The Challenge: Battle of the Seasons - The Chronicles of Nanyia

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[QUOTE=cystic;327925] And people, please cool it with the death wish comments. They're getting out of hand and I literally just had this lecture a week ago.[/QUOTE] Sometimes it's hard to stay "humble" when we have to see **** like frank on television. Now you may delete our posts and control what we say here, but that won't stop us from saying what we want to say in the real world in fact it might even make us hate this ******* even more.
Anonymous's picture
I swear if Frank & Zach are in the next challenge and behave like this I'm done with this show. Only reason I'm watching is Marie & Devyn. PLEASE MTV & BMP don't cast them again, PLEASE!!
[QUOTE=RW561015;327923]I am guessing people don't think he actually acts like a girl overall, but instead they mean he exhibits catty and dramatic behavior that is a gay guy stereotype. The catty behavior is something attributed to women as a stereotype, too, so I think that's where the feminine thing comes from. Not that he acts like a girl instead of a guy overall. [/QUOTE] Oh okay, I understand now. (and thanks to others) I thought it was more based on his physical appearance which I just view him as a regular ol' guy on the outside. Should have known you guys were talking about his behavior. But still his behavior isn't feminine to me - he's just a ****ed up person no matter what sexual orientation and he represents no one but himself.
[QUOTE=ellethevegan;327926]Honestly I really love Trishelle I can't say a bad thing about her because of what I know of her.. It was hard to watch this episode but I don't think any less of her at all.. This is a game and you have to do what you have to do, to stay in this game as long as possible i think in that situation anyone would have stepped down she has fumbled a few times in this game but I truely think ya'll will see Trishelle will show she is strong and deserves to be there.... It sucks that Nany has to go and i see why everyone would be over Trishelle because of it and.. how things played out.. but the object of this is to win.. I hope i dont put my foot to far in my mouth but Gosh i really believe in her and I know Dustin will come around.. And ya'll will see.. :) ... dont hate me too much for this comment lol Trishelle is willing to admit when she is wrong especially in the Sarah situation she even said it at the end of the episode when that whole drama happened.. Jonna situation idk but again Trishelle was not alone in her harsh comments and again there is so much that we don't get to see... I know you guys are over her but I just have to defend her I love Nany too! But Dustin is crazy.. #Team Trishelle .... :) #Love Vevmo.. Lol[/QUOTE] You either are Trishelle pretending to be someone else, a big troll or you actually mean what you say. Either way I couldn't even begin to know what to say to this. I don't understand how Trishelle knowing she had to go in a swim would say she was a good swimmer when she knows shes not. Why would she do that? She should have went in. Would she have a better chance than Nany? No, but it looks like Dustin is so disgusted by her strategy to stay in the game that hes not going to help her win. Although I don't think Dustin is gonna be a guy that won't do his best in every challenge knowing how competitive he is. We shall see. Either way Trishelle screwed herself. Yeah she admitted to being wrong about Sarah but ever since she made that call against sarah I've disliked her and I she hasn't done a single thing worthy of redemption for me, in my opinion. - She calls out sarah, - fakes an illness to skip the trivia - complains about being partnered with Alton and Dustin even though she is the one holding her team back not them - she calls out Jonna(and fine other people were too that doesn't make that better or worse fact is Trischelle was a part of that conversation, because Devyn did call out Jonna but devyn also went into her arena which means devyns not a hypocrit but Trishelle did not go into her arena and thus Trishelle is now a hypocrit) - Then declares herself a good swimmer but fails to do the challenge ( one they know that if they don't win they are being sent in.) -Plays the victom as if Alton and Dustin were being out of line or unreasonable and when they apologize she just deflects and continues to play the victom. -Lies about Alton saying he wants to go home. I heard Alton say he was done with the drama and these kids I didn't hear Alton say he was going to lose on purpose. She knew Dustin wouldn't go in with her and she manipulated the whole situation because she knew San Diego would pick nany to go in because Trishelle and frank are friends. So she knew all she had to do was not volunteer and then blame dustin. Its such crap because now shes on a team that really requires Dustin to do everything because what does trishelle do? Nothing. and Dustin hates her so plan backfired. - the only redeeming thing was when Trishelle stood up for dustin in the confessional (Omg dustin did gay ****, we know get over it) I did like that and I'll give her that. I was rooting for Robb and Marie only because I think Marie makes good tv and shes a tough chick. Shes had her up and down moments too but in general I like seeing her and she does well on the challenges shes a trooper. I thought all those fights were stupid no wonder alchohal was involved. Frank should have just walked away from the situation and he would have looked like the better person and Nany would have looked dramatic, until Frank turned around and made that low blow and then rallied Zach behind him to try and berate Nany (clearly didn't work out for him.) Then Frank looked like a complete attention seeking idiot as usual. No surprise. I was surprised by Derrick and Jonna...I will say I thought jonna staying out of the arena was dumb because it was just her and Derrick...but I will say Shes a good competitor and he is too at least for this one...actually maybe I should hold my verdict till we see more. But if San diego keeps winning Cancun might get a free pass to the end.
