Major League Baseball: 2013

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On that note, the Red Sox are the most dominating organization in the World Series in the last decade, going 8-0! [QUOTE=Treetrunk;350996]Agreed. I was referring to the entire run through the playoffs as a whole.[/QUOTE] Oh, I know. The thing is, defending the Red Sox in New England is a blood sport and sometimes it requires a bit of subterfuge, the avoidance of certain facts and the selective use statistics in order to attempt to force a draw. ;)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;350998] Oh, I know. The thing is, defending the Red Sox in New England is a blood sport and sometimes it requires a bit of subterfuge, the avoidance of certain facts and the selective use statistics in order to attempt to force a draw. ;)[/QUOTE] I totally get it. We still play little brother to the northside yuppies. White Sox fans always have a chip on their shoulder; it's a role we relish, and various facts and realities often get distorted to prove a point. Very similar to the Manning-Brady debate here as well. Although I will admit my stance has softened with age.
There's a Manning-Brady debate? How I see it, Manning has 1 SB ring which puts him on par with Flacco and slightly above the likes of guys like Romo/Ryan. So what is this debate?
[QUOTE=Aereas;351009]There's a Manning-Brady debate? How I see it, Manning has 1 SB ring which puts him on par with Flacco and slightly above the likes of guys like Romo/Ryan. So what is this debate?[/QUOTE] One could apply the Terry Bradshaw logic, which really does little to support your claim. It's simply a revolving door. I'm not certain that either one participates in professional baseball at last check though.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;343322]Best record after a month doesn't mean much. Last year at this time, the Rays had the best record and missed the playoffs. The Dodgers and Rangers were tied for the 2nd best record. One missed the playoffs and the other lost in the play in game of the playoffs (which may or may not count as making the playoffs depending on how you look at it).[/QUOTE] So what is your current assessment as the All Star game kicks off tonight? The Red Sox have the most wins and baseball and the best record in the AL with a +3 home schedule remaining.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;353667]So what is your current assessment as the All Star game kicks off tonight? The Red Sox have the most wins and baseball and the best record in the AL with a +3 home schedule remaining.[/QUOTE] Right now I think the Sox are going to get 2nd in the AL East and have home field for the play in game. I think Tampa Bay is going to surpass them, but I could be wrong. The Red Sox have 10 games coming out of the All Star Break against the Yankees, Rays, and Orioles. How they play in that stretch could change my opinion greatly in either direction.
For the DBacks leading the NL West, if our pitching improves and our offense does slightly better, then we can lock up the Division. It depends if we are willing to trade to improve or not. We lead everyone with games won in the 9th Inning, 1 run wins, extra Innings wins, and have ground out more games than I think anyone else. Getting more than 50 wins before the All Star Break through grit and when not firing 100% on all cylinders should make the rest of the Division concerned if all cylinders start firing, especially if our bullpen improves. Goldy had been a solid rock for us.
Home field advantage does to the AL. I like it.
Mariano Rivera winning the MVP award was quite ridiculous. There were nine other AL pitchers who gave up zero runs and six of them actually recorded a strike out. I am sure it went over well in New York, but I'm not waxing nostalgic and would have liked to see player that did something exceptional (say drive in the game winning run) get the nod. The MVP award at the All Star game is not supposed to be a lifetime achievement award. That award of course will be presented to Rivera at Fenway next fall to commemorate the 10th anniversary of his blown save that led to the reverse of the curse.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;353793]Mariano Rivera winning the MVP award was quite ridiculous. There were nine other AL pitchers who gave up zero runs and six of them actually recorded a strike out. I am sure it went over well in New York, but I'm not waxing nostalgic and would have liked to see player that did something exceptional (say drive in the game winning run) get the nod. The MVP award at the All Star game is not supposed to be a lifetime achievement award. That award of course will be presented to Rivera at Fenway next fall to commemorate the 10th anniversary of his blown save that led to the reverse of the curse.[/QUOTE] All Star Game MVP is completely meaningless. Why does it matter if they give it to Rivera for a sentimental moment? When you talk about how great someone is, do you ever mention how many all star game MVPs they have won?
[URL=""]Ryan Braun's legacy takes a permanent hit[/URL] It's good to see MLB finally get this bum, who got off on a technicality during his FauxVP season. That said, the penalty is obviously too light being players are still using PEDs. I think 162 games plus post season should be the minimum for a first offense, followed by two years plus post season for a second offense. Finally, full on Pete Rose treatment if you get caught a third time (No Hall; no association with baseball, period). I think the commissioner's office will probably wait until A-Roid is in the lineup before they hit him with the 60-100 game suspension we all know is coming. [ATTACH=CONFIG]2373[/ATTACH]
The bigger problem is the fact that they aren't catching these guys with positive tests and suspending them, they are getting them with Biogenesis information. They need to improve their testing before they worry about lengthier suspensions. I would also give teams the options to void contracts before lengthier suspensions.
