I love how despite all the disgusting rumors about him and the fact that's completely roided out, Joey is still in everyone's top 20, lol. I actually think his face is whats attractive, not all those bulging (stretch marked) muscles.
[QUOTE=RubenJay05;268872]I love how despite all the disgusting rumors about him and the fact that's completely roided out, Joey is still in everyone's top 20, lol. I actually think his face is whats attractive, not all those bulging (stretch marked) muscles.[/QUOTE]
What rumors?! I like Joey!
Do any of you get annoyed at moments from the Challenge, due to editing?
Like on Duel one, when they do the planking challenge, where your hands are tied up and you have to knock your opponent down. CT says, "oh this will be good, two extremes". You figure he's talking about Derrick and Brad, then it shows big easy and Derrick. Not sure CT was talking about Brad and Derrick, but that's what I assumed.
Or when CT was talking about Issac throwing him under the bus on Duel 2, in a white shirt, but they made you think he was talking about Adam, while he was wearing a riot shirt during that situation.
Or on the Ruins when Johanna was talking to Wes and Danny about coming into a challenge with their significant other, but it was an episode after Danny got sent home by Darrell.
Do any of you have moments like that?
[QUOTE=r3iKo;269379]Do any of you get annoyed at moments from the Challenge, due to editing?
Like on Duel one, when they do the planking challenge, where your hands are tied up and you have to knock your opponent down. CT says, "oh this will be good, two extremes". You figure he's talking about Derrick and Brad, then it shows big easy and Derrick. Not sure CT was talking about Brad and Derrick, but that's what I assumed.
I think he meant two extremes like Derrick is so small and Big Easy is so big. I don't think he was talking about Derrick and Brad.
Yes, I get annoyed by the editing at times. Usually it is when it feels like something is missing that would help explain a situation. For example, on The Duel. Brad was upset and got into some argument with Beth. I can't remember what it was about, but I remember watching and not understanding what started the issue. Just didn't make sense. This is why having dailies was beneficial. There would be extended scenes of big fights available. If it is a situation of the cameramen missing the beginning of it, make sure to include interviews in which each side explains what happened.
[QUOTE=jesses_girl;269251]He's a cutie, I love his body lol[/QUOTE]
Indeed. I'd do things to JD. Dirty things that I would not be proud of in the future
[QUOTE=RubenJay05;269332]I always thought JD looked like the poor man's Jose. Jose's personality and independence was much more attractive.[/QUOTE]
Jose was cute but he was, for lack of a better term, a nobody. He was always...just there.
This is random but does anyone remember [B][COLOR=black]right before The Real World: Back To New York and Road Rules: The Quest [/COLOR][/B]they had a show that was like a season-long casting special? They took about 30 people who were in the running to being on the real world or road rules and put them in a house and they had interviews with casting directors, tons of fights (mainly Ellen & Coral), and I think they did a couple simple challenges to see who would be on each show. Anyone remember what I'm talking about?
I would [I]love [/I]to see them do that again [B]instead of doing back-to-back-to-back challenges.[/B] Don''t know how it would work since there's no more road rules, maybe before (if they have a) Fresh Meat 3?
So I have heard a lot of people posting about their favorite guys and girls, how about a top(low) 10 of the worst players of all time.? For me, I would say worst would include: Shavoun, Casey, and Beth.
[QUOTE=InfamousJoks;269885]This is random but does anyone remember [B][COLOR=black]right before The Real World: Back To New York and Road Rules: The Quest [/COLOR][/B]they had a show that was like a season-long casting special? They took about 30 people who were in the running to being on the real world or road rules and put them in a house and they had interviews with casting directors, tons of fights (mainly Ellen & Coral), and I think they did a couple simple challenges to see who would be on each show. Anyone remember what I'm talking about?