They need to cast Frank one more time and put all the vets in so they can put him in his place. Then stop casting him.
ALLLLLL of Frank's insults are childish and have nothing to do with the main argument, which me solidifies the fact that he's a childish little girl. For someone that is so smart and has done really well for himself with his education, it completely blows my mind that people like him could possibly uphold some sort of amazing job title. He's just immature and clearly needs a lot more of that therapy he was taking during his season. He's a prime example of someone who can dish it but can't take it. PS- Who noticed and LOVED the fact that during Trishelle and Alton's confrontation in the bedroom that she kneeled down (the bunk beds were blocking her face) while speaking just so the cameras could see her speak! LOL!!! Love it!
I love Dustin, he is one of my favorites and I love to see him get upset. It's the funniest thing, when I watched Vegas and he got so butthurt over things I found it really amusing. I wanted to see that on the challenge and today we got it. I would have pissed too but the guy takes everything to heart SO MUCH. It's like when you are a little kid and some little incident just crushes you. He's just a fun loving, sensitive guy and it's really funny to me how he gets when he's upset. If he was one of my friends I grew up with, I'd do really small things to tick him off just to get a reaction. I wouldn't be able to help myself sometimes because I am fascinated with how he behaves. Will he start doing psycho stares? Will he stalk around outside the room? Will he ignore a presence? Haha. Sand Diego is in a great position to win now and this makes me sad.
And I love the fact that even though Zito shoved Frank's face, Frank still has not done a thing about it like he could at least shove him back later in the week off camera or push him around since he "won't let anyone disrespect him like that" but no he doesn't do jack s***. And when he said "do you know who I am?" like okay 1) he's just an obnoxious guy who hangs out with mainly girls 2) he's not a fighter, hood (street) or part of a mexican cartel so why should anyone care or be intimidated by who he is? He's just a big mouth p.o.s that deserves more than just a shove to the face. Addiction is a horrible thing so why the hell are you going to mentions someone's sister who is struggling with a horrible drug like heroine? Frank is such a pathetic human being.
