The Challenge: Rivals II - Reunion

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Anonymous's picture
For all the people complaining about how over used and shown ct/diem are, ct did exactly what you all wanted, he avoided the topic and made the host nervous and clearly johnny had no legit hosting skills to recover and send it back ct's way. Ct would not have done that with TJ IMO because they are cool off the show
[QUOTE=V1man;369293]The flaw in your analysis, of course, is that Jimmye and Frank had already worked through the issues. If Knight had keep his head out of his *** for the past three months, he would have known that. To me, he was the pathetic school yard bully and few years past his expiration date. Kids, this is why you don't do drugs. You could end up like Knight.[/QUOTE] no matter what you say about knight, it's obvious that frank deserved that slap and probably deserves a little more, like his jaw broken.
Anonymous's picture
i thought the reunion was pretty dumb but they all are really...i mean 1 hr of 10 hrs of footage edited down or a bunch of people talking over eachother is bout the same to me.
[QUOTE=Psy4potato;369294]I'm sad Trishelle wasn't there...I knew there was no way in heck she would be, but I would have loved to here her side of the story. ...[/QUOTE] There is no way they could allow Trishelle to come on a live show after telling her she would be sued if she talked about why she left the show and will never would with BMP again.
[QUOTE=V1man;369302]There is no way they could allow Trishelle to come on a live show after telling her she would be sued if she talked about why she left the show and will never would with BMP again.[/QUOTE] What did I miss? I thought she left because she got in a fight and got sad. What's the 'real' scoop?
[QUOTE=V1man;369302]There is no way they could allow Trishelle to come on a live show after telling her she would be sued if she talked about why she left the show and will never would with BMP again.[/QUOTE] I've been wanting to ask you if there is a time period on this. Can she talk in a year?
[QUOTE=JayTee;369300]no matter what you say about knight, it's obvious that frank deserved that slap and probably deserves a little more, like his jaw broken.[/QUOTE] Oh, grow up and be an adult. Breaking someone's jaw intentionally will get you jail time in just about any jurisdiction. I don't care for Frank in real life or for the character he plays on the Challenges, but that doesn't earn him violence in response. It's just beyond stupid. If you think it's right, then you're suggesting a regression toward the human species of centuries ago. No thanks.
[QUOTE=V1man;369293]The flaw in your analysis, of course, is that Jimmye and Frank had already worked through the issues. If Knight had keep his head out of his *** for the past three months, he would have known that. To me, he was the pathetic school yard bully and few years past his expiration date. Kids, this is why you don't do drugs. You could end up like Knight.[/QUOTE] Yes Knight does seem like he has an issue with drugs unfortunately, and we know at one point he was addicted to painkillers. However, I don't think Jimmye and Frank making up changes anything. The words were said, and Knight had an issue with it. It's not so much about whether Frank and Jimmye were cool, as much as it is Knight had an issue with the words he said to Jimmye. Knight should have handled the issue better, but he still was trying to stick up for Jimmye. Of course this is Knight, so there is always the ulterior motive which is looking good to Jimmye. I think if that was the case it backfired big time. Right or wrong, and it looks like it was mostly wrong, Knight had the guts to stand up and do what he thought was right in the moment and confront the issue he had. That's more than we can say than almost everyone else. And regardless if he squashed the issue with Jimmye or not, Frank had a perfectly good opportunity to publicly atone for his words. Instead he sidestepped responsibility. That's nothing new with Frank, and it's a reason lots of people have issues with Frank.
[QUOTE=RMD1;369304]I've been wanting to ask you if there is a time period on this. Can she talk in a year?[/QUOTE] That depends. I've not talked to her about the specifics. If BMP considers it a "production detail," then it's a lifetime ban as I recall the contract and the penalty can be $5M. I'd be happy to hook her up with the right lawyers in LA, though. I think those conversations can always be useful.
Anonymous's picture
i am not saying frank should have been smacked on tv but how much you want to bet he would have tweeted again how the people talking a big game did nothing when the camera's were live? But knight looked so drunk that it made it look bad and frank look better so knights whole goal was shot. if they woudl have asked frank about his fight with jordan and ct specifically i would have been interested what he would say on live tv ..or if he would have called ct out ..i doubt it
[QUOTE=BosNite;369303]What did I miss? I thought she left because she got in a fight and got sad. What's the 'real' scoop?[/QUOTE] Trishelle posted on twitter that is was something she was warned by production that she could not talk about. She hasn't talked about it, so we don't know.
