Real World Las Vegas 2: Season Premiere

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[QUOTE=producer88;239950]I don't know it feels like his truly personality hasn't been shown yet. Almost like a snake in grass. He seems very sneaky, and not trustworthy. I could be wrong, but it just seems he's putting up an act so far.[/QUOTE] He's very well-mannered and seems to be honest, for now ;)
Already a big fan of Michael and Leroy. Both completely different dudes, but they're pretty cool in their own ways.
[QUOTE=producer88;239950]I don't know it feels like his truly personality hasn't been shown yet. Almost like a snake in the grass. He seems very sneaky, and not trustworthy. I could be wrong, but it just seems he's putting up an act so far.[/QUOTE] Well i follow him on twitter and he is very cocky but i love it! lol
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[QUOTE=SPK713;239951]He's very well-mannered and seems to be honest, for now ;)[/QUOTE] yeah that's what makes me not believe him. It's just a weird gut feeling that he can't be trusted. Remember snake in the grass! He's going to appear well-mannered, and a great guy until he pops up, and attack for the bite. Hopefully I'm wrong, but there's something about him I don't trust.
I loved the premiere... I'm very excited for this season. :D I feel that every person on the cast has something to bring to the table. Nany is gorgeous. <3
[QUOTE=producer88;239956]yeah that's what makes me not believe him. It's just a weird gut feeling that he can't be trusted. Remember snake in the grass! He's going to appear well-mannered, and a great guy until he pops up, and attack for the bite. Hopefully I'm wrong, but there's something about him I don't trust.[/QUOTE] I was talking about in real life lol. I didn't really have any negatives feelings about him during the show. He's a real chill guy.
I actually liked that. The way it's filmed makes it look like a movie though which kind of took me out of it a few times. As far as first impressions: Nany - Hot hot hot! One of the most attractive girls I think the show has ever had. I liked her because she seemed pretty cool, but she needs to just admit that she wants to bang Adam. Adam - He was such a creeper towards Nany... that last confessional with that smile was just weird. It was pretty funny how they showed him telling that girl the same things he was telling Nany though. Leroy - He actually had some pretty funny lines/delivery, but almost every thing that came out of his mouth was about hooking up. We get it, you're *****. Michael - He was hilariously awkward. His line about being a "dirty *****" actually cracked me up. Something is kind of off about him though, almost as if there is more to him than meets the eye. Dustin - Nothing much to say.. can't wait for his past to come out (no pun intended?) though. Heather - Cute. Again not much to say yet. She looks a lot like a girl I know which is kind of weird. Naomi - No real impression yet. Seems like she might be the one dishing out advice all season. Her accent might get annoying though.
Really enjoyed the premiere, looking forward to this season.
This is the first real world, in a few years, I'm actually planning on continuing to watch. I can't wait to see what happens when Dustin's past comes out.
I think Heather is hotter than Nany. To each it's own I guess.
Surprisingly it was good! Love how BMP somewhat formatted the very beginning just like the BGC premier episodes.
I'm just glad there's [B]FINALLY[/B] someone from Maine (my home state) on the show to prove that not all Mainers are hicks with gap teeth, ha!
Good episode, nothing exceptional, but the preview was immense.
Enjoyed the premiere, I don't think I'm going to like any of the guys though.
My just be me, but the music is horrible to the point it affects the content. There is way to much elevator techno jazzish music. Never thought I would rather hear more of their nobody bands, BUT.....
Whoever said it felt like a bad Jersey Shore episode a few pages back was correct. Bringing girls back to the "hot tub" and 3 way kissing, way to reminiscent to the Jersey Shore. I found this premiere quite boring, actually. I give it props for the opening credits and the editing (Adam's flashback talks to Nany and the other chick, Michael closing the curtains so he can read the girls his prayers...) I just felt they didn't show enough of the cast members. With that being said I like Michael and Naomi the most so far.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;239992]Whoever said it felt like a bad Jersey Shore episode a few pages back was correct. Bringing girls back to the "hot tub" and 3 way kissing, way to reminiscent to the Jersey Shore. I found this premiere quite boring, actually.[B] I give it props for the opening credits and the editing[/B] (Adam's flashback talks to Nany and the other chick, Michael closing the curtains so he can read the girls his prayers...) I just felt they didn't show enough of the cast members. With that being said I like Michael and Naomi the most so far.[/QUOTE] Maybe I am too techno on it, but there were a few shaky camera shots (Back to NOLA had horrible camera work so this is better), the color seems a little bleached out, and the music was horrible. I have to rewatch it again to be sure, but I think there was a continuity glitch when whichever girl was holding vodka--seems like she went from having a full bottle to a 3/4 full bottle in the span of a few seconds. That said, I like the cast but when you put ****** elevator music over a party/club scene, it sort of dilutes the party atmosphere by a magnitude of 10.
