[QUOTE=V1man;369668]noahh, always first consider the source. [B]None of these critics know Emily[/B]. They have seen her for fewer than two hours of actual linear time on their TV screens and less then five minutes during the live reunion. Personally, I wish she'd put a Full Nelson on Knight so I could see the full affect and size of her massive biceps.[/QUOTE]
You're right, I don't know Emily. However, isn't that human nature? At interviews, aren't we being evaluated? Sometimes people don't like others because they don't without a reason, it just is.
Before Cystic gets on my ***, I just wanted to say I'm not attacking your or anything, I'm just letting you see my point of view and I have seen your point of view as well and will never put you out negatively.
I agree that I wish Emily put a Full Nelson though, see we can agree on something.
[QUOTE=Cashfl0w;369674]I'm curious to know how long of a run did they do in total. that couldn't have been easy in that scorching heat.[/QUOTE]i am to i have no clue.
[QUOTE=new-girl;369691]I'm not "hating" on Emily. I just am not liking her anymore. I'm not saying it only because of the reunion, but because of her past Challenge seasons, and I used to follow her on Twitter, but started not liking how she carried herself is all. I may not know her, but like V1Man said, I'm only judging her by her time on TV, radio interviews, and Twitter.[/QUOTE]whatever
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;369702]Does anyone know what Jemmye did to Frank outside the show for him to have a problem with her to begin with?[/QUOTE]
Probably had an opinion that didn't align with his.
[QUOTE=TylerBreeze;369710]why does everyone hates Cara Maria ? She`s hot[/QUOTE]
I dont get why people say the whole everyone hates cara maria thing. She must do a great job making people feel bad for her on twitter geez. I mean i think trey is far more disliked than she is. Think about it, CT/Wes were rooting for her and cheering her on all season long she wansn't all alone. SHe is good friends with diem off the show, diem just didn't like cooke. I think Camila doesn't mind Cara either, Trey likes her too. To me the people who are either loved or hated the most just in the cast circles like how they feel about each other not the fans about them is CT/Frank/Johnny/Trey from the recent challenges.
I feel like if anyone disagrees or tweets anything even remotely negative about cara it's back to the old "why me" and she blows it up. But she keeps getting invited back as a backup so i guess that's her thing..Remeber when Laurel "hated her" and Wes did too? Yea now they are all cool so it's not that they hate her, it's just she blows any little negative thing said about her 10x on social media...She also tweets insults at other castmembers which is pretty hypocritical for someone who constantly says how she is picked on by the cast frank style
Cara is probably very nice and cool off the show it think she just has none of the same interests as the cast and so its hard to be in the big cliques on the show. I wouldnt want to be in some of these big cliques either honestly with some of these people. She still makes it far and does pretty good but she is an average competitor i'd say so who cares if you arent in the popular group
Here is an interview with Emily.[QUOTE]She talks with us about being paired up to Ms Walnuts, alliances, why Csara was banned from the crossfit club and more[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=RWaddict;369733]Here is an interview with Emily.
it's embedded in the other thread...(the latest episode thread)
[QUOTE=V1man;369669]Moseley was hired to be a host not a has-been Olympian. His job was to steer the show from beginning to end. He failed. I respect his past laurels, and not at all his hosting ability, particularly for a live show. If you are going to do a live show, then you had better be working with pros in the business. What were Jackie and Scooter thinking? They will all be wearing band-aids on those hosting wounds for a long time.[/QUOTE]
Has-been Olympian > Has-been reality star lol.
But I do agree that about a change in host. I liked Mark and wouldn't mind bringing him back.
[QUOTE=RealCynic;369690]Even if it was it failed hilariously. Knight doesn't have CT's flair, he always sounds half asleep, and he's a follower.[/QUOTE]
He also sucks up to CT. Boy was about to **** his pants when Marlon wanted a piece of him.
I'm surprised it took them this long to decide to air a live reunion... After all, keeping the cast out of anything remotely resembling a ******* comfort zone is commonplace, what with confining them in a house with strict rules, and a newly implemented "No New Friends" rule, it seems like the powers that be crave another CT-Adam Duel 2 style brawl. And what better way to do that than to stoke the flames of discontent by making everybody feel ****ty all the time!
So a live reunion it is, with a host that none of the cast members respect. Because what's the point of having a ******* host capable of moderating these personalities and keeping them in line? THAT'D RUIN ALL THE FUN! So we have Jonny Moseley, a man whose very smile is a ******* pained grimace, a veritable cry for help to production, the audience... God, if He exists? Jonny Moseley had himself a rough day...
