The Real World: Portland

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The Real World: Portland
Originally per Byron Beck, season 28 of the Real World will be taking place in the City of Roses. [url=]True Story: MTV's Next Real World to Shoot in Portland[/url] [url=]True Story: MTV's Real World is ON The Move In Portland[/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [I][SIZE="1"](image via Byron Beck)[/SIZE][/I] They will be staying [url=]here[/url]. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Camera Operator - Bunim/murray Productions - Portland*OR[/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Production Assistant - Bunim/murray Productions - Portland*OR[/url] A little about Portland, the largest city in Oregon: Portland has more brewpubs per capita than any city in the United States. [I]Lots of drinking this season?[/I] Portland has more strip clubs per capita than any other city in this country. [I]Lots of nudity this season?[/I] Portland has no sales tax. [I]Buy everything, even with the measly amount of money RW housemates are given...[/I] Cycling is a very important part of Portland transportation. [I]Perhaps the roommates will be given bikes instead of a car?[/I] Portland is a very liberal and progressive city. [I]How would a conservative housemate react?[/I]
This is official already?
[QUOTE=ThatOneGuy;312760]This is official already?[/QUOTE] Officially announced by MTV? No. Official enough to have proof for me to make two threads about it? Yes.
That was really early 0_o Maybe they're gonna start filming like now... I could have sworn I saw somewhere saying you needed to be 21 by March 31 2012 or whatever...
I think I'm starting to realize they dont care about RW anymore and just want it to be done with if they're filming another season this quickly.
[QUOTE=TwoStrikes;312762]That was really early 0_o [B]Maybe they're gonna start filming like now...[/B] I could have sworn I saw somewhere saying you needed to be 21 by March 31 2012 or whatever...[/QUOTE] Read the permits associated with the house. They were just filed over the last few days. It took the SD crew a few weeks to turn the house around to be ready. does that mean it will be filming around like December then?
[QUOTE=TwoStrikes;312767]Oh... so does that mean it will be filming around like December then?[/QUOTE] I doubt it! It will be super cold during December!
[QUOTE=TwoStrikes;312767] does that mean it will be filming around like December then?[/QUOTE] Read the permits. They will give you an end date.
I obviously don't understand; I'm not a contractor. "All work to be removed and building to be returned to its current condition and occupancy classifications no later than December 31" So does that mean theyll be done filming by then? So basically they're filming now... I think, idk. Could I just get an answer please
Well, this is exciting! Good work, Molds!
[QUOTE=TwoStrikes;312770]I obviously don't understand; I'm not a contractor. "All work to be removed and building to be returned to its current condition and occupancy classifications no later than December 31" So does that mean theyll be done filming by then? So basically they're filming now... I think, idk. Could I just get an answer please[/QUOTE] If you read one of the links molds has posted, it says the shooting could begin as early as July!
[QUOTE=TwoStrikes;312770]I obviously don't understand; I'm not a contractor. "All work to be removed and building to be returned to its current condition and occupancy classifications no later than December 31" So does that mean theyll be done filming by then? So basically they're filming now... I think, idk. Could I just get an answer please[/QUOTE] Really? It's not rocket science. It's not even hard science. It's just reading what I've said so far and coming to a logical conclusion. The permits were filed three days ago. As I said earlier, it took the SD crew a couple of weeks to flip the house to be ready. If you look at the pictures I posted, you will see that the hot tub is still under a tarp. It should be easy to deduce that no, they have obviously not started filming yet. You will also see via one permit that everything has to be BACK TO ITS ORIGINAL STATE by December 31, 2012. That means that if it's taking them a few weeks to get everything RW-ready, it should also take a few weeks to get everything pre-RW-ready. Therefore, filming should be done by mid-November and will probably start mid-August.
BMP can begin shooting any time after receiving the certificate of occupancy. This is, as molds13 notes, not rocket science.
I guess they're going with a serious season after the debacle that was San Diego and the could be debacle that's St. Thomas
Finally, I hope they get an amazing cast.