[QUOTE=V1man;369310]Trishelle posted on twitter that is was something she was warned by production that she could not talk about. She hasn't talked about it, so we don't know.[/QUOTE] I wonder if it had more to do with the conditions or if something seriously happened that hurt her long term. I will get to the bottom of this! Time to start Facebook messaging some people :) I will never tell though. Maw ha ha.
[QUOTE=V1man;369308]That depends. I've not talked to her about the specifics. If BMP considers it a "production detail," then it's a lifetime ban as I recall the contract and the penalty can be $5M. I'd be happy to hook her up with the right lawyers in LA, though. I think those conversations can always be useful.[/QUOTE] As your not under contract with BMP - maybe you could just relay some of your general thoughts about production and things that might be issues with contestants. Seriously. This isn't national security. It's a goofy MTV reality show!
Apologies don't always fix everything especially when it comes to repeated behavior. That whole "you can say whatever you want when on the challenge" is such a cop out excuse to be a **** then come to the reunion and apologize then repeat cycle.
[QUOTE=BosNite;369312]As your not under contract with BMP - maybe you could just relay some of your general thoughts about production and things that might be issues with contestants. Seriously. This isn't national security. It's a goofy MTV reality show![/QUOTE] You are underestimating this tremendously.
[QUOTE=Cashfl0w;369313]Apologies don't always fix everything especially when it comes to repeated behavior. That whole "you can say whatever you want when on the challenge" is such a cop out excuse to be a **** then come to the reunion and apologize then repeat cycle.[/QUOTE] Praise!!!
[QUOTE=jojorules;369309]i am not saying frank should have been smacked on tv but how much you want to bet he would have tweeted again how the people talking a big game did nothing when the camera's were live? But knight looked so drunk that it made it look bad and frank look better so knights whole goal was shot. if they woudl have asked frank about his fight with jordan and ct specifically i would have been interested what he would say on live tv ..or if he would have called ct out ..i doubt it[/QUOTE] thats true if Kinght had taken the high road then ppl would say he didnt do/say anything to his face. Wes should have gotten up and done the same thing to Johnny since Johnny told him to lol j/k. I wasnt too shocked by Knight I think he came on to do just that, he said a while ago in a spreedcast to wait till the reunion cause he's going to smack frank cause Frank is asking for it or something like that, and he did. Dont agree with what he did though, that was live, it screwed up the show, they had to cut the cara/emily thing and go to commercial. Not to mention that hes probably fined a **** load lol
Whose bright idea was it to give the cast loads of alcohol before the live reunion anyway? Knight looked wasted, possibly stoned, and it is possible that he was both. Jordan admitted he was drunk. Wes looked like he had something in him too, and they all probably did. I just don't think getting a bunch of reality cast members drunk before going on live television is the right message you want to be sending to anyone, and probably was the reason for Knight slapping Frank along with CT's thing with Johnny. Seems like a bunch of potential headaches that could be avoided. I perfectly expect the cast to party and get drunk, but maybe it would be best if production made sure all of that happened after the live reunion. Just saying.
I don't condone violence and blah blah blah but Frank needed to get hit eventually so I'm okay with what happened.
[QUOTE=RMD1;369314]You are underestimating this tremendously.[/QUOTE] So... this does have to do with national security? Are half of the contestants actually spies and the show is their cover to sneak in and out of country experiencing a bit of a Muslim insurgency? Speaking of which... was I the only person that thought the whole van cutting off the bus and 'kidnapping' the contestants was... umm... a little creepy, maybe in slightly poor taste? The country does have some issues with Muslim terrorists and kidnappings. I don't know what the cast was seeing/knew, but I might've ******* my pants a little if that whole thing wasn't obviously part of the show.
[QUOTE=mph922;369318]I don't condone violence and blah blah blah but Frank needed to get hit eventually so I'm okay with what happened.[/QUOTE] I'm usually the same way. I just can't find it in me to feel bad for Frank. I keep replaying (in my head) what he said about Nanys sister.
[QUOTE=BosNite;369319]So... this does have to do with national security? Are half of the contestants actually spies and the show is their cover to sneak in and out of country experiencing a bit of a Muslim insurgency? Speaking of which... was I the only person that thought the whole van cutting off the bus and 'kidnapping' the contestants was... umm... a little creepy, maybe in slightly poor taste? The country does have some issues with Muslim terrorists and kidnappings. I don't know what the cast was seeing/knew, but I might've ******* my pants a little if that whole thing wasn't obviously part of the show.[/QUOTE] No, but lawsuits are serious and the will not hesitate to sue.
