Survivor Fantasy casts

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Survivor Fantasy casts

Like the challenge fantasy but for survivor Survivor The Congo All winners Niari tribe Tina Danni Denise Kim Amber JT Yul Richard Ethan Boston Rob Sangha Tribe Sophie Natalie Jenna Parvati Vecepia Fabio Tyson Aras Todd Earl

Survivor India Old vs young [COLOR="#FF8C00"]Deccan (old) Brad Steve Troyzan Matt Coach Jane Shambo Taj Debbie Laura M [/COLOR] [COLOR="#00FFFF"]Chota (young) Eddie Hayden Malcolm Jay Spenser Cierra Chelsea Mikalya Krista RC [/COLOR]
Survivor Seychelles: Battle of the Finalists 20 former castaways have returned to play the game once again. What do they all have in common? They all made it to the Final Tribal Council but ultimately lost to the sole survivor. Men: Albert(South Pacific) Ozzy(Cook Islands) Phillip(Redemption Island) Mick(Samoa) Stephen(Tocantins) Dreamz(Fiji) Colby(Australian Outback) Coach(Tocantins) Michael(Australian Outback) Gervase(Borneo) Women: Twila(Vanuatu) Chelsea(One World) Natalie(Redemption Island) Courtney(China) Stephenie(Palau) Becky(Cook Islands) Sabrina(One World) Dawn(South Pacific) Danielle(Panama) Monica(One World)
Survivor Namibia Heros VS Villains 2 [COLOR="#FF0000"]Heros Malcolm Erik Yau man Hayden Yul Cierra Jane Taj Chelsea Shambo [/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]Villains Brandon Brad Marty Shane Ken Kim Abi Natalie(Micronesia ) Corrine Alicia [/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;389057]Survivor Namibia Heros VS Villains 2 [COLOR=#FF0000]Heros Malcolm Erik Yau man Hayden Yul Cierra Jane Taj Chelsea Shambo [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000FF]Villains Brandon Brad Marty Shane Ken Kim Abi Natalie(Micronesia ) Corrine Alicia [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I am not a fan of Heroes vs Villains because determining who is a hero and who is a villain is so arbitrary. For example, why would Kim be considered a villain and Chelsea would be considered a hero? Chelsea and Kim were an alliance the entire game, yet one is a hero and the other is a villain?
Chelsea IMO just blindly followed whatever Kim would say because Kim ran the season. I don't think Chelsea made any choice about who went home IMO it was all Kim. The reason I put her as a hero is because I want to see how she would do on a different tribe then Kim. But I agree with you that its hard because you could make a argument for a lot of people like Ken not being a villain and Jane not being a hero. Its all about opinions with heros & Villains.
Survivor: Skeleton Coast - All-Stars II [COLOR="#FFD700"][B]Uitoorlê:[/B] Ian (Palau) Matty (Gabon) Reynold (Caramoan) Terry (Panama) Troyzan (One World) Ashley (Redemption Island) Christine (South Pacific) Ciera (Blood vs Water) Peih-Gee (China) RC (Philippines)[/COLOR] [COLOR="#FFA500"][B]Beter Speel:[/B] Greg (Borneo) Hayden (Blood vs Water) Mike (Redemption Island) Vytas (Blood vs Water) Yul (Cook Islands) Chelsea (One World) Crystal (Gabon) Katie (Blood vs Water) Kelly (Borneo) Twila (Vanuatu)[/COLOR] [COLOR="#33cc00"][B]Langer Duur:[/B] Fabio (Nicaragua) John (Blood vs Water) Marty (Nicaragua) Ralph (Redemption Island) Shane (Panama) Abi Maria (Philippines) Jane (Nicaragua) Natalie (Micronesia) Shambo (Samoa) Stephanie (Redemption Island)[/COLOR] Okay, maybe All-Stars isn't the best epiphet for some of these people, but my idea was that since the first iteration of All-Stars used people playing for their second time, this one should as well. The tribe names are Afrikaans for Outwit, Outplay, and Outlast respectively (though probably not accurate, I used google translate for a quick fix) and use the original Borneo colors. Other names I tossed around were Brad/Marissa (Blood vs Water), Eddie (Caramoan), Denise/Jeff/Lisa (Philippines), Christina/Sabrina (One World), Holly/Benry (Nicaragua), Dave (Samoa), Taj/Sierra/Debbie/Stephen (Tocantins), Kenny (Gabon) and several others.
