Big Brother 15

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[QUOTE=Bacchus;352780]Well, that's all for me. I free up 3 hours a week and don't have to suffer though another moment of Elissa. See everyone next season.[/QUOTE] Don't give up on it yet. Elissa still has no chance to win. I doubt she will even make jury.
[QUOTE=CASTOFF;352781]And....GM has known Nick for all of 3 weeks at the most. Silly, silly woman.[/QUOTE] She is in love with him!! Even though they never even kissed and there is a 90% chance he would have rather of given sweet man kisses to Jeremy.
[QUOTE=RMD1;352782]Don't give up on it yet. Elissa still has no chance to win. I doubt she will even make jury.[/QUOTE] Watching, hurts. I can't do it any longer. She's going to be there for at least two more weeks and that is two more weeks than I can possibly stand.
I am so glad Helen won and her message to Nick priceless, glad Nick is gone he started too strong eventually was going to caught up to him. This week wil be interesting I expect Jeremy or Aaryn to leave this week mark my words. Funny how Aaryn did not congratulate Helen she just walked away.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;352784]Watching, hurts. I can't do it any longer. She's going to be there for at least two more weeks and that is two more weeks than I can possibly stand.[/QUOTE] I know how you feel. That's how I was with Rachel. I don't know why I can stand Elissa, but thankfully I can because I would stop watching with ya.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;352759]There is no doubt Allison Grodner is doing everything in her power to keep Elissa in the house.[/QUOTE] I'm enjoying not watching this season. I'd encourage you to join me. Life is great over here in the Grodner-free zone, and you don't have to watch to post snarky commentary now and then.
[QUOTE=V1man;352787]I'm enjoying not watching this season. I'd encourage you to join me. Life is great over here in the Grodner-free zone, and you don't have to watch to post snarky commentary now and then.[/QUOTE] I just hit "delete series" on my DirecTV DVR. It was liberating. ;)
[QUOTE=RMD1;352786]I know how you feel. That's how I was with Rachel. I don't know why I can stand Elissa, but thankfully I can because I would stop watching with ya.[/QUOTE] Her eviction speech was the dumbest thing i've seen on that show in a long time. She needs to stop mentioning Rachel--make a name for yourself.
what has she done that's so bad? I understand that she has a really annoying voice like her sis, but she's not that bad. :/ I mean, i'm definitely not a fan of her, but there are other people in the house i'd much rather see go home before her (*cough* Aaryn, Jeremy, & GM)
[QUOTE=kvm1977;352794]Her eviction speech was the dumbest thing i've seen on that show in a long time. She needs to stop mentioning Rachel--make a name for yourself.[/QUOTE] She really does. The good thing is that she is there furthering the game of people I like. She seriously is a horrible game player.
[QUOTE=202mitch;352797]what has she done that's so bad? I understand that she has a really annoying voice like her sis, but she's not that bad. :/ I mean, i'm definitely not a fan of her, but there are other people in the house i'd much rather see go home before her (*cough* Aaryn, Jeremy, & GM)[/QUOTE] I don't think she is bad at all, he gameplay is just ******.
I am a little upset that Nick didn't make jury he wouldve been able to give some really good insight... That's probably my BIGGEST complaint about BB14, a jury with Ashley, Joe, Shane, AND Jenn on it, Jesus ****** I felt so bad for Britney... At least David/Female Ashley isn't on there
[QUOTE=202mitch;352797]what has she done that's so bad? I understand that she has a really annoying voice like her sis, but she's not that bad.[/QUOTE] I've already suffered through two seasons of BB and one season of TAR ruined by Rachel. Do I really have to deal with her botox laden, mumbling, half wit sister on a fourth? The reason there is an MVP this season is 100% because Rachel's sister is on the show. They did not come up with the twist and then set the cast. They said, "let's cast Rachel's sister and this is the twist we will use to keep her around that will generate all sorts of traffic from Rachel fans on our website and texting fees." As far as I am concerned, Elissa is as bad or worse than if Rachel herself had showed up in the house. I almost feel cheated. Instead of Rachel who I absolutely can not stand, we got a dumbed down version of Rachel with a drawl and clown makeup.
