Big Brother 15

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[QUOTE=kvm1977;351560]Didn't Evel **** and Kevin win this competition?[/QUOTE] Yes. And look who they went against. The game is made for a man to win. I don't think a female has ever won.
CBS Big Brother just tweeted that the winning pair must decide among themselves which one of them will be the next HOH.
[QUOTE=RMD1;351581]Yes. And look who they went against. The game is made for a man to win. I don't think a female has ever won.[/QUOTE] Neither of those guys are "strong" A female can definitely win that competition--they just have to be in good shape.
Please, anyone but Rachel's sister for HOH - anyone. I think if she won, this week would be intolerable. The only thing that is keeping me going at this point is the hope that she will be sent packing...
I need to catch up! I'm a couple of episodes behind, but all the stuff in the media is really motivating me to continue.
Ugh, the worst result.
Thank you Reality TV Gods. Aaryn might be dumb as a rock and annoying as all hell, but Rachel's sister is a cancer on the entire season.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;351947]Thank you Reality TV Gods. Aaryn might be dumb as a rock and annoying as all hell, but Rachel's sister is a cancer on the entire season.[/QUOTE] Yep
So three people are have-nots again...
I hate clowns. [ATTACH=CONFIG]2263[/ATTACH]
Proud of CBS
Well, they've addressed it. Good on CBS.
Are they going to air the "Is Nick gay?" thing too?
Good job CBS. Show someone being racist and homophobic and not getting punished for it. Yes kids, when someone is racist towards you please turn the other cheek and do nothing about it, like Howard.
I like wasabi but guacamole I just can't...
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;351583]CBS Big Brother just tweeted that the winning pair must decide among themselves which one of them will be the next HOH.[/QUOTE] I'm furious.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;351966]I like wasabi but guacamole I just can't...[/QUOTE] What?! It's so good. You're not making it the right way.
[QUOTE=RMD1;351968]What?! It's so good. You're not making it the right way.[/QUOTE] Lol, somehow I knew that was going to be said. It just looks like the toy, Gack to me
[QUOTE=Raymond21;351945]I need to catch up! I'm a couple of episodes behind, but all the stuff in the media is really motivating me to continue.[/QUOTE] I MEANT IS rEALlllly NOT MOTIVATING ME TO CONTINUE!!!! OOOPS!
[QUOTE=Raymond21;351974]I MEANT IS rEALlllly NOT MOTIVATING ME TO CONTINUE!!!! OOOPS![/QUOTE] Honestly, if you love the game a few "evil" people shouldn't matter--just root against them
[QUOTE=Raymond21;351974]I MEANT IS rEALlllly NOT MOTIVATING ME TO CONTINUE!!!! OOOPS![/QUOTE] I messed up on my reply to you then. :culpability:
[url=]'Big Brother' Finally Reveals Some Of The Racism In The House On The Actual Show (VIDEO)[/url]
I have a hard time listening to anything Julie Chen has to say since she is a home wrecker. The former Mrs. Les Moonves was a mom at home taking care of the kids while Julie and Les were getting to know each other between the sheets.
Am I going crazy, or was Big Brother supposed to be on tonight?! Sun, Tues, and Weds no?
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;352147]Am I going crazy, or was Big Brother supposed to be on tonight?! Sun, Tues, and Weds no?[/QUOTE] Now Wed/Thurs/Sun.
[QUOTE=V1man;352076]I have a hard time listening to anything Julie Chen has to say since she is a home wrecker. The former Mrs. Les Moonves was a mom at home taking care of the kids while Julie and Les were getting to know each other between the sheets.[/QUOTE] I'd say if anything Les is just as much of a homewrecker, if not more than Julie. He was the one who made that vow with his wife to stay with her 'til death do they part. He was the one who made the decision to sneak off with another woman while his own wife was taking care of their children (with plenty of help, I'm sure). It's a shame that the 'other woman' ALWAYS gets laid the blame, while the man in the marriage isbthe one who should be blamed the most. Neither of them are innocent, of course. But Les is the one who was married and made a vow with his wife. It wasn't Julie who made that vow with her.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;352148]Now Wed/Thurs/Sun.[/QUOTE] Ok cool, thanks Bacchus!
[QUOTE=torch115;352151]I'd say if anything Les is just as much of a homewrecker, if not more than Julie. He was the one who made that vow with his wife to stay with her 'til death do they part. He was the one who made the decision to sneak off with another woman while his own wife was taking care of their children (with plenty of help, I'm sure). It's a shame that the 'other woman' ALWAYS gets laid the blame, while the man in the marriage isbthe one who should be blamed the most. Neither of them are innocent, of course. But Les is the one who was married and made a vow with his wife. It wasn't Julie who made that vow with her.[/QUOTE] I completely agree...the only person I blame at all is the one that is already married or in a relationship. I was also under the impression that Moonves and his wife were already separated and had been for a while before Julie & Les started their relationship
[QUOTE=torch115;352151]I'd say if anything Les is just as much of a homewrecker, if not more than Julie. He was the one who made that vow with his wife to stay with her 'til death do they part. He was the one who made the decision to sneak off with another woman while his own wife was taking care of their children (with plenty of help, I'm sure). It's a shame that the 'other woman' ALWAYS gets laid the blame, while the man in the marriage isbthe one who should be blamed the most. Neither of them are innocent, of course. But Les is the one who was married and made a vow with his wife. It wasn't Julie who made that vow with her.[/QUOTE] Yes, but my point was in response to Julie Chen's comments. Now if Les says something that comes to my attention, I'll have a similar response. That said, Julie Chen was the ****...