[QUOTE=Siright;327933]You either are Trishelle pretending to be someone else, a big troll or you actually mean what you say. Either way I couldn't even begin to know what to say to this. I don't understand how Trishelle knowing she had to go in a swim would say she was a good swimmer when she knows shes not. Why would she do that? She should have went in. Would she have a better chance than Nany? No, but it looks like Dustin is so disgusted by her strategy to stay in the game that hes not going to help her win. Although I don't think Dustin is gonna be a guy that won't do his best in every challenge knowing how competitive he is. We shall see. Either way Trishelle screwed herself. Yeah she admitted to being wrong about Sarah but ever since she made that call against sarah I've disliked her and I she hasn't done a single thing worthy of redemption for me, in my opinion. - She calls out sarah, - fakes an illness to skip the trivia - complains about being partnered with Alton and Dustin even though she is the one holding her team back not them - she calls out Jonna(and fine other people were too that doesn't make that better or worse fact is Trischelle was a part of that conversation, because Devyn did call out Jonna but devyn also went into her arena which means devyns not a hypocrit but Trishelle did not go into her arena and thus Trishelle is now a hypocrit) - Then declares herself a good swimmer but fails to do the challenge ( one they know that if they don't win they are being sent in.) -Plays the victom as if Alton and Dustin were being out of line or unreasonable and when they apologize she just deflects and continues to play the victom. -Lies about Alton saying he wants to go home. I heard Alton say he was done with the drama and these kids I didn't hear Alton say he was going to lose on purpose. She knew Dustin wouldn't go in with her and she manipulated the whole situation because she knew San Diego would pick nany to go in because Trishelle and frank are friends. So she knew all she had to do was not volunteer and then blame dustin. Its such crap because now shes on a team that really requires Dustin to do everything because what does trishelle do? Nothing. and Dustin hates her so plan backfired. - the only redeeming thing was when Trishelle stood up for dustin in the confessional (Omg dustin did gay ****, we know get over it) I did like that and I'll give her that. [/QUOTE] So First.. Im not TRISHELLE.. lol Im a 19 year old College student majoring in Fine Arts& and Ballet Performance.. Also Im African American lol... here's my website and facebook to prove it [url=]DANIRO ELLE[/url] [url][/url] and idk what your definition of troll is lol but i do love those creepy troll dolls.. so..idk hmm Sooo.. yeah.. umm I didnt make that huge comment to have someone attack it or make it a debate.. because no matter what im gonna feel the way i feel about TRISHELLE regardless of what you point out just like you will feel whatever.. Like i said i see why people who watch the show would be over her because of her choices but.. she is there to win and play a game.. not to lose and volunteer to go in.. I love Nany and yeah Trishelle hasnt showed up just yet in these missions but i think she'll prove her self because now she has to more than ever.. Im not trying to convince you to like i just have to defend her because i love her to death i grew up watching her and i got to meet her at a college talk a few years back .. and she was awesome! I look up to her alot sorry she is just one of my favs that i will always go to bat for.. Trishelle Veronica Coral Cara Z. Are all my favs that i will defend to the death.. lol sorry.. (*Read in up beat tone of voice)
My two favorite quote from the episode "Do you know who I am?" - Frank Yes graduated from one of the best private institutions in the country...but last I checked you're a bartender in West Hollywood who's (barely)famous for being the nutcase on one of the most poorly received Real World seasons in a while. You wear that degree with a badge of honor...let's see how your future employers feel about how you behave on these shows. And from twitter "I knew what I was doing. I'm trying to get these idiots sent home. #LaughingAtThis" - Frank Except you accomplished none of that. You shouted like a tough guy from a balcony, called your guard dog, and then STILL tried to get Dustin to stop when he got in your face. Then, he not only punked you out, but he didn't get sent home for it. In what world did you actually accomplish something? Evan said something similar on that after know a guy has never been in a fight before when he's pushing the plants over while walking away from the fight after he gets humiliated.
[QUOTE=ellethevegan;327945]So First.. Im not TRISHELLE.. lol Im a 19 year old College student majoring in Fine Arts& and Ballet Performance.. Also Im African American lol... here's my website and facebook to prove it [url=]DANIRO ELLE[/url] [url][/url] and idk what your definition of troll is lol but i do love those creepy troll dolls.. so..idk hmm Sooo.. yeah.. umm I didnt make that huge comment to have someone attack it or make it a debate.. because no matter what im gonna feel the way i feel about TRISHELLE regardless of what you point out just like you will feel whatever.. Like i said i see why people who watch the show would be over her because of her choices but.. she is there to win and play a game.. not to lose and volunteer to go in.. I love Nany and yeah Trishelle hasnt showed up just yet in these missions but i think she'll prove her self because now she has to more than ever.. Im not trying to convince you to like i just have to defend her because i love her to death i grew up watching her and i got to meet her at a college talk a few years back .. and she was awesome! I look up to her alot sorry she is just one of my favs that i will always go to bat for.. Trishelle Veronica Coral Cara Z. Are all my favs that i will defend to the death.. lol sorry.. (*Read in up beat tone of voice)[/QUOTE] I'm sorry if I came off as aggressive in my post it wasn't meant to be that way. I just couldn't believe anyone could be behind trishelle so I deduced you were either Trishelle lol or a troll (as in internet Trolling, someone who trolls forums, as in people who deliberately say an opposing opinion to rile people up and get a good laugh out of it.) Or the small possibility of it being sincere which I couldn't believe but I guess if you met her and you had a good experience that makes sense. Regardless I'm sorry if you felt attacked. The first sentence was what was directed at you the rest of my post was a general post of my thoughts pointing out why I am not her fan. I did address some of what you said, but it wasn't solely directed at you in the form of an attack I meant to address it in general not to target you as a person. You're aloud to like her I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I was just flabbergasted when I read your dedication to this person : ) Agree to disagree I guess haha
The whole "inject one more" line was just extremely lame. You have to give Dustin credit for not backing down. He really is a great competitor, and needs to be in more challenges.
