The Challenge: Rivals II - Aneesa & Diem

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[QUOTE=Bacchus;348297]There are always shades of grey...[/QUOTE] 50 to be exact. Teehee. But I got to admit I'm kind of over this whole CT/Diem thing. It's starting to get old IMO.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;348444]50 to be exact. Teehee.... [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=V1man;348306] Sometimes "50" at $7.95, in paperback.[/QUOTE] Thief! I claim the first use of the absurd reference. :) :) :)
Ugh! I wont believe it until I have proof but, I hope it's not true. But then again their "hook-up" could have been innocent. I mean what does "hook up" mean anyway"??? Im more excited to see if Aneesa and Emily mess around! /
Ya hook up is a pretty loose term. I wouldn't be surprised if MTV played it off as in working together on the challenge...
Well, it IS "5 years later"...
5 years later?? I don't understand...
Diem told CT she might be ready to get married in five years. Good one, Seminole.
[QUOTE=rdp8203;348559]Diem told CT she might be ready to get married in five years. Good one, Seminole.[/QUOTE] I remember this! Haha.
[QUOTE=Seminole;348552]Well, it IS "5 years later"...[/QUOTE] And she still isn't interested...
[QUOTE=V1man;348574]And she still isn't interested...[/QUOTE] If she indeed hooks up with CT (As this bio says) even if it's just a kiss (which is for me the first and smallest hook up), she clearly was interested enough to kiss him.
[QUOTE]she clearly was interested enough to kiss him.[/QUOTE] It might be appropriate to understand the complete circumstances before drawing conclusions with no real facts.
Aneesa may just be the only girl I don't mind coming back all the time , I absolutely love her and it's more funny Diem her partner cause I'm completetly indeifferent to her. For great television, I would have paired her with Paula though lol.
Um she isn't interested?? Why all the excuses for Diem. It can never just be what it is. She always has to come on here and explain herself in an interview why, cant she just sat what it really is. I feel like a person who has to make a lot of excuses is lying. Don't get me wrong, I like Diem and admire her for all that she has been through and like I stated before, I don't know all the details. But clearly, she was interested maybe she isn't now but, she was a the time of the "hook-up"
[QUOTE=Imjustsayin;348589]Um she isn't interested?? Why all the excuses for Diem. It can never just be what it is. She always has to come on here and explain herself in an interview why, cant she just sat what it really is. I feel like a person who has to make a lot of excuses is lying. Don't get me wrong, I like Diem and admire her for all that she has been through and like I stated before, I don't know all the details. But clearly, she was interested maybe she isn't now but, she was a the time of the "hook-up"[/QUOTE] I hope you clearly realize that by suggesting that Diem has somehow lied when she as yet has not spoke for herself, that you have implicated me in the lie. [I][FONT=Arial Narrow][Pardon me if I elect to take that insult personally.][/FONT][/I] Diem does not have to come here to explain herself. Vevmo, through me, has asked her on a couple of occasions to agree to be interviewed. Nothing more, nothing less, just as we have with a few other cast members. I can't imagine why you would wish to draw any conclusion from anything as yet unsaid. I have no idea what she will say when asked. I do know that the original bio was written by a moron MTV intern who doesn't have a clue, and, therefore, do neither of us. :bull_head:
[QUOTE=V1man;348602]I hope you clearly realize that by suggesting that Diem has somehow lied when she as yet has not spoke for herself, that you have implicated me in the lie. [I][FONT=Arial Narrow][Pardon me if I elect to take that insult personally.][/FONT][/I] Diem does not have to come here to explain herself. Vevmo, through me, has asked her on a couple of occasions to agree to be interviewed. Nothing more, nothing less, just as we have with a few other cast members. I can't imagine why you would wish to draw any conclusion from anything as yet unsaid. I have no idea what she will say when asked. I do know that the original bio was written by a moron MTV intern who doesn't have a clue, and, therefore, do neither of us. :bull_head:[/QUOTE] If you get the chance to, I really would love to hear the other side of the story (CT) until then you can't really say anything against her or saying every time we should wait until we hear the whole story and then just do one interview with Diem. Even though it's really cool and nice.
