[QUOTE=PinkRose;376809]Yeah and she had a boyfriend back home.
I like Jonna, but she have a lot of daddy issues. I hope on this one she is like how she was on the first rivals, but playingbabetter political/strategiest game.[/QUOTE]
Not gonna happen. Like the trailer for rivals 2 said some of these will do anything to secure a vote.
[QUOTE=boncat23;376811]I forgot that Preston was even in the cast but he's not, it's actually swift[/QUOTE]
How so? I could've sworn they were both there. Preston if he is in fact not on it is silly. especially with how far he made it on season 24.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;376813]How so? I could've sworn they were both there. Preston if he is in fact not on it is silly. especially with how far he made it on season 24.[/QUOTE]
molds had Preston on the list, but after a couple of us asked her to look into it again, she changed it to Swift(instead of Preston)
It is the way Jonna acts that comes off worse than Sarah & Paula who have hooked up with multiple people. She looks boy crazy like she is always searching for someone to hook up with. Jonna cheated her boyfriend with Pat(who was her roomates guy) and apparently hooked up with CJ as well.She had to have the attention on her. Then saw Zach was the hottest guy in the house and had to get with him right away and it honestly affected her game. If her and CJ would have gone in they still maybe would have won but she wanted Zach to stay there. Then she had to run after Jordan because he was the hot new guy and would literally follow him around. Even Jasmine said in an interview she called that Jonna would go after Jordan.. Even the people on the show say she is boy crazy.
Also I like Zach and Ashley together apart. I think him and Ashlee are adorable together.
[QUOTE=JL81790;376760]Yep. CT said something like "I didn't mean to rip the flap that's bs" and TJ said "Well you did so deal with it." Then after that he went after Wes...TJ didn't really have anything to do with it anymore.
He also called out Zach and Frank on how they treated Sam during the mountain puzzle on Rivals 2. He called out Wes and Kenny (who he's FRIENDS with) about wanting to ride their friends to the finish on Rivals. There's enough evidence to show that he goes after the guys too. But, apparently, you can't say a negative word in a girl's direction without being a misogynist.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, he gets mad at guys (Frank, Zach, CT) for [B][U]pushing women into the ground and calling them awful names[/U][/B] and going[B][U] legitimately psycho and threatening to fight other people[/U][/B]
He gets mad at girls (Ev, Ashli) for... respectfully deciding to leave the show after competing in the elimination and giving someone with a better chance at making it to the finish line a chance.
You aren't making a fair comparison because the situations are VASTLY different.
[QUOTE=toenails;376807]How did Timmy get so badly injured but Abram turned out perfectly fine?[/QUOTE]
Re watching the elimination Timmy seems to spend a lot of time on both his knees and slides around on them back and forth while Abe only takes one knee and seems to be standing hunched over while moving. Either way you look at it this elimination was just poorly designed. They didn't look like they had knee pads. The glass box isn't tall enough for a person to stand in either.
Jonna sure is the topic of conversation around here. If it weren't for the constant chatter about her I think this thread would be be less than half the size it currently is..
[QUOTE=farswell7;376821]Jonna sure is the topic of conversation around here. If it weren't for the constant chatter about her I think this thread would be be less than half the size it currently is..[/QUOTE]
I just find it funny why she gets hate for sleeping around. They get paid to vacation around the world, free alcohol and same house. 90% of the 20-30 year olds would do the same thing if given the opportunity.
[QUOTE=farswell7;376821]Jonna sure is the topic of conversation around here. If it weren't for the constant chatter about her I think this thread would be be less than half the size it currently is..[/QUOTE]
I wouldn't say that. Nia and Big Easy have been discussed a lot more in relation to this challenge.
[QUOTE=LexBlair;376794]Well, they obviously couldn't do that, bc that would have included them showing their own ***....
Thank you for the explanation. And to clarify your somewhat hostile seeming rant, I placed the majority of the blame on BMP's editing more than on Camila's actions.
[QUOTE=farswell7;376821]Jonna sure is the topic of conversation around here. If it weren't for the constant chatter about her I think this thread would be be less than half the size it currently is..[/QUOTE]
Yeah, she strikes me as FAR more composed than your average cast member, people ought to lay off of her. She's pretty good at challenges and don't be hateful just cause she is popular with the opposite sex.
[QUOTE=Rockstar;376817]Yeah, he gets mad at guys (Frank, Zach, CT) for [B][U]pushing women into the ground and calling them awful names[/U][/B] and going[B][U] legitimately psycho and threatening to fight other people[/U][/B]
He gets mad at girls (Ev, Ashli) for... respectfully deciding to leave the show after competing in the elimination and giving someone with a better chance at making it to the finish line a chance.
You aren't making a fair comparison because the situations are VASTLY different.[/QUOTE]
Check the syrus video
[QUOTE=TheCloser;376825]Check the syrus video[/QUOTE]
Eh, I'll just let TJ's kids (assuming he birthed and raised you all due to the vehement support)win this round.