Trishelle faked that panic attack. Come on. I’ve seen and had panic attacks, and that’s not it. She’s been screwing her team over since he beginning. Plus the ***** pbbly won’t go in. Great challenge. Haha when Marie pushed Derek and Sam, Derek just got up and didn’t even check to see if Sam was hurt. Dustin and Nany are just too funny. Frank was trying to instigate the fight, and they started laughing at him and he’s the one that got mad. Teehee. Oh. My. God. Nany, no. Then again, if she didn’t volunteer herself, she would’ve probably been thrown in. She's a great girl. Look at Alton smiling when TJ’s saying the rules. He can already see his plane ticket, he’s ’s so happy. And Trishelle is hugging Nany, what a fake *** *****. LOL Alton did not try, guys! They could’ve killed it if he tried. I think he tried in the second round to make it seem like he was throwing it. On another note, I wish they had an uncensored version of every episode. It’s hard to follow the conversation when they cut every other word out. They could at least add subtitles with the first letter and stars after it, so we could try to figure it out. [B]WTF quotes:[/B] Robb: “we hate each other, me and Marie” Alton (on Trishelle): “a woman would’ve at least be quiet and listened to her man” Zach: “we went strictly off performance”
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;327631]serious question, has Trishelle been the biggest disappointment so far in this challenge?[/QUOTE] No expectations, no disappointment. So no, I’m not disappointed, she’s the snake that I expected. [QUOTE=YvanEhtNioj;327648]I'm not gonna judge anyone's performance this week because I know I couldn't do that ****.[/QUOTE] ROFL same here. [QUOTE=Nostalgic;327739]What the heck is wrong with Alton? Man are you seriously kidding me? I am sick of veterans coming on the show and quitting like Jo, Landon (basically giving up on D2 and going home), etc.[/QUOTE] What?? Landon gave up on Duel 2? From what I remember he lost to Brad, did he throw it? [QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;327749]Not at all, if my team wasnt involved, I'd be asleep. If it was, I'd be Alton[/QUOTE] Haha I'd probably be Marie [QUOTE=jojorules;327783]Alton appears to be trying hard[/QUOTE] Key word “appears” :P [QUOTE=AJHill;327808]"The two most dramatic people in the house" Shutup Frank, you're still here.[/QUOTE] Hahaha, for real though. [QUOTE=arilicious;327819]I seriouslyyyy wish this episode had an aftershow, it would've been perfect.[/QUOTE] I second that! [QUOTE=producer88;327859]Also this episode reminded me why I disliked Trishelle so much in the past. She's not a great competitor, and I remember Coral calling her out on it. She plays a mental game well, but I remember why she annoyed me back then.[/QUOTE] Yep. Trishelle and Tori both. [QUOTE=Lola88;327877]I dont understand why people are mad that Trishelle didnt step up and just let herself go home, Alton has been saying for weeks now he wants to quit and go home, why would you waste your time being there just to let yourself go home towards the end of the game? Think logically people.[/QUOTE] I obviously can’t f****** stand Trishelle, but you have a point. She played smart. [QUOTE=producer88;327879]I agree, Dustin, Alton, Frank, Derek...the way they spoke to the women on this challenge is disgusting, and horrid![/QUOTE] Frank yes, but who did the others speak to in a disrespectful manner/when?
So Trishelle now joins Frank,Jonna, and Eric in the coward department.