This sounds interesting, all I hope for is that ratings do well this season, this is make-it-or-break-it point.
Never been to Portland. I'm sure it's great. However it personally just doesn't seem like the best pick. It just doesn't sound like a city that could get enough hype to save the franchise. I know Brooklyn was done only four years ago but it would have been great to see them go back to NY to commemorate twenty years on the air. That in itself would draw attention to the show. They could do a pre-show kinda like the "Real World secrets revealed." Hell, to save money, it would be awesome if they converted MTV studios as the house. The old TRL stage could be their home right in the middle of everything in Times Square. As their job, work for MTV doing PR work for MTV's other shows or even work with producers for Teen Mom and Jersey Shore Aftershows. That could definitely draw in viewers from those shows. I just feel like uniting these three shows in some way can be beneficial. That would definitely strengthen MTV as a network when you have a solid ratings throughout the entire week and not just on Mondays and Thursdays....... I could go on and on but the fact of the matter is season 28 is Portland. None of that is gonna happen. So the above paragraph I just wrote is pointless and merely verbal diarrhea.
How come there has only been ONE Real World in the Midwest, and only two in the Deep South? (Miami and Austin aren't technically "Deep South") Why hasn't there been a RW in the Twin Cities? Or St. Louis? Or Atlanta? Or Nashville? And there's only been one in Florida, in Miami. How about one in Orlando? Or Tampa? And why has there never been a deaf (or blind) cast member? And there's never been a RW in South America! How about one in Rio de Janeiro (the Olympics will be there in 4 years) or Buenos Aires? Why was Road Rules terminated after 14 seasons? How many more RW's will there be? 40? 50? Steve Weller Sarasota, FL
Oh you're in for a fun time here Steve lol. And Key West was in Florida.
Real World isn't welcomed in Atlanta, at least that used to be the case. The location is now based on fantasy appeal where they feel 20 something year olds want to live for a few months and a majority of Midwest and deep South cities are not ideal for the majority of people they cast. Foriegn countries are better for Challenges and a deaf or blind person would be a liability for production.
[QUOTE=some guy;312906]Never been to Portland. I'm sure it's great. However it personally just doesn't seem like the best pick. It just doesn't sound like a city that could get enough hype to save the franchise. I know Brooklyn was done only four years ago but it would have been great to see them go back to NY to commemorate twenty years on the air. That in itself would draw attention to the show. They could do a pre-show kinda like the "Real World secrets revealed." [/QUOTE] I always imagined they'd go back to New York for season 30, if it makes it that far. Maybe that's what they should do. If it gets to season 30, go back to New York, have the whole series come full circle and call it a day. I don't think there's anything wrong with Portland, though. Like you, I've never been but I'm not sure the location is THAT much of an attraction to people. It certainly helps, of course, but at this point I'm more concerned about who they're going to cast. They have to be interesting, or in the very least, they have to look interesting in the trailer for the season haha.
[QUOTE=flahotguy;312908]How come there has only been ONE Real World in the Midwest, and only two in the Deep South? (Miami and Austin aren't technically "Deep South") Why hasn't there been a RW in the Twin Cities? Or St. Louis? Or Atlanta? Or Nashville? And there's only been one in Florida, in Miami. How about one in Orlando? Or Tampa? And why has there never been a deaf (or blind) cast member? And there's never been a RW in South America! How about one in Rio de Janeiro (the Olympics will be there in 4 years) or Buenos Aires? Why was Road Rules terminated after 14 seasons? How many more RW's will there be? 40? 50? Steve Weller Sarasota, FL[/QUOTE] Dear Steve - These questions have been asked many times before. In short, we don't know. While it would be nice to tap someone's brain who works at BMP, no active members are employed by them and, therefore, we have absolutely no idea why they do (or don't do) what they do. Molds Vevmo
I like the idea of Portland hosting the next RW season because it's a city within a state that people don't really know much about unlike city's like Chicago, Miami, New York, etc.