[QUOTE=Npresh24;376828]I honestly think it is time for a new host , T.J has never given me personality but he was been completely stale since Exes/Seasons.[/QUOTE]
To be completely fair lot of his difficulties remembering lines, etc ..came from his accident. I remember 5-6 years back he used to be really cool.
[QUOTE=erodd;376829]I don't think that it's ever been pointed out,but man big easy sucks lol[/QUOTE]
Honestly he was never really that bad in the challanges themselves. He would never really come in dead last all the time and was more in the middle of the pack. People more or less worried about his endurance which he just doesn't have. I think Bots was there first challenge where he just straight up did terrible. He dqed in the first mission and then messed up and cost them a trip to the elimination round in a later mission which he should of owned up to and gone in. Then he finally just quit in elimination round. I'm glad he's trying to better himself but he wasn't ready for BoTS. I really hope he's improved since then because hes a nice guy but on the competition side of things I think people are just over the him trying to prove himself thing.
[QUOTE=TeamLandon;376774]I didn't mind him up until that crap he pulled with Camila. That was low. She's a real competitor who will fight tooth and nail in the competitions, even with EZ as a partner. So for him to just bail on her like that was ridiculous. And no him quitting wasn't entertainment for me, but Camila's freakout on him was.[/QUOTE]
I'm glad he quit on her. Neither of them had no business there in the first place.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;376775]I thought you were done being hateful towards castmembers? You want Easy back to screw people who compete and sometimes play a good social game, because you don't like them?[/QUOTE]
Yes. I want him to specifically screw people that I hate. And I never said I would stop being hateful towards castmembers..Well I won't be so hard on The Second cast of Fresh Meat anymore since they are much more tolerable than the first and they didn't do as much damage to this show like the First Bunch of Fresh Meat did.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;376784]I hated it. It was so unfair for the captain to go in EVERY time.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I hated that too.
[QUOTE]This is literally awful. I can't believe someone would say this about another human being. You really need to chill out and think about what you just said. Maybe you don't like Eric and don't think he deserves to be on the show, but what you just said is out of line.[/QUOTE]
Oh Please. It's not THAT bad. I've heard much much worse.
[QUOTE=LexBlair;376794]Well, they obviously couldn't do that, bc that would have included them showing their own ***....
Camila's father was admitted to the hospital the day before and they wouldn't let her call home.(Tragically, he has since passed away) It was the first night she got drunk during her whole stay in Thailand, she had to baby-sit Jemmye every walking second because she would pick fights and instigate **** at every given opportunity..
She was drunk and pissed off as hell and Johnny has been laying it into her for weeks now trying to get a reaction out of her, to make her out to be a crazy, bitter ex... It was that night when drunk, worried and pissed off that he finally got a reaction out of her and that pleased him to no end, here is [B]his reaction when he finally made her snap[/B]....(you can even see the evil glint in his eyes)
But obviously, as they showed later on, poor Johnny has never done anything to warrant her freak-out. He was just quietly minding his own business, why his bat-**** cray ex-girlfriend has gone off on him because she is deep down still in love with his pathetic *** while he has a gold-medalist-girlfriend....
Sure. NEXT.
Wow That makes me hate Johnny that much more.
[QUOTE]Maybe Kenny-boy shouldn't have fooled around with her when he had a GF at home...[/QUOTE]
Exactly it's like these people have no Idea how to stay faithful...And yet they want to get on CT about what he did to Diem.
[QUOTE=MikeyCro;376717]So will the elimination spoilers be in this thread or elsewhere? Just so I know to stop checking it out. I do not want elimination spoilers! :D[/QUOTE]
When elimination spoilers start rolling in (which they likely won't for a while), the title of this thread will be changed to say SPOILERS. That will be your warning.
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;376837]Camilla was LUCKY production even put her on seasons when she isn't even fresh meat[/QUOTE]
Was she lucky or were they desperate? I heard rumors that a ton of people turned down battle of the seasons, way more than usual.
[QUOTE=JustinS76;376839]Was she lucky or were they desperate? I heard rumors that a ton of people turned down battle of the seasons, way more than usual.[/QUOTE]
Well she was chosen over Cara Maria, because Cara had Carley's jersey (who was supposed to appear). I do know that Laurel and Mandi turned it down though.
[QUOTE=dylan76;376843]All because of one stupid chili pepper, we seem to be stuck with that obnoxious idiot camila for the remainder of the challenge run.[/QUOTE]
Aren't we lucky? :D
[QUOTE=Lola88;376842]Well she was chosen over Cara Maria, because Cara had Carley's jersey (who was supposed to appear). I do know that Laurel and Mandi turned it down though.[/QUOTE]
Carley told me herself she got the initial call, but they never called her back. They didn't want her.
[QUOTE=JustinS76;376839]Was she lucky or were they desperate? I heard rumors that a ton of people turned down battle of the seasons, way more than usual.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=farswell7;376821]Jonna sure is the topic of conversation around here. If it weren't for the constant chatter about her I think this thread would be be less than half the size it currently is..[/QUOTE]
lmao. not likely.