The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - On the Wings of Love

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I'm a bit disappointed in the velocity of the "wind." Mythbusters used Pratt and Whitney 747 engines. Now that would have been fun to see!
What a surprise, Robin is crying again...
Kind of glad to see that Diem and CT are smart enough to put themselves last unlike previous power couples.
Is there anything better than seeing Johnny squirm? UM NOPE!!
Wow, rolling with the mannequins. Great strategy. Awesome performance! YES!
This definitely does seem like CT would do for fun.
Ct in beast mode!!
This CT & Diem will win the Final if they can work together they can win this
Robin brought her A game this season. That was highly entertaining. Much better than the timed water crap we have seen 100 times in the last 3 years.
I still say CT & Diem would have a stronger chance at 1st place (FINALLY since neither of them have won a single final yet) if they put Johnny and Camilla in.
They better NOT choose Emily and Ty
CT and Diem are in the finals! Wow, wish it was Ty and Em but I'll take it.
What is Camila so mad about. There were only 3 teams that they could've put in 1st.
CT & Diem on a romantic plane ride together. The viewers will eat this up right now.
God CT is so cute whenever he's happy over his wins.
[QUOTE=ballinbroken;299954]What is Camila so mad about. There were only 3 teams that they could've put in 1st.[/QUOTE] And there was bound to be a challenge they weren't that great at.
Please for the love of god, do the right thing and pick Mark and Robin and eliminate the alliance.
[QUOTE=Gdsimmons;299952]They better NOT choose Emily and Ty[/QUOTE] They should choose Ty and Emily. You are only as strong as your weakest link and with Robin in the Final they would be pretty much guaranteed 2nd place.
You didn't get screwed over, you finally had to PLAY FAIR Camila
CT & Diem better put in Mark & Robin it's about time Mark goes into elimination he's never been in one ever.
Camilla is mad over being screwed over? Her partner is the scheming king of that.
Can't stand Camilla. You didn't get screwed over! Someone had to be first place. So anyone getting first place would be a victim? Or is it that you are so entitled?
Johnny vs Mark please CT make it happen
Aw I don't want Mark and Robin to go in so Robin can be in the finals and win some money for her son! Even though I think Mark is a ****** this challenge and I don't want to see him win.
Robin and Mark have been skating. Throw their ***** in. Emily and Ty have been in countless times. Eliminate this alliance. If they dont then theres a chance that CT and Diem could get 3rd
Yea, CT and Diem made a small power play, they didn't screw you, they made the best play for themselves. No need to rage on them for it. If they really wanted to screw you they woudl have thrown you in that elimination .
The smart decision would be to put Emily and Ty in but I'm tired of Mark skating by on his "I'm the nice guy and let Johnny do my dirty work" thing.
Hmmm... haven't seen any twitter trends this week. Would really suck if viewers started tuning out toward the end of the show.
Is Camilla serious? Someone had to go first. You never heard CT cry about it when it was him every single challenge during Rivals.
I don't really think there's a smart choice here. Both teams are good in their own way. Ty and Emily are definitely strong, but Mark could probably carry Robin if he wanted to. It's a toss up.
