The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Crazy in Love

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Is it me or is this challenge resembling less of a challenge each day? The challenges from before actually showed harsh competition, harsh fights and everything was much more powered. These people don't even seem to care about winning or anything. It seems to me most of the people aren't really trying, which I think is sad. Even on rivals, you still had a bit of that, people trying to fight, trying to win. Now it just seems like a pool of love and that's not actually a bad thing but the challenge in itself is sucky. Also, why is it always height and water? I want to see some of the old challenges, the no-brainer ones and at time the ones that needed you to be smart. Now it's all the same..there's no difference, every challenge just seems the same to me.
[QUOTE=molds13;298123]I think it's a term that can be extremely offensive. You said yourself you didn't find it to be racist, but that it all depends on how someone says it - I agree. I'm not offended, I just thought it was inappropriate. I doubt Johnny meant it in a racist way; he certainly did not say it with malice and I have never considered him to be a racist, but there are certain things I just wouldn't say around people of other races, and even if I did, I wouldn't expect it to be ok just because I know I'm not racist. For example, if a white person hangs around with all black people and then uses the n-word (as in -a, not -er), that's still not ok to a lot of black people, even if he wasn't trying to be offensive. I'm not sure how to explain it as being racist, but I've heard it used in the same sentence as "porch monkey", something I also find to be a racist term. It was originally deemed an offensive term (and still is to many) used to describe a white person being attracted toward a black person. I mean, interracial sex between blacks and whites in some states was illegal until fairly recently (Loving v. Virginia, 1967); I'm sure you can imagine the hatred that still remains for some people regarding that kind of thing.[/QUOTE] While agree with almost everything you said, molds, I still rather them use Jungle Fever than let's say n-word lover. I also love how you mentioned Loving. That recently came up on CNN about 1-2 weeks ago. Perfect timing as that was just plain awful that they had to leave. Either way, I would watch what I say just for the simple fact that you never know who will be offended.
[QUOTE=intlove;298128]Is it me or is this challenge resembling less of a challenge each day? The challenges from before actually showed harsh competition, harsh fights and everything was much more powered. These people don't even seem to care about winning or anything. It seems to me most of the people aren't really trying, which I think is sad. Even on rivals, you still had a bit of that, people trying to fight, trying to win. Now it just seems like a pool of love and that's not actually a bad thing but the challenge in itself is sucky. Also, why is it always height and water? I want to see some of the old challenges, the no-brainer ones and at time the ones that needed you to be smart. Now it's all the same..there's no difference, every challenge just seems the same to me.[/QUOTE] You're actually bring up a good point. I'm also sick of the vets lasting to the end. Other than G2 and G3 the rookies aka new kids have yet to turn the tables.
The only way Vets will be kicked off is if they take total power away from the players. Note votes or choices. If everything was settled by chance or skill some vets would get dropped early like Wes. As long as people can politic, vets will stay around.
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[QUOTE=Calinks;298137]The only way Vets will be kicked off is if they take total power away from the players. Note votes or choices. [B]If everything was settled by chance or skill some vets would get dropped early like Wes.[/B] As long as people can politic, vets will stay around.[/QUOTE] Seems to me like this is the one Challenge in recent years where the competition is coming down to skill/chance and the vets are still winning the Power Couple and the newer teams are still coming in last, so 2/3rds of the field is as level as they can make it IMO. Reality competitions are going to come down to voting somehow in the mix just because it makes for better TV.
Honestly the politics are what turned me off from the show. The only reason I came back because they brought back the giant firecracker who weighs 215 plus is 6'2" and leaped across two giant platforms at least 4 feet apart like he was jumping on to lillypads. I really just want to see more " crazy" athletes go into beast mode doing impossible athletic feats mixed in with the occasional drama. All this s**** about who has "the power" and alliances is tired and annoying.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;298131]You're actually bring up a good point. I'm also sick of the vets lasting to the end. Other than G2 and G3 the rookies aka new kids have yet to turn the tables.[/QUOTE] It's not even just the vets though. Apart from Emily, nobody seems to bother. But it could be because vets are running the show, so maybe only the last 2 or 3 episodes will be somewhat competitive.
On this season there isn't much of a political game because of the format. Unless you do the best you have no control over the politics. The vets are also too scared to make big moves because it puts a target on their back. They would rather wait at the middle of the totem pole and hope they get lucky.
Politics still play some part. If you are aligned with the dominant teams you are pretty much safe to the end unless you screw up and come in last. Even then you can probably get the most favorable matchup.