I wonder where they will employ the cast. I have tried to contact BMP several times to offer up my business's to staff a cast if they ever came to Portland.
You guys are acting like the location is really THAT important. Honestly, whether it was Portland or Cincinnati, they don't show much of the cast out & about in the city anyway so its not like it'll be a history lesson. Honestly though, I feel like Portland will be the last season. There's NOTHING desirable in Portland, I wish they would have done Houston, Atlanta, Nashville or Back 2 Miami.
Long time lurker, first time poster here - Portland is a great choice for a "Real World" city! I grew up there (so yes, I'm biased), but I will say the city has plenty in the way of bars, clubs, restaurants, and other outings. The city is also just an hour away from the mountains AND the beach, so you could expect to see the cast in a few different locales (if they leave their converted loft). Their loft is located in a part of the city with a high concentration of nightlife, so going out should be taking a boat back and forth for entertainment, in other words. I do expect the cast to be hassled a bit by the locals - there's a number of productions currently filming in Portland ("Leverage", "Grimm"), but the "Real World"/MTV pedigree wouldn't garner the same respect. The fact the season will be in Portland is fine - No, it's not Vegas - but it offers the same type of entertainment found in D.C., Chicago, Denver or Brooklyn. I feel the season's success will be based on the cast's interactions and of course the editing.
I'm not going to listen to what others say about this location. Portland is I believe the second most-populated city in the Pacific North West (Seattle being first) and it's been forever since the original Seattle season. Yes, I know they are somewhat different, but culturally, and weather-wise are very similar and lots of people work in Portland for various reasons. And like I said 'weather-wise' let's see what living in a rainy climate can do to these cast members. For some people, like me for example, weather can often reflect one's mood and it can change someone as well while they are being filmed on TV. I know the people who watched Seattle when it first aired are now probably 30+ so they most likely won't be watching this, but I find both cities interesting, and as long as BMP is able to cast interesting people and actually promote the show as they should, I think this season could do well.
[url=]Be a Blogtown Spy: Audition for The Real World: Portland! | Blogtown, PDX[/url] Site posted on July 3rd about a craigslist ad for a Portland native for the Real World Portland. Said to submit your tape by August 1 and that finalist would be contacted about the next round by August 15th. I'm sure they have picked their cast, but its quite possible that they have only picked 5 or 6, or have picked 7 and are looking for an 8th roommate. Gives me the idea that they will film starting after labor day, until the first week of December, and then put the house back together after filming for the remainder of December.
[QUOTE=nola79;313567][url=]Be a Blogtown Spy: Audition for The Real World: Portland! | Blogtown, PDX[/url] Site posted on July 3rd about a craigslist ad for a Portland native for the Real World Portland. Said to submit your tape by August 1 and that finalist would be contacted about the next round by August 15th. I'm sure they have picked their cast, but its quite possible that they have only picked 5 or 6, or have picked 7 and are looking for an 8th roommate. Gives me the idea that they will film starting after labor day, until the first week of December, and then put the house back together after filming for the remainder of December.[/QUOTE] I'm no expert, but looking for another roommate so late seems unlikely to me. If they wanted a local roommate...wouldn't they have done it like they got Priscilla? You know, normally? Experts like Molds and Bacchus can tell me if I'm right, like I said I'm no expert...
[QUOTE=nola79;313567][url=]Be a Blogtown Spy: Audition for The Real World: Portland! | Blogtown, PDX[/url] Site posted on July 3rd about a craigslist ad for a Portland native for the Real World Portland. Said to submit your tape by August 1 and that finalist would be contacted about the next round by August 15th. I'm sure they have picked their cast, but its quite possible that they have only picked 5 or 6, or have picked 7 and are looking for an 8th roommate. Gives me the idea that they will film starting after labor day, until the first week of December, and then put the house back together after filming for the remainder of December.[/QUOTE] If that is to be legit then I totally agree about the filming, housing and December part. So excited right now but yet don't know why. -_-
