Wow this guy is such a hottie, how did we not get the chance to check-out his man calves in the flesh as he wast just here in San Diego the past summer! Grrrr!!! Ok but seriously is it just us or is anyone else baffled by how far different Nicholos is from the rest of the males in the cast. Producers clearly picked an interesting group of guys this season. It's a good thing Zach did a good job at adapting to the realities of the people he is living with; if any of the boys in the class have manners of class it's this Tom Brady looking fool - Excited to see the rest of this seasons male drama... 1 bi sexual male, One lesbain who wants to be a male, One machismo guy who has no game whatsoever, and Zach... Great job MTV producers this is going to make for a great season! Xo
Oh and that CT comment - It would be nice to team up CT and Zach for the Realworld/ Roadrules Mtv Gauntlet Challenges as a team talk about #unstopabble. I definitely hope to see Zach take his athleticism to the MTV Gauntlet Challenges
Eww I dont know what you guys are seeing, his long greased back hair is disgusting. And can we talk about his personality for a second? The dude is stuck in a hole and will never get out. He has got to be one of the most closed minded people to be on the show. And completely insensitive. Its like he thinks nobody should show emotion? And is offended that Frank thinks that people think of him differently because of his sexuality, which Zach does? Yeah very hypocritical. I'm not a fan of this guy, Ashley can do better.
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;281396]Eww I dont know what you guys are seeing, his long greased back hair is disgusting. And can we talk about his personality for a second? The dude is stuck in a hole and will never get out. He has got to be one of the most closed minded people to be on the show. And completely insensitive. Its like he thinks nobody should show emotion? And is offended that Frank thinks that people think of him differently because of his sexuality, which Zach does? Yeah very hypocritical. I'm not a fan of this guy, Ashley can do better.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. He is good looking but he just your everyday straight guy with double standards when it comes to gay people. He thinks it's cool that Sam is a lesbian, but made fun of Frank for being ******** when he was talking to his friend on the phone. He is just a close minded stupid jock.
Yay! He is interested in doing a challenge, even though I think he is a D-bag so far, but for some reason it would be interesting to see him competing in one.
[QUOTE=green123;281409]Yay! He is interested in doing a challenge, even though I think he is a D-bag so far, [B][U]but for some reason it would be interesting to see him competing in one[/U][/B].
That reason would be because he looks like he can tear it up on a challenge!!! Agree though, don't like how close-minded he is.
[QUOTE=Coralfan;281405]Agreed. He is good looking but he just your everyday straight guy with double standards when it comes to gay people. He thinks it's cool that Sam is a lesbian, but made fun of Frank for being ******** when he was talking to his friend on the phone. He is just a close minded stupid jock.[/QUOTE]
I'm all for LGBT issues, but you can't hate the guy for how he was brought up. Just because he doesn't get Frank doesn't make him a bigot. Frank's also probably not the best LGBT member to ease Zach into that kind of surrounding environment.
He also said he wasn't sure how he felt about Sam in the first episode, so I don't think he's being a hypocrite.
If anything I would think that the fact that Sam is just much more laid back about her sexuality/lifestyle makes her easier to talk to. Franks much more in your face than she is.
[QUOTE=CzarEric;281960]I'm all for LGBT issues, but you can't hate the guy for how he was brought up.[/QUOTE]
Yes you can. Last time I checked, he was 23 and not a 15 year old living with his parents. When you move out, or at least turn 18, using "its how I was raised" as an excuse for your prehistoric views just makes you look stupid.
[QUOTE=InfamousJoks;282062]Yes you can. Last time I checked, he was 23 and not a 15 year old living with his parents. When you move out, or at least turn 18, using "its how I was raised" as an excuse for your prehistoric views just makes you look stupid.[/QUOTE]
Not to rush in where Angels fear to tread, but one could argue that thinking everybody should think as one does on any given issue is not exactly open-minded either. I am still not sure where Zach comes down on those issues but it is certainly understandable that anybody might not be comfortable around new people/virtual strangers who are way different than them regardless of why they are way different.
[QUOTE=LaneV95;282074]Zach, CT and LeRoy all in one challenge against each other would be epic.[/QUOTE]
Maybe, but Zach hasn't struck me as an intense competitor yet. He seems maybe too non-confrontational in the house thus far.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;282088]Maybe, but Zach hasn't struck me as an intense competitor yet. He seems maybe too non-confrontational in the house thus far.[/QUOTE]
Just because someone isn't confrontational doesn't automatically make them uncompetitive. The Real World isn't a competitive show anyway, so it's hard to tell off of drama if he could take the heat of a challenge...
