The Challenge: Generic Thread

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The Challenge: Generic Thread

9 Best Moments (in no particular order): - Leroy & Mike and Jonna & Jasmine win the first challenge, and vets get last place [Rivals] - Ev tells Johnny off [Island] - Landon and Carley’s victory [FM2] - The Banana bagpack [Cutthroat] - Cara gets electrocuted and Kenny is turned on by it [Gauntlet 3] - Derrick doesn’t lose the last elimination round before the final - Ev wins the Island [Island] - Cohutta pulls and upset against Wes in an elimination round [Ruins] - Susie solves the final puzzle and helps the team, and Johnny admits he’s wrong 9 Worst Moments (in no particular order): - Tori, Joanna and the others don’t listen to Frank about saving Adam [Gauntlet 3] - Adam & CT get eliminated [Rivals] - Paula gets screwed over [Island] - The Rookies win the Gauntlet 3 [Gauntlet 3] - Ev throws the elimination round for KellyAnne - CT hits Adam - Svetlana loses the final [Duel] - Tori decides not to quit [Gauntlet 3, Ruins] - Robin wins the first challenge [Duel]

[QUOTE=Superboy;279906]He can lose in a physical challenge, but overall, he is the best at them.[/QUOTE] I agree. Although, I'm not 100% sure that he's better than Landon and Alton at physical Challenges. I think that the Duel 2 would have been insane if CT had stayed, I don't know if Landon would have won as often as he did.
[QUOTE=CherryPie;279920][U]9 Best Moments (in no particular order):[/U] - Leroy & Mike and Jonna & Jasmine win the first challenge, and vets get last place [B][Rivals][/B] - Cara gets electrocuted and Kenny is turned on by it [B][Gauntlet 3][/B][/QUOTE] It was Leroy and Adam, not Leroy and Mike, Adam wasn't sent home until later that night. And the Captain's Chair challenge, where Cara's electrocution turned Kenny on, was on the Inferno 3
[QUOTE=CherryPie;279920] [U]9 Worst Moments (in no particular order):[/U] - Tori, Joanna and the others don’t listen to Frank about saving Adam [B][Gauntlet 3][/B] - Tori decides not to quit [B][Gauntlet 3, Ruins][/B] [/QUOTE] Tori wasn't on The Ruins. Also what do you mean about saving Adam?
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;279926]Tori wasn't on The Ruins. Also what do you mean about saving Adam?[/QUOTE] In the Gauntlet 3, if your team won, you sent someone from the opposite team into the elimination and saved one person from going in.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;279926]Tori wasn't on The Ruins. Also what do you mean about saving Adam?[/QUOTE] True, she wasn't. But I think they are referring to the fact that in the Gauntlet 3, the winning team was allowed to save one person from the opposite team from going into the Gauntlet. Frank had promised Adam that they would save him, but instead, his team didn't listen to him and they opted to save Big Easy. Subsequently, Adam was voted in by his team to face Danny. The Rookies' choice to save Eric instead of Adam ultimately won them each $50,000
[QUOTE=Challenge_Fan;279923]I agree. Although, I'm not 100% sure that he's better than Landon and Alton at physical Challenges. I think that the Duel 2 would have been insane if CT had stayed, I don't know if Landon would have won as often as he did.[/QUOTE] I don`t know if Alton is better than CT but i`m 100% sure that Landon is the best at phisical challenges
[QUOTE=Challenge_Fan;279923]I agree. Although, I'm not 100% sure that he's better than Landon and Alton at physical Challenges. I think that the Duel 2 would have been insane if CT had stayed, I don't know if Landon would have won as often as he did.[/QUOTE] CT is better than both, and would of dominated the Duel 2 if he'd stayed. He's not only better than Alton and Landon in physical challenges overall, but in skill aswell. He's more rounded of a competitor than those two. [QUOTE=josePortugal;279929]I don`t know if Alton is better than CT [B]but i`m 100% sure that Landon is the best at phisical challenges[/B][/QUOTE] And you're 100% wrong. CT is much more of a monster than Landon, and since you haven't figured that out in the years that have past you must either be baised, or just don't like CT.
[QUOTE=Superboy;279930]And you're 100% wrong.[/QUOTE] Not really 100% because that is like saying CT has beaten Landon 100% of the time, which he hasn't. I'd say I would pick Landon to be on my team over CT but that's only because Landon seems more like a team player. If it was NO strategical play than I would pick CT.
