The Real World: Portland - Reunion

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The Real World: Portland - Reunion
So apparentley they have already filmed the reunion in L.A , California on Thursday. [QUOTE]Are you a SUPERFAN of MTV's "The Real World"? Here's your chance to get a FIRST LOOK at the NEW Portland Season which premieres March 27th! Looking for GIRLS and GUYS ages 18-30 to be a part of the LIVE STUDIO AUDIENCE. When: Thursday March 21st Time: 8:30am-1:30pm Where: Los Angeles Area For this free ticket offer email: [email][/email][/QUOTE] [url=]via[/url]
That's crazy
What the hell? No way. The roommates need to get mad at each other after seeing each other's interview/Twitter comments first, right?
Pretty sure this was just an aftershow.
Plus the reunions have always been filmed in NY, whereas the aftershows have always been filmed in LA.
Why would they film in two different locales?
Anastasia or Jessica already said last week that it wasn't a reunion show it was for something else. And reunion shows have always be in New York (Catfish, The Challenge, Real World etc)
GOOD. bECAUSE i was seriously tripping, Theman, lol.
Yeah according to Onset, which always sends out the tickets. The reunion will be in May.
Coral is the AfterShow host [ATTACH]1612[/ATTACH]
Awesome - can't wait to see Coral - I'm sure she'll be a better host than Mike.
Johnny really likes wearing that shirt..
[QUOTE=DScott;337741]Yeah according to Onset, which always sends out the tickets. The reunion will be in May.[/QUOTE] Actually June. The season ends in June but early june or late may will be the reunion shooting.
People can go apply for tickets. Onset has posted it. Date is subject to change but it is currently May 27th [url=]Tickets & Information - Onset Productions[/url]
When is the Portland reunion?
[QUOTE=goodgirl;345686]When is the Portland reunion?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][INDENT][FONT=Book Antiqua][B]MTV The Real World Portland Reunion Special — May 31, 2013 12:00 PM[/B] FREE TICKETS. Those selected will get tickets on May 25th This show tapes in New York City. YOU MUST LIVE IN OR NEAR NEW YORK TO APPLY- Sign up for FREE tickets to the left. If selected the show will tape from 3:30pm-9pm DO YOU WANT TO ATTEND THE MTV REAL WORLD PORTLAND REUNION IN NEW YORK? We are giving away FREE tickets to be part of the audience for the filming of the MTV Real World Portland Reunion in New York City. Find out all the behind the scenes secrets? What have they been up to? You will find the answers to all these questions before the rest of the world. Tickets are Free and available exclusively to our members, but space is limited so hurry and apply for your ticket. You must be 16 years old or older to apply for this show. After your ticket request is submitted, some members selected, NOT ALL, will receive an E-Ticket via email prior to the show. Check your email daily to see if your request for tickets was accepted. Simply print out your ticket and bring it with you to the show. Not a member yet? Sign up today, it’s easy and it’s Free. You must be a member to apply for tickets to this or any of our shows. [/FONT][/INDENT][/QUOTE] [url=]via[/url]
Did anyone attend?
i think tomorrow is the reunion
Sorry I read it wrong. Its filmed on the 31st not the 25th. To be honest, all the aftershows make the reunion kind of pointless.
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;345710]Sorry I read it wrong. Its filmed on the 31st not the 25th. To be honest, all the aftershows make the reunion kind of pointless.[/QUOTE]Not really - when they film the aftershows, they are not allowed to talk about anything that happens after the fact. They also cannot discuss their relationships with any of the roommates post that episode. They have to act as if the aftershow was filmed directly after the day's events that the episode centered around.
I don't really see a difference
[QUOTE=jr588;345712]Not really - when they film the aftershows, they are not allowed to talk about anything that happens after the fact. They also cannot discuss their relationships with any of the roommates post that episode. They have to act as if the aftershow was filmed directly after the day's events that the episode centered around.[/QUOTE] The whole point of the reunion is to have everyone back together for the first (and usually only) time to discuss the season. When the majority of them have already gotten together to discuss the major talking points of the season, it does take away from the reunion imo.
[QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;345710]Sorry I read it wrong. Its filmed on the 31st not the 25th. To be honest, all the aftershows make the reunion kind of pointless.[/QUOTE] The last time I heard any numbers from MTV, the aftershows and online clips only reached fewer than 10% of viewers in any season; thus, the reunions are not pointless for @ 90% of viewers.
I'd rather have a '*** they should have shown' show than a reunion. The Reunion isn't what it used to be, if we cared to know the roommates opinions on things then we'd have already found out via twitter.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;345718]The whole point of the reunion is to have everyone back together for the first (and usually only) time to discuss the season. When the majority of them have already gotten together to discuss the major talking points of the season, it does take away from the reunion imo.[/QUOTE] Thats exactly what I meant. Thanks
The reunion should hypothetically be airing on June 12th based on what the tv guide is listing for next week
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;345721]I'd rather have a '*** they should have shown' show than a reunion. The Reunion isn't what it used to be, if we cared to know the roommates opinions on things then we'd have already found out via twitter.[/QUOTE] Not everyone follows the Cast on Twitter though.
The reunion is being taped tomorrow. Is someone going here from Vevmo?
[QUOTE=LexBlair;346098]The reunion is being taped tomorrow.[B] Is someone going here from Vevmo[/B]?[/QUOTE] Certainly any "yes" replies are best done via PM and not posted directly in the forum.
the reunion want be as good because we know everthing from twitter, we know Johnny/Averey are still together we know nia dont like jordan we know Marlon is Bi(said it on twitter)we know the laura/Jess situation. WE KNOW EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF TWITTER
[QUOTE=theman23;346121]the reunion want be as good because we know everthing from twitter, we know Johnny/Averey are still together we know nia dont like jordan we know Marlon is Bi(said it on twitter)we know the laura/Jess situation. WE KNOW EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF TWITTER[/QUOTE] What?
