Major League Baseball: 2013

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Major League Baseball: 2013
My favorite time of the year (lately) being November brings a new slate and winter meetings to lead into the new season of baseball... Might as well start with the biggest name on the block: [url=]Rangers making plans without Josh Hamilton[/url] [QUOTE]The Texas Rangers don't plan to offer prized free agent outfielder Josh Hamilton more than a three-year contract[/QUOTE] [url=][img][/img][/url] [QUOTE]Hamilton has indicated he's seeking a seven-year, $175 million deal.[/QUOTE] Please don't let it be the Red Sox. Please don't let it be the Red Sox... [url=][img][/img][/url] [URL=""]Josh Hamilton’s unlikely trio of suitors: Baltimore, Milwaukee and Seattle?[/URL]
MLB should do themselves a favor (lest they lose whatever standing they have as a "reputable" business) and not allow ANY team to sign him for more than 3 years. It's just smart business logic. Doesn't matter to me where he goes as long as it isn't Cleveland!
He should go to Los Angeles, where homerun hitters go to die.
[QUOTE=molds13;325726]He should go to Los Angeles, where homerun hitters go to die.[/QUOTE] Or Queens... [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Jason Bay And The Player He Was[/url]
My prediction for the Mets 2013 season: They finish with around 72 wins as usual, sucking but not sucking enough to get a good draft pick. That's a safe prediction, right?
Definitively not a single take deal, but if anyone could pull off this trick shots it is probably Ichiro.
haha a great star that people dont get to see enough of because of the way seattle games have gotten buried, but seing him with the yankees he was very fun to watch even if he is past his prime.
F*** the LA Angels [URL=""][url][/url][/URL]. Really have no clue what the hell the Rangers are doing this offseason. They don't resign Napoli or Hamilton, lost out on Greinke again. I pray they don't give up Olt for R.A. Dickey. Hopefully they can trade for Justin Upton but with the trade the Dbacks just made that seems unlikely now. GREAT offseason Rangers, way to go.
[QUOTE=Lionsfan780;329864]F*** the LA Angels [URL=""][/URL][URL=""][url][/url][/URL]. Really have no clue what the hell the Rangers are doing this offseason. They don't resign Napoli or Hamilton, lost out on Greinke again. I pray they don't give up Olt for R.A. Dickey. Hopefully they can trade for Justin Upton but with the trade the Dbacks just made that seems unlikely now. GREAT offseason Rangers, way to go.[/QUOTE] The Rangers were smart not to resign Hamilton to a big contract after he quit on the team. The price for Napoli was also way too high, especially since he wanted to play first base and not catcher. The problem the Rangers have though is that they have 2 elite prospects, but those prospects play positions where the Rangers have 3 all star players. They will probably have to flip Olt for an ace or an elite outfielder. If the Angels bullpen is just average instead of terrible, they should the favorites in the AL (Detroit is a close 2nd if their bullpen isn't terrible again as well).
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;329872]The Rangers were smart not to resign Hamilton to a big contract after he quit on the team. The price for Napoli was also way too high, especially since he wanted to play first base and not catcher. The problem the Rangers have though is that they have 2 elite prospects, but those prospects play positions where the Rangers have 3 all star players. They will probably have to flip Olt for an ace or an elite outfielder. If the Angels bullpen is just average instead of terrible, they should the favorites in the AL (Detroit is a close 2nd if their bullpen isn't terrible again as well).[/QUOTE] I wouldn't mind them moving Olt for an Ace pitcher but he has been rumored to be involved in the talks for Dickey, which I think would be a huge mistake.