I would [I]love [/I]to see them do that again [B]instead of doing back-to-back-to-back challenges.[/B] Don''t know how it would work since there's no more road rules, maybe before (if they have a) Fresh Meat 3?[/QUOTE]
That's a pretty good idea. The "Meet the Meat" preview special would be a lot more intense if the cast hopefuls knew some of them wouldn't make it. It would also cut down on the Sydney/Sandy/Chanda/Jessie invisible cast members who ended up not giving production much usable footage over the course of an entire challenge.
[quote][B]Q: Clearly Obama needs to boost his approval ratings by finally naming you his Sports Czar. In anticipation of this I believe the first thing that you need to do is set up the Fight of the Century: CT vs. Ronnie. Tell me who doesn't drop $59.99 for this? In addition the "24/7" series for CT/Ronnie will give MTV its highest ratings in history. So MTV gets record ratings; it's an all-timer from a pop-culture perspective; someone might get their face eaten; and Obama might get re-elected. Make it happen. I say CT wins because it's likely he destroys Ronnie's mind like a wizard in the weeks leading up to the fight leaving him a crying quivering mess in the ring.
— John Lynch, McMinnville, Oregon[/B]
SG: Last century had Ali vs. Frazier; this century has Ronnie vs. CT! It's a brilliant idea for the following reasons …
We could call the pay-per-view "The MTV Degeneration: Ronnie vs. CT" and have undercards like "Wes vs. The Situation," "Laurel vs. JWoww," and "Every Dad From Teen Mom Fights To The Death" (no winners for that one). Meanwhile, Jersey Shore's Season 4 premiere had nearly 9 million viewers; the season premiere for Rivals had nearly 2 million. Even if some of those fans overlap, I can't imagine fewer than 400,000 people pay-per-viewing that fight. Multiplying $39.99 and 400,000 people … that's 16 million before overhead costs.
I already programmed "24/7: Ronnie vs. CT" on my DVR Season Pass just in case I ever go into a coma before the show gets rolling. I don't trust my wife to remember to DVR it for me.
Let's go ahead and waive all PED penalties ahead of time. Do your thing, fellas.
The odds would depend on the format of the fight. If we went MMA rules with an Octagon, that helps CT (more weight, more size, better scrapper) and I'd make him a -300 favorite. But a straight boxing match? Totally different. Ronnie has a low center of gravity (a la Tyson in his prime) and a history of one-shot knockouts. For that one, I'd make CT a -180 favorite, but I'd probably grab the "Ronnie by KO" odds (+300) and hope the One Shot Kid came through (by the way, great nickname for his boxing robe).*
So why couldn't it happen? The Tzar of Reality TV, Dave Jacoby, cautions, "I love the idea but neither guy needs this right now. Ronnie will be harder to convince — he's making money from Jersey Shore and all the appearances. I say wait two years until they need the money a little more." For the record, Jacoby thinks CT would kill Ronnie in any format, although he does caution that CT's past 2 fights consisted of sucker-punching someone sleeping in a bed and picking on someone whom he outweighed by 60 pounds. My response to that? ONE SHOT! ONE SHOT, SON! Now this is a fight we need to see. Mr. President, I'll wait for your call.[/quote]
*Johnny Bananas and I follow each other on Twitter. Don't ask. Anyway, I DM'ed him asking who he thought would win a CT/Ronnie fight. Here's what he said: "CT is a freak of nature athletically and Ronnie doesn't have an athletic bone in his body, so I'm going with CT." Johnny would know since he was on the other side of this: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRuaGHd6VgU]The Challenge CT vs Johnny - YouTube[/url].
[QUOTE=molds13;269979]*Johnny Bananas and I follow each other on Twitter. Don't ask. Anyway, I DM'ed him asking who he thought would win a CT/Ronnie fight. Here's what he said: "CT is a freak of nature athletically and Ronnie doesn't have an athletic bone in his body, so I'm going with CT." Johnny would know since he was on the other side of this: ][/QUOTE]
I completely forgot about Dunbar's line from that video: "CT's custom made Johnny Bananas backpack..."