The set up is an amphitheater with a hot seat for the cast to take places sitting in so's they can dish about who ****ed who in what orifice and whether or not Diem and Chris are back together and TWITTER WARS, and why Frank seems to find himself in conflict with everybody at some point or another. I remember when Maria Menuonos was hosting these reunions. She'd spend more than the obligatory 2 minutes talking to the winners and participants of the final challenge about the final ******* challenge. This reunion is just a platform to field the questions of barely-pubescent sexually curious teens. Why entertain those ******* questions anyway? It's cannot be that these curious kids need guidance, what with our stellar sex ed programs and our societies puritanical views regarding the awesomeness that is passionate love making. You'd think these kids' perverted curiosities were symptomatic of a population in a nation where sexual knowledge was viewed as something that'd lead to diabolical backsliding down the slippery, semen-stained slope of damnation. You'd think these kids weren't being educated about that ****. Not in AMERICA though. We are a MODERN, SECULAR NATION where there's no shame in educating our youth about the finer points of *******. The dos and don'ts. Right? Right?! RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?! Sometimes, when I think about this **** too much, I hear a loud pop in my brain and blood garden-hoses out of both my ears. And then I fall asleep. Like a log, brother.
So we've got the hook up questions. Chris allegedly hooked up with every female that ever existed. Diem allegedly did not care. Girls experimented with one another. Perhaps they realized that they are generally prettier and smell nicer than us men. Leads me to assume that these boys were especially closely with their dominant hand during filming. Except Chris, who was busy Genghis Khan-ing the female population of the world.
At some point Ryan slaps Frank in the face. Seemingly Ryan does this because of some sad, misguided attempt to defend his woman. Except that Jemmye and Ryan haven't been dating for quite some time. You know, I was wondering whether or not Ryan's attack on Frank was premeditated. But premeditation requires advanced cognitive faculties, the ability to have sequential thoughts building on one another continuously until they formulate something cohesive called a plan. And it occurs to me as I typed that last sentence, that Ryan would not understand what the **** I just said. Maybe it is his hockey background, or perhaps excessive alcohol consumption... or perhaps his fame-whoring and obvious inferiority complex have manifested themselves into two separate entities in constant competition, vying for time to shine, thus destroying in him the ability to do anything even remotely satisfactory in a social situation... Who ******* knows. Frank handles it well, though he has some misplaced notion in his own mind that he is always on the moral high ground. The thing Frank doesn't seem to realize is that eventually, talking **** to everyone you encounter is going to bite you in the ***. Particularly when you talk **** to a wayward youth whose hostile brain is on autopilot. Whatever. In any case, Ryan's gone. Good riddance, I reckon.
The rest of the reunion is predictably uneventful. There was the awkward interview with Chris and Diem, during which Diem did not get a word in edgewise, and Chris proceeded to make Jonny Moseley look more uncomfortable than George W. Bush in that elementary school just as he received the news that our nation was under attack. Some people felt bad for Moseley. I did not. He's getting paid for this farce. He's getting paid to serve as a middle man between twitter teens with questions and the cast of Rivals 2. That was his job for that day. That was what he did. The entire time. He had a few of his own questions. But they were mostly what the twitter teens were already asking. His main job was to maintain order. How well did that go? I think V1man put it best when he said "They will be wearing band-aids on those hosting wounds for a long time." Abso-*******-lutely. This was brutal.
Let ******* Mark host these things. At least he wouldn't get so cowed by Chris that the audience can hear the loud suction sound that re-ascending ********* make, like we experienced with Moseley trying to hold **** down. The man is 10 years Chris' senior, and he let Chris call him SON. Come on.
[QUOTE=Mind Riot;369812]I'm surprised it took them this long to decide to air a live reunion... After all, keeping the cast out of anything remotely resembling a ******* comfort zone is commonplace, what with confining them in a house with strict rules, and a newly implemented "No New Friends" rule, it seems like the powers that be crave another CT-Adam Duel 2 style brawl. And what better way to do that than to stoke the flames of discontent by making everybody feel ****ty all the time!
So a live reunion it is, with a host that none of the cast members respect. Because what's the point of having a ******* host capable of moderating these personalities and keeping them in line? THAT'D RUIN ALL THE FUN! So we have Jonny Moseley, a man whose very smile is a ******* pained grimace, a veritable cry for help to production, the audience... God, if He exists? Jonny Moseley had himself a rough day...