Don't panic, rangers have the best front office in sports, they're money and prospect rich. All of previous good ranger moves have occurred late, like beltre signing late January. Obviously they've lost out on a really good pitcher, and 60+homeruns a year (maybe), but they'll put up a competitive team for sure. Marlins and Angels proved last year winning the off season doesn't mean anythinggggg
No one gets elected to the Hall of Fame this year. It looks to me like Craig Biggio got screwed over by some idiot ******* ********* writers who choose to not vote anyone who played in the late 90s/early 2000s and those who submit blank ballots for similar reasons. They need to take voting power away from anyone who's not going to vote for a player because he happened to play during a time when other people used steroids. Imagine if Derek Jeter gets in with only 77% about 8 years from now or someone like Jim Thome
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;332043]No one gets elected to the Hall of Fame this year. It looks to me like Craig Biggio got screwed over by some idiot ******* ********* writers who choose to not vote anyone who played in the late 90s/early 2000s and those who submit blank ballots for similar reasons. They need to take voting power away from anyone who's not going to vote for a player because he happened to play during a time when other people used steroids. [/QUOTE] In my opinion, Biggio is a borderline HOF player. He has HOF stats (great career offensive WAR) without a single HOF caliber season. He got his impressive stats by playing 20 years. More endurance than flash. I think he will get in, but he was not a first ballot guy. As for the rest of them (Clemens, Bonds, Sosa, et al.) I hope those cheaters forever twist in the wind.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;332096]In my opinion, Biggio is a borderline HOF player. He has HOF stats (great career offensive WAR) without a single HOF caliber season. He got his impressive stats by playing 20 years. More endurance than flash. I think he will get in, but he was not a first ballot guy. As for the rest of them (Clemens, Bonds, Sosa, et al.) I hope those cheaters forever twist in the wind.[/QUOTE] I completely agree. Biggio was a classic compiler of stats.......similar to Art Monk in football. I think he should eventually be in, but not on the first couple of ballots.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;332096]In my opinion, Biggio is a borderline HOF player. He has HOF stats (great career offensive WAR) without a single HOF caliber season. He got his impressive stats by playing 20 years. More endurance than flash. I think he will get in, but he was not a first ballot guy. As for the rest of them (Clemens, Bonds, Sosa, et al.) I hope those cheaters forever twist in the wind.[/QUOTE] I hate this idea that some guys are "first ballot" guys and others are not. You are either a Hall of Fame player or you are not. He could suffer a tragic accident in the upcoming year and not get to enjoy being inducted into the baseball hall of fame because some people didn't think he was a "first ballot" guy. The only reason you should leave someone off your ballot who you think is a hall of fame player is if you have more than 10 players you would vote for. Here is the thing with Clemens, Bonds, Sosa, etc. We don't know how widespread steroid usage was in baseball during the time. What if 80% of the players were juicing during the time period, would it change your opinion on them or not? What if someone who is already inducted into the Hall of Fame comes out and admits to using steroids? Would you then be okay with inducting them then? I would personally vote for them all simply because we do not know how widespread steroid usage was in baseball during the late 90s and early 00s.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;332105]I hate this idea that some guys are[B] "first ballot"[/B] guys and others are not. You are either a Hall of Fame player or you are not.[/QUOTE] You might hate it, but it's been part of the HOF lexicon for over 30 years. [B]First Ballot:[/B] [url=][img][/img][/url] [QUOTE]Here is the thing with Clemens, Bonds, Sosa, etc. We don't know how widespread steroid usage was in baseball during the time. What if 80% of the players were juicing during the time period, would it change your opinion on them or not? What if someone who is already inducted into the Hall of Fame comes out and admits to using steroids? Would you then be okay with inducting them then? I would personally vote for them all simply because we do not know how widespread steroid usage was in baseball during the late 90s and early 00s.[/QUOTE] If everyone was doing it, then none belong in the HOF. If someone after induction admits to PEDs use, they should be banished from the Hall. As a person who grew up worshiping these false idols, I have no sympathy these many years later. They cheated and reaped huge financial rewards because of thier dishonest play. I don't think they should be rewarded further.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;332107]You might hate it, but it's been part of the HOF lexicon for over 30 years. [/quote] It is still ridiculous. Just because something has always been done doesn't mean it should still be done. [quote] If everyone was doing it, then none belong in the HOF. If someone after induction admits to PEDs use, they should be banished from the Hall. As a person who grew up worshiping these false idols, I have no sympathy these many years later. They cheated and reaped huge financial rewards because of thier dishonest play. I don't think they should be rewarded further.[/QUOTE] What about those that are already in the hall and took amphetamines? Were they not cheaters as well, or was their cheating not severe enough? Is a cheater a cheater, or is it only if they do severe enough cheating?
Meh.. a HoF without Pete Rose was already irrelevant, only going forward it'll be slightly more irrelevant. Bad or good, these players had a large impact on the game and deserve a spot. Heck if not for McGwire it'd probably be a completely dead sport. But the HoF to me is kind of like the Rock & Roll HoF, a select group of highly opinionated voters has all the power and doesn't always represent the opinions of fans in general. I also concur with TFM's stance.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;332110] What about those that are already in the hall and took amphetamines? Were they not cheaters as well, or was their cheating not severe enough? Is a cheater a cheater, or is it only if they do severe enough cheating?[/QUOTE] It's apples and oranges. Amphetamines might make you more alert after a night out drinking, but they don't help you hit 30+ additional home runs a season or throw 100 MPH fastballs for 200+ innings a year in your mid 40's. [quote]It is still ridiculous. Just because something has always been done doesn't mean it should still be done.[/quote] If it was done properly (i.e. you only get on one ballot, period) guys like Biggio would not even be in the HOF conversation. It's the multiple ballot system that lets them build favor over time and slip their way into the Hall. I'm personally all for a less inclusive system. [QUOTE=Aereas;332111] Heck if not for McGwire it'd probably be a completely dead sport. [/QUOTE] McGwire is a disgrace. Yes, he did light things up in 1998 &1999 but then proceeded to bring a decade of shame to the sport. He did a hell of a lot more damage than good.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;332112]It's apples and oranges. Amphetamines might make you more alert after a night out drinking, but they don't help you hit 30+ additional home runs a season or throw 100 MPH fastballs for 200+ innings a year in your mid 40's. [/QUOTE] It is like apples and oranges, but they still help with focus which is why they are banned. If you get just 1 extra hit per week because of amphetamines over a 15 year career, you will get about an additional 360 hits. It obviously isn't as large as the advantage given by anabolic steroids, but it is still an advantage over the players that did not take the illegal substance. [quote]McGwire is a disgrace. Yes, he did light things up in 1998 &1999 but then proceeded to bring a decade of shame to the sport. He did a hell of a lot more damage than good.[/quote] I don't know if that is the case. Baseball was nearly dead before the McGwire-Sosa HR chase. He brought a lot shame to the sport, but he along with the steroid issues, pretty much brought baseball back from being near death after the strike.