Survivor Second Chance: Analativu Takes place on an island off of Sri Lanka Two tribes of 10 returning players; One tribe of players voted off pre-merge on their respective season, the other consisting of players voted off post-merge of their respective season. [B][U]Pre-Merge:[/U][/B] Brad Culpepper (Survivor: Blood vs. Water) Matt Quinlan (Survivor: One World) Ace Gordon (Survivor: Gabon) Spencer Dunham (Survivor: Tocantins) JP Calderon (Survivor: Cook Islands) Angie Layton (Survivor: Philippines) Mikayla Gordon (Survivor: South Pacific) Stephanie Valencia (Survivor: Redemption Island) Kelly Bruno (Survivor: Nicaragua) Betsy Bolan (Survivor: Samoa) [B][U]Post-Merge[/U][/B] Vytas Baskauskas (Survivor: Blood vs. Water) Reynold Toepfler (Survivor: Caramoan) Troyzan Robertson (Survivor: One World) David Murphy (Survivor: Redemption Island) Shane Powers (Survivor: Panama) Ciera Eastin (Survivor: Blood vs. Water) Sherri Biethman (Survivor: Caramoan) Lisa Whelchel (Survivor: Philippines) Sabrina Thompson (Survivor: One World) Ashley Underwood (Survivor: Redemption Island) I have a whole fantasy season written out but not sure if it's good/if anyone wants to read it!
I'd read it it sounds cool
Me too!
I'd like to read it, too! Personally, I'd put Merissa from Blood vs. Water on the Pre-Merge Tribe, though.
[B][U]Episode 1: “Welcome to the Jungle”[/U][/B] Opening shot of Jeff on a large wooden ship in the ocean with twenty castaways lined down either side of the boat. Jeff explains how the tribes are split and goes on to introduce the first tribe of those voted off before the merge on their respective seasons. We see 3 flashback to past seasons as the boat rocks back and forth against the waves; Flashback 1; Betsy and Russell talking on the beach in Samoa followed by Russell conspiring to get her out. Flashback 2; Brandon & Mikayla arguing at tribal council in the South Pacific before she’s voted out. Flashback 3: Candace and her husband John going off on Brad at the redemption island duel. Jeff continues to discuss to the camera how half the players returning were only a few days away to victory on their respective seasons. Flashback 1: Troyzan at tribal council on One World surrounded by women talking about how is one of the only men left standing, they then shoot to his victory at the immunity challenge. Flashback 2: Lisa sitting at the final tribal council in the Philippines against Michael and Denise. Flashback 3: Reynold sitting at tribal council with Malcolm and Eddie laughing when their idols are played. Camera back to Jeff telling us only one survivor will get the second chance to win the million and the introduction starts. The twenty castaways all jump off the boat as they get closer to shore where Jeff greets them. Jeff explains how they’re divided this season and has each player one by one stand on their respective tribe mat after introducing them to one another. Jeff gives a map to Sabrina on the post-merge tribe and Angie on the pre-merge tribe and tells the castaways to follow the map to their camps. He also explains that hidden at each camp is a hidden immunity idol. Rather than giving out clues, there will be one large puzzle at each camp that when solved, will give the location of the hidden idol. The tribes take off and begin their journey to camp. On the pre-merge tribe, Brad emerges as the leader and guides everyone to camp. Stephanie & Mikayla joke in confessionals discuss at the back of the pack that he is being overbearing way too early but that they will go along with it for now. He successfully leads the tribe to camp and all ten players begin constructing shelter. Awaiting them is a large wooden board containing the clues to the hidden immunity idol. The players study it but ultimately get back to building camp. Mikayla is seen spending more time than the rest of the tribe. Studying the clues. JP & Stephanie catch on and agree to head into the woods after Mikayla when she offers to collect leaves for the shelter roof. Staying hidden they watch as Mikayla searches but has no luck finding the idol. The two agree to try and stick together while they can and include Mikayla in their agreement when she spots them spying. She admits to searching for the idol but tells the other two she will tell them if and when she finds it and they can use it to their advantage. At the post-merge tribe, the castaways have successfully starting building their