[QUOTE=Npresh24;327977]So Trishelle now joins Frank,Jonna, and Eric in the coward department.[/QUOTE] Now, while I definitely wanted Nany to stay - the elimination rules didn't favor Trishelle at all, and she knew that. She's really playing like a true vet. Essentially, if you don't want to go in - you don't have to go in because if your team doesn't make a decision, the winning team chooses and San Diego wasn't going to choose Trishelle at all. In terms of the diving competition, she probably just didn't want to do it - similar to when she said she was dehydrated not to fall 50 feet in the air. It's a bit of a cowardly move, but why do it if you don't have to? She's got the mind games COMPLETELY down, and has kept herself in the game solely because of it. Even in the Hunger Games, she masterminded so her team wouldn't come in last. While her actions are kinda cowardly, if you think about it from a mental game kind of view - it's really admirable. She's still in the game, and has never saw an elimination.
[QUOTE=RubenJay05;327937]ALLLLLL of Frank's insults are childish and have nothing to do with the main argument, which me solidifies the fact that he's a childish little girl. For someone that is so smart and has done really well for himself with his education, it completely blows my mind that people like him could possibly uphold some sort of amazing job title. He's just immature and clearly needs a lot more of that therapy he was taking during his season. He's a prime example of someone who can dish it but can't take it. PS- Who noticed and LOVED the fact that during Trishelle and Alton's confrontation in the bedroom that she kneeled down (the bunk beds were blocking her face) while speaking just so the cameras could see her speak! LOL!!! Love it![/QUOTE] Definitely noticed that haha but it was kind of hard not to, such a blatant effort at getting facetime. I was excited to see Trishelle on this challenge, but she's only gotten on my nerves. Nany was going in either way, at least she realized it and put herself in before giving San Diego the satisfaction of doing it themselves. I don't want Dustin to give up, but I wouldn't care if he did because Trishelle deserves it.
I gained the utmost respect for Nany after this challenge. I loved her on Vegas but now I love her even more. She really has grown a lot since her season and doesn't put up with the BS of Frank and his little minions. A lot of people say Nany started the fight for attention but I don't think she did. I think she was fed up because her and Derek used to be good friends. They both lived in Arizona for awhile together and hung out all the time. She hung out with Frank a lot too. According to other cast members Nany came in with a lot friends but since Vegas wasn't in the alliance anymore. Frank and all of her friends started treating her like dirt. I think that is ridiculous just because they aren't in the same alliance doesn't mean you have to hate one another. Chet and Sarah both said this challenge was different because Frank and them would never put the game aside and would never talk to anyone outside their alliance. I don't blame Nany for sticking up for herself. I love her and Dito's friendship. I also love Marie, she is hilarious :)
[QUOTE=Npresh24;327977]So Trishelle now joins Frank,Jonna, and Eric in the coward department.[/QUOTE] Maybe they could have a future challenge that's Cowards vs. Warriors...put all the cowardly people on the same team so some of them are forced to finally face an elimination round [Big Easy notwithstanding], and watch them rip each other apart to avoid it...and watch the Warriors rip apart what's left of them. Baaahaha. [QUOTE=Meelz;327981] In terms of the diving competition, she probably just didn't want to do it - similar to when she said she was dehydrated not to fall 50 feet in the air. It's a bit of a cowardly move, but why do it if you don't have to? She's got the mind games COMPLETELY down, and has kept herself in the game solely because of it. Even in the Hunger Games, she masterminded so her team wouldn't come in last. [/QUOTE] Why would she "just not want to do it"? This was a challenge her team had to win or else they were going in to the Arena...even if Trishelle was confident she could avoid being thrown in herself, there's still the possibility of your team being cut down to 2 people and therefore your chances of making it to the finals and winning money significantly decreases. There's absolutely no reason for her to not be motivated to perform in a challenge, especially in this particular one, and if that is true then she's no better than what she considers Alton.