They showed Carley in this premiere episode, I was so glad. I wish she was part of the cast now. Sometimes the local people be better than the actual cast mates.
I thought it was a pretty solid first episode, although I feel like they focused on the Adam/Nany thing way too much for one episode. Michael reading those girls a prayer was absolutely the best part of the episode. I don't think I ever laughed that hard at a scene in the Real World. Even though it's not surprising that he failed to kiss one of the girls at the end of the night, I fully agree with the poster who said that it's pretty hard to get rejected by a drunk girl in Vegas while cameras are following you around. That was my exact thought after that scene. Heather is HOT. Great body. Adam seems completely fake to me and they showed it perfectly when he was on his "date" and was telling the girl the EXACT same things he told to Nany. He's a player and that's that. I think Leroy is going to be entertaining. So far, he seems the most "real" in my opinion.
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[QUOTE=Cupcake;239974]I'm just glad there's [B]FINALLY[/B] someone from Maine (my home state) on the show to prove that not all Mainers are hicks with gap teeth, ha![/QUOTE] Same here! I live in Maine too, and not all Mainers are middle-aged men with pot bellies and work in the logging industry.
Leroy so far just by this episode reminds me of a mix between Brandon from FM2 and Sexual Chocolate Mark Henry from back in the day.
I cracked up when they were playing "I Never". They asked "I never had sex in a hot tub" and I was like ... I've seen Dustin do that on my computer. then they asked "I never had a three way" and I was like... I've seen Dustin do that with two guys. Then it was "I Never kissed someone of the same sex and I just lost it. At least he was TRYING to be (semi) honest about it.
When I saw that Adam and Nany scene, I knew Adam was spitting game. I hate how MTV obviously casted a girl in a long-term relationship and then have a roommate that is exactly her type so they can recreate a Danny and Melinda storyline. They tried to do it on DC with Erica and Josh too. It's messed up for them to try to split up a couple but I guess it makes for good television. As for attractivenesses, I think Heather is number one. She's cute and short with an awesome body. Second is Naomi. Nany looks like Johanna and Ashley from DC put together. But I find those two better looking.
I'm hoping it turns around and this ends up being at least an okay season, but for the most part the premiere was just awful. For starters, I couldn't help but laugh at the little intro showing all the fights and ending with the tacked on "Two Months Earlier" card...are ratings really so ****** that you are straight up copying the format for EVERY premier of The Bad Girls Club? Oh wait...yes, yes they are that bad. Nevermind. LOL. Shockingly (Or not so shocking if you've watched Real World the last three or four seasons) nothing really caught my interest after that....well besides one familiar face. As I was watching I couldn't place where I had seen the bloated chick that was brought back to the house but I knew I had seen her somewhere. Just now read that it's Carly from Fresh meat 2. Now what interested me was not that she was on it (I don't even remember her doing anything on FM2 besides her winning) but that they didn't even acknowledge her as "Carly" or "Carly from Fresh Meat 2", they just referred to her as "townie" or "local" or something like that. What did this girl do to the production/editing staff that they refer to her like that and don't even bother mentioning that she's been on another show? HAHA! LOL. I wish they had done the same to Janelle when she tried to show up and hog camera time during the Hollywood season, lol. Would have served her right. Anyway, back to the actual show..I'm just not feeling this cast at all. I do sort of like Dustin but I think he's trying to underplay this whole **** thing which makes me lose respect. If you did it, own it. To me he tried to portray it as if it was just him hanging out naked with some other guys but I've read on here that he did A LOT more than just hanging out and chilling with naked guys. LOL. I also think that Nani and Adam are interesting people and a good choice for The Real World but the dynamic between them that the show is shoving down our throats is tired and I'm predicting it won't lead anywhere. She'll stick with her boyfriend, and he'll bang a bunch of girls. Zzzzzzz....