shelter while Troyzan gets to work on building a fire. Using coconut husk and their machete he is able get a small fire going which they ultimately nurse until its blaring. The tribe celebrates. Troyzan asks everyone to sit down for a moment. He makes a speech about wanting everyone to stick together as a tribe for as long as possible and suggest voting out the player who performed worse in the challenge if and when they lose. He wants to keep things “fair” and make sure as many people on his tribe as possible make it far and have a shot at winning. He asks everyone to shake on it and everyone does. Vytas is shown in a confessional laughing about the whole situation and jokes about how long the “agreement” will last. Lisa and Troyzan bond on the beach about being the older players on their tribe and Troyzan is shown in a confessional talking about the good vibes he gets from Lisa and how he trusts her. They agree to watch out for each other and let each other know if they hear anyone else talking about them. Lisa says she doesn’t want to play the game she played last time in her confessional. She wants to play “straight up, be a leader, and win challenges”. Reynold, David, Shane and Sherri are shown joking around around the camp and all taking active roles in the construction while Sabrina and Ashley rest on the side lines. The four snicker and make a joke about their lack of help. Vytas and Ciera are seen collecting coconuts in the jungle and make a pact to try and stick together as well. Back at the pre-merge tribe, Brad has created an “army” as JP calls it. Angie, Ace, Kelly, Matt & Spencer assist him and follow his orders as he tells them how they should build their shelter. Mikayla and JP laugh and the two head down to the beach to “look for fish” while they really head off to a rocky ledge to tan. Betsy offers to help with any and everything but feels as if she is not getting any tasks or responsibilities. She confides in Stephanie that she’s feeling out of place and doesn’t like the fact that Brad/Matt/Ace are taking such a leadership role in the game. While Stephanie comforts her and tells her she’s being paranoid, she admits in her confessional that this is information she plans on using if the tribe loses immunity. At the immunity challenge, Jeff explains that each tribe will work in pairs to transfer large balls across the sand using a series of poles with a small funnel at the top to support. Once each pair has successful transferred two balls, they must all then take one into the water and place it in it’s respective hold on the tribe mat one at a time. Once all ten balls have been placed, and all players are on the mat, the tribe will win. Immediately the pre-merge tribe starts off strong with Brad & Ace scoring their first ball and Angie & Kelly scoring right after them. David & Reynold follow up right behind and get their first ball in while Sabrina & Troyzan struggle a but quickly catch up. Both tribes work on their third ball as Ciera & Lisa drop theirs halfway across the course. This gives Mikayla & JP the lead and the pre-merge tribe speeds ahead. The post-merge tribe continues to fall behind and the pre-merge tribe only has one left to score as Betsy & Spencer head onto the course for the second time. The two struggle to lift their pole up without dropping the ball and this goes on for a while giving the post-merge tribe time to catch up. Betsy & Spencer finally score and move on to the second part while the post-merge tribe is only now one ball behind. Vytas & Shane quickly make up for lost time, score their last ball and head out to the next round. JP is already in the water first scoring his first ball onto the tribe mat but David is right back in it heading out into the water. The two tribes are neck and neck with only three balls left each to place on their mat. For the pre-merge tribe, Matt, Betsy and Angie are remaining and for the post-merge, Sabrina, Vytas and Ashley. Ashley struggles but makes it as the rest of the men on their tribe pull her up. Betsy is seen taking longer than Ashley but ultimately scores. With only two players left for each tribe, it is neck and neck. Vytas goes next and speeds ahead of Matt giving the post-merge tribe the time they need. As Angie heads out as the last member of her tribe, Sabrina reaches her mat and the post-merge tribe wins. They are given a tarp, an additional knife, along with fishing