I believe Joey had earrings similar to Brandon's. Close enough for me.
I believe Joey had earrings similar to Brandon's. Close enough for me.
How dare you remind me of his existence...
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;307632]How dare you remind me of his existence...[/QUOTE]
I just really hope Brandon doesn't turn out to be a different variation of Joey. It would be really annoying.
Joey actually seems to have turned his life around, his daughter's cute.
I'm hoping this season is good. I don't have much hope considering the last couple of ****** seasons they have thrown at us with good ones (Brooklyn, Vegas) here and there. I don't really watch MTV much anymore so I rely on vevmo for advertising. I'm Bravo's ***** now!
I just saw a (new?) preview for the show.
It was a preview about LaToya. Her roommates describes her in it and it just showed her throughout the season.
Based on the 3 trailers I've seen I assume her and Swift get into a lot of arguments cause they were fighting in the one I just saw too.
I have a feeling this is going to be a great season. I'm already into this one more than recent seasons...probably since Hollywood.
I'm one of the odd balls that didnt care for Vegas 2.0
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;308201]I have a feeling this is going to be a great season. I'm already into this one more than recent seasons...probably since Hollywood.
I'm one of the odd balls that didnt care for Vegas 2.0[/QUOTE]
I agree I don't know why but I am really excited for St. Thomas! I hope they get good ratings! I can't wait til the season starts!
Marie's promo just aired and it wasn't that great...all they really said was she's a wildchild. Her and LaToya on twitter though swear that they're so funny and have a lot to bring.
I'm super excited for this season, especially because Trey lives like 2 minutes away from me, so I'm excited to see how he is on it.
PS I also wasn't a huge fan of Las Vegas 2 but I did like some of the cast better than others. DC was one of my favorites and that's everyone's like least favorite haha
[QUOTE=TwoStrikes;308212]Marie's promo just aired and it wasn't that great...all they really said was she's a wildchild. Her and LaToya on twitter though swear that they're so funny and have a lot to bring.
I'm super excited for this season, especially because Trey lives like 2 minutes away from me, so I'm excited to see how he is on it.
PS I also wasn't a huge fan of Las Vegas 2 but I did like some of the cast better than others. DC was one of my favorites and that's everyone's like least favorite haha[/QUOTE]
I liked DC initially but after rewatching it, that **** was very boring.
@TheKorean, you're tripping boo. The past 2 seasons including SD 2 have been entertaining though SD was very annoying.
These promos are great.
Robb's promo with the whole "I'm the hottest red head" quote he made... yeah, wait until you bump into Wes the greek god. I wonder if the two would clash.
Just watched MTV for an hour...I was watching made yesterday and like 3 of the promos came on just during that 1 episode. The only person I haven't seen is Swift.
Individual Promo's are up
[url=http://www.mtv.com/videos/misc/794297/seven-strangers-one-island.jhtml#id=1688242]Seven Strangers, One Island | Video | MTV[/url]
The more I see , The more and more I fall in love with the cast.
Just saw on Twitter that tonight at 11 right after Teen Mom they're airing a 5 minute sneak peek of the first episode. Well at least they're promoting it, good job MTV!