The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - On the Wings of Love

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I am so nervous.....I really dont want Ty and Emily in there
I am guessing that they are not going to show the dome.
Emily is better than Robin. Emily and Ty and Johnny and Camila are the top teams for a final. Ty might gass though so I'd rather go up against him than Johnny in a final. Those are the best teams to pit against each other. The Funnest elim would be Mark and Johnny though.
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;299973]I am guessing that they are not going to show the dome.[/QUOTE] That would only make sense because we've already seen a dome tonight.
Looks to be another "To be continued". And sad for Robin she used to be so happy now she has cried 5-6 times this episode.
CT and Diem playing by what is fair is dumb. They should do the smart move and throw Emily and Ty in.
God I feel bad for Robin!!! ARGH!
They aren't throwing Mark and Robin in. Robin has her kid and could use the money, Ty and Emily are still young and can do a dozen more shows.
IF they choose ty and Emily....
[QUOTE=Gdsimmons;299980]IF they choose ty and Emily....[/QUOTE] You've definitely said that more than a few times. Do I understand that you don't want Ty and Emily to go in? ;)
Remeber the last time Mark was in the final four, he made that back handed move to screw over Landon.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;299977]CT and Diem playing by what is fair is dumb. They should do the smart move and throw Emily and Ty in.[/QUOTE] If they are playing to win, the only move is to throw in the strongest team.
The one time I get to see this show live and people aren't posting. XD
Oh and Brad as well.
Looks to be 10 episodes this season. Next week will probably be The Dome mixed with part of the final 10th episode will be the finale. Smart editing BMP.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;299981]You've definitely said that more than a few times. Do I understand that you don't want Ty and Emily to go in? ;)[/QUOTE] Lol this is true. Ive just come to really like the two of them. And they have been in 3 times already while Mark and Robin have skated!
[QUOTE=Calinks;299984]The one time I get to see this show live and people aren't posting. XD[/QUOTE] Are you reading the same thread I am? There are more than 100 posts...
[QUOTE=Calinks;299984]The one time I get to see this show live and people aren't posting. XD[/QUOTE] Well I think 14 pages (at this moment) is not that bad, personally.
This season has gone by really fast it seems.
They should throw mark and robin just to give mark a lesson he is so cocky "all this years and I never saw a elimination" well mark its time I feel sorry for robin cuz she has prove she is a great competitor sucks she has mark as a partner.
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;299982]Remeber the last time Mark was in the final four, he made that back handed move to screw over Landon.[/QUOTE] It was Evan who suggested that.
[B]Shocked[/B] they went with Mark and Robin.
Anonymous's picture
is next week the last episode?
Ty and Emily are getting some money!
wait no show down for the girls. DAMN!!
[QUOTE=jojorules;299995]is next week the last episode?[/QUOTE] It's not listed as the Season Finale, so I guess not.
Praise the lord! My Ty and Emily are in the finals! At least everyone gets some type of money
[QUOTE=fabulous788;299999]It's not listed as the Season Finale, so I guess not.[/QUOTE] It is on Season 22, Episode 9 Episode Synopsis: The final three teams are revealed after a grueling battle in the Dome in the Season 22 finale. They then embark on a rigorous, long-distance race for the $300,000 grand prize. [B]Original Air Date: Mar 21, 2012[/B]
Mark how many times have you said this is your last challenge 5 or 6 times.
Emily is now 2 for 2 in finals apperances!