Sort of on a related note to that, I remember WAY back in the day like around 2007ish, I was hearing these weird rumors about three boxing matches between some of the cast members, one of them included Kenny vs Tyrie. I'm fairly certain this wasn't the forum I heard it on, but does anyone else remember these actually being rumors at the time or am I just crazy?
I don't know if I'd pick Ronnie over CT in a boxing match. CT has the longer reach. That was a very funny read and it's funny to imagine. I know it was just a joke but I'm into that stuff. How do we know CT would win in an MMA match. Has he proven to know how to wrestle, BJJ, kick? Or at least do any of that stuff better than Ronnie. Regardless of any setting, I think CT would win. I just like to hear the opinion from other people of who would win and why.
[QUOTE=InfamousJoks;269885]This is random but does anyone remember [B][COLOR=black]right before The Real World: Back To New York and Road Rules: The Quest [/COLOR][/B]they had a show that was like a season-long casting special? They took about 30 people who were in the running to being on the real world or road rules and put them in a house and they had interviews with casting directors, tons of fights (mainly Ellen & Coral), and I think they did a couple simple challenges to see who would be on each show. Anyone remember what I'm talking about?
I would [I]love [/I]to see them do that again [B]instead of doing back-to-back-to-back challenges.[/B] Don''t know how it would work since there's no more road rules, maybe before (if they have a) Fresh Meat 3?[/QUOTE]
I remember that! It's not just you, haha. I don't know what it was called, but I have wondered.
[QUOTE=faceless;269985]I don't know if I'd pick Ronnie over CT in a boxing match. CT has the longer reach. That was a very funny read and it's funny to imagine. I know it was just a joke but I'm into that stuff. How do we know CT would win in an MMA match. Has he proven to know how to wrestle, BJJ, kick? Or at least do any of that stuff better than Ronnie. Regardless of any setting, I think CT would win. I just like to hear the opinion from other people of who would win and why.[/QUOTE]
I think CT would win.... Ronnie seems like a talker, CT will definitely smash his (tanned) head and eat it.
I wish they would bring traditional Road Rules back as well.
They could air Road Rules and Real World at the same time. (Fall Line Up)
Then pit the 10-13 best with 10-13 fresh meat players in a Fresh Meat challenge. (Spring)
Then a Summer challenge after that with the vets and rookies.
Or just bring me back my road rules show :-(
Or just bring me back my road rules show :-([/QUOTE]
lol! I know how you feel. I just bought the entire season Campus Crawl on DVD and I forgot how good this show was! (and how hot Shane was). I was like 9 when I was flipping through the channels and came across it and couldn't stop watching! It eventually led me to start watching The Real World so I have a soft spot for my roadies :(
The Viewers Revenge, however, was a COMPLETE failure imo and it got way too confusing to keep up with.
[QUOTE=InfamousJoks;269999] The Viewers Revenge, however, was a COMPLETE failure imo and it got way too confusing to keep up with.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, this is the reason I want traditional road rules back. When the cast playing the game dislikes the concept, you know it's bad. lol
Who have you guys liked/disliked on Challenge: Rivals the most?
For me:
[B]Liked the most:[/B]
[U]CT:[/U] The plot is pretty much circulated around him and he's shown a lot of growth as a person. Plus he's an awesome competitor.
[U]Johnny- [/U]He's been hilarious and he hasn't been an ***** this Challenge. He was nice to Cara Maria at the club, hasn't been a bully at all, and has left Ev alone, and has been performing well. He has shown a lot of progress just like CT.
[U]Kenny[/U]- Who knew Kenny could be so nice? I still crack up at the Kenny Maria segment every time.
[U]Cara Maria-[/U] Everyone likes an underdog. She seems like such a sweet person.
[U]Jonna[/U]- Simply for her performance against Sarah and for being an interesting rookie.
Others: Ev (for being a bad*** as usual), Jasmine, Laurel (even though she's crazy)
[B]Disliked the most:[/B]
[U]Jenn- [/U]I'm sure you can guess why I don't like her.