So I watched the fight again, and even though I was rolling with Dustin the entire time, I almost cried laughing when he went up to Zach and said, "YOU THINK YOU'RE SO TALL *****?!?" He IS tall Dustin...he doesn't have to think it.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;327986]I gained the utmost respect for Nany after this challenge. I loved her on Vegas but now I love her even more. She really has grown a lot since her season and doesn't put up with the BS of Frank and his little minions. A lot of people say Nany started the fight for attention but I don't think she did. I think she was fed up because her and Derek used to be good friends. They both lived in Arizona for awhile together and hung out all the time. She hung out with Frank a lot too. According to other cast members Nany came in with a lot friends but since Vegas wasn't in the alliance anymore. Frank and all of her friends started treating her like dirt. I think that is ridiculous just because they aren't in the same alliance doesn't mean you have to hate one another. Chet and Sarah both said this challenge was different because Frank and them would never put the game aside and would never talk to anyone outside their alliance. I don't blame Nany for sticking up for herself. I love her and Dito's friendship. I also love Marie, she is hilarious :)[/QUOTE] I agree!! I talked so much **** about Nany during her season after treating Cook the way she did, but she has grown on me. Nany if you're reading this I was wrong and apologize! Plus you're a great competitor. Nany is a strong woman, and she doesn't take crap from anyone! This season really showed her good side. I hope she returns for more challenges.
Didn't Frank say something to Dustin to the effect of, "I'll beat you up in the streets once I have a fat check in my pocket!"? 1. What's up with these dudes constantly talking about "in the streets"? They're not gangbangers. They don't know about streets. Frank wants to beat someone up in the streets of Vermont? Shut up. 2. The challenge is done filming, it's time to set up this little beatdown. Time for these bros to put up or shut up...Frank vs. Dustin boxing match (and no tagging your bodyguard Zach in, Frank). Make it happen.
I can't help but laugh when Dustin gets angry. I like him a lot but I just think its funny. I haven't liked Trishelle this entire Challenge so her behavior this episode doesn't surprise me. And just when I thought Frank couldn't get any lower, he did. I seriously can't even believe he said that to Nany.
This episode pretty much made me 100% sure on who my favorites are: Marie, Nany, Dustin, Robb, and the entire Brooklyn team. Ashley is growing on me and Jonna is alright. The rest of them I could care less for.
After seeing the results of the Arena, I kinda don't blame Trishelle for not wanting to go in. We only get to see an edited version of the elimination and it was pretty blatant to me that Alton was throwing it; it'd be great to hear from someone who was actually there and see if their perspective was that he wasn't trying. Maybe I wasn't understanding the rules correctly but were the bouys supposed to be grabbed in order? Seems to me that for the people who failed to get their assigned bouy (Trishelle + Robb), couldn't they have just grabbed an easier one and passed to the next person? It also occured to me that this was at least initially, a mission where a 2-person team had an advantage - after both players have grabbed a bouy, you don't have to wait for a third person to jump from the ship and swim over to the playing area, your #1 teammate just dives again immediately. That advantage might be lost when it comes time to row (although I don't think I saw any boat with more than 2 people rowing, so again it might have favored the 2-person teams). When I noticed this I felt that Cancun had a decent chance to beat SD which made me happy, until I remembered they are allied and I was like "Well ****". I just really wanted SD to not make money on this season but I don't see that happening.
This episode was amazing, but I'm really upset that they didn't air Nany spitting on Frank! Come on! I think they are giving Nany a good edit (sure we see her go crazy, but people still feel sympathy for her) and Frank the worst edit because he makes a great villain. oh and Trishelle still sucks. All talk. Like I said, I wouldn't have any problem with her not volunteering herself if she didn't already judge Jonna and Sarah so harshly. I don't like a hypocrite, I'm sorry. Favorite femaless: The tough-as-nails, ride-or-die, no-b.s. Marie who is finally a Real World female who EARNS the title of bad b-. The beautiful, prissy, hilarious and always entertaining Devyn who has replaced Paula as best commentator. The flawless-looking, real, and fierce competitor Nany. The hilarious and sweet little Jasmine of course. She better not retire! The classy, pretty and level-headed Ashley. The adorable and wild southern belle Jemmye. The beautiful, intelligent and interesting Jonna who gets a bad rap. Plus I will always love her for the way she called out Camilla on Rivals. This challenge was filled with awesome females if you ask me. Favorite guys are beautiful inside-and-out CJ, sexy, sweet and protective ginger Robb (but everyone knows that), the hilarious and watchable stoner-voice Knight, and the kind of emotional and crazy, but utterly awesome and loyal Dustin. I think he would OWN Frank in a fight. He has angry strength. I think Frank is just sloppy when he's drunk and mad. Least favorites: the obnoxious and hugely annoying trashbag Camilla, the LAME, unintelligent Trey, that attention-seeking fool Frank, that pretentious whiny jerk Chet, and the over-the-hill, arrogant, trashy hypocrite Trishelle who hates on other females when they don't deserve it, and that sexist, emaciated-looking bipolar weirdo Alton.