The set up is an amphitheater with a hot seat for the cast to take places sitting in so's they can dish about who ****ed who in what orifice and whether or not Diem and Chris are back together and TWITTER WARS, and why Frank seems to find himself in conflict with everybody at some point or another. I remember when Maria Menuonos was hosting these reunions. She'd spend more than the obligatory 2 minutes talking to the winners and participants of the final challenge about the final ******* challenge. This reunion is just a platform to field the questions of barely-pubescent sexually curious teens. Why entertain those ******* questions anyway? It's cannot be that these curious kids need guidance, what with our stellar sex ed programs and our societies puritanical views regarding the awesomeness that is passionate love making. You'd think these kids' perverted curiosities were symptomatic of a population in a nation where sexual knowledge was viewed as something that'd lead to diabolical backsliding down the slippery, semen-stained slope of damnation. You'd think these kids weren't being educated about that ****. Not in AMERICA though. We are a MODERN, SECULAR NATION where there's no shame in educating our youth about the finer points of *******. The dos and don'ts. Right? Right?! RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?! Sometimes, when I think about this **** too much, I hear a loud pop in my brain and blood garden-hoses out of both my ears. And then I fall asleep. Like a log, brother.
So we've got the hook up questions. Chris allegedly hooked up with every female that ever existed. Diem allegedly did not care. Girls experimented with one another. Perhaps they realized that they are generally prettier and smell nicer than us men. Leads me to assume that these boys were especially closely with their dominant hand during filming. Except Chris, who was busy Genghis Khan-ing the female population of the world.
At some point Ryan slaps Frank in the face. Seemingly Ryan does this because of some sad, misguided attempt to defend his woman. Except that Jemmye and Ryan haven't been dating for quite some time. You know, I was wondering whether or not Ryan's attack on Frank was premeditated. But premeditation requires advanced cognitive faculties, the ability to have sequential thoughts building on one another continuously until they formulate something cohesive called a plan. And it occurs to me as I typed that last sentence, that Ryan would not understand what the **** I just said. Maybe it is his hockey background, or perhaps excessive alcohol consumption... or perhaps his fame-whoring and obvious inferiority complex have manifested themselves into two separate entities in constant competition, vying for time to shine, thus destroying in him the ability to do anything even remotely satisfactory in a social situation... Who ******* knows. Frank handles it well, though he has some misplaced notion in his own mind that he is always on the moral high ground. The thing Frank doesn't seem to realize is that eventually, talking **** to everyone you encounter is going to bite you in the ***. Particularly when you talk **** to a wayward youth whose hostile brain is on autopilot. Whatever. In any case, Ryan's gone. Good riddance, I reckon.
The rest of the reunion is predictably uneventful. There was the awkward interview with Chris and Diem, during which Diem did not get a word in edgewise, and Chris proceeded to make Jonny Moseley look more uncomfortable than George W. Bush in that elementary school just as he received the news that our nation was under attack. Some people felt bad for Moseley. I did not. He's getting paid for this farce. He's getting paid to serve as a middle man between twitter teens with questions and the cast of Rivals 2. That was his job for that day. That was what he did. The entire time. He had a few of his own questions. But they were mostly what the twitter teens were already asking. His main job was to maintain order. How well did that go? I think V1man put it best when he said "They will be wearing band-aids on those hosting wounds for a long time." Abso-*******-lutely. This was brutal.
Let ******* Mark host these things. At least he wouldn't get so cowed by Chris that the audience can hear the loud suction sound that re-ascending ********* make, like we experienced with Moseley trying to hold **** down. The man is 10 years Chris' senior, and he let Chris call him SON. Come on.[/QUOTE]
Crisply emergent with an undertone of banal sarcasm. Nicely done, indeed. I shall miss your wit.
I would normally agree with you Mind Riot in regards to Knight not necessarily having a plan but I'm pretty sure he had something in mind when he went into the reunion. He did a [URL="http://www.spreecast.com/events/the-challenge-rivals-2-knight-take-2"]Spreecast[/URL] a couple of weeks ago (Sept. 13th) with Brandon and about 5 minutes into the Spreecast he said Frank had a slap coming his way and he hadn't decided yet if he was going to take the high road or slap him. Said we would find out at the reunion.
