The Challenge: Free Agents - Speculation (Spoilers)

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[QUOTE=dylan76;376700]I am really hoping that Camila gets crushed this season in an elimination. I would prefer by Nia, or even Jess. That would be awesome & hilarious. She is a solid competitor, but I have no idea why some people put her on a pedestal as if she is unbeatable. All I know is I am sick of looking at her face.[/QUOTE] Camila has proven herself to be a solid competitor in every challenge she has been on...and plus she is really pretty in the face.
[QUOTE=DarkFights;376705]Camila has proven herself to be a solid competitor in every challenge she has been on...and plus she is really pretty in the face.[/QUOTE] thats funny I feel like she has a bad face but amazing body. Either way shes one of the best girls they have on the show. competitive and crazy.
[QUOTE=LexBlair;376704][B]Yes, bc Eric was a HUGE asset to team Fresh Meat on BOTS during the missions... It's not like the whole team was DQed solely bc of him at practically every single mission.... [/B] I simply cannot fantom a reason why he keeps doing this! Isn't it horrible to know that EVERY SINGLE person on your team wants to get rid of you and absolutely despise the fact that they are your team mates.... he could perform like an elite player in every single mission and people would STILL not give him ANOTHER chance...he's had sooo many.. Then he is going to get all butt-hurt and cry over the fact that his team mates are rude to him in his confessionals... ARGH...[/QUOTE] That wasn't a bad thing you know.
[QUOTE=LexBlair;376704]Yes, bc Eric was a HUGE asset to team Fresh Meat on BOTS during the missions... It's not like the whole team was DQed solely bc of him at practically every single mission.... I simply cannot fantom a reason why he keeps doing this! Isn't it horrible to know that EVERY SINGLE person on your team wants to get rid of you and absolutely despise the fact that they are your team mates.... he could perform like an elite player in every single mission and people would STILL not give him ANOTHER chance...he's had sooo many.. Then he is going to get all butt-hurt and cry over the fact that his team mates are rude to him in his confessionals... ARGH...[/QUOTE] As long as Eric's there, none of them are going in.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;376708]As long as Eric's there, none of them are going in.[/QUOTE] But they are not winning sh** ...+ we don't know the rules... ps even if only the guys
I honestly cannont bring myself to like this cast , I tried to let it settle in a few days and I honestly think they should have waited for this one. Season 26 needs to be Amazing and not stale . I do however think that Jasmin,Jonna,Cohutta,Ty,Jemmye and Dustin are gonna surprise people politically but none of them will win.I have a good feeling where going to get some basic winners and everyone will run into a frenzy. It really wasn't need to have Emilee or Jessica back . Something about the cast is so forced and the drama is going to be a lot of rehasing Eric Vs Everyone (Super-Disrespectful for him to be on a team challenge imho), Portland Drama , Swift Vs LaToya all that rivals 2 drama these aren't even the good explosive hot heads except CT , that challenge will forever go to Rivals 1. I also wonder how many ways Frank's degrades Dustin and uses the same tired you want me, you have the hots for me while some how bringing up his past smh.
[QUOTE=edizzzleee;376305] [B]Veterans[/B]: CT, Johnny Bananas, Leroy, Brandon, Anessa, Camila, Cara Maria (despite their efforts trying to get her out), and Laurel.[/QUOTE] No, please, not Aneesa! She's the kiss of death in finals.
[QUOTE=edizzzleee;376317] Can someone explain to me why a lot of cast members dislike Cara? Maybe its something I missed.. I always liked her. She's not the strongest competitor, but she's defiantly not the weakest. The girl is a beast at puzzles..[/QUOTE] They don't. It's editing. A lot of people like her. On this last challenge, I believe only Emily, Paula, Johnny, Frank and Jordan disliked her. That's hardy "a lot."
The reason some do not like her is she refuses to be a sheep and blindly follow others.
[QUOTE=MikeyCro;376450]Cohatta also played Ruins 1 with Chet. Don't know if they are cool, but they are also on opposite teams now, so.. yeah, Cohutta is all alone on his team.[/QUOTE] I think he's friends with Abram, so he's probably cool with Cara Maria, too. Not that it really helps him.
[QUOTE=audreyhorne;376714]I think he's friends with Abram, so he's probably cool with Cara Maria, too. Not that it really helps him.[/QUOTE] I don't know. If Abram and Cohutta are cool and Cara Maria is friends with him, then that means he might have a chance of a friendship with Laurel too.