[QUOTE=fabulous788;282090]Just because someone isn't confrontational doesn't automatically make them uncompetitive. The Real World isn't a competitive show anyway, so it's hard to tell off of drama if he could take the heat of a challenge...[/QUOTE]
You are right, of course. He just feels a little like that guy, I think his name is MJ, from Philadelphia season who should have IMO dominated the Challenges but never really did.
[QUOTE=InfamousJoks;282062]Yes you can. Last time I checked, he was 23 and not a 15 year old living with his parents. When you move out, or at least turn 18, using "its how I was raised" as an excuse for your prehistoric views just makes you look stupid.[/QUOTE]
How does that make you look stupid? I have those exact same views as well.
I will NOT accept somebody if I don't want to and what are they gonna do about it? Fight me because I just don't want to be cool with them?
Prehistoric views lmao you're so ignorant, you think people in real life are what you see in t.v. when you should really take a 2nd look at how many people are homophobic and would rather not have anything to do with a gay guy.e
[QUOTE=JayTee;282370]How does that make you look stupid? I have those exact same views as well.
I will NOT accept somebody if I don't want to and what are they gonna do about it? Fight me because I just don't want to be cool with them?
Prehistoric views lmao you're so ignorant, you think people in real life are what you see in t.v. when you should really take a 2nd look at how many people are homophobic and would rather not have anything to do with a gay guy.e[/QUOTE]
You'll hopefully, eventually learn that parading hatred is nothing to be proud of.
[QUOTE=OrangeStar;282383]You'll hopefully, eventually learn that parading hatred is nothing to be proud of.[/QUOTE]
I think there are varying levels of homophobia. There's the "gay people make me feel uncomfortable" side, and then there's the "let's have ourselves a good ol' fashion ***-drag!" side.
Just because someone may not agree that LGBT members are born that way, doesn't make them ignorant. For those of us who are all for LGBT rights, it's our duty to try to educate people instead of fight fire with fire and call them stupid, homophobes, or whatever. We only look just as bad as we perceive them to be.
[QUOTE=CzarEric;282396]I think there are varying levels of homophobia. There's the "gay people make me feel uncomfortable" side, and then there's the "let's have ourselves a good ol' fashion ***-drag!" side.
Just because someone may not agree that LGBT members are born that way, doesn't make them ignorant. For those of us who are all for LGBT rights, it's our duty to try to educate people instead of fight fire with fire and call them stupid, homophobes, or whatever. We only look just as bad as we perceive them to be.[/QUOTE]
You just defined what ignorance is. Negative connotation aside, there is nothing to be ashamed of for being ignorant, but if you exude this pompous attitude of being unwilling to learn or understand something you are ignorant of, that's where the idiocy stems from.
[QUOTE=JayTee;282370]How does that make you look stupid? I have those exact same views as well.
I will NOT accept somebody if I don't want to and what are they gonna do about it? Fight me because I just don't want to be cool with them?
Prehistoric views lmao you're so ignorant, you think people in real life are what you see in t.v. when you should really take a 2nd look at how many people are homophobic and would rather not have anything to do with a gay guy.e[/QUOTE]
This post makes me weep for society. Hopefully, you'll get a chance to read emmafalling's post in Alexandra's thread and learn that acting like a discriminatory little child isnt the best outlook on life and that living in the real REAL world can teach you some civility. Looks like you'll need it later down the road.
[QUOTE=cystic;282400]This post makes me weep for society. Hopefully, you'll get a chance to read emmafalling's post in Alexandra's thread and learn that acting like a discriminatory little child isnt the best outlook on life and that living in the real REAL world can teach you some civility. Looks like you'll need it later down the road.[/QUOTE]
My problem with both ends of the spectrum is that the far right completely ignores a lot of behaviors in its community that are equally sinful under Christian doctrine and the far left on this issue thinks that everyone should believe the same as they do and advocate with equal passion. Most people have an opinion, but most people don't care as passionately one way or the other on the issue because they have far more pressing or important concerns in their own lives. This is why I think MTV has played this card way too many times on Real World--people already have their opinions--that's it--and there are many other types of issues that they could bring to us instead that they habitually do not.
