The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Paula Meronek

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The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Paula Meronek

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Dunbar and Paula

Paula was attracted to Dunbar on their first show together, The Island, and the twosome had a fleeting hookup. Later on The Duel II, after a jealous Paula caught Dunbar kissing opposing team member Kimberly, she successfully orchestrated Kimberly's elimination, causing Dunbar to dub Paula, "the worst friend he's ever had." Ever since then, their relationship has been rocky at best, as Paula clearly states, "What did I do in life to end up being attached to this man? I cannot be with him! He's annoying and obnoxious." Dunbar, as well, seems to be worried about his newest partner, professing, "Paula needs to learn to trust and listen to me. And that's probably not going to happen because -- oh yeah -- she hates me!" It seems as though the only thing this pair of exes can agree upon is their mutual hatred.

She consistently looks worse and worse.
Will this old broad ever retire??
Someone should let her know those wrist bands that are supposed to help your balance are a sham...
[QUOTE=dylan76;292911]Will this old broad ever retire??[/QUOTE] Honestly though, would you turn down the chance to travel to another country, get free workout clothes, hang out with old friends, make new ones, and have the chance to win prizes and a lot of money? I know people are tired of seeing people over and over, but if I were in their position I would say yes too. Even if I kept losing.
Paula's whole attitude really annoys me. She always tries to bully other people and wants to be part of the powerful alliance. Then the second anyone gives her a dose of her own medicine she can't take it. She'll try to play the victim the minute anyone tires of her crap and stands up to her. Mentally, she is one of the weakest people on the show. She is so fake. From her phony attitude, to her surgical augmentations, 100 percent fake! If I wanted to watch a show about politics and petty arguments I would watch the bad girls club. The newer challenges have sucked because they are filled with characters like Paula who try to win with politics and are afraid of head to head competition.
[QUOTE=dylan76;292911]Will this old broad ever retire??[/QUOTE] Can't retire after a win :)
[QUOTE=mtvtalk;293109]Can't retire after a win :)[/QUOTE] Evelyn just did...
I think she should take a break but definitely not retire. She always provides drama and hookups and in a sad sick way, watching her lose is always entertaining. If I did 7 or 8 challenges with no win and then finally won one, hell yea I'd do the next one! I would hoping my luck hasn't run out. As for Evelyn, she's 24 going on 25. She's still really young and I think during her time off as the shows go on she's going to watch and wonder "I wonder if I can still do that." I think she's done for awhile but I don't think forever.
When did she get married? I didn't even realise she had a boyfriend.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;293159]When did she get married?[/QUOTE] ...what?
[QUOTE=molds13;293160]...what?[/QUOTE] Well wasn't it Paula Walnuts?
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;293162]Well wasn't it Paula Walnuts?[/QUOTE] :no1: You are providing quite a bit of unintentional humor today. I will attribute it to being Friday the 13th.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;293162]Well wasn't it Paula Walnuts?[/QUOTE] Walnuts is a nicknamed given to her by JEK which I can't help but feel as though she earned. I want to say Johnny gave it to her, but I don't remember him calling her that on Key West although it was by far her most irrational season (even more than the Duel 2 or Cut Throat)
Paula "Walnuts" started on their season since she would get drunk and cause drama or make out with girls Johnny liked, haha.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;293162]Well wasn't it Paula Walnuts?[/QUOTE] [IMG][/IMG]
[QUOTE=V1man;293125]Evelyn just did...[/QUOTE] Wait what? I thought she was considering doing this challenge but couldnt because of her cosmotology boards....didnt she want to do an individual challenge before she was done?
a curiosity question....did Paula's relationship survive her hookup with Ty?
No, as far that I know she is single lol I think Paula is smart old lady, if they ever do a Rivals 2 she have secured herself two good partners, Laurel & Emily.
I quite liked her this season and even though I still want her to retire.
[QUOTE=kat_17;301486]No, as far that I know she is single lol I think Paula is smart old lady, if they ever do a Rivals 2 she have secured herself two good partners laurel & Emily.[/QUOTE] Old? Are you telling us something about yourself in this?
Well let's admit she looks lil bit older than other girls in a house. I think she is like 30 on those days. I remember how she was saying 'I'm the gramma and TY is a baby' or smth like that. Anyway. I found it funny how she makes jokes about Robin all the time but hey Paula, you girls are so similar. You both are crying a lot, made like millions challenges, often go home before the final and so on. But honestly, if I should go to a final and could choose Paula or Robin as my partner, I would go with Paula (even if I like Robin so much more).
I think Paula is seriously is misunderstood. She really is a great competitor. It doesn't seem that way for two reasons: 1. Her weak mental state. 2. Every time she goes into an elimination round/head-to-head, it is with a strong competitor. e.g: Aneesa, Emily, Evelyn. Duel- Eliminated by Aneesa Duel II- Eliminated by Aneesa FM2- Eliminated by Evelyn Cutthroat- Eliminated by Emily Battle of the Exes- Eliminated by Emily She is a good competitor, however. e.g: -did not give up on the Duel pole wrestle against power-house Aneesa. -Was arguably the strongest girl on "The Good Guys" team on Inferno 3 - Stayed with the pack of Veterans on Gauntlet 3. (Unlike Casey, Katie) - Island. Bleh. - Duel 2- The rope wrestle challenge, she made it to the final 3 heat. -FM2- lost by SECONDS agaisnt Evelyn & Luke. All because of Jeff. -Rivals- She never lagged behind Evelyn. Never. These are a few of many. All in all, Paula is strong and provides the viewers with descent entertainment. #TeamPaula