[QUOTE=CHill;240079]I'm hoping it turns around and this ends up being at least an okay season, but for the most part the premiere was just awful. For starters, I couldn't help but laugh at the little intro showing all the fights and ending with the tacked on "Two Months Earlier" card...are ratings really so ****** that you are straight up copying the format for EVERY premier of The Bad Girls Club? Oh wait...yes, yes they are that bad. Nevermind. LOL. Shockingly (Or not so shocking if you've watched Real World the last three or four seasons) nothing really caught my interest after that....well besides one familiar face. As I was watching I couldn't place where I had seen the bloated chick that was brought back to the house but I knew I had seen her somewhere. Just now read that it's Carly from Fresh meat 2. Now what interested me was not that she was on it (I don't even remember her doing anything on FM2 besides her winning) but that they didn't even acknowledge her as "Carly" or "Carly from Fresh Meat 2", they just referred to her as "townie" or "local" or something like that. What did this girl do to the production/editing staff that they refer to her like that and don't even bother mentioning that she's been on another show? HAHA! LOL. I wish they had done the same to Janelle when she tried to show up and hog camera time during the Hollywood season, lol. Would have served her right. Anyway, back to the actual show..I'm just not feeling this cast at all. I do sort of like Dustin but I think he's trying to underplay this whole **** thing which makes me lose respect. If you did it, own it. To me he tried to portray it as if it was just him hanging out naked with some other guys but I've read on here that he did A LOT more than just hanging out and chilling with naked guys. LOL. I also think that Nani and Adam are interesting people and a good choice for The Real World but the dynamic between them that the show is shoving down our throats is tired and I'm predicting it won't lead anywhere. [COLOR="Red"]She'll stick with her boyfriend, and he'll bang a bunch of girls. [/COLOR]Zzzzzzz....[/QUOTE] Real Worlds ratings > BGCs rating, just throwing that out there. Carly being called a local was kind of odd; maybe they didn't want to make the show look anymore scripted than it does already :D [COLOR="red"]I'll tell you this much, re-watch the preview for upcoming episodes very closely ;)[/COLOR]
It wouldn't be The Real World if they didn't shove a relationship down our throats :)
[QUOTE=SPK713;240081]Real Worlds ratings > BGCs rating, just throwing that out there.[/QUOTE]Really!!??! Now that I think about it I actually have no clue how the ratings are on either show...I just assumed BGC was doing A LOT better because almost everyone I know watches and talks about it while most people just laugh and can't believe the Real World is still on TV. Plus it seems like everyone on this message board is always worried RW is gonna get cancelled (and you guys actually know what you are talking about) so I was under the impression the ratings pretty much sucked.
[QUOTE=CHill;240079].... Anyway, back to the actual show..I'm just not feeling this cast at all. I do sort of like Dustin but I think he's trying to underplay this whole **** thing which makes me lose respect. If you did it, own it. To me he tried to portray it as if it was just him hanging out naked with some other guys but I've read on here that he did A LOT more than just hanging out and chilling with naked guys. LOL....[/QUOTE] I don't think he is trying to underplay it at all. He pretty much put it out there early in the confessional. I can understand him not wanting to throw it out there until they get to know him. That said, I sincerely believe that he is JUST that naive about it all. The guy seems like a tender-hearted dude who is no brainiac when it comes to what is or is not normal for most people. I suspect that his background has left him a little lost in the normalcy department. I would be willing to guess that the reason he sees fratpad the way he does is because he found some degree of acceptance that he had been missing and they sort of lead him down the garden path as to what is their version of normal.
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FINALLY, for first time since probably Real World Chicago or Las Vegas, they're finally using LIVE backgrounds for the interviews (not green screen). It looks different, but it's refreshing... Oh yeah, and the premiere was alright.
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One thing that stood out to me was how fricken LAME Adam's "girlfriend" -Jordan-whoever she is, was on the phone with him! Her: Will you call me tomorrow?" Adam: I'll call you when I call you Her: ok Adam: Just don't ever call me here cause that's annoying. Her: Ok Hahahaha what a dumb *****! Has she NO respect for herself? And why do these girls dig Adam anyway? He seems like a tool. Nice chain, brah. I do like watching Michael & Naomi though.