[QUOTE=Mind Riot;369812]I'm surprised it took them this long to decide to air a live reunion... After all, keeping the cast out of anything remotely resembling a ******* comfort zone is commonplace, what with confining them in a house with strict rules,[B][/B][B][/B][B] and a newly implemented "No New Friends" rule[/B], it seems like the powers that be crave another CT-Adam Duel 2 style brawl. And what better way to do that than to stoke the flames of discontent by making everybody feel ****ty all the time!
So a live reunion it is, with a host that none of the cast members respect. Because what's the point of having a ******* host capable of moderating these personalities and keeping them in line? THAT'D RUIN ALL THE FUN! So [B]we have Jonny Moseley, a man whose very smile is a ******* pained grimace, a veritable cry for help to production, the audience... God, if He exists? [/B]Jonny Moseley had himself a rough day...
The set up is an [B]amphitheater with a hot seat for the cast to take places sitting in so's they can dish about who ****ed who in what orifice and whether or not Diem and Chris are back together and TWITTER WARS, and why Frank seems to find himself in conflict with everybody at some point or another.[/B] I remember when Maria Menuonos was hosting these reunions. She'd spend more than the obligatory 2 [B]minutes talking to the winners and participants of the final challenge about the final ******* challenge. This reunion is just a platform to field the questions of barely-pubescent sexually curious teens. Why entertain those ******* questions anyway? It's cannot be that these curious kids need guidance, what with our stellar sex ed programs and our societies puritanical views regarding the awesomeness that is passionate love making. You'd think these kids' perverted curiosities were symptomatic of a population in a nation where sexual knowledge was viewed as something that'd lead to diabolical backsliding down the slippery, semen-stained slope of damnation. You'd think these kids weren't being educated about that ****. Not in AMERICA though. We are a MODERN, SECULAR NATION where there's no shame in educating our youth about the finer points of *******. The dos and don'ts. Right? Right?! RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?! [I][/I][I][/I][B][/B][B]Sometimes, when I think about this **** too much, I hear a loud pop in my brain and blood garden-hoses out of both my ears. And then I fall asleep. Like a log, brother[/I].[/B][/B][I][/I][B]So we've got the hook up questions. Chris allegedly hooked up with every female that ever existed. Diem allegedly did not care. Girls experimented with one another. Perhaps they realized that they are generally prettier and smell nicer than us men. Leads me to assume that these boys were especially closely with their dominant hand during filming. Except Chris, who was busy Genghis Khan-ing the female population of the world.[/B]At some point Ryan slaps Frank in the face. Seemingly Ryan does this because of some sad, misguided attempt to defend his woman. Except that Jemmye and Ryan haven't been dating for quite some time. You know, I was wondering whether or not Ryan's attack on Frank was premeditated. But premeditation requires advanced cognitive faculties, the ability to have sequential thoughts building on one another continuously until they formulate something cohesive called a plan. And it occurs to me as I typed that last sentence, that Ryan would not understand what the **** I just said. Maybe it is his hockey background, or perhaps excessive alcohol consumption... or perhaps his fame-whoring and obvious inferiority complex have manifested themselves into two separate entities in constant competition, vying for time to shine, thus destroying in him the ability to do anything even remotely satisfactory in a social situation... Who ******* knows. Frank handles it well, though he has some misplaced notion in his own mind that he is always on the moral high ground. The thing Frank doesn't seem to realize is that eventually, talking **** to everyone you encounter is going to bite you in the ***. Particularly when you talk **** to a wayward youth whose hostile brain is on autopilot. Whatever. In any case, Ryan's gone. Good riddance, I reckon.
[I][/I][B]The rest of the reunion is predictably uneventful. There was the awkward interview with Chris and Diem, during which Diem did not get a word in edgewise, and Chris proceeded to make Jonny Moseley look more uncomfortable than George W. Bush in that elementary school just as he received the news that our nation was under attack. [/B] Some people felt bad for Moseley. I did not. He's getting paid for this farce. He's getting paid to serve as a middle man between twitter teens with questions and the cast of Rivals 2. That was his job for that day. That was what he did. The entire time. He had a few of his own questions. But they were mostly what the twitter teens were already asking. His main job was to maintain order. How well did that go? I think V1man put it best when he said "They will be wearing band-aids on those hosting wounds for a long time." Abso-*******-lutely. This was brutal.