[U]Wes[/U]- He preaches about people being "bad people" and then pulls all this stuff? The fact that he's so condescending just p***es me off.
[U]Sarah-[/U] She seems like a sweet person most of the time, but I was rooting against her so much for being so cocky. I was happy to see her lose, and I usually am not like that.
For me:
[B]Liked the most:[/B]
[U]1. CT:[/U] Just because he is a strong competitor & its good to see other story-lines over JKE's & Paula's.
[U]2. Jasmine:[/U] she can take things a little to far, but it was good to see a rookie standing up for herself& not going around following the vets, even when Jonna told her that wes told her they were sending them to the jungle against sarah to teach them a lesson she was like i would do whatever i want because i have my own mind & love the attitude she had going to the jungle.
[U]3. Leroy- [/U]I just love that he is so real, he doesn't go around kissing *** & he is strong.
[U]4. Jonna[/U]- She did amazing on the jungle against Sarah & prove to everyone that she wasn't just a pretty face.
[U]5. Cara Maria-[/U] She is sweet. i am rooting for her & laurel.
[U]6.Kenny[/U]: For some reason this challenge have change the perspective i have toward Kenny, i love the fact that he support Cara & laurel on their last jungle by wearing black & he is funny.
7.[U]Laurel:[/U] I though she was such a cocky **** on fresh meat 2 & cuthtroat. But she have grow on me. I love the fact that she standup for he partner. maybe took things a little far with Paula but oh well "If you are expecting flowers, don't throw rocks because most likely you are getting the same rocks but ten times harder."
8[U].Ev[/U] : she is just amazing athletically & she always keep herself out of the drama.
[B]Disliked the most:[/B]
[U]1.[/U][U]Wes[/U]- He is cocky & doesn't know how to treat people -______- the whole i am running this house, I am teaching you guys a lesson bs is so annoy & the thing he did to Cara maria was stupid.
[U]2.Jenn- [/U]She is a walking contradiction, she is so annoy, loud & she always thinks she deserved a free ride to the finals.
[U]3. Tyler[/U]- He always getting on people business & he is a scary cat, get over it you are going to the jungle.
4. [U]Paula[/U] : she is becoming such an annoy mean girl & then play the victim card like come on
you were asking for it, "If you are expecting flowers, don't throw rocks because most likely you are getting the same rocks but ten times harder."
[U]5.[/U][U]Mandi [/U]: she is so clingy with guys, she came out like a psychotic groupie with the whole Ct thing. maybe it was because she was wasted but still crying for CT and the moment after hooking up with wes? ehhhhh easy much? & i hate when girls think they deserved a free ride because the are hooking up with a "top dog".
[U]6.[/U][U]Sarah-[/U] She seems like a sweet person most of the time, but I get a female wes vibe from her.
Liked the most:
1. CT- I like the fact that he has changed since his last challenge appearance on The Duel 2, he has most definitely grown as a person and he is without a doubt the protagonist of this challenge.
2. Leroy- Probably my favorite guy on this challenge. He's is easily the most real dude that has ever been on one of these challenges. Great competitor, if there is a Duel 3 and he is on it, I have my money on him.
3. Kenny- He definitely seems to be rising above the immature bullying bull**** and staying out of the dumb drama. I like how he supported Cara Maria/Laurel, and how he checked up on Cara Maria after the thing with Wes. He's in the mob, but I feel as tho he has that feeling like he doesn't want to be.
4. Laurel- I hated her more than anything on her first two challenges, but she has really turned herself around on this one, my favorite girl on this season, no doubt. And by everyone saying she took it too far with Paula, I don't think so at all, I don't think Laurel owes her an apology or anything.
5. Jasmine & Jonna- I think these two girls are the best rookies that we've seen on this challenge in a long time. I hope, if the challenges gets renewed, that they are new challenge regulars.
1. Paula- She can dish, but she can't take. Everything she said when she was crying out the window with Tyler, was everything she just did to Cara Maria. She has no self confidence and relies on the Mob to get her to the final.
