The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - I Will Always Love You

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Emily was just out of there!
great teamwork Bananas
[QUOTE=Calinks;301051]I didn't even know the human body was capable of keeping that down.[/QUOTE] You would have to fool yourself into thinking it was kool-aid or something to keep it down (much less be able to drink it in the first place). Probably wasn't too bad if it was cold. Imagine if it was warm. :(
Damn Ty get it together brotha
Emily basically looks like she was born to wear snow shoes.
Nice to see everyone is in the lead at one point in the race.
oh the haunted puzzle.
At least Johnny admits that he isn't good at puzzles. It was so hard to understand what the puzzle was from them saying it, I can only imagine how difficult it really was.
Way to clutch it out Diem
I really like the way they edited this puzzle. Kept moving side to side.
Very smart to destroy their puzzle. Too bad the girls in Battle of the Sexes One didn't do that.
So many commercials. This is what I dislike about MTV. It's literally every 5 minutes.
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;301065]Nice to see everyone is in the lead at one point in the race.[/QUOTE] Agreed!
I really don't know what's going to happen and I love it. Good thing Diem's good at puzzles because I don't think CT would be the best at them. Johnny's smart, but he admits he's not good at them.
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;301065]Nice to see everyone is in the lead at one point in the race.[/QUOTE] And that's what I like to call a decent competition. Most of the time it just seems that one team is way ahead the entire time and that's not what I like to see.
With these check points, its anyones game now
Anonymous's picture
CT does the eating, Diem the puzzles, this is working out as the perfect team so far.
Great job by Diem. Thinking clearly I would've tried to make a hexagon first too but after running all that way I'm not sure my brain would've gotten there.
Anonymous's picture
CT is very supportive and seems to help Diem a lot. Johnny/camilla quite opposite.
Lol Camila, "I'm Sorry"
Diem & CT are killing it
Johhny do you realize that this challenge is about team work, come on.
Johnny is such a gentleman to jump in and take over. Wow. Class all the way!
Seems like they are almost done and there is 40 minutes left.
Is it bad that I want the ice hole to collapse while Johnny is in it?
[QUOTE=Calinks;301083]Seems like they are almost done and there is 40 minutes left.[/QUOTE] Factor in 20 minutes of MTV commercials!
[QUOTE=Calinks;301083]Seems like they are almost done and there is 40 minutes left.[/QUOTE] With like 15-20 minutes worth of commercials likely added in.
CT is finally human!
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;301084]Is it bad that I want the ice hole to collapse while Johnny is in it?[/QUOTE] The hardest part of ice breaking up, is sometimes we lose a soul. :(
CT step it up.