[QUOTE=faceless;279931]Not really 100% because that is like saying CT has beaten Landon 100% of the time, which he hasn't. I'd say I would pick Landon to be on my team over CT but that's only because Landon seems more like a team player. If it was NO strategical play than I would pick CT.[/QUOTE] If you pick Landon over CT in anything challenge related you're wrong. When did CT ever showed to not be a team player? CT is flat out better than Landon, period.
[QUOTE=Superboy;279932]If you pick Landon over CT in anything challenge related you're wrong. When did CT ever showed to not be a team player? CT is flat out better than Landon, period.[/QUOTE] I would pick Landon over CT in a puzzle, anything involving being levelheaded, and probably some physical things as well...
[QUOTE=Youssarian;279933]I would pick Landon over CT in a puzzle, anything involving being levelheaded, and probably some physical things as well...[/QUOTE] ..........ummmmm did you see what CT did to Evan in a puzzle on the Duel 1? [URL][/URL] EPIC FAIL! LOL!
[QUOTE=Superboy;279932]If you pick Landon over CT in anything challenge related you're wrong. When did CT ever showed to not be a team player? CT is flat out better than Landon, period.[/QUOTE] Inferno 1, threw mission to get Leah into the Inferno. That may have been smart because Leah sucked but that wasn't very team player-ish. Inferno 2, fought with Dan 'cause he was afraid Dan would throw him into the Inferno. Made sure to get the lifesaver to send Dan home (who was on the same team). "Honestly, Dan is such a better asset than CT because Dan actually cares about the team" - Veronica.
[QUOTE=Superboy;279932]If you pick Landon over CT in anything challenge related you're wrong. When did CT ever showed to not be a team player? CT is flat out better than Landon, period.[/QUOTE] Landon has 3 wins...How many challenges have CT won?
[QUOTE=josePortugal;279937]Landon has 3 wins...How many challenges have CT won?[/QUOTE] Most of them weren't his fault. Inferno 1 - team couldnt figure out the puzzle. Road Rules had the advantage of having more people on their team to figure out the crossword puzzle. Inferno 2 - Tonya and Tina couldn't do the running. Duel 1 - Lame DQ and he didn't rip it out, he had the entire thing in his hands Gauntlet 3 - Big Easy almost died.
[QUOTE=jhl182;279936]Inferno 1, threw mission to get Leah into the Inferno. That may have been smart because Leah sucked but that wasn't very team player-ish. Inferno 2, fought with Dan 'cause he was afraid Dan would throw him into the Inferno. Made sure to get the lifesaver to send Dan home (who was on the same team). "Honestly, Dan is such a better asset than CT because Dan actually cares about the team" - Veronica.[/QUOTE] Regardless, none of those things had a serious negative effect on the teams. [QUOTE=josePortugal;279937]Landon has 3 wins...How many challenges have CT won?[/QUOTE] Inferno 1-Was on a Real World team that was nowhere near as good as that Road Rules team Inferno 2-On a team that had bad chemistry and had two weak links in the final mission(Tina and Tonya) The Duel-Got sent home because of the DQ Inferno 3-Got sent home for phyiscal violence The Gauntlet 3-Eric lost the final mission for the veterans The Duel 2-Got sent home for physical violence Rivals-Adam lost it for them So when you look at it, his best chances of winning challenges(the Gauntlet 3 and Rivals) were ruined by Eric and Adam. Winning isn't everything, there are some bottom tier competitors that have won challenges.
Landon has 16 individual wins in 4 challenges, CT has 18 in 7...
Give me Landon over CT any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Landon's victory on FM2 was the most impressive win of all time and solidified him as the best ever IMO. Fresh Meat usually comes down to how well your female partner performs, and Landon won the whole thing with the last pick and arguably the weakest Female in the Final Challenge.
[QUOTE=josePortugal;279942]Landon has 16 individual wins in 4 challenges, CT has 18 in 7...[/QUOTE] CT was kicked off two. [QUOTE=JEK & Wes;279943]Give me Landon over CT any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Landon's victory on FM2 was the most impressive win of all time and solidified him as the best ever IMO. Fresh Meat usually comes down to how well your female partner performs, and Landon won the whole thing with the last pick and arguably the weakest Female in the Final Challenge.[/QUOTE] WOW! He beat Kenny and two rookies in a final. Who was his competition? If CT, Darrell, Abram or any top tier competitor were in that final they would of won with Carely aswell.
[QUOTE=Superboy;279944]CT was kicked off two. WOW! He beat Kenny and two rookies in a final. Who was his competition? If CT, Darrell, Abram or any top tier competitor were in that final they would of won with Carely aswell.[/QUOTE] Darrel went against Jillian in the first exile and lost fair and square
I think if Carley had any other partner in that Final, Kenny & Laurel win that Final easily.