[QUOTE=202mitch;352797]what has she done that's so bad? I understand that she has a really annoying voice like her sis, but she's not that bad. :/ I mean, i'm definitely not a fan of her, but there are other people in the house i'd much rather see go home before her (*cough* Aaryn, Jeremy, & GM)[/QUOTE] Don't worry--production made it clear they're going to take out those that are hated and unfortunately Nick (one of the best they cast) paid the price. Elissa getting the "BS power" known as the MVP weekly completely ruins the game. And because there were two blindside we'll probably have to deal with this in the future
[QUOTE=kvm1977;352817]Don't worry--production made it clear they're going to take out those that are hated and unfortunately Nick (one of the best they cast) paid the price. Elissa getting the "BS power" known as the MVP weekly completely ruins the game. And because there were two blindside we'll probably have to deal with this in the future[/QUOTE] The MVP wouldn't be such a bad twist if they hadn't included someone with a built in fan base. If it had just been all new players the MVP could have worked.
[QUOTE=Esquire;352823]The MVP wouldn't be such a bad twist if they hadn't included someone with a built in fan base. If it had just been all new players the MVP could have worked.[/QUOTE] Still wouldn't work--doesn't reward those that EARN power.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;352825]Still wouldn't work--doesn't reward those that EARN power.[/QUOTE] It could still work but what they would need to do is if the POV is used on the MVP nominee the HOH still gets to pick the replacement. That way being HOH still actually matters.
[QUOTE=Esquire;352827]It could still work but what they would need to do is if the POV is used on the MVP nominee the HOH still gets to pick the replacement. That way being HOH still actually matters.[/QUOTE] It is complete BS that anyone other than the HOH nominates someone. The replacement isn't the issue.
I'm fine with the MVP twist for now, but I can see why others hate it. However I assume that this twist will only be temporary... I mean other than the Saboteur and America's Player, what other twist has had an entire season long effect? I see the MVP leaving soon, and returning for only one week later in the season via Pandora's Box.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;352828]It is complete BS that anyone other than the HOH nominates someone. The replacement isn't the issue.[/QUOTE] I take it you didn't like the Coup D'etat either then??
[QUOTE=kvm1977;352828]It is complete BS that anyone other than the HOH nominates someone. The replacement isn't the issue.[/QUOTE] I disagree I think it adds an additional element to the game, could make people actually play the game and not rely solely on alliances, similar to what the POV did when it was first introduced.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;352830]I take it you didn't like the Coup D'etat either then??[/QUOTE] It was fine when Boogie (who I hate) won it--not when America gave it to Jeff (who I was rooting for)
[QUOTE=Esquire;352833]I disagree I think it adds an additional element to the game, could make people actually play the game and not rely solely on alliances, similar to what the POV did when it was first introduced.[/QUOTE] The game is absolutely 100% still solely based on alliances. We saw that tonight The problem is that McCrae was never truly in his alliance
[QUOTE=kvm1977;352840]The game is absolutely 100% still solely based on alliances. We saw that tonight The problem is that McCrae was never truly in his alliance[/QUOTE] It's still based on alliance because everyone knows who the MVP is. And McCrae was absolutely in his alliance, he just chose to go with his showmance and the hope that Elissa wins MVP every week. Honestly I would be shocked if Elissa wins MVP again, I fully expect either Helen or Howard to win this week.
[QUOTE=Esquire;352846]And McCrae was absolutely in his alliance, he just chose to go with his showmance and the hope that Elissa wins MVP every week.[/QUOTE] No one "absolutely in an alliance" turns week 2...not even for a "showmance".
[QUOTE=kvm1977;352848]No one "absolutely in an alliance" turns week 2...not even for a "showmance".[/QUOTE] If McCrae wasn't absolutely in his alliance then why was he voting out Elissa all the way till yesterday. And he changed his vote right after a long DR session.
[QUOTE=Esquire;352850]If McCrae wasn't absolutely in his alliance then why was he voting out Elissa all the way till yesterday. And he changed his vote right after a long DR session.[/QUOTE] Again, if you bail on an alliance WEEK 2 then you were never really committed. All that matters is how you vote.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;352852]Again, if you bail on an alliance WEEK 2 then you were never really committed. All that matters is how you vote.[/QUOTE] If all that matters is how you vote then if you vote against your alliance at any time then you were never really with them.
I am actually enjoying this season. I personally don't mind Elissa. If you tune her out and just look at her, she's hot. At least I think so. (I've learnt how to tune out girls and it's pretty amazing.) They have a good cast. Jeremy is a pompous *******. Candice, Amanda and Helen are really smart, and Aaryn is a racist bigot. I don't watch the live feeds, so what's the deal with Spenser? I was 100% sure he would vote out Elissa & she would be leaving this week. Why did he and MC change their vote? I might be in the minority, but I kind of like GinaMarie. Very New YaWker.
Aaryn and Ginamarie need to eat. I can't stand those fools. I wonder do they know they are fired, lol.