She has an image to uphold...can't be looking all bad sneaking around getting pumped & dumped by the ex on a nationally aired TV show without trying to make it sound way more complicated than it really is.
[QUOTE=townie;348633]She has an image to uphold...can't be looking all bad sneaking around getting pumped & dumped by the ex on a nationally aired TV show without trying to make it sound way more complicated than it really is.[/QUOTE] That is actually why it is far better to get to know both sides. Don't you know CT? Ask him for an interview. Nevertheless this team has good chances of going into the finale since they have friendships with both rookies and veterans.
What happened happened & the fact that Diem feels the need to have to go through a big explanation/justification for what happened just to save face is kind of nauseating. Gag me with a dish rag, seriously. What took place was not that complicated & definitely doesn't need a drawn out explanation for it. She just knows she's gonna look foolish & wants to make excuses.
[QUOTE=townie;348633]She has an image to uphold...can't be looking all bad sneaking around getting [b]pumped[/b] & dumped by the ex on a nationally aired TV show without trying to make it sound way more complicated than it really is.[/QUOTE] ... was that really necessary?
Is it really necessary for her to do an interview to explain herself for what happened? And what I said is 100% true or else she wouldn't feel the need to go to that extent to justify her actions.
[QUOTE=townie;348633]She has an image to uphold...can't be looking all bad sneaking around getting pumped & dumped by the ex on a nationally aired TV show without trying to make it sound way more complicated than it really is.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=townie;348636]What happened happened & the fact that Diem feels the need to have to go through a big explanation/justification for what happened just to save face is kind of nauseating. Gag me with a dish rag, seriously. What took place was not that complicated & definitely doesn't need a drawn out explanation for it. She just knows she's gonna look foolish & wants to make excuses.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=townie;348640]Is it really necessary for her to do an interview to explain herself for what happened? And what I said is 100% true or else she wouldn't feel the need to go to that extent to justify her actions.[/QUOTE] It isn't necessary for her to do one damn thing... Nor does she feel the need to justify... The simple fact is that I asked her to do an interview for vevmo and she said yes. In what universe does this suggest some less the honest motivation? I'm disappointed. I've suggested that people not jump to conclusions about a "hook up" mentioned in the Rivals II bio. It already appears that my caution was somewhat warranted, since that bio has now been modified. Given that Diem has a great gig going on with People mag, I thought it would be appreciated by the membership here for Diem to share some greater depth about Rivals II with us than will ever be explored by People. I do have other things to do with my time that work or an interview for an audience which has its head up its ***. Townie, I'll a little surprised that you really want to engage with me on this, since we're both pulling for the same outcome at the end of the challenge.
well then.... I did not "assume" anything and I clearly stated in my post that I did not know all of the facts. However, what I do know is that people start making excuses when they are trying to circumvent the truth. In the end, I hope Diem did not, "hook up" with CT. In my own opinion, he does not care about her and their relationship is toxic. They both are better off leaving each other alone...
[QUOTE=Imjustsayin;348644]well then.... I did not "assume" anything and I clearly stated in my post that I did not know all of the facts. However, what I do know is that people start making excuses when they are trying to circumvent the truth. In the end, I hope Diem did not, "hook up" with CT. In my own opinion, he does not care about her and their relationship is toxic. They both are better off leaving each other alone...[/QUOTE] Who are you even replying to? And do you know CT or Diem or people close to them, or are you basing this of TV?
Who cares if Diem hooked up with CT? It doesn't mean she's going to spend the rest of her life with him. Exes have a tendency to rekindle things at times. It doesn't mean they didn't learn from what happened in the past. Both are adults--if they want to do whatever it is they did then good for them. Hopefully they had a good time.