2. Jenn- Most fake person on this challenge. She talks a bunch of **** when she knows she not gonna do ANYTHING about it. Horrible competitor, can't win a final.
3. Wes- I miss the Wes from Fresh Meat and The Duel. The "I'm all alone, no one on my side, I'll send everyone home, have a fun life without $150k" Wes. Now he is the "I own businesses, I want to change peoples lives, I'm a greek god, I would curl up in a fetal position if he tried to fight me" Wes. Just not the same. Also, very fake and should practice what he preaches.
4. Tyler- I wish he never came back after the Gauntlet III. I hate this mother ****er. He's a whiney *****, who is afraid of going in. He stands up for people that are in the wrong. Hopefully he doesn't come back, or if he does, I hope he goes in against Landon, Darrell, or Mark and gets ******* smoked.
CT- Its incredible how much he's grown as a person. There's been a few questionable things that have come out of his mouth. With more people being against him than ever, he's handled a lot of it extremely well.
Kenny- He seems a bit more humbled on this challenge. It's easy to get sick of the mob's antics but Kenny seems to do the right thing when the situation presents itself.
Leroy- Keeping it real like always. It's too bad he doesn't get more camera time.
Laurel- Major respect for Laurel for sticking up for Cara Maria. Paula deserved what she got from Laurel and it was awesome to see Laurel just lay her out like that.
CM- After her being uncessary bullied, you can' really go against her at all.
Jonna & Jasmine- It was fun watching them through the whole challenge. Alot of people thought they'd be one and done but they put up so much fight and alot of heart. Absolutely priceless watching them beat Sarah/Katelynn and also how Camila and Theresa were voted into the jungle over them.
Ev- quietly dominating for the women. There's nothing to dislike about her.
Jenn- It took me one episode to dislike her for this whole challenge. She has this sense of entitlement where she's coasting to the finals everytime. Love to see a verbal fight between her and Laurel. Someone needs to knock her down a few notches.
Wes- It's too bad he actually got alliance support on this challenge. It's too bad this wasn't five years ago where CT would've sent him to the hospital.
Paula- She almost has the same thinking as Jenn because she's in an alliance with the JEK, she can dish out anything she wants to the oustiders.
Tyler- It was nice seeing the Tyler on Cutthroat who had to work for everything to win. However some of his complaining is totally unecessary.
Johnny- He can mean well. Sometimes he just doesn't know when to shut his mouth though.
Adam- I get sick of watching him be fake to people. He's gone already if his partner isn't CT.
1. Jonna & Jasmine: first rookies that I was actually rooting for since they have their own minds, they didn't [strike]went[/strike] go around kissing the vets' ***. I love how they won the jungle against Sarah. It was heartbreaking to see them leave instead of Jenn and Mandi, hopefully they do another challenge.
2. [strike]leeroy[/strike] Leroy: he is a great competitor, love how he is so real. [strike]Speacially[/strike] Especially with Wes and Tyler.
3. CT: amazing to see a person change from past challenges and also to see [strike]someten[/strike] someone get far for their physical abilities and not for their friends.
4. Laurel: hated her since Fresh Meat 2 but this challenge change my opinion about her, love how she [strike]stand[/strike] stood up for Cara Maria.
5. Kenny: funny and sweet guy. This challenge made me like him.
1. Jenn/Mandi: hate people that [strike]doesnt[/strike] don't get dirty for their money and get a free ride to the finals thanks to hooking up with one of the guys of the mob & their friends. Jenn is just [strike]annoyn[/strike] annoying and a contradiction.
2. Wes: [strike]annoyn[/strike] annoying, cocky, didnt [strike]hvae[/strike] have a mom to teach him how to treat people, [strike]speacially[/strike] especially girls.
3. Paula: hate when People play the victim card; if you don't want people to bully you [strike]them[/strike] then don't do it to others.
4. Tyler: drama queen/coward.