[QUOTE=limax;369317]Whose bright idea was it to give the cast loads of alcohol before the live reunion anyway? Knight looked wasted, possibly stoned, and it is possible that he was both. Jordan admitted he was drunk. Wes looked like he had something in him too, and they all probably did. I just don't think getting a bunch of reality cast members drunk before going on live television is the right message you want to be sending to anyone, and probably was the reason for Knight slapping Frank along with CT's thing with Johnny. Seems like a bunch of potential headaches that could be avoided. I perfectly expect the cast to party and get drunk, but maybe it would be best if production made sure all of that happened after the live reunion. Just saying.[/QUOTE] They always get alcohol before reunions, it adds something extra. Like crazy *** people getting crazier.
[QUOTE=BosNite;369312]As your not under contract with BMP - maybe you could just relay some of your general thoughts about production and things that might be issues with contestants. Seriously. This isn't national security. It's a goofy MTV reality show![/QUOTE] I agree it's goofy, but there was a time when I represented some MTV cast members while they were under contract with BMP/MTV, so it's like national security to me because I would never betray a cast member with whom I had a contractual relationship. I'm very careful what I write about MTV and BMP, although I am nearly always critical when I think they have earned it and opened the door to criticism. In this instance, I don't know the facts, so I can't comment beyond what I have already written. I do know Trishelle to be a reasonable and intelligent person in real life, having worked with her on four productions and a show pilot with **** Clark Productions, so I suspect it is not something minor.
[QUOTE=RMD1;369320]I'm usually the same way. I just can't find it in me to feel bad for Frank. I keep replaying (in my head) what he said about Nanys sister.[/QUOTE] I don't think I'll ever feel bad for Frank. He's a massive d-bag. So is Knight.
[QUOTE=RMD1;369320]I'm usually the same way. I just can't find it in me to feel bad for Frank. I keep replaying (in my head) what he said about Nanys sister.[/QUOTE] Plus he called Jemmye's (Knight's ex-gf) the ugliest girl to ever be on the challenges and told Knight he was gonna OD in a narcotic-based coma. So, I'd say he had it coming from Knight.
[QUOTE=mph922;369326]Plus he called Jemmye's (Knight's ex-gf) the ugliest girl to ever be on the challenges and told Knight he was gonna OD in a narcotic-based coma. So, I'd say he had it coming from Knight.[/QUOTE] Yeah, he's low. Good to hear from you btw! Haven't seen you around often.
[QUOTE=limax;369317]Whose bright idea was it to give the cast loads of alcohol before the live reunion anyway? Knight looked wasted, possibly stoned, and it is possible that he was both. Jordan admitted he was drunk. Wes looked like he had something in him too, and they all probably did. I just don't think getting a bunch of reality cast members drunk before going on live television is the right message you want to be sending to anyone, and probably was the reason for Knight slapping Frank along with CT's thing with Johnny. Seems like a bunch of potential headaches that could be avoided. I perfectly expect the cast to party and get drunk, but maybe it would be best if production made sure all of that happened after the live reunion. Just saying.[/QUOTE] Besides Knight and Jordan they all appeared sober to me, I would think they need them to stay sober when they only have an hour. lol see Kelly Anne on the island reunion to see drunk on the reunion. Seeing it live makes me realize why they edit it so much, some ppl took a while to answer, they were talking over eachother and there was always random mumbles from CT in the background
Agreed on the apologizing not fixing everything, but in this case Frank admitted he was wrong, refused to repeat what he said, and said he didn't feel that way about Jimmye anymore but never took responsibility for his words. If you are sincerely regret your words then say so on live television. It is obvious to me that Frank isn't sorry for what he said to her. And what is going to happen the next time? How low will he go? He has no filter, and he feels justified in everything he says or does.
[QUOTE=V1man;369323]I agree it's goofy, but there was a time when I represented some MTV cast members while they were under contract with BMP/MTV, so it's like national security to me because I would never betray a cast member with whom I had a contractual relationship. I'm very careful what I write about MTV and BMP, although I am nearly always critical when I think they have earned it and opened the door to criticism. In this instance, I don't know the facts, so I can't comment beyond what I have already written. I do know Trishelle to be a reasonable and intelligent person in real life, having worked with her on four productions and a show pilot with **** Clark Productions, so I suspect it is not something minor.[/QUOTE] I don't think it's that goofy. It is a company's reputation. Sure they deserve the bad reputation, but you know that would hurt them!