I think people will never look seriously at Paula just because she looks such a JEK follower.
[QUOTE=RWRRdude;301600]I think Paula is seriously is misunderstood. She really is a great competitor. It doesn't seem that way for two reasons: 1. Her weak mental state. 2. Every time she goes into an elimination round/head-to-head, it is with a strong competitor. e.g: Aneesa, Emily, Evelyn. [B]Duel- Eliminated by Aneesa Duel II- Eliminated by Aneesa FM2- Eliminated by Evelyn Cutthroat- Eliminated by Emily Battle of the Exes- Eliminated by Emily[/B] She is a good competitor, however. e.g: -did not give up on the Duel pole wrestle against power-house Aneesa. -Was arguably the strongest girl on "The Good Guys" team on Inferno 3 - Stayed with the pack of Veterans on Gauntlet 3. (Unlike Casey, Katie) - Island. Bleh. - Duel 2- The rope wrestle challenge, she made it to the final 3 heat. -FM2- lost by SECONDS agaisnt Evelyn & Luke. All because of Jeff. -Rivals- She never lagged behind Evelyn. Never. These are a few of many. All in all, Paula is strong and provides the viewers with descent entertainment. #TeamPaula[/QUOTE] This is probably exactly why people think she's weak. If you can't beat a good competitor then what makes you good? Sure she has beat Aneesa a few times, but lets face it on the Inferno 3, she beat an INURED Aneesa in a game that forced you to use the part of your body that sidelined Aneesa nearly the entire time, on Rivals, Paula had Evelyn and Aneesa had Robin, you do the math, and on Battle of the Exes, it was 2 girls vs. 1 guy/girl, it was automatically unfair.
The one thing that annoys me most about Paula is that every single challenge when TJ annouces what the prize money is Paula's mouth drops open as if she has never heard it before. I believe if you watch episode 2 on Rivals, when TJ says that the girls team will win $2,000 if they win the challenge, it shoots to a scene of Paula looking surprised. A) it's $2,000. B) It was the second challenge, $2,000 was offered in the first challenge, so what are you so surprised about? It's like you've been 9 of the past 10 seasons, you know what the gag is with the $$$ situation.
[QUOTE=El Scorcho;301650]This [B]is probably exactly why people think she's weak.[/B] If you can't beat a good competitor then what makes you good? Sure she has beat Aneesa a few times, but lets face it on the Inferno 3, she beat an INURED Aneesa in a game that forced you to use the part of your body that sidelined Aneesa nearly the entire time, on Rivals, Paula had Evelyn and Aneesa had Robin, you do the math, and on Battle of the Exes, it was 2 girls vs. 1 guy/girl, it was automatically unfair.[/QUOTE] No. People don't count her as a strong compettior because she never proved that. She won against Aneesa in Inferno 3. Greatm good for her. She won against her in pairs Challenges so that isn't something huge. She won Rivals, but she had Evelyn. She never showed something to make me believie that she is decent competitor. Paula always stayed with the pack of vets and just keep following them. I don't think she is weak because she lost in Duel 1 and Duel 2 or CutThroat. She just didn't prove herself enough. She had way much more chances to that then others and she didn't.
Paula is a good competitor, she has never been weak on any challenge. Aneesa is not a good competitor but her size gives her an advantage in elimination rounds (especially the two she beat Paula in). The elimination round Paula defeated Aneesa in was an actual physical agility that didnt have anything to do with size. I think Susie was a better competitor on Inferno 3, but Paula was number 2, Paula did well on Gauntlet 3 and the Island. She got caught up in the drama too much in Duel 2, Fresh Meat she did well in Exile but had a weak partner. In Cutthroat she was the strongest girl on her team (yes better than Tori, if you dont believe me go back and watch the challenge, she does better than Tori in probably 90% of challenges, Tori got lucky to go against Theresa and Paula had to go against Emily). Paula did great on Rivals and she wasnt that terrible on BofExes.
[QUOTE=El Scorcho;301651]The one thing that annoys me most about Paula is that every single challenge when TJ annouces what the prize money is Paula's mouth drops open as if she has never heard it before. I believe if you watch episode 2 on Rivals, when TJ says that the girls team will win $2,000 if they win the challenge, it shoots to a scene of Paula looking surprised. A) it's $2,000. B) It was the second challenge, $2,000 was offered in the first challenge, so what are you so surprised about? It's like you've been 9 of the past 10 seasons, you know what the gag is with the $$$ situation.[/QUOTE] And some cast members swear there is no script...
[QUOTE=mizwood;301654]No. People don't count her as a strong compettior because she never proved that. She won against Aneesa in Inferno 3. Greatm good for her. She won against her in pairs Challenges so that isn't something huge. She won Rivals, but she had Evelyn. She never showed something to make me believie that she is decent competitor. Paula always stayed with the pack of vets and just keep following them. I don't think she is weak because she lost in Duel 1 and Duel 2 or CutThroat. She just didn't prove herself enough. She had way much more chances to that then others and she didn't.[/QUOTE] I never thought of her as much of a strong competitor until the Rivals final. She was far more impressive than I was expecting!
[QUOTE=mizwood;301654]No. People don't count her as a strong compettior because she never proved that. [B]She won against Aneesa in Inferno 3. Greatm good for her. [/B]She won against her in pairs Challenges so that isn't something huge. She won Rivals, but she had Evelyn. She never showed something to make me believie that she is decent competitor. Paula always stayed with the pack of vets and just keep following them. I don't think she is weak because she lost in Duel 1 and Duel 2 or CutThroat. She just didn't prove herself enough. She had way much more chances to that then others and she didn't.[/QUOTE] Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Aneesa have a pretty ****ed up knee when she went into that final Inferno against Paula? I'm not trying to discredit Paula or anything, a win's a win, but it doesn't say much about her being strong or anything if her opponent was obviously injured. Lol.
