The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - I Will Always Love You

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The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - I Will Always Love You
The final three couples brave sub-zero temperatures and authentic Icelandic cusine in the final challenge.
First, the final & then the s#!t they should have shown is airing right after.
Here we go. The end of all things.
I am kind of glad that this is the last time I have to hear this voice over.
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;301031]I am kind of glad that this is the last time I have to hear this voice over.[/QUOTE] You think? I wouldn't be surprised if they think she's amazing.
Rise and shine *****es!!
Oh TJ, if he woke me before daylight, I'd be pissed too.
Do we know how much sleep they got?
Come on CT, Emily, and Ty!!!
oh and also a side note I would like to officially change my name from the Hardest part of breaking up, to call me maybe. If you haven't seen I have a new video.
I don't like this final
Haha CT is just GONE and Diem finishes first!
[QUOTE=Calinks;301036]Do we know how much sleep they got?[/QUOTE] I'm guessing that it wasn't much. It was dark when they went to bed and dark when they woke up. Can't be much.
who's hungry!!!
wtf! This challenge is disgusting.
So 1st place on day one only affected sleeping arrangements. Interesting.
That has to be so hard for Diem, since she hasn't eaten meat in so long. I'd be crying for sure.
The hell is this? Can they really drink all that blood?
CT & Diem are trending already
Ct of course was drinking sheep's blood.
[QUOTE=Calinks;301046]The hell is this? Can they really drink all that blood?[/QUOTE] I remember one time on Survivor they drank entire glassfuls. It was quite disgusting.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;301049]I remember one time on Survivor they drank entire glassfuls. It was quite disgusting.[/QUOTE] I was thinking about Survivor as well. Yuck.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;301049]I remember one time on Survivor they drank entire glassfuls. It was quite disgusting.[/QUOTE] I didn't even know the human body was capable of keeping that down.
The Johnny and Camila relationship cracks me up. Him just telling her to shut up it great.
"Shut up, that is how you help." Yay, teamwork!
Man, Diem can book it in the snow. Guess that marathon running translate haha.
I know someone is not about to potentionally lose the game over a freaking ski skate.
Team CT & Diem all the way
It looks like the snow/cold forces everyone to go at about the same pace. It should be an exciting finish as a result but I am not sure if it will decide who the best team is.
Does anyone else feel like Diem is reading from a script in her interviews?
Snow shoeing is so tiring. It's harder than it looks.
