[SIZE="1"](Photo Credit: Rene Cervantes, MTV)[/SIZE]
Molds' favorite comment from users at MTV.com:
[B]Aneesa and Rachel[/B]
[QUOTE]On The Battle Of The Sexes, Aneesa and Rachel met and were instantly drawn to each other. Rachel reminisces, "In a nutshell, me and Aneesa had like a little short love affair and then she just didn't treat me the way I wanted to be treated and it didn't work out." Later, Aneesa and Rachel came to blows on Duel II when Aneesa called out Rachel for toying with her emotions after spying on Jenn and Rachel kissing in the bathroom. Aneesa fumes, "I had an issue with the fact that, you don't come and have sex with me and then go and have sex with someone else when you know that I loved you. Rachel rebuts by claiming that their hook up was seven years and ago. Years later, Rachel updates, "Aneesa and I worked out all of our skeletons in the closet and now we've really come to a place where we're just really good friends." Now that this pair are on good terms will they communicate better as friends than they ever did as lovers?[/QUOTE]
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