I didn't get the impression that Alton didn't care. I think he if didn't care they would have lost the first two rounds I don't blame Trishelle at all for not volunteering but I do blame her for being a hypocrite and continually performing poorly.
Great episode. So sad to see Nany go, but she had nice run and I am positive we will see her back on a challenge. Haha well isn't that the sucky Team Cancun did well in this mission? Both did well here. Anyway, for predictions for next week I see STT finally getting eliminated. Oh and I'm sorry but that performance by Robb in the mission was embarrassing. I cringed.
1. Well, San Diego's gonna win. I knew it from the first scene with them all training together. It's like how CT and Diem came together last season and finally started doing good, except they didn't actually win. I think the only team left with a chance to beat them is Brooklyn if they lose JD and Devyn. 2. I lost 1000 respect points for Trishelle and Alton and gained 1000 respect points for Nany and Dustin. Like everyone's said Trishelle is a hypocrite for not going in, and while that does make her a smart player for her to act like she did nothing wrong is ridiculous. She hasn't pulled her weight the whole challenge, she should have gone in. While what Trishelle did last night was expected, I was shocked at Alton's performance. He was gassed after a 90 second game. After last night he fell out of my top 5 rankings. I thought I couldn't love Nany any more before last night, but her stepping up made me respect her even more. Put her on every challenge. And Dustin gains points for me in his fights with Frank and Trishelle. 3. Like him or not (most likely not), Frank is a great villain. But what he said about Nany's sister last night was ****ed up. To say that to anyone, much less your friend is just way too ****ed up and I'm glad they showed it just so people can see what a psycho he is. I usually like people who start drama, and I actually did like Frank a little on his season but I hate him now. But he is a great villain. 4. There are literally like 4 likable people left. Sarah, Devyn, Dustin, and Sam. This is my opinion obviously but I don't think anyone really likes Frank, Zach, or Trishelle, Jonna is pretty unlikable, JD, Derek, Robb, and Ashley are still whatever to me, and I'm indifferent about Chet. 5. As far as competitors go, it's getting pretty embarrassing. I'd power rank the guys 1. Zach 2. Dustin 3. Frank 4. Chet 5. Derek 6. Robb 7. JD and girls 1. Sarah 2. Jonna 3. Marie 4. Ashley 5. Sam 6. Trishelle 7. Devyn. That would be 3 above average guys and 2 above average girls, 2 average guys (or 3, haven't seen anything good from Robb yet) and 3 average girls, and 2 below average guys and 2 below average girls. If Marie is the 3rd best girl with only 7 left, you know this season sucks competitor-wise. 6. Last thing as much as I hate Zach, I did like last night after he realized Robb and Marie won he said, "Ya freaking did it!" It showed how big of an upset it was for them to take out Alton and Nany.
Hold up Alton/Nany lost by 3 balls, won by 1 ball, and lost by 1 ball to Robbarie The margin of victory wouldn't have been so close if Alton wasn't trying. You can't throw a challenge like that intentionally and only lose by 1 ball. Alton is a beast but so is Robb and Marie is a stronger girl than Nany so there is no reason to assume they didn't win straight up. I highly doubt Alton would've screwed over both Nany and Dustin like that just so he could go home. He calls Dustin his brother, he wouldn't intentionally leave him with a partner he hates and also take out Dustin's close friend Nany in the process. So back up on the "Alton didn't try claims" because it discredits a well-deserved win for Robb and Marie. Alton and Nany gave it their all, but lost to a stronger pair, end of story!!!!
