The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - On the Wings of Love

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[QUOTE=McFly High;300054]I keep seeing some people saying CT and Diem didn't make the right decision sending in Mark and Robin over Ty and Emily. Why is that a bad decision? Don't get me wrong Ty and Emily are beasting in the elimination and are quite solid in the challenges, but we have yet to see how Ty does long distance. We still don't know if he's worked on his endurance and cardio. From what we've seen, Mark is pretty good in long distance finals. So maybe in the end this is a good thing for CT and Diem. Get rid of either Mark or Johnny. Two people who excel in these final challenges. [/QUOTE] I think the logic is that Johnny and Camila are the more dangerous team in a final and Ty/Emily have a better shot at beating them in a Dome.
This is on a completely weird side note, but was I the only one that thought camila looked weird in her interviews this episode? I don't know why but I think she was just wearing way to much makeup. Like Cara Maria in those aftershows.
Big question marks surrounding Ty, Camila, and Robin in a final. You need to be able to run and you need great cardio. Ty's cardo has been extremly suspect in the past. Camila has been a very strong player overall but I don't know how well she can run. Robin looks to be in her best form this season but I don't know how good that is when it comes to a marathon. Emily I have seen run and although she isn'tone of the faster women on these shows it looks like she can hang. Will be very intersting. Either way, everyone who makes it is getting paid so that's good news.
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[QUOTE=fabulous788;300056] I couldn't resist. I was laughing because all I could imagine was Ty and Emily hunting and killing the other teams to win. ;)[/QUOTE] If that were the case, I would have watched the episode.
It truly pains me to see Robin unwilling to open up to anyone else on the challenge, because I feel like I can relate to her on a lot of levels, being a very emotional person myself. I want her to win so bad for her child and her pride, since this is her 9th challenge.
The reason for Robins mindset is so obvious that it's like legitimately ******* me off that no one is getting it. Her kid is like barely 2 and she left him for two weeks for something that isnt even guaranteed. They also dont get much phone time so God forbid if he falls and hurts his head she could go days without knowing. Anyone would be an emotional wreck. OF COURSE HER MIND IS SOMEWHERE ELSE! Come on people. And before anyone says she shouldn't have gone maybe she didn't have many avenues financially. I mean, she made it clear in her Twitter feed that she had trouble paying her phone bill.
[QUOTE=Mac756;300152]The reason for Robins mindset is so obvious that it's like legitimately ******* me off that no one is getting it. Her kid is like barely 2 and she left him for[B] two weeks[/B] for something that isnt even guaranteed. They also dont get much phone time so God forbid if he falls and hurts his head she could go days without knowing. Anyone would be an emotional wreck. OF COURSE HER MIND IS SOMEWHERE ELSE! Come on people. And before anyone says she shouldn't have gone maybe she didn't have many avenues financially. I mean, she made it clear in her Twitter feed that she had trouble paying her phone bill.[/QUOTE] I'd say closer to 5/6 weeks.
How did I miss this? [quote][B]Ty and Emily[/B] (The Challenge, Lisanti) 35 points: Ty and Emily won The Dome this week (10 points) and did so well in The Challenge it inspired my reality-TV host spirit animal, T.J. Lavin, to declare, “There were a few teams that killed it (25 points). CT and Diem and Ty and Emily, however, there can only be one power couple … ” At first the whole “killed it” thing was a goof. Bill and I would make fun of him on the podcast for saying it too much and added it to the scoring system. But now the gag has completely backfired and I am getting double diced by The Challenge producers every single week. How do I know? HE DIDN’T EVEN SAY THE “THERE WERE A FEW TEAMS THAT KILLED IT” PART ON CAMERA! It was under B-roll and very well could have been a voice-over that was added later just to mess with me. Touché, The Challenge producers. Tou-******’-ché. (If they aren’t messing with me, then I'm even more delusional and egotistical than the folks I cover in this column. A toss-up, honestly.) [B]CT and Diem[/B] (The Challenge, House), 25 points: Guess what? CT and Diem killed it too (25 points). Shocking! In this challenge, the contestants had to run through “jet wash.” What is jet wash? Honestly, I have no idea what an actual jet wash is, but what they were calling a jet wash on this show is that super-scary tunnel of fire that shoots out of a jet engine. Yeah, they had to run through that ****. Now, what I have learned from the time I have spent working with jet planes — read: playing After Burner — the "jet wash" is hot as balls. But is this air hot? How are they running through it? What about all that fire coming out of the back of the engine? I have no idea. Honestly, I'll never understand aeronautics. One time I asked this pilot bro whom I was drinking a beer next to how planes fly and he started explaining by folding this piece of paper and then talking about how the wing was shaped and then talking about “lift” and then talking about “jet wash” and then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. [B]Robin[/B] (The Challenge, Kang), 10 points: Robin is the Grant Hill of this year’s The Challenge cast. You respect her veteran savvy, but you’re still shocked when she puts up numbers like she used to. This week she fell off the crazywagon and released a couple mid-cry (10 points) Robinisms like it was 2004. The first came when a concerned castmate inquired about her well-being: Robin: “I’m drained, that's all. I came here with one goal: provide for my son. Any means possible. Does that mean I have to come here and share my life with people? No, that's not part of it." Gotcha Rob, provide for son by any means necessary, check. The second came after she dealt with the “jet wash”; notice how the Juwan Howard to her Grant Hill, Mark Long, carefully deals with her emotional breakdown: Robin: "I live in Florida — that was like hurricane speed. I can only imagine if I was hit by a hurricane and I had no home and … Mark: “Are you starting to cry? Is that really happening now?” Yes, Mark, it is. [B]Camilla[/B] (The Challenge, Lisanti), 5 points: Camilla cried. I’m shocked T.J. didn’t tell her she killed it at crying just to screw my day up.[/quote] [url=]via[/url]
