Favorite Challenge Format?

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I like the Duel's simply because only 1 male and 1 female wins....other challenges too many people make it to the end and too many win.
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;283962]I like the Duel's simply because only 1 male and 1 female wins....other challenges too many people make it to the end and too many win.[/QUOTE] Yea I know, like on Duel 2, 6 people walked away with a good chunk of change. I like it where it's you either win everything or win nothing.
I liked the format of Cutthroat. I just wish that they had the best players draft the teams instead of the worst.
I think Cutthroat was a good idea I just think it needed a gimmick like RW vs. RR vs. FM. or 1st time challengers vs. New School vs. Old School or Blondes vs. Brunettes vs. Minorities or something coool. I also think The Ruins was good pitting Champs vs. Challengers, the teams just needed to be more evelyn balanced physically.
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;283976]I think Cutthroat was a good idea I just think it needed a gimmick like RW vs. RR vs. FM. or 1st time challengers vs. New School vs. Old School or Blondes vs. Brunettes vs. Minorities or something coool. I also think The Ruins was good pitting Champs vs. Challengers, the teams just needed to be more evelyn balanced physically.[/QUOTE] I think one of my favorite aspects of the Cutthroat format was the fact that the players picked their teams. With that said, I like the Duel format (specifically Duel 1) and Large-Team formats (BOTSexes, Gauntlets, Infernos, Ruins) I am really sick of two person teams right now.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;283971]I liked the format of Cutthroat. I just wish that they had the best players draft the teams instead of the worst.[/QUOTE] Only the first round was chosen by Camila, Shauvon, and Emilee. But after that first round, the vets took over. So it would've been the same, give or take a rookie.
[QUOTE=jesses_girl;284024]Only the first round was chosen by Camila, Shauvon, and Emilee. But after that first round, the vets took over. So it would've been the same, give or take or rookie.[/QUOTE] The first 2 vets taken were Dunbar and Vinny. Not really feeling it. I also would have made it a snake style draft so that the teams could get more balanced (the blue team was terrible outside the top 4 players).
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;283976]I think Cutthroat was a good idea I just think it needed a gimmick like RW vs. RR vs. FM. or 1st time challengers vs. New School vs. Old School or Blondes vs. Brunettes vs. [B]Minorities[/B] or something coool. I also think The Ruins was good pitting Champs vs. Challengers, the teams just needed to be more evelyn balanced physically.[/QUOTE] Haha, that might be bad for PR.
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;283976]I think Cutthroat was a good idea I just think it needed a gimmick like RW vs. RR vs. FM. or 1st time challengers vs. New School vs. Old School or Blondes vs. Brunettes vs. Minorities or something coool. I also think The Ruins was good pitting Champs vs. Challengers, the teams just needed to be more evelyn balanced physically.[/QUOTE] It's more like Real World rookies vs Real World legends vs Fresh Meat newbies vs Fresh Meat legends.
I really liked the Ruins format, but I wish it hadn't been Champions v. Challengers, and instead it had been a schoolyard draft like Cutthroat. I think that format would have been more exciting if the teams had been more evenly balanced.
I liked every aspect of The Ruins format (even having Casey/Shauvon on the same team wasn't TOO bad) EXCEPT the way in which eliminations were chosen. The way it was setup catered perfectly for JEK/Derrick/Johanna/Susie/Ibis type alliances, it was so frustrating and borderline idiotic the way hey did that. And on top of that, as soon as The Challengers had a chance to remove Casey from their team, they instead decided to urinate all over any hope of succeeding during the remainder of the challenge.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;284570]I liked every aspect of The Ruins format (even having Casey/Shauvon on the same team wasn't TOO bad) EXCEPT the way in which eliminations were chosen. The way it was setup catered perfectly for JEK/Derrick/Johanna/Susie/Ibis type alliances, it was so frustrating and borderline idiotic the way hey did that. [B]And on top of that, as soon as The Challengers had a chance to remove Casey from their team, they instead decided to urinate all over any hope of succeeding during the remainder of the challenge[/B].[/QUOTE] Exactly. That has got to be one of the dumbest moves in the history of these shows. I'll NEVER understand why they threw in Brianna over Casey. But Honestly. If they ever do a another Ruins challenge I think the voting process needs to change and the teams need to be evenly balanced in terms of strenth.
Sign me up as a fan of Cutthroat. I hate it when they do two teams and one just smashes the other most of the time. 3 teams allows for more parity. 4 teams would be great too.