gear. The pre-merge tribe who has still not made fire must continue to go without and are told they will be heading to tribal council. Back at camp, Brad lines up his army of Kelly, Angie, Matt and Ace and all five agree to vote out Betsy. Feeling on the outs, Betsy approaches Matt and Brad about voting to keep her, apologizing for her performance in the challenge and instead suggests taking out Stephanie or Angie because of their size. Brad relays the info back to his army and the five give some thought to voting out Stephanie based on the fact that with Betsy, they would have a majority vote and would not have to worry about a tie. Brad suggests the idea to Mikayla and JP to get their opinion and the two agree that either Stephanie or Betsy must go. Afterwards however, JP and Mikayla warn Stephanie of the potential plan. She approaches Brad with the info that Betsy confided in her earlier about how she felt out of place on the tribe and didn’t want to see Brad in a leadership role. We then see the tribe packing up for tribal council and they head off. At tribal, Jeff directs his first question at Brad, asking if he’s taking the same approach he did on his original season and emerging as a bossy leader. Brad says that while he does feel he’s taken a leadership role in the game, he is only looking out for his tribe. Jeff asks the others if they agree. Kelly nods in agreement and says Brad has been nothing but helpful so far but Stephanie/Mikayla/JP role their eyes. Jeff asks Mikayla if any alliances have been formed. Mikayla replies that there are definitely friendships but she doesn’t think any concrete alliances have been made that she knows of. Jeff then asks how the tribe will vote tonight. Matt says they need to keep a strong tribe and make sure everyone is a team player. The players then head off to vote in the following order; Mikayla, Spencer, JP, Angie, Stephanie (Her vote is shown for Betsy), Matt, Kelly, Brad, Betsy, Ace. Jeff tallies the votes; Vote 1: Betsy Vote 2: Betsy Votes 3: Stephanie Vote 4: Betsy Vote 5: Betsy Vote 6: Betsy “First person voted out of Survivor Second Chance-“ Vote 7: Betsy That’s enough please bring me your torch. *Stephanie smiles and puts her head down and Brad stands to give Betsy a hug. Betsy tells them one of them has to win as she heads towards Jeff. “Betsy, the tribe has spoken” [I]Votes[/I] Ace - Betsy Angie - Betsy Betsy - Stephanie Brad - Betsy JP - Betsy Kelly - Betsy Matt - Betsy Mikayla - Betsy Spencer - Betsy Stephanie - Betsy
This was an awesome read!! Keep doing more!
Please keep posting. I loved it!
Thanks guys! If you wanna discuss what you think is going to happen/want to happen/wish would happen, I will try and incorporate things ;-). Tell me what you liked/didn't like.
I think its great and you should do what you feel with it. I love the story. Survivor Peru All Stars 2 [COLOR="#008000"]Loreto Tribe Shambo Jane Kim Parvati Denise Coach Russell Hayden Aras Fabio [/COLOR] [B]Tacna Tribe Brenda Laura M Amanda Abi Maria Sophie Malcolm Matty Tyson Troyzan James [/B]
[QUOTE=VCR14;389063]Survivor Second Chance: Analativu Takes place on an island off of Sri Lanka Two tribes of 10 returning players; One tribe of players voted off pre-merge on their respective season, the other consisting of players voted off post-merge of their respective season. [B][U]Pre-Merge:[/U][/B] Brad Culpepper (Survivor: Blood vs. Water) Matt Quinlan (Survivor: One World) Ace Gordon (Survivor: Gabon) Spencer Dunham (Survivor: Tocantins) JP Calderon (Survivor: Cook Islands) Angie Layton (Survivor: Philippines) Mikayla Gordon (Survivor: South Pacific) Stephanie Valencia (Survivor: Redemption Island) Kelly Bruno (Survivor: Nicaragua) Betsy Bolan (Survivor: Samoa) [B][U]Post-Merge[/U][/B] Vytas Baskauskas (Survivor: Blood vs. Water) Reynold Toepfler (Survivor: Caramoan) Troyzan Robertson (Survivor: One World) David Murphy (Survivor: Redemption Island) Shane Powers (Survivor: Panama) Ciera Eastin (Survivor: Blood vs. Water) Sherri Biethman (Survivor: Caramoan) Lisa Whelchel (Survivor: Philippines) Sabrina Thompson (Survivor: One World) Ashley Underwood (Survivor: Redemption Island) I have a whole fantasy season written out but not sure if it's good/if anyone wants to read it![/QUOTE] I'm not 100% on this, but Sherri never got voted out. She just received 0 votes at the final tribal. I don't think she ever received a single vote for anything.
