I am completely done with Frank. Like, she wasn't even talking to your *** and you decide to go and make it all about you. All this yelling for no reason and getting in peoples grills was entertaining back on SD, now it's just WAY too much......
Absolutely love that Marie put her friendship with Nany before any alliance. I dig that.
When I saw this thread, I was like "WTF? I thought it wasn't on tonight" then I realized the date, and I was like "oh thank god!"
This episode looks exciting.
If we have an elimination in this episode, this could be the best episode in a while. Lol at Frank grabbing anything to use against Nany. Fat? Good try.
I know it's just a preview, but I still absolutely love Marie for everything she said! And the way Frank talks to women is just a disgrace...but on the other hand, that seems to be a habit on this show.
Frank just constantly proves he's a hypocrite. He attacked Dustin for dating Heather on tv just to cover up his true gayness. I thought the exact same thing about him when he was pretending to be interested in Alexandra on his season.
Then he's talked about Camilla and Nany wanting attention. I think he's just mad when someone else wants to attention. He didn't even have to get in Nany's face like that. That was between her and Derek. I remember Nany and Derek from their twitters were good friends before the challenge. They lived near each other at one point.
Kudos to Marie for not caring about the alliance and looking out for her friend. I love that tough chick.
If Alexandra would've given Frank the time of day I would write her off as well. There was no way in hell that would be happening. He's too manipulative, girly and conniving.
And ditto I love me some Marie.
Does anyone know why they keep skipping weeks?
It's the 2nd or 3rd time in a season (there's only been 8 episodes), it's getting excessive (don't correct me; I don't care if it's 2 or 3.. 2 or more is excessive) & that kind of things easily turns off fans who aren't obsessed. Thanksgiving isn't even on mothereffing Wednesday
I'm actually really mad right now.
[QUOTE=CherryPie;327177]Does anyone know why they keep skipping weeks?
It's the 2nd or 3rd time in a season (there's only been 8 episodes), it's getting excessive (don't correct me; I don't care if it's 2 or 3.. 2 or more is excessive) & that kind of things easily turns off fans who aren't obsessed. Thanksgiving isn't even on mothereffing Wednesday
I'm actually really mad right now.[/QUOTE]
I'm sure you'll live one week without Frank. ;)
[QUOTE=CherryPie;327177]Does anyone know why they keep skipping weeks?
It's the 2nd or 3rd time in a season (there's only been 8 episodes), it's getting excessive (don't correct me; I don't care if it's 2 or 3.. 2 or more is excessive) & that kind of things easily turns off fans who aren't obsessed. Thanksgiving isn't even on mothereffing Wednesday
I'm actually really mad right now.[/QUOTE]
They skip weeks to help with the ratings. They skipped the Wednesday before Thanksgiving because it is one of the biggest travel days, if not the biggest, in the country.
I can't wait for this episode. Frank calling Nany fat? Is that all he has, what a joke. You can't really insult Nany's looks. She is gorgeous. I'm glad Nany is sticking up for her team and herself. She came in being really good friends with Frank and all of them but she doesn't put up with Frank's crap. Marie is a good friend for helping her too. I love them both.
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;327205]I can't wait for this episode. Frank calling Nany fat? Is that all he has, what a joke. You can't really insult Nany's looks. She is gorgeous. I'm glad Nany is sticking up for her team and herself. She came in being really good friends with Frank and all of them but she doesn't put up with Frank's crap. Marie is a good friend for helping her too. I love them both.[/QUOTE]
Unless Nany had weight issues in the past, told Frank and he used it as a personal attack to "get into her head" like Knight did, it could be effective. :scratch_one-s_head: Calling any girl fat is something you shouldn't do.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;327233]I give them mad props for this episode title.[/QUOTE]
Is it bad that I'm imagining Danny read the episode title even though he's so far removed from the season at this point?
[QUOTE=eggrolledsnake;327245]Is it bad that I'm imagining Danny read the episode title even though he's so far removed from the season at this point?[/QUOTE]
I am not sure why you would imagine Danny reading it. I just imagined a generic Boston accent. I didn't get the episode title when I first saw it on Wednesday, but they are really outdoing themselves with these titles.
He said all the films that these episodes are titles after suck; The Dark Knight was the title of an episode. And The Chronicles of Narnia is an amazing film, btw.
Frank can't argue to save his life. It wasn't clever to call nany fat, if any of you remember he called Sams girlfriend fat and if you've seen a pic of sams girlfriend you would see shes clearly not fat either. Frank is actually pathetically bad at trash talk. He's sloppy and he says the most stupid think you can think you. Knight did a better job on nany if you watch she didn't even flinch at the fat comment. Useless. Its probably the only insult he can come up with. lol
[QUOTE=Siright;327258]Frank can't argue to save his life. It wasn't clever to call nany fat, if any of you remember he called Sams girlfriend fat and if you've seen a pic of sams girlfriend you would see shes clearly not fat either. Frank is actually pathetically bad at trash talk. He's sloppy and he says the most stupid think you can think you. Knight did a better job on nany if you watch she didn't even flinch at the fat comment. Useless. Its probably the only insult he can come up with. lol[/QUOTE]
He just digs into what he thinks people are insecure about. "Go **** your fat girlfriend", "you suck **** for money", etc.. I DONT UNDERSTAND why no one will take a shot at what hurts him the most. A simple "Your family doesn't love you" would shut him up really quick. Low blow, but it would be justified.
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;327205]I can't wait for this episode. Frank calling Nany fat? Is that all he has, what a joke. You can't really insult Nany's looks. She is gorgeous. I'm glad Nany is sticking up for her team and herself. She came in being really good friends with Frank and all of them but she doesn't put up with Frank's crap. Marie is a good friend for helping her too. I love them both.[/QUOTE]
I don't think he was insulting her weight. He was likening her in other words to a big piece of dog crap. Nany is skinny and gorgeous. It would be ridiculous to call her fat. lol. He's attacking her as a person.