Ugh, Zach and Ashley are already doing commercials and photoshoots together. Molds was so right, lol, I can believe how production was dissapointed with their casting. Hopefully they won't show too much of their showmance.
Zach talks about how sharing feelings is unmanly, yet he has a whole intricate skin care routine down pat, seeing his 6'3 self wearing face masks around the house, lol. Don't get me started on the booty shorts, something tells me it's not the first time he's worn them.
I think this whole "Zach is homophobic" thing is taking away from the fact that Frank still had 0 reason to react the way he did. Having sex in communal places where other people have to live is completely disrespectful and trashy. 95% of cast members of the real world and road rules have been through some type of tragic experience and/or are going through some social issues with themselves so Frank is no different. He just needs to realize not everyone will like him. For whatever reason, Zach does not like Frank. If it's because he's gay or because he's a crazy, annoying, whiney drunk, or because he talks about his problems non-stop, whatever the reason is Frank needs to get over it. You can't make someone like you. And i just think Frank turns everything that Nate and Zach say into a "you hate gay people" thing. It's ridiculous and now everyone is pitying him and demonizing Zach. But im sure that's exactly what Frank wanted.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;282402]My problem with both ends of the spectrum is that the far right completely ignores a lot of behaviors in its community that are equally sinful under Christian doctrine and the far left on this issue thinks that everyone should believe the same as they do and advocate with equal passion. Most people have an opinion, but most people don't care as passionately one way or the other on the issue because they have far more pressing or important concerns in their own lives. This is why I think MTV has played this card way too many times on Real World--people already have their opinions--that's it--and there are many other types of issues that they could bring to us instead that they habitually do not.[/QUOTE]
Apathy is a terrible excuse, Im sorry. No one is trying to force anything on anyone. No one is forcing anyone to attend gay pride parades, no one is forcing anyone to sleep with the same sexm and yet it all boils down to that misconception. Its all a simple matter of respect, but people have their heads so far up their ***, they cant speak logically or intelligently about their so-called "passionate" hatred of a group of people that its simply impossible to reciprocate the respect they themselves are given. Ive yet to see an intelligent reasoning behind such homophobic behaviors. "I just feel like it" is something a 12 year old would say. That type of debate doesnt cut it in real life. Sadly, that seems to be the accepted answer presently.
TRW may be using recycled storylines and useless blonde castmembers, but it doesnt take away the fact that theyre still relevant issues today (the former, of course).
[QUOTE=jesses_girl;282410]I think this whole "Zach is homophobic" thing is taking away from the fact that Frank still had 0 reason to react the way he did. Having sex in communal places where other people have to live is completely disrespectful and trashy. 95% of cast members of the real world and road rules have been through some type of tragic experience and/or are going through some social issues with themselves so Frank is no different. He just needs to realize not everyone will like him. For whatever reason, Zach does not like Frank. If it's because he's gay or because he's a crazy, annoying, whiney drunk, or because he talks about his problems non-stop, whatever the reason is Frank needs to get over it. You can't make someone like you. And i just think Frank turns everything that Nate and Zach say into a "you hate gay people" thing. It's ridiculous and now everyone is pitying him and demonizing Zach. But im sure that's exactly what Frank wanted.[/QUOTE]
I dont recall anyone sympathizing with Frank. I dont even recall anyone on this board that actually likes him. Both sides are getting equal flak. People are simply calling a spade a spade...
Think about it. How many heterosexual hookups have happened on this show in "communal places" and nobody giving a damn? Too many to count. I agree that Frank took a sick joy in what he did in order to **** people off, but the roommates' hypocrisy is just glaringly obvious here, and even Nate was willing to admit it.
[QUOTE=cystic;282411]Apathy is a terrible excuse, Im sorry. No one is trying to force anything on anyone. No one is forcing anyone to attend gay pride parades, no one is forcing anyone to sleep with the same sexm and yet it all boils down to that misconception. Its all a simple matter of respect, but people have their heads so far up their ***, they cant speak logically or intelligently about their so-called "passionate" hatred of a group of people that its simply impossible to reciprocate the respect they themselves are given. Ive yet to see an intelligent reasoning behind such homophobic behaviors. "I just feel like it" is something a 12 year old would say. That type of debate doesnt cut it in real life. Sadly, that seems to be the accepted answer presently.
