Real World: St. Thomas - Virgin Islands

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I really am hoping this will be a good season because I don't think I can sit through ANOTHER snoozeworthy season. Also, next season is the last season on the contract so I don't think they can afford it.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=KevinW;298932]I really am hoping this will be a good season because I don't think I can sit through ANOTHER snoozeworthy season. [B]Also, next season is the last season on the contract so I don't think they can afford it.[/B][/QUOTE] Real World is the first series MTV ever invested money into and it put the network on the map ratings wise back in the day. I think they get a sentimental handicap that other shows would not. I'd expect to see The Challenges part go first. RW still has a lot of potential as a show, more so than most of the ones on MTV IMO, and it has a flexibility built into its format that a lot of reality shows do not have.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;298681] And a bottle of red wine I'm saving just for you.[/QUOTE] There are very few things that I enjoy more than a bottle of red with my Mtv programming. This premier will be no exception. ;) With the house being on a separate island, I wonder if there will be any 'stir-craziness' like The Island late at night.
Does this mean they won't be taking too many people back to their place from the bars because the house is on its own island?
[QUOTE=JennHas2Ns;298957]There are very few things that I enjoy more than a bottle of red with my Mtv programming. This premier will be no exception. ;) With the house being on a separate island, I wonder if there will be any 'stir-craziness' like The Island late at night.[/QUOTE] Presumably there will be no late night visits to Subway. [QUOTE=ballinbroken;298963]Does this mean they won't be taking too many people back to their place from the bars because the house is on its own island?[/QUOTE] Drunk people and boats don't mix. I presume BMP's insurance underwriters are on top of the potential for bad stuff happening.
[QUOTE=V1man;298964]Presumably there will be no late night visits to Subway. Drunk people and boats don't mix. I presume BMP's insurance underwriters are on top of the potential for bad stuff happening.[/QUOTE] I'm guessing that BMP wants to see more fighting between the castmembers rather than issues that the roommates get in with outside people.
I wonder why they only cast people over 20 when the drinking age in the Virgin Islands is 18 I think.
[QUOTE=ThatOneGuy;298985]I wonder why they only cast people over 20 when the drinking age in the Virgin Islands is 18 I think.[/QUOTE] Maybe because the controlling state for the cast contract is California and BMP now has more reason to pay attention to California employment law?
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=V1man;299003]Maybe because the controlling state for the cast contract is California and BMP now has more reason to pay attention to California employment law?[/QUOTE] I thought they were "independent contractors". There is no legal difference between an 18 year old and a 20 year old so I assume they look for 20 year olds who will turn 21 during production now.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;299006][B]I thought they were "independent contractors". [/B] There is no legal difference between an 18 year old and a 20 year old so I assume they look for 20 year olds who will turn 21 during production now.[/QUOTE] It is a question presently before the court.
[QUOTE=V1man;299003]Maybe because the controlling state for the cast contract is California and BMP now has more reason to pay attention to California employment law?[/QUOTE] Maybe. It also occured to me later that they didn't decide on the location until after they had allready asked for people of that age group.
[QUOTE=ThatOneGuy;299622]Maybe. It also occured to me later that they didn't decide on the location until after they had allready asked for people of that age group.[/QUOTE] Maybe... While the possibilities are likely not infinite, there are certainly more than we've thought of. It's also possible that BMP itself doesn't really know why. For them, it wouldn't be the first time.
I recently went on a cruise to St. Thomas...the place will be very crowded, to say the least. Constantly there are boats heading in and out. Can't wait to see it!
I'm excited for the season more so than I was for the past 14 seasons
Thanks to gamer: the site is up...kinda. Can't access their complete bios yet. [url=]Real World: St. Thomas[/url]
Man, I really hate that MTV started putting spoilers in their bios over the last few seasons.
[QUOTE=molds13;307068]Man, I really hate that MTV started putting spoilers in their bios over the last few seasons.[/QUOTE] They seriously have the least subtle bios. They really just hit you over the head with what's gonna happen during the season. Marie's bio is ridiculous though. It's just stories of her being hammered basically. I did laugh at the "St. Thomas: it's a wonderful place" Hakuna Matata pun though haha.
[SIZE="2"]I don´t know they kinda give away a little bit too much, like this one about Brandon [FONT="Century Gothic"]"Brandon -- who was a virgin until he was 19 -- has since slept with over 100 women and [I]deflowered a nearby high school's cheerleading captains[/I]"...[/FONT] lol.does something like that really need to be in an introductory bio?..[/SIZE]
[QUOTE=LexBlair;307070][SIZE="2"]I don´t know they kinda give away a little bit too much, like this one about Brandon [FONT="Century Gothic"]"Brandon -- who was a virgin until he was 19 -- has since slept with over 100 women and [I]deflowered a nearby high school's cheerleading captains[/I]"...[/FONT] lol.does something like that really need to be in an introductory bio?..[/SIZE][/QUOTE] It shouldn't be if she was under 16...
Anonymous's picture
I am glad they give background and context in the bio. I don't consider them "spoilers". It helps you understand why people might be doing what they are doing as you are watching if you familiarize yourself with the bios. It mkaes me think they aren't going to go into the background stuff much on the show, but that could mean it is because they have so much other good stuff. Add in all the remote control blog videos, and I feel like MTV may have a good season that they will be promoting the hell out of. They are building a head of steam for this season IMO which is good for the show.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;307074]I am glad they give background and context in the bio. I don't consider them "spoilers". It helps you understand why people might be doing what they are doing as you are watching if you familiarize yourself with the bios. It mkaes me think they aren't going to go into the background stuff much on the show, but that could mean it is because they have so much other good stuff. Add in all the remote control blog videos, and I feel like MTV may have a good season that they will be promoting the hell out of. They are building a head of steam for this season IMO which is good for the show.[/QUOTE] I do understand that and appreciate the background, but I don't need them to say "Will Marie fall for the guy who has the exact same Hakuna Matata tattoo as her?" and then in Robb's bio talk about his Hakuna Matata tattoo. Or how Brandon sometimes falls for preppy girls and specifically mentions Laura's name. They aren't asking us so we go "oooh that'd be interesting!" Their track record with the bios shows that it will happen. See Ashley and Zach's bios from RW: San Diego. Heather and Adam's bios on RW: Las Vegas. Knight and Jemmye's bios on RW: NOLA. Ty's bio on RW: DC. They all specifically mention things that would be considered spoilers. Falling for roommates. Getting caught up in the "bright lights". Things like that. Maybe it's just because I know spoilers for this season so they appear more obvious to me, but I could do without the specific mentioning of names.
I agree with Laura=Erika and Marie=Trisha but everything else was just no LMAO Trey=Mike (Season 25) [url=]MTV's New 7 Strangers Remind Us Of Some Former Real Worlders [Photos][/url]
This is hilarious. I need to check on the ratings though. I hope they are legit good. Is it just me or am I the only one who was disgusted at some of these?

Paramount+ has almost all season of real world and honestly??? the first episode of this season really brings back memories lol it's just so lighthearted and fun 
