placed last and cookes team placed first?[/QUOTE] Strong first post to thread date ratio.
[QUOTE=JayTee;397585]Strong first post to thread date ratio.[/QUOTE] My favorite part of the episode was watching Cooke celebrate after her win and watching Diem's eyes bug out.
When Diem and Jemmye are arguing outside on the deck, It sounded like Diem said "I don't go with girls" right before Aneesa tells Diem to be quiet. Does anybody know what that was in reference to?
[QUOTE=PizzaGuy;397562]Diem tells paula and emily she is pissed that cooke and cara are celebrating after their challenge win. Diem says they dont deserve to be in the final. Why does Diem feel this way when her team placed last and cookes team placed first?[/QUOTE] Because Diem doesn't like Cooke. I think her hostility towards Cooke had something to do with CT. If I'm remembering correctly, Cooke and CT were kind of flirty with each other for a while. Cooke also has a reputation of trying to "steal" other women's boyfriends. So Cooke hanging around CT is probably not something Diem would be okay with. What bothered me most about that entire thing was Diem implying Cara doesn't deserve to be in the final either. She and Cara are supposedly friends in real life but you wouldn't think so from the way Diem acted on Rivals 2. She completely threw an alleged friend under the bus all because she had a problem with said friend's teammate. Kind of messed up if you ask me.
Diem feels like she is entitled to win and becomes irritable when she is forced into an elimination. Now granted, on this Challenge, she was coming off of dealing with cancer, was in recovery, and was taking meds to help her heal more quickly. But these meds, as she has even said, made her more unbalanced than normal. She's said she is not proud of the way she acted but she also did not get a favorable edit that she was used to getting either. ... I only offer up her FM fight with Tina from Ep 15 as evidence. [url=]Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Fresh Meat Episode 15 - YouTube[/url]
So surprised this thread is still open so long after the season wrapped. Honestly, I didn't really think that Diem's behavior on the episode was that bad, just unexpected as she'd kept her cool for most of the season until that point. When I think about the rest of the cast's behavior and them going off in this challenge - Camila throwing furniture and having multiple people hold her down (thrilla in camila), Zach freaking out, CT getting into it with multiple people, Jordan losing it, Jemmye's ketchup freak-out fight with Knight which he said in an interview happened after she held a knife to his throat which is why he did it (wtf?) - I'm not sure why Diem was crucified for this episode. I didn't see Diem throw anything, hit anyone, or do anything sleazy, etc. I think Diem gets held to a higher standard as she's seen as one of the "good guys" or mature ones. CT, Camila, Paula, Jemmye, CT, etc. all act far worse and so our expectations of them are lower and we aren't surprised if they act crazy at least once on each challenge (for Camila it's now expected and based on the Free Agents promo happening yet again). As Paula herself said in the reunion, "all of us on the stage have acted far worse for a lot less" than Diem. Cara Maria and Diem are totally cool. Cara Maria adds a gushing comment to nearly all of Diem's instagram photos. I really think Diem made a mistake coming to this challenge so quickly after her ordeal. She was in surgical menopause and prob dealing with fear of cancer coming back and grief over the loss of her fertility happening before she had kids. Don't think any of us can imagine the horrors. As for the Fresh Meat "freak out", yeah she was ticked off for what looked like a few minutes because she'd made a prior deal with Tina/Kenny, but I think she looked particularly pissed her off when Tina made fun of her for being "anorexic" since Diem knew why she was so thin (her weight loss was a product of her ovarian tumor) but she couldn't tell Tina that. I think they talked about it at the reunion and Tina said she respected her for not making a big deal about her cancer and keeping it secret, because if she knew she wouldn't have voted her in. I don't think Diem's perfect but she seems to have more substance, strength and complexity than most of the other "characters" on this series and she makes for great TV. I know she's fully retired now and wish her the best for her remission. Still can't believe she's back with CT though!
