Real World Las Vegas 2: Season Premiere

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[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;240120]One thing that stood out to me was how fricken LAME Adam's "girlfriend" -Jordan-whoever she is, was on the phone with him! Her: Will you call me tomorrow?" Adam: I'll call you when I call you Her: ok Adam: Just don't ever call me here cause that's annoying. Her: Ok Hahahaha what a dumb *****! Has she NO respect for herself? And why do these girls dig Adam anyway? He seems like a tool. Nice chain, brah. I do like watching Michael & Naomi though.[/QUOTE] I totally agree! That's exactly what I was thinking.
Just imagine how naive and awkward Michael must have been when he first went to college.
[QUOTE=CHill;240079] *cut*[/QUOTE] The fact that you took the time to write 3 long paragraphs about the show means you loved it! :wink:
[QUOTE=CHill;240079]Anyway, back to the actual show..I'm just not feeling this cast at all. I do sort of like Dustin but I think he's trying to underplay this whole **** thing which makes me lose respect. If you did it, own it. To me he tried to portray it as if it was just him hanging out naked with some other guys but I've read on here that he did A LOT more than just hanging out and chilling with naked guys.[/QUOTE] That's not entirely his fault. The editors used the most PG footage they could find (i.e. footage where they're actually clothed). They could really ruin him if they wanted to, but it looks like they threw him a bone (for now at least). [QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;240120] Her: Will you call me tomorrow?" Adam: I'll call you when I call you Her: ok Adam: Just don't ever call me here cause that's annoying. Her: Ok[/QUOTE] You didn't see the rest of that phone call! Adam: I also don't want you thinking about me. Her: Ok Adam: I'm probably not going to think about you. Her: Ok Adam: Oh and I took your credit card. Hope you don't mind. Her: Ok Adam: Oh and return that dress you wore last week. It made you look fat. Her: Ok
I really liked this episode, one of the best season openers I've seen in a while. I was actually expecting big drama on the first night, but it was interesting to see how they all got along. I could've tell as soon as Dustin entered the suite, that he'd have a fling with Heather. I already don't like Adam, have a bad vibe from him. Michael and Nany are my favorites so far.
I think this is deffinetly going to be a good season. I think all the girls seem cool, except I don't really understand why Nany is so jealous of Adam hooking up with girls when she has a boyfriend. I think that Naomi is going to be the one that they don't show as much of this season. I'm not really a fan of Adam so far, he seems really cocky and that annoys me. I think there are going to be plenty of funny moments from Michael, he's just so awkward. I'm not sure how I feel about Leroy yet I feel like there's going to be some times that I like him and other times that I don't. There's just something about Dustin I really like he seems like a really good guy, plus he's cute lol.
[QUOTE=morris614;240135]Just imagine how naive and awkward Michael must have been when he first went to college.[/QUOTE] In the online Afterworld or whatever they call it, in the last segment, Dustin actually sheds some interesting insight on Mike. To summarize, he indicates that Mike actually behaves the way he does because he has seen the bad results of people in his family who behaved differently and he doesn't want to end up like them. In that sense, he was the opposite of naive. Def too guarded IMO, but I at least respect that reasoning moreso than with someone like Chet who IMO has a condescending holier than thou attitude at times.
[QUOTE=Xeri99;240145]The fact that you took the time to write 3 long paragraphs about the show means you loved it! :wink:[/QUOTE]No...I'm just very opinionated and tend to talk too much. lol.
Came across a lot more scripted than usual, very different style wise. Too early to tell if I'm going to like it or not yet.
[QUOTE=lurks;240368][B]Came across a lot more scripted than usual[/B], very different style wise. Too early to tell if I'm going to like it or not yet.[/QUOTE] Not sure what makes you think that.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;240398]Not sure what makes you think that.[/QUOTE] The show looks SOO scripted now it's ridiculous, especially during their confessionals
[QUOTE=SPK713;240404]The show looks SOO scripted now it's ridiculous, especially during their confessionals[/QUOTE] In his podcast interview with RWFansMTV, Dustin avoided explaining how confessionals work because he thought that may fall into the confidentiality part of the contract, but as far as he went, he was irritated that they more or less threw him into the confessional on the first day and drew that Fratpad stuff out for the interview, if I recall correctly from the podcast. He was also irritated with how his entry into the house went, and tells how the Subway thing works, so it was interesting to hear some of the behind the scenes stuff.
Man I gotta say the premiere was pretty underwhemling. That said I do like Dustin and Mike so far.
It bothers me that the voices don't match up with the people in the intro haha.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;240405]In his podcast interview with RWFansMTV, Dustin avoided explaining how confessionals work because he thought that may fall into the confidentiality part of the contract, but as far as he went, he was irritated that they more or less threw him into the confessional on the first day and drew that Fratpad stuff out for the interview, if I recall correctly from the podcast. He was also irritated with how his entry into the house went, and tells how the Subway thing works, so it was interesting to hear some of the behind the scenes stuff.[/QUOTE] He did tantamount to Gay pornography, he needs to be quiet. Like we weren't gonna know anyway? I mean seriously. Then he says "none of the models are gay. it was strictly a job" please. And care to explain how the Subway thing works for those who cant view the podcast? And what's up with my close captioning being a minute ahead, spoilers much. LOL.... And I agree the voices arent matching up. its been like that for a while, few seasons wise, I mean.
Here is the link where you listen to it (not a video podcast--just a phone interview with call-ins): [url=]TalkShoe - Call - RWfansMTV's - Interviews[/url] Basically they just get Subway while they are filming and they get a card to use that gets it to them for free. Since he was trying to find an extra card when they were leaving I assume it is a punch card as opposed to something like a McDonald's Gold Card. I felt he wanted to talk about Fratpad or was willing to but the host didn't want to go there. Sure that was what he did and he isn't going to be able to convince people otherwise but I want to hear the story. That is why I like RW--to hear other people's stories from lives different than mine. If everyone was like me, I wouldn't watch it.