TRW may be using recycled storylines and useless blonde castmembers, but it doesnt take away the fact that theyre still relevant issues today (the former, of course).[/QUOTE]
What you call apathy, I call prioritizing one's concerns. I wouldn't want to be in communal areas where anyone had been doing anything like that for hygiene reasons, but I don't attribute that rationale to anyone on the show. Leaving a used condom in a shower is a vile act of inconsideration. From my viewpoint, RW isn't presenting the issue in a relevant way when they cast people like Frank. Mike Manning and Katelynn Whatever Her Name is Now (I think she got married) were more relevant Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Transgendered storylines, yet in their seasons, they were downplayed IMO.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;282422]What you call apathy, I call prioritizing one's concerns. I wouldn't want to be in communal areas where anyone had been doing anything like that for hygiene reasons, but I don't attribute that rationale to anyone on the show. Leaving a used condom in a shower is a vile act of inconsideration. From my viewpoint, RW isn't presenting the issue in a relevant way when they cast people like Frank. Mike Manning and Katelynn Whatever Her Name is Now (I think she got married) were more relevant Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Transgendered storylines, yet in their seasons, they were downplayed IMO.[/QUOTE]
I'm not disagreeing with the poor quality of the show, but it doesnt detract from homophobia as a WORLD issue. It's disturbing to see conversations like in the car as the social norm in this present day. "There are better things to worry about" is still a poor excuse. We could be arguing about who ate the last pizza, and it would be silly and irrelevant to use said excuse to dismiss the issue. It's a no brainer and an obvious observation, and is not a valid way of diverting the argument to something else.
RWFansMTV on Twitter did an interview with Zach last night here
Besides the fact that the interviewer should not be interviewing ANYONE, Zach turns me off here. He answers every question with like a 2 word answer and comes off as very uhhh uninterested in anything but himself or something like that.
[QUOTE=cystic;282397]You just defined what ignorance is. Negative connotation aside, there is nothing to be ashamed of for being ignorant, but if you exude this pompous attitude of being unwilling to learn or understand something you are ignorant of, that's where the idiocy stems from.[/QUOTE]
I apologize if you perceive me as an idiot, but my intentions were not to come off as one.
What I was attempting to get at is when someone is viewed as a homophobe, a majority of us in the LGBT community instantly jump to a 10 and freak the hell out and attacking that person whereas I would suggest taking a step back and asking myself "why might he/she act the way he/she does?"
Just like being gay/lesbian/bi/transgender shouldn't be grounds for hating someone, not understanding LGBT issues at hand is not a reason for hating someone.
That's not to say that I condone Zach's behavior/reactions to Frank being ********, but I definitely am still trying to figure out where he's coming from.
[QUOTE=CzarEric;282669]I apologize if you perceive me as an idiot, but my intentions were not to come off as one.
What I was attempting to get at is when someone is viewed as a homophobe, a majority of us in the LGBT community instantly jump to a 10 and freak the hell out and attacking that person whereas I would suggest taking a step back and asking myself "why might he/she act the way he/she does?"
Just like being gay/lesbian/bi/transgender shouldn't be grounds for hating someone, not understanding LGBT issues at hand is not a reason for hating someone.
That's not to say that I condone Zach's behavior/reactions to Frank being ********, but I definitely am still trying to figure out where he's coming from.[/QUOTE]
I was not implying you were an idiot. That would be a blatant TOS violation. I'm saying that people who adopt the attitude of extreme bias against someone because of a factor that doesn't affect them whatsoever are silly and childish and create unnecessary conflict when it should be avoided altogether. I'm not trying to excuse people's behaviors for being naturally defensive all the time, but the reasoning behind their behavior seems pretty clear. Bottom line is, preconceived notions never do anyone any good. All it does is create stupid unnecessary drama. Both parties are at fault most of the time.
[QUOTE=cystic;282673]I was not implying you were an idiot. That would be a blatant TOS violation. I'm saying that people who adopt the attitude of extreme bias against someone because of a factor that doesn't affect them whatsoever are silly and childish and create unnecessary conflict when it should be avoided altogether. I'm not trying to excuse people's behaviors for being naturally defensive all the time, but the reasoning behind their behavior seems pretty clear. Bottom line is, preconceived notions never do anyone any good. All it does is create stupid unnecessary drama. [B]Both parties are at fault most of the time[/B].[/QUOTE]
Well, I definitely will agree with you on this one. :)