I like Cutthroat but I would like it better with a solid cast of 24 instead of 30
I like the Island but think it could do for some tweaking; specifically, don't give the person who gets voted back from the 3-person faceoff a key. Make all 8 keyholders earn their key by winning. Then, anyone who has a key cannot cast votes for any reason (deciding who goes into a faceoff, deciding who leaves from the 2 losing players, etc). Finally, make the teams in the finals randomly decided on the last day. This way it truly is every person for themselves. It gives everyone a strong incentive to get into a faceoff early and win, not just counting on the votes of their buddies to get them a key. Once they have the key, they can't do anything to help others earn a key aside from campaigning between faceoffs. And they can't count on any specific person to help them in the finals. Since random pairings could create some lopsided teams (not that they usually aren't anyway) and you're only as fast as your slowest player, I'd like to see a final which is like a relay-style race. Set the players up in intervals and player 2 can't go until player 1 gets to him/her, etc.
Any challenge with a concept and rule that wasn't so complicated: Duel 1, Inferno 1, Battle of the Sexes 1-2, Fresh Meat and Gauntlet 1 and 3. My least favorite will have to be The Island. I didn't understand anything that was going on especially towards the final where like 8 people went home. It just SUCKED. And Gauntlet 2 was very repetitive, nothing exciting about that format happened besides Adam losing his Captain position.
[QUOTE=Npresh24;302471]I like Cutthroat but I would like it better with a solid cast of 24 instead of 30[/QUOTE] Really? I rather enjoyed the huge cast. Felt like a royal rumble or something. Only problem I had was it was missing some of the bigger names. Actually, at the time I enjoyed that too because I was really tired of seeing JEK and wanted to see Johnny prove himself on his own. (For some reason, I find a panicking/worrisome Johnny Bananas hilarious). Johnny has proved himself in spades now though and with Kenny and Evan only being on one of the last 3 challenges I would be fine seeing them again.
[QUOTE=Calinks;302468]Sign me up as a fan of Cutthroat. I hate it when they do two teams and one just smashes the other most of the time. 3 teams allows for more parity. 4 teams would be great too.[/QUOTE] I think 4 teams would be awesome. Maybe have the winning team of the challenge be automatically safe. The team that gets 4th automatically goes in. And the teams that got 2nd and 3rd could have their best person, or partership, or whatever (depends on the challenge) compete in the challenge a second time to see who will be going into the elimination round...Just a thought of how they could format it. I would also like to see a better way of picking the teams..Allowing the Red Team to choose first gave them a huge advantage(although I will admit, Camila made some stupid choices..like picking Tori first, when Laurel and Emily were there.)
[QUOTE=Calinks;302499]Really? I rather enjoyed the huge cast. Felt like a royal rumble or something. Only problem I had was it was missing some of the bigger names. Actually, at the time I enjoyed that too because I was really tired of seeing JEK and wanted to see Johnny prove himself on his own. (For some reason, I find a panicking/worrisome Johnny Bananas hilarious). Johnny has proved himself in spades now though and with Kenny and Evan only being on one of the last 3 challenges I would be fine seeing them again.[/QUOTE] it's mainly cause there was a lot of floaters , Not enough stand outs I imagine if they had waited to the this challenge it would have been better with some LV2 cast in the mix maybe Wes,CT and Kenny and Tina it would have been better , I thought Johnny was the better half of JEK prior to This but I was wrong and actually wouldn't mind them either but I'm crossong my fongers for a JEK less challenge with only Wes.
I like anything with a team format better, that way there's more political drama going on.
Duel II for sure ! I loved how everything was individual, and it was all up to you on winning challenges or elimination rounds.
[QUOTE=AneesaOwnz;311142]Duel II for sure ! I loved how everything was individual, and it was all up to you on winning challenges or elimination rounds.[/QUOTE] Duel II was basically a partner challenge. I think maybe 3 of the challenges were actually individual. I want a Duel that is legitimately individual!
The Cutthroat format was cool, but one thing I didn't like was how uneven the teams became at the end. I really liked the Ruins format too, but having the teams uneven (strength wise) was not fair whatsoever. I was soooo sick of seeing Casey there every week because the Champions team refused to send her in because all it did was benefit them.
I LOVED Rivals, Cutthroat & Battle of the Exes. those are the only ones I've seen :( I can't find other seasons online. FML
[QUOTE=MsCherry;311456]I LOVED Rivals, Cutthroat & Battle of the Exes. those are the only ones I've seen :( I can't find other seasons online. FML[/QUOTE] MTV.com. Shows five seasons prior to Cutthroat.
[QUOTE=r3iKo;311471]MTV.com. Shows five seasons prior to Cutthroat.[/QUOTE] It's not available to my country. :(
I think I kind of miss the good guys vs. bad *****!
Battle of the seasons/battle of the sex and the duel 1-2. I hated the formula for the earlier ones like RRvsRW even though it played a big part in the first 5 years it just got old fast.
I like inferno, and duel
The Ruins The Duel/Duel II The Gauntlet Rivals II Battle of the Exes