You're correct, should have clarified. The post-merge tribe is anyone who made it past the merge and didn't win. No players who've won or played more than once already were included. Sabrina, Lisa and Sherri all made it to the finals.
[QUOTE=VCR14;389227]You're correct, should have clarified. The post-merge tribe is anyone who made it past the merge and didn't win. No players who've won or played more than once already were included. Sabrina, Lisa and Sherri all made it to the finals.[/QUOTE] True story. My bad. Decent cast tho
Also, I think Ciera would win that one 90% of the time
Survivor Ivory Coast Second place vs third place 12 people make the merge comment on who you guys think they would be or edit them in [COLOR="#800080"]Komoe Tribe(second place) Sabrina Courtney Amanda Nelah Susie Chase Coach Russell Stephan Ozzy [/COLOR] [COLOR="#FF0000"]Cavalla Tribe (Third place) Erin Chelsea Natalie Cirie Jenna Mick Albert Rob Sash Lex [/COLOR] [COLOR="#00FFFF"]Merged Tribe[/COLOR]
Survivor Bangladesh 20 contestants competing for a second chance [COLOR="#00FF00"]Padma Tribe Marty Brad Ace Hayden Steve Cierra Chelsea Jane Erin Shambo [/COLOR][COLOR="#000080"]Jamuna Tribe Carter Albert Terry Eddie Matty RC Taj Ashley Natalie(Micronesia) Holly [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#0000FF][/COLOR][COLOR=#0000CD][/COLOR]Survivor Tanzania: Brains vs Beauty vs Brawn(Returning Players Location: Moyowosi Reserve [COLOR=#008000][U]Morogoro(Brawn)[/U] Terry(Panama) Eddie(Caramoan) Troyzan(One World) Julie(Redemption Island) Denise(Philippines) Crystal(Gabon)[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ffff00][U]Masasi(Brains)[/U] Yul(Cook Islands) Kenny(Gabon) John(Blood vs Water) Sophie(South Pacific) RC(Philippines) Sabrina(One World)[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000CD"][U]Tabora(Beauty)[/U] Fabio(Nicaragua) Hayden(Blood vs Water) Pete(Philippines) Whitney(South Pacific) Ashley(Redemption Island) Danni(Guatemala)[/COLOR] -I only chose contestants who have only played once. -I know that some people can be interchangeable. -Tribe colors based off the flag of Tanzania. Merge color Black.