[QUOTE=JEK & Wes;279947]I think if Carley had any other partner in that Final, Kenny & Laurel win that Final easily.[/QUOTE] No ****. What are Pete and Noor? [QUOTE=josePortugal;279946]Darrel went against Jillian in the first exile and lost fair and square[/QUOTE] Everyone expect for you knows that Cara Maria lost it for Darrell.
[QUOTE=Superboy;279944]CT was kicked off two.[/QUOTE] But that factors in too. Why would you want somebody who, on 30% of the Challenges he's been on, hasn't even competed because he can't control his temper. When you could have somebody who's guaranteed to take you far, like Landon. In my opinion, they're the 2 best, but I'd probably take Landon over CT.
Cara Maria was the number 1 pick in that challenge, you think that if Darrell lost with the number one pick he would won with the last one?
[QUOTE=Superboy;279948]No ****. What are Pete and Noor? Everyone expect for you knows that Cara Maria lost it for Darrell.[/QUOTE]Pete and Noor are good competitors, whether you want to acknowledge it or not they both performed very well on FM2. I meant in challenge history though. I just don't believe CT, or anyone else for that matter could have won that Final with Carley as their partner. Landon was the perfect partner for her throughout the Challenge.
[QUOTE=josePortugal;279950]Cara Maria was the number 1 pick in that challenge, you think that if Darrell lost with the number one pick he would won with the last one?[/QUOTE] They lost because neither of them could do the puzzles in the Exile. Darrell admitted himself that he probably would have lost FM1 if he didn't have Aviv either.
[QUOTE=Challenge_Fan;279949]But that factors in too. Why would you want somebody who, on 30% of the Challenges he's been on, hasn't even competed because he can't control his temper. When you could have somebody who's guaranteed to take you far, like Landon. In my opinion, they're the 2 best, but I'd probably take Landon over CT.[/QUOTE] CT made it through Rivals without throwing a punch. Wes admitted to being afraid of CT, i doubt he's afraid of Landon. And people forget about Landon's epic choke job against Brad. [QUOTE=josePortugal;279950]Cara Maria was the number 1 pick in that challenge, you think that if Darrell lost with the number one pick he would won with the last one?[/QUOTE] So she was the number one pick......does that mean she will win her first elimination round? [QUOTE=JEK & Wes;279951]Pete and Noor are good competitors, whether you want to acknowledge it or not they both performed very well on FM2. I meant in challenge history though. I just don't believe CT, or anyone else for that matter could have won that Final with Carley as their partner. Landon was the perfect partner for her throughout the Challenge.[/QUOTE] No, they are average competitors. And CT would win with Carely without a problem you people are kidding me with this..
[QUOTE=Superboy;279953]CT made it through Rivals without throwing a punch. Wes admitted to being afraid of CT, i doubt he's afraid of Landon. And people forget about Landon's epic choke job against Brad [/QUOTE] Yeah, he's made it through 70% of his challenges without throwing a punch. Landon's made it through 100% of his. So what if Wes is afraid of him, Wes would lose to either one of them on any day of the week. Epic Choke Job? I think that better describes CT's performance againt Brad in The Duel 1.
[QUOTE=Superboy;279953] No, they are average competitors. And CT would win with Carely without a problem you people are kidding me with this..[/QUOTE]I completely disagree with both points, but whatever. This argument is going nowhere...
[QUOTE=Challenge_Fan;279955]Yeah, he's made it through 70% of his challenges without throwing a punch. Landon's made it through 100% of his. So what if Wes is afraid of him, Wes would lose to either one of them on any day of the week. Epic Choke Job? I think that better describes CT's performance againt Brad in The Duel 1.[/QUOTE] Both had huge choke jobs against Brad put Landon's was worse because he had more than one chance at winning. [QUOTE=JEK & Wes;279956]I completely disagree with both points, but whatever. [B]This argument is going nowhere...[/B][/QUOTE] You're right, because you guys don't know competitors. CT is an outstanding competitor, easily better than anyone expect for maybe Mark all time. He has the size, strength, athleticism, speed, skills, and mental strength. And though he isn't too bright of a person(not being able to control his emotions), he still beat Evan in a puzzle(on Duel 1) and showed he can win in that aswell(not to mention he was cocky going into it). He is a complete competitor, when it comes to the competition, he pretty much lacks in nothing.
I think they should do another Fresh Meat challenge but have the vets do different physical and mental activities and the FMers have to pick who they want based on those stats. And the vets would be hidden but numbered so the FM can't pick someone just because they think he/she hot or just because they are a fan of them. They would call the number they want based on the stats and who ever that vet is would reveal his/herself lol.