This was originally supposed to be with my previous post, but I could no longer edit it, so I had to make a separate post for it. [quote]If it was done properly (i.e. you only get on one ballot, period) guys like Biggio would not even be in the HOF conversation. It's the multiple ballot system that lets them build favor over time and slip their way into the Hall. I'm personally all for a less inclusive system.[/quote] While not letting Biggio in would make the Hall less inclusive, he would actually raise the standards for the Hall of Fame. I recall reading a Grantland article by Jonah Keri yesterday, and in part of it, he pretty much said that people who want the Hall of Fame to matter more should vote in Biggio because he would raise the standards of it and not lower them. Here is the quote from the article: [quote]There are the Small Hall zealots who can't bring themselves to vote for Schilling or Biggio or Tim Raines, because they're not Walter Johnson, Rogers Hornsby, or Rickey Henderson — never mind that each would be above-average picks at their respective positions, thus [I]raising[/I] rather than lowering the bar for the Hall's membership.[/quote] From: [url=]The Fallacy of the Baseball Hall of Fame - The Triangle Blog - Grantland[/url]
If you don't think Biggio is GOOD enough to be in the Hall of Fame, that's fine. If you didn't vote Biggio because you refuse to vote ANYONE who played in the 90s/early 2000s then you deserve to be banned from any baseball activities for the rest of your life because that's just a crock of ****
I'm going out on limb and saying the Kansas City Royals will be your 2013 World Series Champions..they'll win it in 7 over the Pittsburgh's just their time.
[url=]A-Rod at center of another drug scandal[/url][QUOTE] Given his history, the Yankees could mount a legal challenge to Rodriguez's contract, which still has five years and $114 million remaining. Team president Randy Levine is combative enough to try it.[/QUOTE] It would be a real gift if the Yankees could get out A-Rod's contract.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;333289][url=]A-Rod at center of another drug scandal[/url] It would be a real gift if the Yankees could get out A-Rod's contract.[/QUOTE] It might be a gift to other teams in the AL if the above were to come to fruition; however, given the Rodriguez was already on MLB's "frequently tested" list due to prior admission of PED use, I'm suspicious of this report. Further, given that he has hired Roy Black, the "handlers" statement that "A Rod" was never a patient of the Dr. cited or of the clinic in question, I have my doubts about this. I've dealt with Roy Black before and attorneys don't come any smarter or more experienced. He would not allow/authorize the release of such a statement without due consideration as to its consequences.
[url=]Alex Rodriguez's charity gave only 1 percent of donations to charitable causes[/url] [ATTACH=CONFIG]1399[/ATTACH]
I was depressed. I didn't even watch Spring Training games this year. I was practically compelled (i.e. free beer) by friends to watch opening day. Yet, here the Sox stand 23 games into the season atop Major League Baseball: [ATTACH]1913[/ATTACH] Now I don't expect it to last, this being a bridge year and all for the Sox, but I will savor it while I can.
Given the full occupancy of their DL, the DBacks have been grinding out wins and have won more games in extra innings than any other team right now. I think we'll be in it for the long haul.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;342783]I was depressed. I didn't even watch Spring Training games this year. I was practically compelled (i.e. free beer) by friends to watch opening day. Yet, here the Sox stand 23 games into the season atop Major League Baseball: Now I don't expect it to last, this being a bridge year and all for the Sox, but I will savor it while I can.[/QUOTE] Do you recall when last year at the beginning of the season I expressed my dismay at the Yankees prospects for an even decent year? You are going to be equally off this year with the BoSox walking away with about a 10 game lead on everyone in the AL East by season's end.
[url=]Tom Ricketts of Chicago Cubs considers leaving Wrigley Field if outfield signage not approved[/url] The odds of this happening are somewhere between zero percent and zero percent. I feel bad for Chicago Cubs fans in that they have such an ******* owner. Nice try at hardball, but no one is buying it.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;343015][url=]Tom Ricketts of Chicago Cubs considers leaving Wrigley Field if outfield signage not approved[/url] The odds of this happening are somewhere between zero percent and zero percent. I feel bad for Chicago Cubs fans in that they have such an ******* owner. Nice try at hardball, but no one is buying it.[/QUOTE] Is he trying to be Kaminiski of the 21st Century? It has been almost 100 yrs since the Black Sox. Seems about time for another one. Don't you wish it was the Yankees this time around?