Survivor: Peru Fours tribes made up of players who either were voted out/eliminated pre merge, post merge, lost at final tribal council, or won. [COLOR="#FFD700"][B]Huallaga Tribe (Pre Merge):[/B] Brad (Blood vs Water) John (Blood vs Water) Marcus (Gabon) Amy(Guatemala) Christine (South Pacific) Stephanie (Redemption Island)[/COLOR] [COLOR="#cc0033"][B]Yavarí Tribe (Post Merge):[/B] Malcolm (Philippines) Terry (Panama) Troyzan (One World) Ashley (Redemption Island) Ciera (Blood vs Water) Peih-Gee (China)[/COLOR] [COLOR="#660099"][B]Mantaro Tribe (Second/Third Place):[/B] Dreamz (Fiji) Sash (Nicaragua) Stephen (Tocantins) Chelsea (One World) Kelly (Borneo) Lisa (Philippines)[/COLOR] [COLOR="#006633"][B]Urubamba Tribe (Sole Survivors):[/B] Fabio (Nicaragua) Richard (Borneo) Yul (Cook Islands) Danni (Guatemala) Denise (Philippines) Sandra (Pearl Islands)[/COLOR]
Survivor Patagonia Old vs young [COLOR="#FF0000"]Valcheta Tribe (Old) Terry Richard Rick Brad Troyzan Jane Shambo Julie Taj Sabrina [/COLOR][COLOR="#40E0D0"]Palena Tribe (young) Hayden Eddie Malcolm Matty Carter Cierra Chelsea Brenda Marissa Andrea [/COLOR]
Survivor: Allies vs Enemies [COLOR="#6600ff"][B]Allies Tribe:[/B] Chelsea & Kim Crystal & Kenny Denise & Malcolm Lex & Tom Rafe & Stephenie[/COLOR] [COLOR="#cc0000"][B]Enemies Tribe:[/B] Abi Maria & RC Bobby Jon & Jamie Laura M & Shambo Rob & Russell Sierra & Tyson[/COLOR]
Not really fantasy casts, but twists I'd like to see for new players. Survivor: Cambodia - [COLOR="#663300"]The Defenders[/COLOR] vs[COLOR="#808080"] The Defended[/COLOR] Members of the Military on one tribe vs the everyday people they risk their lives to protect on the other. Location is subject to change. [COLOR="#663300"]Yothea Tribe[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="#808080"]Karpar Tribe[/COLOR]. [COLOR="#006400"]Dark Green merge[/COLOR]. Survivor: Four Corners Cook Islands (and Fiji's intended) tribes divided by ethnicity twist, the only difference is that players are brought in from all over the world instead of just America.
[QUOTE=LurkerNoMore;391749] Survivor: Four Corners Cook Islands (and Fiji's intended) tribes divided by ethnicity twist, the only difference is that players are brought in from all over the world instead of just America.[/QUOTE] The four corners idea would be interesting. Sort of similar I guess to this idea is if they did a returning players but from different countries survivor series. So one tribe could be from the US series, the second tribe from South African series, and a third tribe from the U.K. or Australian series. lol I'm currently watching South African Survivor and have already seen one/two seasons of the U.K. and Australian Survivor seasons.
[QUOTE=melm3;391754]The four corners idea would be interesting. Sort of similar I guess to this idea is if they did a returning players but from different countries survivor series. So one tribe could be from the US series, the second tribe from South African series, and a third tribe from the U.K. or Australian series. lol I'm currently watching South African Survivor and have already seen one/two seasons of the U.K. and Australian Survivor seasons.[/QUOTE] Are the other series any good? I've heard people mention the South African one before.
[QUOTE=LurkerNoMore;391755]Are the other series any good? I've heard people mention the South African one before.[/QUOTE] The U.K. version was ok. The first season was practically like Borneo. It was filmed the same year and they used the same location/beaches.There were even some challenges that was the same. The host sucked though. He spoke very monotone and not at all aggressive like Probst is. If you were going to watch another countries series I'd recommend the South African one. I'm only two episodes in of season 2 but I like it a lot more than the U.K. version.
This is unrealistic but would be pretty cool. Survivor Madagascar Rivals on different tribes [COLOR="#FFD700"]Alaotra Tribe RC Laura M Sugar Brenda Eliza Boston Rob Phillip Colby Aras Jamie [/COLOR][COLOR="#0000FF"]Ikopa Tribe Abi Maria Shambo Corinne Alina Twila Russell Steve Tom Terry Bobby Jon [/COLOR][COLOR="#00FF00"]Merged Tribe[/COLOR]