Let ******* Mark host these things. At least he wouldn't get so cowed by Chris that the audience can hear the loud suction sound that re-ascending ********* make, like we experienced with Moseley trying to hold **** down. The man is 10 years Chris' senior, and he let Chris call him SON. Come on.[/QUOTE]
You had me at "I'm surprised it took them this long to decide to air a live reunion". I chuckled all the way through. I pointed out a few of my favorites!
Mind Riot actually touched on something that I thought of..Why the hell was Knight trying to defend Jemmeye? They aren't even dating, so whatever quarrel Frank and Jemmeye had with each other is none of his business period.
And Frank..I don't hate the guy but it was laughable when he tried to act moral and take the high road..he does talk alot of rude, Disrespectful **** to people and that's gonna get his *** in REAL trouble one day. Knight slapping him is just a taste of what he'll eventually get if he keeps doing what he's doing. Preston hit it right on the head when he said that Frank isn't innocent. He sure as hell isn't.
[QUOTE]Why the hell was Knight trying to defend Jemmeye? They aren't even dating, so whatever quarrel Frank and Jemmeye had with each other is none of his business period.[/QUOTE]
The funny part is back during the filming of Rivals 2 when Frank talked all that **** about Jemmye she got pissed at Knight for not defending her instead of logically being mad Frank who was the one insulting her while she stood five feet away. And yet at the Reunion she finally got what she wanted, Knight defending her, but instead of being appreciative that her ex was sticking up for her she chose to side with Frank instead. What is up with these people? Frank talks so much crap and yet most of them give him a free pass. I don't get it.
[QUOTE=V1man;369468]You should read her fitness blog. Steriods? It's far more likely than you are on something that that Emily would every poison her body.[/QUOTE]
She's part of the Crossfit cult, the top people in that are all on steroids. They've just introduced the bare minimum testing(very easy to get around) causing most former champions to drop out of further competitions. Most bodybuilders, sportsmen and pretty much anyone in athletic area eats and trains extremely well but there's huge problems in all those areas with PED's. Small doses of steroids can even be beneficial, the idea that anyone into fitness or healthy living wouldn't take PED's is naive. As someone who's been in and around that area for a long time looking at Emilys jaw line says she's taken something in her time.
I was actually surprised that Emily as much as she trains barely moved an out of shape drunk/druggy Knight even with two security guys pulling him away she needs to get back in the gym.
The whole live idea was a huge mistake. Even half drunk these guys are not stupid and have been doing this a while. Taped they can make them sit there until they give a decent answer, live these guys know they can just BS until the time runs out there was nothing in this show bar Knight embarrassing himself.
Also sad to see Emily teaming up with Frank thought she was better than that but the whole picking on Cara half her size didn't show a good side to her.
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;369913]Emily doesn't eat bread because its to unhealthy so I doubt she takes steroids[/QUOTE]Barry Bonds eats healthy too and he took steroids.
[QUOTE=skyhigh;369925]Barry Bonds eats healthy too and he took steroids.[/QUOTE]
Bonds couldn't do five minutes of crossfit.
It's all about BACON. :biggrin-new:
[QUOTE=lurks;369910]She's part of the Crossfit cult, the top people in that are all on steroids. They've just introduced the bare minimum testing(very easy to get around) causing most former champions to drop out of further competitions. Most bodybuilders, sportsmen and pretty much anyone in athletic area eats and trains extremely well but there's huge problems in all those areas with PED's. Small doses of steroids can even be beneficial, the idea that anyone into fitness or healthy living wouldn't take PED's is naive. As someone who's been in and around that area for a long time looking at Emilys jaw line says she's taken something in her time.
I was actually surprised that Emily as much as she trains barely moved an out of shape drunk/druggy Knight even with two security guys pulling him away she needs to get back in the gym.
The whole live idea was a huge mistake. Even half drunk these guys are not stupid and have been doing this a while. Taped they can make them sit there until they give a decent answer, live these guys know they can just BS until the time runs out there was nothing in this show bar Knight embarrassing himself.
Also sad to see Emily teaming up with Frank thought she was better than that but the whole picking on Cara half her size didn't show a good side to her.[/QUOTE]
Moronic at best.
Just because someone works out all the time, it doesn't mean they do steroids. If you are conscious about what you put into your body, you won't take steroids as they will destroy your body in the long run. It isn't like Emily was a normal girl one challenge and then became a super athlete the next. She has undergone her transformation over a few years and doesn't show any of the side effects of steroid usage.