[url=] A-Rod Looking To Make Deal; Could Face Lifetime Ban[/url] [ATTACH=CONFIG]2374[/ATTACH]
Speaking of A-Roid.... Nine years ago today - July 24, 2004. It's still in my wallpaper rotation! [ATTACH=CONFIG]2377[/ATTACH]
Feeling incredibly proud of my Tigers, especially as of late. 11 in a row and widening the game between us and the Indians. The AL Central, in general, has become hot aside from the White Sox. I never thought that Kansas City would even have a winning record at this point.
It cost us the game, but it was totally worth it. [video=youtube_share;0TxQSYWu61I][/video]
[QUOTE=Bacchus;361057]It cost us the game, but it was totally worth it. [video=youtube_share;0TxQSYWu61I][/video][/QUOTE] Well, if there were a valid baseball reason, I might agree with you. D's tweets, however, make it look entirely personal and masked as "inside baseball." If the story linked below is true, then it's just sad. [URL=""][/URL]
[QUOTE=V1man;361059]Well, if there were a valid baseball reason, I might agree with you. D's tweets, however, make it look entirely personal and masked as "inside baseball." If the story linked below is true, then it's just sad. [/QUOTE] Sad? Nah. The guy is an egomaniacal cheating bum, hopefully playing in his final season. I personally don't care about Dempster's motive. I just found it hilarious that A-Roid got plunked. The guy is a disgrace to New York, the Yankees and to all of baseball. I wouldn't shed a single tear if he got beaned 39 times in the next 39 games for absolutely no reason at all. Heck, I'd applaud it.
No need to hate A-Rod. He was just trying to do whatever it takes to win. Hate MLB for having a horrible testing policy and not getting a positive test even though he has been cheating for a decade with drug testing.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;361062]No need to hate A-Rod. He was just trying to do whatever it takes to win. Hate MLB for having a horrible testing policy and not getting a positive test even though he has been cheating for a decade with drug testing.[/QUOTE] Had he manned up and taken his suspension like all the other implicated Biogenesis players, that would have been one thing. Instead this [URL=""]admitted PEDs user[/URL] and [URL=""]selfish snitch[/URL] is shamefully carrying on, further damaging baseball as a dark cloud hovers over each and every stadium he plays.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;361065]Had he manned up and taken his suspension like all the other implicated Biogenesis players, that would have been one thing. Instead this [URL=""]admitted PEDs user[/URL] and [URL=""]selfish snitch[/URL] is shamefully carrying on, further damaging baseball as a dark cloud hovers over each and every stadium he plays.[/QUOTE] I don't blame A-Rod for not taking the suspension. Why should he be suspended for 211 games while Ryan Braun got 65 games? What is the difference between Braun and A-Rod? They both lied about their PED use, but Braun had a positive test and got off on a technicality. A-Rod had a positive test before steroids were illegal.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;361068] Why should he be suspended for 211 games while Ryan Braun got 65 games? What is the difference between Braun and A-Rod?[/QUOTE] There is a huge difference. A-Rod has been [URL=""]buying up documents to keep them out of the hands of MLB[/URL], [URL=""]paying Tony Bosch's lawyer in an attempt to keep him quiet[/URL] and [URL=""]snitching on other players[/URL] to deflect blame away from himself. A-Rod is rightly getting a punitive penalty for [strike]being a d-bag[/strike] obstructing the investigation.
Red Sox v. Tigers. Absolute brutality and I'm loving it.
As an Indians fan, I'm right there with you.
Hooo yeah, I knew we'd get a few posts tonight :triumphant: Hafner, professional divisional rivalries aside, the Angels are the ones you want to cheer for tonight.
Some quick game stats: Most home runs ever given up by the Tigers in franchise history. Tied for most home runs hit by the Red Sox in franchise history. Most runs scored by the Red Sox since 2003. David Ortiz moves past 2000 hits with an RBI double and two jacks. The Red Sox maul and move past the Tigers with the most runs in baseball and take over best run differential with a net +32 (+16 Sox/-16 Tigers) performance. The Red Sox have the best record in the AL and open up a 6 game lead in the AL East in their attempt to go from worst to first.
Don't forget the Red Sox also have the most obvious PED user in the league on their team.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;365379]Don't forget the Red Sox also have the most obvious PED user in the league on their team.[/QUOTE] Who? The bat boy? Get Selig on the phone! Obviously you have hard evidence on hand, so share away. This could be some groundbreaking Pulitzer worthy stuff! Well, that or you're just sucking on some sour grapes. No matter the former or the latter, your definition of "most obvious" is clearly skewed as there is nothing more obvious than [URL=""]someone admitting to using PEDs.[/URL]
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;365379]Don't forget the Red Sox also have the most obvious PED user in the league on their team.[/QUOTE] Damn that Johnny Gomes... I knew it was too good to be true!!