V1man, I think 95 % of this forum would love to hear directly from Diem and her story and 99 % are appreciating your help, work and effort for this site (mostly for us). I would still find it cool if you also would try to do an interview with CT to see both sides of the story. That has nothing to do with Diem lying or trying to uphold a picture of herself, but I can only speak for myself, I can't really imagine that MTV lets a nobody with no knowledge to write those bios and I can't imagine that they would want to mislead the viewers/readers.
[QUOTE=V1man;348643]It isn't necessary for her to do one damn thing... Nor does she feel the need to justify... The simple fact is that I asked her to do an interview for vevmo and she said yes. In what universe does this suggest some less the honest motivation? I'm disappointed. I've suggested that people not jump to conclusions about a "hook up" mentioned in the Rivals II bio. It already appears that my caution was somewhat warranted,[B] since that bio has now been modified. [/B]Given that Diem has a great gig going on with People mag, I thought it would be appreciated by the membership here for Diem to share some greater depth about Rivals II with us than will ever be explored by People. I do have other things to do with my time that work or an interview for an audience which has its head up its ***. Townie, I'll a little surprised that you really want to engage with me on this, since we're both pulling for the same outcome at the end of the challenge.[/QUOTE] it still says they "hooked up" if she was single and then decided to sleep with her ex who was clearly acting like he was single too (even though he was all lovey on some chick before he left) then whats the problem? Good to hear youre rooting for CT vman, unless you meant townie is rooting for Diem/Aneesa :p looking forward to this interview, and as others have said it would be cool to hear what CT has to say but he barely does interviews
[QUOTE=Blue123;348705]it still says they "hooked up" if she was single and then decided to sleep with her ex who was clearly acting like he was single too (even though he was all lovey on some chick before he left) then whats the problem? Good to hear youre rooting for CT vman, unless you meant townie is rooting for Diem/Aneesa :p looking forward to this interview, and as others have said it would be cool to hear what CT has to say but he barely does interviews[/QUOTE] A few days ago I asked people what "hooked up" meant, because I didn't know how to define it in the context used in the bio. What I do know today is that the definition you apparently desire to use would not be accurate in this instance. I didn't expect that part of the bio would be changed, since it would paint MTV in a deliberately bad light and they should know better. We'll just have to wait for the episode and for the interview. PS... I'm rooting for my neighbor in the Paula/EmilyS pairing.
[QUOTE=townie;348633]She has an image to uphold...can't be looking all bad sneaking around getting [B]pumped[/B] & dumped by the ex on a nationally aired TV show without trying to make it sound way more complicated than it really is.[/QUOTE] Umm how do you know this is what happened? And if this is indeed what happened, I am really confused about the term, "hook up" I assumed hook up meant: Making out, flirting, activities of that nature Can anyone explain what the term means.....
[QUOTE=Imjustsayin;348828]Umm how do you know this is what happened? And if this is indeed what happened, I am really confused about the term, "hook up" I assumed hook up meant: Making out, flirting, activities of that nature Can anyone explain what the term means.....[/QUOTE] Since it is both slang and colloquial speech, none of us really can define it (and the urban dictionary is not a research source any more than is Wikipedia). As for explaining it, I can only say that an MTV intern writing the bios likely read some transcripts or script summaries and concluded that something happened between CT and Diem. I have reason to believe that event is on the very low side of the scale both in length and consequence. That does not mean the on site crew and production back in Van Nuys, CA won't do their best with turning it into an episode lynchpin.
[QUOTE=Imjustsayin;348828]Umm how do you know this is what happened? And if this is indeed what happened, I am really confused about the term, "hook up" I assumed hook up meant: Making out, flirting, activities of that nature Can anyone explain what the term means.....[/QUOTE] Hooking up is anything between making out and having sex (I'm not gonna go in detail here, but... yeah). Flirting, pecks on the lips etc. is not hooking up. I imagine they're being ambiguous on purpose.


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