I can't stand Camilla I think she is way overrated and annoying
So will the elimination spoilers be in this thread or elsewhere? Just so I know to stop checking it out. I do not want elimination spoilers! :D
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;376716]I can't stand Camilla I think she is way overrated and annoying[/QUOTE] How is she overrated?
[QUOTE=toenails;376695]I can see everyone hating Swift. He is not a likable person at all.[/QUOTE] Most of these people are not likable at all. And yet the ones I consider least likable are the most liked by other cast members. So you never know...
[QUOTE=JustinS76;376694]Don't understand why everyone was afraid of easy in gauntlet 3. Dude can't even hold his own weight up and is dumb as a brick. The only eliminations he wins are when it involves being a whale. Even then CT could have demolished him. CT is one of my favorites to ever appear on this show but I lost a lot of respect for him over that.[/QUOTE] Please grow up. That was really disrespectful and unnecessary.
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;376716]I can't stand Camilla I think she is way overrated and [B]annoying[/B][/QUOTE] Just because of her accent? and how is she overrated she came very VERY close to beat Laurel
I was one that didn't give Camila enough credit when she first started. Even after beating Laurel, I thought it was luck. But she's continued to grow on me and after rewatching her last 5 seasons, she is easily one of my favorites now. She's strong, beautiful, and she's an independent thinker. I don't see what's not to like about that. Her and Laurel are going to be hard to beat for anybody.
[QUOTE=Lola88;376724]I was one that didn't give Camila enough credit when she first started. Even after beating Laurel, I thought it was luck. But she's continued to grow on me and after rewatching her last 5 seasons, she is easily one of my favorites now. She's strong, beautiful, and she's an independent thinker. I don't see what's not to like about that. Her and Laurel are going to be hard to beat for anybody.[/QUOTE] And her meltdowns are always fun to watch. ¡YOU CHEATER, YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!
[QUOTE=stuufman;376725]And her meltdowns are always fun to watch. ¡YOU CHEATER, YOU ARE GOING TO DIE![/QUOTE] Oh yes! And I personally was not offended nor did I find her comments towards Big Easy bullying. He deserved every bit of that tongue lashing Idc what the other competitors have to say they would have felt the same as Camila if it happened to them. I wish TJ would have stuck up for her more. And I hope he blatantly shows disfavor to Easy.
I don't know if Easy is a disgrace to the human kind but he sure is a disgrace to the challenge
Does anyone knows when is the first mission supposed to be? I know that the first eliminated pair should be back by Thursday or Friday. I am hoping if the winning team choose the pair that goes in of the opposite team, then I hope that the Rookies win the first mission because if the Veterans win it will be to predicable who they sent in. If they win they will sent Big Easy and Either Jasmine/Jonna.
It is NOT a pairs Challenge
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;376730]It is NOT a pairs Challenge[/QUOTE] I know! What I meant by pairs the first girl and guy eliminated since they are coming home together.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;376729]Does anyone knows when is the first mission supposed to be? I know that the first eliminated pair should be back by Thursday or Friday. I am hoping if the winning team choose the pair that goes in of the opposite team, then I hope that the Rookies win the first mission because if the Veterans win it will be to predicable who they sent in. If they win they will sent Big Easy and Either Jasmine/Jonna.[/QUOTE] I think it'll be interesting if the winning team gets to choose the guy and girl from both teams to go in, but the losing team gets to choose the type of game... Physical, endurance, etc..
[QUOTE=MikeyCro;376717]So will the elimination spoilers be in this thread or elsewhere? Just so I know to stop checking it out. I do not want elimination spoilers! :D[/QUOTE] Can this question be answered? I really need to know if I have to stop checking this thread or not.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;376734]Can this question be answered? I really need to know if I have to stop checking this thread or not.[/QUOTE] This is just a speculation thread. Spoiler threads are kept separate. Anything you hear on this thread may be true but unverified and shouldn't be assumed as fact.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;376734]Can this question be answered? I really need to know if I have to stop checking this thread or not.[/QUOTE] In the past there has been a spoiler discussion thread.
[QUOTE=stuufman;376725]And her meltdowns are always fun to watch. ¡YOU CHEATER, YOU ARE GOING TO DIE![/QUOTE] Her meltdowns are lame, pathetic & contrived. If I wanted to watch some sloppy, drunken broad act like an idiot for no reason I can go to any given bar on a Saturday night.
[QUOTE=DarkFights;376727]I don't know if Easy is a disgrace to the human kind but he sure is a disgrace to the challenge[/QUOTE] Yeah JEKD are god's ******* gift?
